Advantages of America in the 1940s


Mar 11, 2016
List of advantages that the USA had in the 1940s that it doesn't have today.

1. Leaders who govern, and people shut the fuck up and obey the leader and don't hand the leader bullshit about what the fuck it is that think that they're somehow entitled to.

2. Men joined the Military and did their job.

3. The Leadership did what the fuck they had to do, and didn't give a fuck about "boo hoo, the innocent fuckin' Taliban" bullshit.

4. People grew the fuck up and went to work and made families.

5. People actually fucking came from families.

6. There was no environment, or laws geared towards keeping kids, kids forever and so at 17,18 or 19 years old, people had the competency to go out there, live in danger of their lives, defeat their enemy and come home alive...
Or go out there and get a job and buy a house and a car and support a family.

7. The big cities MADE things, that's where industry was.

8. The USA's Military was trained to take on equal threats on an equal basis.. and was armed well enough to do so, by the standards of the day.
And There was no ego built upon beating up vastly inferior scumbags, like street gangs in Iraq.

Nobody thriving today has anything like that for influence or a personal history.
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The world was in ruins and the U.S. middle class flourished due to no competition overseas .

Also, weapons varied greatly by country, and therefore there was a great margin of technological difference, for one country to be vastly better than the other, today the entire western world is all the same.
That began with NATO.

Today, people are proud to boast (and have the bragging rights to) boast about buying weapons, from countries that nobody would dare dream about buying weapons from, as recently as 40 years ago.
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