After having watched Comey.....

It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.

Yeah, especially the way he is a mole and leaked classified information to the NY Times.

That takes real class..
It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act. aren't that bright then. The man is obviously a liar and a weasel....he knows hilary committed felonies, which he listed, and then made up an excuse to not prosecute her...and now makes up feelings about Trump and reports them to cover his own incompetence...

I wanted to take a shower after listening to the scumbag. What a low life lying bastard.
Funny you just described exactly how most in this country and thruout the world sees Tramp.
You have to be a highly partisan asshole to not come to the conclusion that Comey came off as professional and honest to a fault..
It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.

He helped keep Hillary out of the White House so I guess he had some positives.
the Trump Drones are going to suck Donnies dick regardless .... nothing else matters to them.

They are the minority so let them eat/
I found him believable .

Why not, you found Obama and Hillary believable too.

Obama is believable . Even Comey trusted him more than Trump .

Are any of them 100% . Of course not . Someone like that would never be elected .

Evidently you managed to keep your insurance, keep your doctor and insurance went down $2500/year.
I kept all my doctors, primary and specialists and my rates didn't change. Same copay.
Thank you Ptesident Obama.
the Trump Drones are going to suck Donnies dick regardless .... nothing else matters to them.

They are the minority so let them eat/
Yup there are more of us than them. Each day our numbers multiple.
I found him believable .
A cop pulled me over for speeding the other day. I told him I had no intent, so don't give me a ticket. It didn't work, like Comey let it work for Cankles.
Oh please Comey is a disloyal corrupt sneaky backstabber. The first few minutes of his testimony was :crybaby: Trump fired me :crybaby: Trump defamed me :crybaby: spoken like a true political elitist who felt entitled to his government job. Comey held Trump to this impossibly high standard while Comey had no problem engaging in collusion and corruption during the Obama administration.
A bunch of random shit, Boldly Asserted......

Feel free to provide any evidence that Comey complained of being "defamed" by Trump....
the Trump Drones are going to suck Donnies dick regardless .... nothing else matters to them.

They are the minority so let them eat/
Just so you know - Snowflake Rescue goes after comments they feel aren't sufficiently linked to the OP....this is particularly true for any observations on the mindwarping idiocy of our local Cretin Fauna.
My guess is it was becoming obvious that Comey was disloyal, which is probably what prompted Trump to question him about his loyalty in the first place.

The FBI director's loyalty is not the president personally.
There are some here who believe that trump IS America and that we must obey him no matter what.
My guess is it was becoming obvious that Comey was disloyal, which is probably what prompted Trump to question him about his loyalty in the first place.

The FBI director's loyalty is not the president personally.

When the FBI director is exhibiting disloyalty, allowing the agency he runs to leak to the press breaking the law, refuses to publicly acknowledge that the FBI is NOT investigating the president thereby allowing the MSM to run their fake news stories inhibiting the president to execute his duties, it is not unreasonable at all to question the guy's loyalty.
....against the minor-league team.

Hoping, dreaming, children in the week before Christmas.....Democrats kept promising that Comey would expose things about President Trump that would create an avalanche, leading to impeachment.

But....jilted once again.....the very opposite occurred.

Comey testimony:
Three things asked by President Trump

1.Will you be loyal

2. Can you please let the Flynn thing go...he's a good guy, and he's been treated unfairly (just what Trump told the press the next day)


3. Will you please tell the public what you've told me three times...that I'm not the subject of any investigation.

That's it!!!!

And Rubio drives the point of the witchhunt home with this:
"You ever wonder why, of those three things, the only one that has never been leaked is the fact that the President was never under personal investeigation?"

I feel soooo bad for all of you Trump-haters....again, your hopes and dreams smashed like so many Faberge eggs.
Every time, 'You wait and's gonna be exposed, charged, impeached...."

Now, Comey leaves you deflated again.

You guys are like the ugly guy who keeps getting turned down by the girls you ask to the prom.

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