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Prove it. Post a link.

You haven't proven black genes are dominant. Furthermore, I'm under the sneaking suspicion that you think that non-pigment genes in blacks are different than in whites. Have you studied genetics or human anatomy?

You think God has a color?

Let me ask you this then... how black is God? Is He chocolate brown or coal black? Does He have any white in Him at all or is He 'pure?'

Absolutely ridiculous.

Pick up a book on Human Genetics,that will be your link.What is with you people, you want a internet link for proof of all arguments.This info is in Biology Textbooks.! Pick up a book please.!!
Pick up a book on Human Genetics,that will be your link.What is with you people, you want a internet link for proof of all arguments.This info is in Biology Textbooks.! Pick up a book please.!!

I've read more than one.

If it is such an obvious fact, a quick google should be able to prove it. It was your argument, you support it.
If the recessive gene is not canceled out,by the dominant gene,then why are the dominant Black genetic features always prominant, in appearance, even if the mixed race individuals marries another white person.You still see the Black genetic features.
If you look at features in Mulatoes,quadrones, and octamarones,and other
variations in Black white mixtures, the Black genetic features always appear
in the offspring. Irregardless of weather they are Black or white or brown in color.Your statement is incorrect.False. Incorrect science.

What twaddle. Simply look at some family reunions where there has been mixing a races for generations. The variation will range from those that could pass for pure high north european to very black. Chance controls our genetic heritage from our parents. If they have a very mixed background, the results can be very varied.
I'm about as white as they come so usually no one wants to hear my opinion because I come from the privileged class... LOL. I don't know when it happened that if you're white you had everything handed to you, I can't remember that ever happening. I grew up pretty poor in rural Kansas. I'm not complaining, just saying it's not like I don't know what going without is like. My family actually depended on hunting to help see us through winter with food and stuff like that. So, that said....

I don't understand what African American or Afro American means or which one is right to use. I prefer the term black because it makes more sense to me and it's what the people I grew up with used (well, not exclusively but I don't use that other word and never have). I've never met a black person that had even visited Africa. And what about a white person from Africa that becomes a US citizen... are they an African American? It's just confusing in a way white or black isn't.

I don't think there's a best race. I think that's a very scary way to view the world. I try to be kind, respectful and accepting of all people from all cultures.

Well said!

I honestly don't know exactly what I am. I am not black, I am not Hispanic, American Indian, Asian
or anything else I have seen on any wonderful politically correct forms and I am not exactly white either. However, it seems that everyone else thinks I'm white (except my mother-in-law) and I know this for a fact, the only times I get corrected on what to call a Black person, is by black people. I have never had any of the above correct me. So I cannot agree with the message this person is trying to deliver. Frankly I see Black people as the ones not so comfortable in their skin or place in life or however they choose to label it.

I have been mistaken for Indian, Italian, Spanish, Iranian, Arab, Mexican and so on and I have never felt the need to correct anyone.
Well since I have found what I am on at least one government form in this world, then I guess I do have an official of what the hell I am ...........

I am a Chian

Whew, I feel so much better now!

Wait, wait, I am a Chian American!

No one will know what the hell that is, I'll go back to being American!

Now the kid can get in the truck and go to school.
Mulatto One parent who is black and the other is white.

Quadroon is someone of one-quarter black ancestry or of one-quarter white ancestry. A quadroon has a biracial (mulatto) parent (black and white) and one white or black parent.

Octoroon means a person of fourth-generation black ancestry. Genealogically, it means one-eighth black. Typically an Octoroon has one great-grandparent who is of full African descent and seven great-grandparents who are not.

Quintroon is a rarely used term that means a person of fifth-generation black ancestry. A quintroon has one parent who is an octoroon and one white parent. Hexadecaroon meaning one-sixteenth black, is an even less common term for the same ethnic mix. Mestee was also used for a person with less than one-eighth black ancestry.
Cartoon....A black person born in Kenya who claims they were born in Hawaii


. Doesnt matter what Obama is but who he is. There are no more Afro-American that are full blood Africans thanks to the slave master who took the African slave woman whenever he wanted to and then took his daughters to bed that he had fathered by her.

White people want to put labels on Afro- Americans and Afro-Americans are mixed with every race of people in this country, Irish, English, German, Jewish, Hispanic, and Native American, etc. My grand-children are muliti-racial, and they consider themselves all of the above and if there is no box to check they create one.

Blacks are not hung up on what race they are, white people are and sometimes they cannot distinguish whether some are black or white. I am Native American raised by a black family and I am black through and through. My children are Native American and Puerto Rican (black) and they are black. Go figure. All aspects of our lives are black and we dont have an identify problem because what race we are dont determine who we are.
When Afro-Americans have family gatherings, it looks like they are the United Nations.
I dont even know another Native American and do not feel I need to know one to complete who I am. I have been told that my father is Irish and French. I dont know and I do not care.

Afro-Americans are the best of all races because they are of all races.
yea and Africa is a splendent place to live also


. Doesnt matter what Obama is but who he is. There are no more Afro-American that are full blood Africans thanks to the slave master who took the African slave woman whenever he wanted to and then took his daughters to bed that he had fathered by her.

White people want to put labels on Afro- Americans and Afro-Americans are mixed with every race of people in this country, Irish, English, German, Jewish, Hispanic, and Native American, etc. My grand-children are muliti-racial, and they consider themselves all of the above and if there is no box to check they create one.

Blacks are not hung up on what race they are, white people are and sometimes they cannot distinguish whether some are black or white. I am Native American raised by a black family and I am black through and through. My children are Native American and Puerto Rican (black) and they are black. Go figure. All aspects of our lives are black and we dont have an identify problem because what race we are dont determine who we are.
When Afro-Americans have family gatherings, it looks like they are the United Nations.
I dont even know another Native American and do not feel I need to know one to complete who I am. I have been told that my father is Irish and French. I dont know and I do not care.

Afro-Americans are the best of all races because they are of all races.
yea and Africa is a splendent place to live also
You really don’t think there are nice places to live in the entire continent? That’s kind of ridiculous.
To say there should be no distinction among the races is absurd. There is the White race, the Asian race, the Indian Race, and the original Black race. I am Black,African American.
I may have whites infiltrating my race some were down the line. Some form of Rape, by a White slave master.It is nothing to be proud of, or to feel that they will accept you or me.
I feel the beauty lies in the separateness, and the differences among the races.I don't believe in intermarriage with Whites or any other Race. I feel the Black race, should maintain its blackness,as black genes are dominant anyway.I am not anti White or a racists, I just feel Blacks have nothing to gain by mixing their genes with other races, when we are the oringinal race that was created in Africa millions of years ago by God,
who is Black by the way.

I have a feeling you would have quite a few problems if you read a post from a white person who said the exact same thing you did, substituting 'white' where you wrote 'black.'

Ignorance abounds in all races, it seems.
If whites and blacks had the same experiences in America your comment would make sense.
And here we go again with the white "experts" on black people making stupid remarks and bitching because we don't call ourselves what they tell us to..
Another white bait thread about a useless topic.


. Doesnt matter what Obama is but who he is. There are no more Afro-American that are full blood Africans thanks to the slave master who took the African slave woman whenever he wanted to and then took his daughters to bed that he had fathered by her.

White people want to put labels on Afro- Americans and Afro-Americans are mixed with every race of people in this country, Irish, English, German, Jewish, Hispanic, and Native American, etc. My grand-children are muliti-racial, and they consider themselves all of the above and if there is no box to check they create one.

Blacks are not hung up on what race they are, white people are and sometimes they cannot distinguish whether some are black or white. I am Native American raised by a black family and I am black through and through. My children are Native American and Puerto Rican (black) and they are black. Go figure. All aspects of our lives are black and we dont have an identify problem because what race we are dont determine who we are.
When Afro-Americans have family gatherings, it looks like they are the United Nations.
I dont even know another Native American and do not feel I need to know one to complete who I am. I have been told that my father is Irish and French. I dont know and I do not care.

Afro-Americans are the best of all races because they are of all races.
blacks are so obsessed with race that it warps their minds:
Jussie Smollet
Black Hole:
links and examples etc to infinity
..they also commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
European AMerican
Australian American
South American American
Antarctican American
To say there should be no distinction among the races is absurd. There is the White race, the Asian race, the Indian Race, and the original Black race. I am Black,African American.
I may have whites infiltrating my race some were down the line. Some form of Rape, by a White slave master.It is nothing to be proud of, or to feel that they will accept you or me.
I feel the beauty lies in the separateness, and the differences among the races.I don't believe in intermarriage with Whites or any other Race. I feel the Black race, should maintain its blackness,as black genes are dominant anyway.I am not anti White or a racists, I just feel Blacks have nothing to gain by mixing their genes with other races, when we are the oringinal race that was created in Africa millions of years ago by God,
who is Black by the way.
RACIST..sounds racist to me
some form of rape?????HAHAHAHHAHAHAH
I grew up in the '50's in Pittsburgh. It was quite a "segregated" city, although not formally so. In my neighborhood there was one street that was 90% "Colored," my own street was about 50-50 (transitioning to Colored), and every other street in the area was all white. There were two large Colored neighborhoods in Pittsburgh, the Hill District, which was the cultural center for Blacks, and Homewood. Both were respectable neighborhoods generally, but with some streets of serious poverty. This was before single-motherhood became A Thing in the Black Community (recall the words of the Supremes' hit, "Love Child," speaking of how shameful it was to be born out of wedlock in the Black community at the time).

Blacks were formally called, "Negros," informally "Colored," and of course colloquially called all sorts of things (Coons, Spooks, Spearchukkers, etc.). Use of then infamous "N" word was not very common, and branded the speaker as rather ignorant. My brother used the word at home once, and had his mouth washed out with soap. Serious business. Italians referred to Blacks as "Melanzane" which is the Italian word for eggplant or "Tuzuni," but I have no idea where that word comes from.

Now to the subject of the thread.

If a person had any indication whatsoever of Black African heritage, they were considered by all to be Colored. Didn't matter if they were half-Black, a quarter, or any other fraction. They could have lighter skin tone than a Southern Italian or a suntanned white kid, but that didn't matter. If they looked Black, they were Black. Period. Some people who were Black by this standard prided themselves for being able to "pass" for white. Indeed, the verb, "pass" had two distinct meanings in the Black community: to die or to be deemed white (by white people).

Blacks were also "racist" within their own community. Light-skinned Blacks were esteemed. It was an insult for someone to say, "You are blacker than me," or much worse, "Your mama is blacker than [pick any black object]" the latter being fighting words.

Light skinned Blacks, especially women, strove to look as "white" as possible, particularly with hair and makeup.

Parenthetically, I note that this cosmetic practice persists today, most notably with prominent Black women. Has anyone ever seen, for example, the natural hair texture of Michelle Obama or Senator K. Harris (R-CA)? Why not?

Today, the ideal mindset seems to be that (a) "Race" does not exist, and (b) it is vulgar to speculate about the "race" of someone whose race is not patently obvious. Is that about it?


. Doesnt matter what Obama is but who he is. There are no more Afro-American that are full blood Africans thanks to the slave master who took the African slave woman whenever he wanted to and then took his daughters to bed that he had fathered by her.

White people want to put labels on Afro- Americans and Afro-Americans are mixed with every race of people in this country, Irish, English, German, Jewish, Hispanic, and Native American, etc. My grand-children are muliti-racial, and they consider themselves all of the above and if there is no box to check they create one.

Blacks are not hung up on what race they are, white people are and sometimes they cannot distinguish whether some are black or white. I am Native American raised by a black family and I am black through and through. My children are Native American and Puerto Rican (black) and they are black. Go figure. All aspects of our lives are black and we dont have an identify problem because what race we are dont determine who we are.
When Afro-Americans have family gatherings, it looks like they are the United Nations.
I dont even know another Native American and do not feel I need to know one to complete who I am. I have been told that my father is Irish and French. I dont know and I do not care.

Afro-Americans are the best of all races because they are of all races.
people who are obsessed with their race are racist


. Doesnt matter what Obama is but who he is. There are no more Afro-American that are full blood Africans thanks to the slave master who took the African slave woman whenever he wanted to and then took his daughters to bed that he had fathered by her.

White people want to put labels on Afro- Americans and Afro-Americans are mixed with every race of people in this country, Irish, English, German, Jewish, Hispanic, and Native American, etc. My grand-children are muliti-racial, and they consider themselves all of the above and if there is no box to check they create one.

Blacks are not hung up on what race they are, white people are and sometimes they cannot distinguish whether some are black or white. I am Native American raised by a black family and I am black through and through. My children are Native American and Puerto Rican (black) and they are black. Go figure. All aspects of our lives are black and we dont have an identify problem because what race we are dont determine who we are.
When Afro-Americans have family gatherings, it looks like they are the United Nations.
I dont even know another Native American and do not feel I need to know one to complete who I am. I have been told that my father is Irish and French. I dont know and I do not care.

Afro-Americans are the best of all races because they are of all races.
a country does not define one's race... Go look up the definition of race. As for your last statement you are delusional

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