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Zone1 After having learned new information, I am not sure where the real Catholic Church is..

As genuine protestation that became associated with the reform and "Protestantism" was to declare direct connection with the Gospels and denounce clerical corruption, it is obvious. "Protestantism" does not declare itself correct; it declares Jesus is correct.
If you're comfortable with your state of faith, that's fine. Attacking others can't do much more for you.
can't decipher first sentence so moving on...
came here hoping to read something interesting.. .something that would possibly make me think or maybe I'd learn something

I'll learn some day
What's wrong w/ the Trinity belief?

You yourself have a physical body
a mental one (brain)
and a heart (emotions)

yet you are ONE person

God is complex to us mere mortals. And yet I have never had a hard time believing in the Trinity.. don't u/stand why others do..
The trinity was not served by any true follower ever. It started at the council of Constantinople in 381 ce.
your translating exposes your beliefs as a false religion

So who is correct?

Only God knows?

Yet God obviously wants us to know certain things. I found certainty when I returned to the Catholic Church.. don't like the "human" aspect thereof but the Original Catholic Church.. no problem

Even most Catholics do not realize that the Berg Church as I call it is not the true Catholic Church.. We have been deceived.. but some of us found out we were being deceived..

The New Catholic encyclopedia 1967, Vol XIV, page 299--The formulation, one God in three persons, was not established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life or its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the apostolic Fathers there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective. Like i said-made up in 381 ce at the council of Constantinople.
what the hell are you talking about?

I have NEVER heard of Benedict being gay.. Please! Enough with the BS already.. Prove it.

And the Church does not teach the pope is infallible in every word he says.. so once again.. you may want to study the topic before acting like some kind of expert.

Non-Catholics don't have a clue about the CC (but I guess it's the old human pride thing.. can't admit to not knowing something)
Maybe its you who should check facts.
As genuine protestation that became associated with the reform and "Protestantism" was to declare direct connection with the Gospels and denounce clerical corruption, it is obvious. "Protestantism" does not declare itself correct; it declares Jesus is correct.
If you're comfortable with your state of faith, that's fine. Attacking others can't do much more for you.
The mountains of extraneous obfuscations imposed by vested interests do not serve the central message of Christianity.
The origins of what is being called here "Protestantism" were efforts to announce a re-direction toward the words of Jesus and a denunciation of clerical corruption.
I will never change in my knowledge of Church history along with my experiences in the CC (Catholic Church) which inform me that the Catholic Church is THE Church Christ founded. That has never and will never be in question.

However, I had thought that SSPX was the true Catholic Church. Then I read some info from Novus Ordo Watch that again makes me question things.

I read many things on this topic last night; the thing that sticks most in my mind is this:

NO Watch says (my words) that the Church cannot err when declaring someone a saint; therefore the apparently fake popes who "canonized" modern popes who have died (and I heard there were no miracles attached to those popes), well.. #1, it is wrong to say that the canonizations were not infallible, as the SSPX camp supposedly does. SSPX rightly says that Vatican II (my words again) should not be adhered to because it taught heresy. But they are not seda vacantists in that they do not say tht the Chair of Peter is empty, just that the pope we have now, along with others before him recently, are not real popes (or something to that effect).

OK, so people like me, Cahtolics like me, do not know what to believe. I know I speak for probably millions of other Catholics here.. all of us confused, sometimes not even having a clue just how confused we are.. trying to make sense of all this insanity since Vat II

Even my hero Archbishop Lefebvre exhibited some confusion on what to make of the false popes. No one can blame him (us). We have never seen anything like this massive Takeover (Vatican II, a NON-dogmatic Council). It is a new thing in the Church's history.

So anyway, where was I? I don't know.. that's the problem.. Who knows what to think?

But I will keep studying this issue. All I "know" with certainty is that the last valid, truly Catholic pope was Pius XII and that Vatican II was a fake Council, as it were.. something all Catholics, confused or not, need to totally IGNORE (after studying up on it, of course, as I have).
I would just stick to the basics: Frequent Mass, Daily Rosary, and as many charitable acts as possible. Then you don't have to worry about the other stuff.
I would just stick to the basics: Frequent Mass, Daily Rosary, and as many charitable acts as possible. Then you don't have to worry about the other stuff.

Believing Jesus is the WAY--John 17:3-- This means eternal life, their knowing you(Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Christ Jesus--2 points all can see clearly--The Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and the only true God did not come to earth, he sent the one named Jesus as a mortal.
When ones teachers do not match Jesus-RUN FROM THEM.
Believing Jesus is the WAY--John 17:3-- This means eternal life, their knowing you(Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Christ Jesus--2 points all can see clearly--The Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and the only true God did not come to earth, he sent the one named Jesus as a mortal.
When ones teachers do not match Jesus-RUN FROM THEM.
Yes, we Catholics believe in all that is consistent with Jesus' teaching.
You teach a trinity, Jesus teaches the Father is the only true God-- Absolutely contradicting Jesus to the core. LOOK.
when he was about to ascend Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit.. But you say that God is one

Why wasn't the Holy Spirit already given to us, at least once Jesus was born? So the HS was in heaven until Jesus ascended. And the Holy Spriit, is that not God?
I read this far

I don't find it productive ofme or anyone to respond to those who have not been through a RCIA class to learn TRUE Catholicism. And these days you'd have to go to a SSPX for that or you may get lied to.. God knows..

In any case, I would never try to argue with someone on trigonometry, for example

since I know NOTHING about it

doesn't stop the antiCatholics though.. That alone shows that no one trying to find the truth should ever listen to them

You think you are the arbiter of true Catholicism? Can you say hubris? Did you finish high school?
I would just stick to the basics: Frequent Mass, Daily Rosary, and as many charitable acts as possible. Then you don't have to worry about the other stuff.
that advice doesn't do well w/ people like me who want to know what's going on. I'm not saying you don't want to know.. I'm just saying that everyone is different and I in no way regret investigating these matters because.. someone has to, for one thing.

I spent so many years in the NO Church before I realized it was not the true Catholic Church -- and only serendipitously did I find that out! So it was like God alone is to thank for me finding out.. which, yeh.. that's always a nice way of something happening, and I'm not complaining about that at all..

In any case, what I just said couple sentences ago needs a little change.

I actually found out LONG before I officially found out (that the Church was a train wreck etc..). What I mean is that I always, on some unconscious level knew that something was terribly, terribly wrong re the Church. I just didn't know WHAT. I would see such things as: rude priests.. uncaring priests.. Masses that were more entertainment than a real Mass.. and I could go on and on. I was always disturbed but didn't know exactly WHY. I always hated Vatican II but didn't know why.. too busy or distracted to investigate such things.. until the time came when I was not so busy as before.. and I began researching all this.. so glad I did. Again, I say it is God who led me to such investigating.. If I had taken your advice years ago, I never would have.. wouldn't know what I now know..

It is true that we should put Jesus's commandments RE charity and etc.. first.. But.. long story short.. I basically feel God has me where He wants me, more or less. and THAT is a big deal, because for years I wondered.. what the heck am I supposed to do with my talents and in my particular circumstances and etc.. And I used to have some really... "out there" circumstances to deal with.. !!
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when he was about to ascend Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit.. But you say that God is one

Why wasn't the Holy Spirit already given to us, at least once Jesus was born? So the HS was in heaven until Jesus ascended. And the Holy Spriit, is that not God?
God used the holy spirit throughout history. He used it in Genesis, he used it to inspire the words through his ot bible writers and prophets.
God used the holy spirit throughout history. He used it in Genesis, he used it to inspire the words through his ot bible writers and prophets.
I mentioned the Holy Spirit bc someone questioned the Trinity. Jesus said He is God.. But if God were only one person, that would mean when He came to EArth.. there was no God in Heaven and that doesn't make sense. So there has to be the Trinity
I mentioned the Holy Spirit bc someone questioned the Trinity. Jesus said He is God.. But if God were only one person, that would mean when He came to EArth.. there was no God in Heaven and that doesn't make sense. So there has to be the Trinity
Jesus never said he was God. He was clear at John 17:3--He taught his Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD.

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