African Presence in Pre-Columbian Times

At least you are saying "some" now instead of hurling inaccurate blanket generalizations.
The aboriginals of Australia and pockets elsewhere who did not have the opportunity of infusion from other cultures, including South American tribes, New Guinea and so on. Sub-Saharan Africa stands alone because there could have been diffusion from Arab traders but that was found only on the periphery in places like Timbuktu. Civilization spread elsewhere as did writing, but never manifested itself in the dark continent.

The ruins of Great Zimbabwe show that statement to be utterly false.
The ruins of "great" Zimbabwe show nothing more than some were able to stone walls. It is indeed odd that the ability to do so is heralded by Afrocentrists as a landmark achievement considering the breadth of the continent. It is akin to my boasting that my child was able to stack three bricks together
without knowing that he actually did so.
The aboriginals of Australia and pockets elsewhere who did not have the opportunity of infusion from other cultures, including South American tribes, New Guinea and so on. Sub-Saharan Africa stands alone because there could have been diffusion from Arab traders but that was found only on the periphery in places like Timbuktu. Civilization spread elsewhere as did writing, but never manifested itself in the dark continent.

The ruins of Great Zimbabwe show that statement to be utterly false.
The ruins of "great" Zimbabwe show nothing more than some were able to stone walls. It is indeed odd that the ability to do so is heralded by Afrocentrists as a landmark achievement considering the breadth of the continent. It is akin to my boasting that my child was able to stack three bricks together
without knowing that he actually did so.

Thats usually how ruins look. Thats why they are called that. You have to use your imagination to see it as it was in its full glory. The pyramids don't look too hot either compared to how they looked in their hay day. But whatever.
The aboriginals of Australia and pockets elsewhere who did not have the opportunity of infusion from other cultures, including South American tribes, New Guinea and so on. Sub-Saharan Africa stands alone because there could have been diffusion from Arab traders but that was found only on the periphery in places like Timbuktu. Civilization spread elsewhere as did writing, but never manifested itself in the dark continent.

The ruins of Great Zimbabwe show that statement to be utterly false.
The ruins of "great" Zimbabwe show nothing more than some were able to stone walls. It is indeed odd that the ability to do so is heralded by Afrocentrists as a landmark achievement considering the breadth of the continent. It is akin to my boasting that my child was able to stack three bricks together
without knowing that he actually did so.

Well, I must ARE aptly named!:lol::lol:
Some developed glorious civilizations while others remained stone-aged. If truth ruffles feathers, so be it.

At least you are saying "some" now instead of hurling inaccurate blanket generalizations.
The aboriginals of Australia and pockets elsewhere who did not have the opportunity of infusion from other cultures, including South American tribes, New Guinea and so on. Sub-Saharan Africa stands alone because there could have been diffusion from Arab traders but that was found only on the periphery in places like Timbuktu. Civilization spread elsewhere as did writing, but never manifested itself in the dark continent.

Meathead, if the Sphinx became animated and gave a news conference declaring his Black African roots, people like you would still deny it. Your career of excoriating Blacks is readily available for all to see. You aren’t here to discuss the issue objectively, you are here to spread your seeds of hatred, to disrupt rationale, and disrespect blacks and their friends who will give you audience.

Even as you recklessly attempt to exclude Egypt from the “Dark Continent” it remains firmly implanted in Africa. Egypt is African, not European. And, although the Sahara is used as a dividing line to buttress that falsehood Egypt is still an African country. BTW, the Sahara was green about 12 to 10 thousand years ago which would have allowed people from the South to live, hunt and travel freely between North and South!

BTW since we are talking about 12000 years ago consider this:

Some scientists date the Sphinx back to 10,000 BC due to erosion said to have been caused by heavy rains that occurred back then…when the Sahara was GREEN
That means KMT started over 12000 years ago when "sub=Saharan" Africans were not hindered by the burning sands of the Sahara.
Who cares. The people that remained in Africa, along with their Aboriginal cousin, became the primitive people in the world while others developed civilizations and made huge advances. Even the Maya, Aztec and Inca were light years ahead of sub-Saharan Africa without infusion from other civilizations.

Just because Blacks seem to have been in a perpetual primitive state in Africa doesn’t mean ALL Blacks were. Here is a parallel that illustrates
how groups who look almost identical can develop socially and technologically in diametrically opposite ways

Indian Civilization was well established by the time Europeans arrived in South America. The great pyramids of Mexico had been built and, in some ways, Indian technology was superior to that of the invaders specifically in the field of astronomy. Even then, that which would later be called Mexico city was a sprawling metropolis.

Still, other Indians lived in and roamed the nearby forests; content to live a primitive lifestyle. Such tribes are still being discovered today. A closer look at photographs shows a phenotype similar to the civilized people in the cities.

My question is: Could the same phenomenon have happened in Africa? I believe the original people of KMT(Egypt) were Black and lived along side primitive tribes who looked just like them. In time, though, wars and other interactions with outsiders from Asia and Arabia diluted the Black gene pool and a race of mulattos emerged ... ensconcing themselves among the populace even unto the ruling elite.

Eventually the Macedonians conquered the new cosmopolitan KMT and the Greeks renamed it Egypt, symbolically erasing all connections with the original Black founders and the name KMT: an ancient name that means “land of the Blacks.”

Nevertheless, the Rulers of KMT may have been involved in Ocean expeditions. After all, according to scripture, they were brothers of the Phoenicians... the people of the sea!

Now before someone figures out the time lines don't match, let me say this. There is new evidence that suggests that the OLMECS thrived in the Americas as early as 3100 BCE... NOT 1200 BCE or 1500 BCE as recorded for posterity. That date would put them in the same era as the Black rulers of KMTand we have a new ball game!
Problem here is the ancient Egyptians were not black and neither were the Olmecs and repeating that they were is not going to change anything.

It's a bit pathetic and more than a bit sleazy trying to take credit for the achievements of others.

It's mot certain whether the Olmecs were black or not - but there is circumstantial evidence that lends credibility to the theory

The Olmec Writing is Unique. The Signs are similar to the writing used by the Vai people of West Africa. The Olmecs spoke an aspect of the Manding (Malinke-Bambara) language spoken in West Africa.

Both the Olmec and epi-Olmec had hieroglyphic writing systems. Olmec is a syllabic writing system used in the Olmec heartland from 900 BC- AD 450.
Olmec writing

It has been claimed that the Olmecs used the Mending/Mende script, a writing system used among Africans in West Africa . Controversy surrounds the presence of writing among the Olmecs. Some scholars have maintained that the Olmec writing was identical to the Manding writing used in West Africa. While others believe that the Olmecs possessed an iconography but not a writing system.

An important paper on the Mayan writing that helped in the decipherment of the Olmec Writing was published by a Nineteenth Century scholar named Rafinesque . In this paper he discussed the fact that the Mayan glyphs were broken down into their constituent parts, they were analogous to the ancient Libyco-Berber writing, which originated in North Africa.

African Presence in Ancient America

Your claim that the Egyptians were not Black is highly Debunkable

Greek Scholar Herodotus, called by some the "father of history", wrote that Egyptians had black skin and woolly hair.

While Strabo, an ancient Greek geographer and writer wrote that the Egyptians resembled the people of northern India. Who although they were part of the Indo-Aryan race- they were Dark Skinned.

and below you will see an ancient Egyptian Graphic depicted both Eurasian and African races

At least you are saying "some" now instead of hurling inaccurate blanket generalizations.
The aboriginals of Australia and pockets elsewhere who did not have the opportunity of infusion from other cultures, including South American tribes, New Guinea and so on. Sub-Saharan Africa stands alone because there could have been diffusion from Arab traders but that was found only on the periphery in places like Timbuktu. Civilization spread elsewhere as did writing, but never manifested itself in the dark continent.

Meathead, if the Sphinx became animated and gave a news conference declaring his Black African roots, people like you would still deny it. Your career of excoriating Blacks is readily available for all to see. You aren’t here to discuss the issue objectively, you are here to spread your seeds of hatred, to disrupt rationale, and disrespect blacks and their friends who will give you audience.

Even as you recklessly attempt to exclude Egypt from the “Dark Continent” it remains firmly implanted in Africa. Egypt is African, not European. And, although the Sahara is used as a dividing line to buttress that falsehood Egypt is still an African country. BTW, the Sahara was green about 12 to 10 thousand years ago which would have allowed people from the South to live, hunt and travel freely between North and South!

BTW since we are talking about 12000 years ago consider this:

Some scientists date the Sphinx back to 10,000 BC due to erosion said to have been caused by heavy rains that occurred back then…when the Sahara was GREEN
That means KMT started over 12000 years ago when "sub=Saharan" Africans were not hindered by the burning sands of the Sahara.
Hatred has nothing to do with any of this. Silly pseudo-history concocted in desperation for a legacy for sub-Saharan Africans is not going to fly, no way, no how. Get over it.
The aboriginals of Australia and pockets elsewhere who did not have the opportunity of infusion from other cultures, including South American tribes, New Guinea and so on. Sub-Saharan Africa stands alone because there could have been diffusion from Arab traders but that was found only on the periphery in places like Timbuktu. Civilization spread elsewhere as did writing, but never manifested itself in the dark continent.

Meathead, if the Sphinx became animated and gave a news conference declaring his Black African roots, people like you would still deny it. Your career of excoriating Blacks is readily available for all to see. You aren’t here to discuss the issue objectively, you are here to spread your seeds of hatred, to disrupt rationale, and disrespect blacks and their friends who will give you audience.

Even as you recklessly attempt to exclude Egypt from the “Dark Continent” it remains firmly implanted in Africa. Egypt is African, not European. And, although the Sahara is used as a dividing line to buttress that falsehood Egypt is still an African country. BTW, the Sahara was green about 12 to 10 thousand years ago which would have allowed people from the South to live, hunt and travel freely between North and South!

BTW since we are talking about 12000 years ago consider this:

Some scientists date the Sphinx back to 10,000 BC due to erosion said to have been caused by heavy rains that occurred back then…when the Sahara was GREEN
That means KMT started over 12000 years ago when "sub=Saharan" Africans were not hindered by the burning sands of the Sahara.
Hatred has nothing to do with any of this. Silly pseudo-history concocted in desperation for a legacy for sub-Saharan Africans is not going to fly, no way, no how. Get over it.

Oh yes; your hatred clouds your mind and narrows your tunnel vision even more. You continue to nurture your deep seated prejudices while apparently losing contact with the real world around you.

Africa and Africans have changed a lot since the 1800s, an era in which your racist mind seems to be stuck. I know you are aware that African immigrants to the USA and UK and excelling in Academia…outperforming even the Asians!

March 19, 2007

Black Immigrants, An Invisible 'Model Minority'

ByClarence Page RealClearPolitics - Authors

WASHINGTON-Do African immigrants make the smartest Americans? The question may sound outlandish, but if you were judging by statistics alone, you could find plenty of evidence to back it up.

In a side-by-side comparison of 2000 census data by sociologist John R. Logan at the Mumford Center, State University of New York at Albany, black immigrants from Africa average the highest educational attainment of any population group in the country, including whites and Asians.

For example, 43.8 percent of African immigrants had achieved a college degree, compared to 42.5 of Asian Americans, 28.9 percent for immigrants from Europe, Russia and Canada, and 23.1 percent of the U.S. population as a whole.

That defies the usual stereotypes of Asian Americans as the only "model minority." Yet the traditional American narrative has rendered the high academic achievements of black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean invisible, as if it were a taboo topic.

Black Immigrant Model Minorities | Far Outliers

If the above article is true, and there is no reason to believe it isn’t, it brings into focus chilling revelations for low level historians like yourself. The high achievements of these Blacks suggests that their ancestors were just as capable as they are. The Sphinx, the Pyramids and KMT itself have been reaffirmed as the products of purely Black African genius and imagination by this. No matter what low opinion you put forward from now on concerning Africa everyone knows that YOU, as an individual, are inferior to millions of them. Remember, a dumb mind wrapped in a white body is no better than the primitive he/she disdains and a damn sight worst than high cognitive Blacks.
Meathead, if the Sphinx became animated and gave a news conference declaring his Black African roots, people like you would still deny it. Your career of excoriating Blacks is readily available for all to see. You aren’t here to discuss the issue objectively, you are here to spread your seeds of hatred, to disrupt rationale, and disrespect blacks and their friends who will give you audience.

Even as you recklessly attempt to exclude Egypt from the “Dark Continent” it remains firmly implanted in Africa. Egypt is African, not European. And, although the Sahara is used as a dividing line to buttress that falsehood Egypt is still an African country. BTW, the Sahara was green about 12 to 10 thousand years ago which would have allowed people from the South to live, hunt and travel freely between North and South!

BTW since we are talking about 12000 years ago consider this:

Some scientists date the Sphinx back to 10,000 BC due to erosion said to have been caused by heavy rains that occurred back then…when the Sahara was GREEN
That means KMT started over 12000 years ago when "sub=Saharan" Africans were not hindered by the burning sands of the Sahara.
Hatred has nothing to do with any of this. Silly pseudo-history concocted in desperation for a legacy for sub-Saharan Africans is not going to fly, no way, no how. Get over it.

Oh yes; your hatred clouds your mind and narrows your tunnel vision even more. You continue to nurture your deep seated prejudices while apparently losing contact with the real world around you.

Africa and Africans have changed a lot since the 1800s, an era in which your racist mind seems to be stuck. I know you are aware that African immigrants to the USA and UK and excelling in Academia…outperforming even the Asians!

March 19, 2007

Black Immigrants, An Invisible 'Model Minority'

ByClarence Page RealClearPolitics - Authors

WASHINGTON-Do African immigrants make the smartest Americans? The question may sound outlandish, but if you were judging by statistics alone, you could find plenty of evidence to back it up.

In a side-by-side comparison of 2000 census data by sociologist John R. Logan at the Mumford Center, State University of New York at Albany, black immigrants from Africa average the highest educational attainment of any population group in the country, including whites and Asians.

For example, 43.8 percent of African immigrants had achieved a college degree, compared to 42.5 of Asian Americans, 28.9 percent for immigrants from Europe, Russia and Canada, and 23.1 percent of the U.S. population as a whole.

That defies the usual stereotypes of Asian Americans as the only "model minority." Yet the traditional American narrative has rendered the high academic achievements of black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean invisible, as if it were a taboo topic.

Black Immigrant Model Minorities | Far Outliers

If the above article is true, and there is no reason to believe it isn’t, it brings into focus chilling revelations for low level historians like yourself. The high achievements of these Blacks suggests that their ancestors were just as capable as they are. The Sphinx, the Pyramids and KMT itself have been reaffirmed as the products of purely Black African genius and imagination by this. No matter what low opinion you put forward from now on concerning Africa everyone knows that YOU, as an individual, are inferior to millions of them. Remember, a dumb mind wrapped in a white body is no better than the primitive he/she disdains and a damn sight worst than high cognitive Blacks.
WTF does any of that have to do with the history of sub-Saharan blacks? Appropriating the history of other cultures and races is just sleazy, not to mention desperate.
Hatred has nothing to do with any of this. Silly pseudo-history concocted in desperation for a legacy for sub-Saharan Africans is not going to fly, no way, no how. Get over it.

Oh yes; your hatred clouds your mind and narrows your tunnel vision even more. You continue to nurture your deep seated prejudices while apparently losing contact with the real world around you.

Africa and Africans have changed a lot since the 1800s, an era in which your racist mind seems to be stuck. I know you are aware that African immigrants to the USA and UK and excelling in Academia…outperforming even the Asians!

March 19, 2007

Black Immigrants, An Invisible 'Model Minority'

ByClarence Page RealClearPolitics - Authors

WASHINGTON-Do African immigrants make the smartest Americans? The question may sound outlandish, but if you were judging by statistics alone, you could find plenty of evidence to back it up.

In a side-by-side comparison of 2000 census data by sociologist John R. Logan at the Mumford Center, State University of New York at Albany, black immigrants from Africa average the highest educational attainment of any population group in the country, including whites and Asians.

For example, 43.8 percent of African immigrants had achieved a college degree, compared to 42.5 of Asian Americans, 28.9 percent for immigrants from Europe, Russia and Canada, and 23.1 percent of the U.S. population as a whole.

That defies the usual stereotypes of Asian Americans as the only "model minority." Yet the traditional American narrative has rendered the high academic achievements of black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean invisible, as if it were a taboo topic.

Black Immigrant Model Minorities | Far Outliers

If the above article is true, and there is no reason to believe it isn’t, it brings into focus chilling revelations for low level historians like yourself. The high achievements of these Blacks suggests that their ancestors were just as capable as they are. The Sphinx, the Pyramids and KMT itself have been reaffirmed as the products of purely Black African genius and imagination by this. No matter what low opinion you put forward from now on concerning Africa everyone knows that YOU, as an individual, are inferior to millions of them. Remember, a dumb mind wrapped in a white body is no better than the primitive he/she disdains and a damn sight worst than high cognitive Blacks.
WTF does any of that have to do with the history of sub-Saharan blacks? Appropriating the history of other cultures and races is just sleazy, not to mention desperate.

The Egyptians were sub-saharan. You just dont want to admit it despite the DNA evidence. Its ok but you do look pretty stupid denying it.

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If you really want to know who the ancient Egyptians were look at the hair of the ancient Egyptian mummies. If the cross section is flat, only Negroid* peoples have flat spiral hair, they were black if the cross section is not flat they were not black. This has been done and it showed that they were not, for the most part, black. If you believe that the scholar got it wrong, redo the study and prove her wrong, it is called peer review.

*I am not trying to be offensive; it is a good descriptive word. I would be just as willing to use the African term Congoid if it was more generally understood.
WTF does any of that have to do with the history of sub-Saharan blacks? Appropriating the history of other cultures and races is just sleazy, not to mention desperate.

You didn't see the answer staring you in the face? I guess I have to hold your hand like a little baby and make it easier for you to comprehend... READ!!

JQPUBLIC1 and repeated for the daffy! said:
Black Immigrant Model Minorities | Far Outliers

If the above article is true, and there is no reason to believe it isn’t, it brings into focus chilling revelations for low level historians like yourself. The high achievements of these Blacks suggests that their ancestors were just as capable as they are. The Sphinx, the Pyramids and KMT itself have been reaffirmed as the products of purely Black African genius and imagination by this. No matter what low opinion you put forward from now on concerning Africa everyone knows that YOU, as an individual, are inferior to millions of them. Remember, a dumb mind wrapped in a white body is no better than the primitive he/she disdains and a damn sight worst than high cognitive Blacks.
If you really want to know who the ancient Egyptians were look at the hair of the ancient Egyptian mummies. If the cross section is flat, only Negroid* peoples have flat spiral hair, they were black if the cross section is not flat they were not black. This has been done and it showed that they were not, for the most part, black. If you believe that the scholar got it wrong, redo the study and prove her wrong, it is called peer review.

*I am not trying to be offensive; it is a good descriptive word. I would be just as willing to use the African term Congoid if it was more generally understood.

Give us a link! When you say "ancient Egyptian mummies" I wonder what dynasty you are referring to. I would also like to know if any Black scientists were present during the study.
Also, have you considered that mullatos may have hair that may not show the flat spiral you seem so anxious to focus on? But, beyond that, some Blacks have naturally straight hair.

Another thing. Since you said "for the most part" the hair samples were not those of Blacks
does that mean some were?
If you really want to know who the ancient Egyptians were look at the hair of the ancient Egyptian mummies. If the cross section is flat, only Negroid* peoples have flat spiral hair, they were black if the cross section is not flat they were not black. This has been done and it showed that they were not, for the most part, black. If you believe that the scholar got it wrong, redo the study and prove her wrong, it is called peer review.

*I am not trying to be offensive; it is a good descriptive word. I would be just as willing to use the African term Congoid if it was more generally understood.

I never heard this. How does hair appearance trump DNA? That's like genetics. You know like the genetics that prove we all came from a women in Africa? Either way not only do some Black Africans have straight hair without being mixed, the embalming process would have straightened the hair of someone with kinky textured hair as well.

I never heard this. How does hair appearance trump DNA? That's like genetics. You know like the genetics that prove we all came from a women in Africa? Either way not only do some Black Africans have straight hair without being mixed, the embalming process would have straightened the hair of someone with kinky textured hair as well.

Mathilda's Anthropology Blog: “The vast majority of hair samples discovered at the site were cynotrichous (Caucasian) in type as opposed to heliotrichous (Negroid), a feature which is standard through dynastic times .”

I it is the Cross section of the hair that matters not the straightness.

It means so much to you Afrocentrics that I would like to tell you that your Afrocentric theories are correct. But I can’t, I am personally dedicated to the concept science and I can’t say something that I don’t believe to be true. The truth is the truth and should be honored for its own sake. This philosophy has given us the standard of living that we have in the West.
I never heard this. How does hair appearance trump DNA? That's like genetics. You know like the genetics that prove we all came from a women in Africa? Either way not only do some Black Africans have straight hair without being mixed, the embalming process would have straightened the hair of someone with kinky textured hair as well.

Mathilda's Anthropology Blog: “The vast majority of hair samples discovered at the site were cynotrichous (Caucasian) in type as opposed to heliotrichous (Negroid), a feature which is standard through dynastic times .”

I it is the Cross section of the hair that matters not the straightness.

It means so much to you Afrocentrics that I would like to tell you that your Afrocentric theories are correct. But I can’t, I am personally dedicated to the concept science and I can’t say something that I don’t believe to be true. The truth is the truth and should be honored for its own sake. This philosophy has given us the standard of living that we have in the West.

You claim to to be dedicated to science but you dispute DNA evidence? Somehow that doesn't make sense. Us "Afrocentrics" did not run the DNA tests. White people did. How do you explain 3 different sources coming back with same findings that the Egyptians were South and Central African in origin? Where is your scientific proof that they were not Black Africans? I'll be waiting.

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