Affidavits just filed at Texas Supreme Court showing that Biden's Texas Pol. Dir. Doing Illegal Ballot Harvesting

Cant be true....we have been told by the left that voter fraud does not happen.

From the OP article:

“Two witnesses stated to me that there are two individuals employed at the Harris County Clerk’s Office who are aware of the illegal ballots and help facilitate and mask the processing of the ballots into the legal stream of ballots.”

Patrik Howley, the idiot who wrote the OP article and who you are quoting, is the editor of a far right news site, not a judge. Come back when you get something from someone who isn't a conspiracy theory nut.

Here are the sworn Affidavits and signed UNDER OATH:

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Anybody that refers to the Democratic Party as the Democrat Party evidences the political bullshit that are these affidavits.
The Democratic Party loathes democracy.

Let that marinate.


If Dims were not corupt pieces of trash, they would provide FREE IDS for everyone 18 and know, like how they pay for abortions?

Then the Dims would make everyone show their ID at the poll.

Corrupt fucks, each and every last one of them.
Trumpists are the most corrupt SOBs this country has ever seen. You support the most corrupt president this nation has ever had. All you have are lies. Lies and more lies about voter fraud.
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Well well well, isn't the below interesting? They are saying that as many as 700,000 Mail-In and Absentee Ballots could have already have been filled in with the names of dead peoples, nursing home residents etc, this is that Biden's Texas Political Director Dallas Jones with his Leftists aka Communists in tow and with the Mail-In Ballots and Absentee Ballots, that Dallas Jones has been ordering his operatives to fill the Mail-In Ballots and Absentee Ballots out for peoples illegally, including for dead peoples, homeless peoples, and nursing home residents and then hoarding ALL those ballots etc

View attachment 394260
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Full article below that includes direct links to ALL the SWORN Affadivits that have just been filed at The Texas Supreme Court:

Does not surprise me ONE BIT. People wonder how and a Harris County functional retard like Shiela Jackson Lee keeps getting re-elected. There it is . Vast, unchecked voter fraud.
So crazy Trump supporters made another false accusation. Get back with me when something new happens.

There is zero suggesting they are even Trump supporters and they have TESTIFIED under OATH, if you lie under OATH you are going to prison:

View attachment 394280
700,000 ballots is not a small mistake... This is the definition of an ongoing organized criminal enterprise. The FBI, DOJ, and local Authorities are involved in this...

I wonder if they can dispose of 700,000 ballots before the No Knock Warrants are served?

The obvious course would be to issue a ruling to STOP and IMPOUND ALL Mail-In and Absentee Ballots, if it is correct that these corrupt snakes working on behalf of Biden and the Democrats are mixing some of them in with the LEGAL Ballots then ALL Ballots should be impounded.

Impound, seize and take legal custody of something because of an infringement of a law and/or laws.
IF the warrants, that are most likely being served as we converse, result in massive number of ballots are found SCOTUS can put a stop to the election and evaluate the threat... Damn! this thing is way out of control..

If I wanted to steal an election using Mail-In Ballots, they have been suggesting that between 60-80 Millions could be Mail-In Ballots using the hysteria of the Chinese Virus and frightening peoples into staying indoors etc - this of course does NOT apply to BLM and their hangers-on who can literally roam America's streets at will doing their thing - but anyhow, you don't need tens of Millions of those Mail-In Ballots to be illegally harvested and pre-filled in with dead peoples, Alzheimer's patients, homeless peoples, Illegal Aliens etc you only need on my estimation between 1.8-2 Million and you spread them out in a handful of Battleground States like:

Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina.

If you give each of the above States approx 300,000 Illegal Mail-In Ballots that you have harvested then you could flip all those States for the Candidate ie. Creepy Joe and you would mix all the 300,000 Illegal Mail-In Ballots in with what you KNOW are LEGIT Mail-In Ballots knowing that NO signatures have to match any signature on file - that's IF that MADE UP RULE by Democrat Activist Judges is ALLOWED to stand - and that's how I would steal a Presidential Election in America and it would be VERY easy to do considering there would be no actual safeguards to PREVENT me stealing it.

How I have above outlined it works because you do not decide the Election on Popular Vote you decide it on the Electoral College and so if you can steal a handful of Battleground States as I outlined above then you steal their Electoral College votes with them.
Election security is going to be a topic in tomorrows debate.

Do you thunk Trump might mention this? :D
We have Illian Ohmar and now Bidens own election staff all bottled up in ELECTION RIGGING AND FRAUD... Tomorrows debate is going to be a bon fire...

You have a few absurd accusations. Big deal.
Funny how the left jumps all over any accusation about Trump no matter how unfounded then when it is debunked they still cling to it.
But let the right right bring up anything and they pretend that it must be a conspiracy theory Because it paints our party in a bad light.

Left about Trump: hearsay that Trump called the military "losers": TRUMP DID IT! THERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE!

Left about Biden: Sworn affidavit to the supreme court of Texas: THAT'S NOT PROOF, THATS FAKE NEWS!!

Double standard, anyone?

Keep trying. You'll come up with something that makes sense eventually.
Well well well, isn't the below interesting? They are saying that as many as 700,000 Mail-In and Absentee Ballots could have already have been filled in with the names of dead peoples, nursing home residents etc, this is that Biden's Texas Political Director Dallas Jones with his Leftists aka Communists in tow and with the Mail-In Ballots and Absentee Ballots, that Dallas Jones has been ordering his operatives to fill the Mail-In Ballots and Absentee Ballots out for peoples illegally, including for dead peoples, homeless peoples, and nursing home residents and then hoarding ALL those ballots etc

View attachment 394260
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Full article below that includes direct links to ALL the SWORN Affadivits that have just been filed at The Texas Supreme Court:

^^^^ The Texas Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General and The State Legislature are ALL Republican and so they better be on board with this and do something to STOP it.

They are saying ALREADY there could be 700,000 ILLEGAL BALLOTS HARVESTED and so IF they had NOT been caught red-handed and FILMED then by mid-November there could have been several MILLIONS ILLEGAL BALLOTS HARVESTED and that would be enough to steal Texas for Creepy Joe and Kamala Harris.

There was a REASON why The Donald said the other day "Let's wait and see" IF he would accept the INITIAL result of the Election and this is WHY he said that.

IF the Democrats want to beat The Donald then do it fair and square, do NOT steal it, that is NOT what DEMOCRACY is, THAT is what happens in a BANANA REPUBLIC.
They have to cheat. Otherwise they would always get their asses kicked.
So crazy Trump supporters made another false accusation. Get back with me when something new happens.

whats the evidence you have that this is a false accusation?

Just lay it out for us.

Do you claimthe Omar fraud is also false accusations.....even though the asshole posted it on social media?
His evidence it's false?


Your accusation. present your evidence.
Dood. Are you really trying to say that's not the reason you object to it?

Do you really expect anyone to believe you?

Hard to take anything seriously when nut bags just keep yelling "it's true" without any reason to believe it's true.
Election security is going to be a topic in tomorrows debate.

Do you thunk Trump might mention this? :D
We have Illian Ohmar and now Bidens own election staff all bottled up in ELECTION RIGGING AND FRAUD... Tomorrows debate is going to be a bon fire...

You have a few absurd accusations. Big deal.
Funny how the left jumps all over any accusation about Trump no matter how unfounded then when it is debunked they still cling to it.
But let the right right bring up anything and they pretend that it must be a conspiracy theory Because it paints our party in a bad light.

Left about Trump: hearsay that Trump called the military "losers": TRUMP DID IT! THERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE!

Left about Biden: Sworn affidavit to the supreme court of Texas: THAT'S NOT PROOF, THATS FAKE NEWS!!

Double standard, anyone?

Keep trying. You'll come up with something that makes sense eventually.

Yea, ok.
So crazy Trump supporters made another false accusation. Get back with me when something new happens.

There is zero suggesting they are even Trump supporters and they have TESTIFIED under OATH, if you lie under OATH you are going to prison:

View attachment 394280
700,000 ballots is not a small mistake... This is the definition of an ongoing organized criminal enterprise. The FBI, DOJ, and local Authorities are involved in this...

I wonder if they can dispose of 700,000 ballots before the No Knock Warrants are served?

The obvious course would be to issue a ruling to STOP and IMPOUND ALL Mail-In and Absentee Ballots, if it is correct that these corrupt snakes working on behalf of Biden and the Democrats are mixing some of them in with the LEGAL Ballots then ALL Ballots should be impounded.

Impound, seize and take legal custody of something because of an infringement of a law and/or laws.
IF the warrants, that are most likely being served as we converse, result in massive number of ballots are found SCOTUS can put a stop to the election and evaluate the threat... Damn! this thing is way out of control..

If I wanted to steal an election using Mail-In Ballots, they have been suggesting that between 60-80 Millions could be Mail-In Ballots using the hysteria of the Chinese Virus and frightening peoples into staying indoors etc - this of course does NOT apply to BLM and their hangers-on who can literally roam America's streets at will doing their thing - but anyhow, you don't need tens of Millions of those Mail-In Ballots to be illegally harvested and pre-filled in with dead peoples, Alzheimer's patients, homeless peoples, Illegal Aliens etc you only need on my estimation between 1.8-2 Million and you spread them out in a handful of Battleground States like:

Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina.

If you give each of the above States approx 300,000 Illegal Mail-In Ballots that you have harvested then you could flip all those States for the Candidate ie. Creepy Joe and you would mix all the 300,000 Illegal Mail-In Ballots in with what you KNOW are LEGIT Mail-In Ballots knowing that NO signatures have to match any signature on file - that's IF that MADE UP RULE by Democrat Activist Judges is ALLOWED to stand - and that's how I would steal a Presidential Election in America and it would be VERY easy to do considering there would be no actual safeguards to PREVENT me stealing it.

How I have above outlined it works because you do not decide the Election on Popular Vote you decide it on the Electoral College and so if you can steal a handful of Battleground States as I outlined above then you steal their Electoral College votes with them.

And if frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their ass every time they jump. That's how it works. How long are you gonna keep making up these absurd scenarios with no rational reason to think any of them are true?
So crazy Trump supporters made another false accusation. Get back with me when something new happens.

whats the evidence you have that this is a false accusation?

Just lay it out for us.

Do you claimthe Omar fraud is also false accusations.....even though the asshole posted it on social media?
His evidence it's false?


Your accusation. present your evidence.
Dood. Are you really trying to say that's not the reason you object to it?

Do you really expect anyone to believe you?

Hard to take anything seriously when nut bags just keep yelling "it's true" without any reason to believe it's true.

Oh, wait. It's different when you guys do it. Somehow. It just is!
So crazy Trump supporters made another false accusation. Get back with me when something new happens.

whats the evidence you have that this is a false accusation?

Just lay it out for us.

Do you claimthe Omar fraud is also false accusations.....even though the asshole posted it on social media?
His evidence it's false?


Your accusation. present your evidence.
Dood. Are you really trying to say that's not the reason you object to it?

Do you really expect anyone to believe you?

Hard to take anything seriously when nut bags just keep yelling "it's true" without any reason to believe it's true.


Well well well, isn't the below interesting? They are saying that as many as 700,000 Mail-In and Absentee Ballots could have already have been filled in with the names of dead peoples, nursing home residents etc, this is that Biden's Texas Political Director Dallas Jones with his Leftists aka Communists in tow and with the Mail-In Ballots and Absentee Ballots, that Dallas Jones has been ordering his operatives to fill the Mail-In Ballots and Absentee Ballots out for peoples illegally, including for dead peoples, homeless peoples, and nursing home residents and then hoarding ALL those ballots etc

View attachment 394260
View attachment 394261
View attachment 394262
View attachment 394263

Full article below that includes direct links to ALL the SWORN Affadivits that have just been filed at The Texas Supreme Court:

The story is "fake news" at it's finest.

  • Overall, we rate National File an extreme right Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy website based on the promotion of unproven/debunked claims and a Strong Pseudoscience purveyor based on using junk science to support claims.

Now, let's take a look at this "Affidavit" which was supposedly filed in support of a this case. There is no evidence that this "Affidavit" has been filed at all. All Court filed documents must recite the names of the Plaintiff, the Defendant, as well as the case number. This affidavit doesn none of these things. Nor is there any sort of Court receipt or filing notations to indicate it's part of the court record.

This is a link to the Texas State Case Record, which lists the filings and the dates of all filings in the case, with links to copies of filed documents. There are Notices of Appearances filed, Response to Petitions filed, but no Affidavits filed. There's also a "Case Record" filed, and I checked that and it has absolutely no documents or Affidavits filed.

Another fake propaganda filing from our European Trump propaganda posters.


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