After R-W'ers' "laughter" over the investigations....Reality will set in.

FYI, "ilk" is one of Starkey's favorite words,

Well, had you graduated from elementary too would know that,

"Ilk" a noun, and refers to a type of person similar to one already referred to.
But seriously. Let's pretend you get Trump. Then what? Pence is sworn in. He picks another Republican as Vice and continues on. Get him too? Ok. Paul Ryan becomes President. It is Republicans all the way down. At least until 2020. So what are you thinking will happen?

Good plan....and perfectly fine with me....Just be careful with what may (or not) happen in the House in 2018.....Our WI wunder boy Paul may not be in the same slot.

Here again my original reply. The Democrats if they were looking that way would be well advised to be focused on policy, issues, and looking ready to govern. Instead they are doing everything they can to be anti-Trump. If Fitzmas 2.0 fails the Democrats are in the shitter. Are you sure you want to bet the house on Fitzmas 2.0?
Here again my original reply. The Democrats if they were looking that way would be well advised to be focused on policy, issues, and looking ready to govern. Instead they are doing everything they can to be anti-Trump. If Fitzmas 2.0 fails the Democrats are in the shitter. Are you sure you want to bet the house on Fitzmas 2.0?

The above moron is fixated on Fitzman.........try an enema.
FYI, "ilk" is one of Starkey's favorite words,

Well, had you graduated from elementary too would know that,

"Ilk" a noun, and refers to a type of person similar to one already referred to.

Did he claim he didn't know what it means?

You know, being a condescending arrogant prick doesn't make you right. It just makes you a dick
Here again my original reply. The Democrats if they were looking that way would be well advised to be focused on policy, issues, and looking ready to govern. Instead they are doing everything they can to be anti-Trump. If Fitzmas 2.0 fails the Democrats are in the shitter. Are you sure you want to bet the house on Fitzmas 2.0?

The above moron is fixated on Fitzman.........try an enema.

If its so beneath you to actually discuss what you brought up to begin with why do you waste your time with us deplorables?
Did he claim he didn't know what it means?

You know, being a condescending arrogant prick doesn't make you right. It just makes you a dick

Well, moron. your fellow moron "concluded" that since two people use the noun "ilk".....THEN they have to be the same person with 2 different screen names.....
...and, by the way, that moron IS part of YOUR ilk......LOL
If its so beneath you to actually discuss what you brought up to begin with why do you waste your time with us deplorables?

You've become the democrats' "burden" to re-educate......Alas, its often a futile task....LOL
I know that most right wingers sneer at "liberal" sources such as Slate....but here's an interesting synopsis of what may be going on.......and while these same right wingers stick with the FOX mantra about "where's the proof of collusion," other avenues are being explored by the Mueller's investigative team.

Trump is faced with two terrible choices....Fire Mueller and take the barrage of criticism...OR, allow for Mueller to not only impact on rendering Trump ineffective, but also risking the downfall of his lucrative fiscal empire and confirming Trump dubious and shady reputation as a fraud..

The Post revealed that, in addition to exploring obstruction of justice,that Mueller’s team is “looking for any evidence of possible financial crimes among Trump associates.”

The NY Times elaborated that Mueller’s investigation “was looking at money laundering” among Trump’s inner circle in the form of a “financial payoff” from Russian officials routed “through offshore banking centers.”

These inquiries are bound to draw Mueller deeper into the details of the Trump family’s business empire. And even if they do not reveal outright collusion with Russia, they will allow Mueller to study complex transactions conducted behind closed doors with little oversight. Mueller can depose witnesses, subpoena records (including tax returns), and interview the president himself under oath. His skilled staff can pursue multiple leads and offer immunity to witnesses who are willing to talk. The special counsel can follow the breadcrumbs of criminality wherever they lead him, even if—especially if—they lead to the Oval Office.

And what, exactly, will Mueller find now that he has substantially broadened the scope of his investigation? It’s impossible to say, but easy to speculate. Reporters have already uncovered an astonishing amount of disturbing information about Trump. There’s the Azerbaijan hotel project propped up by graft and bribery with ties to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The charitable foundation accused of self-dealing and tax fraud. The questionable Deutsche Bank loans with ties to Moscow. The close association with allegedly criminal international companies. The journalists chasing these leads have hit snags, obstacles, and insurmountable walls, leading to stories that suggest the possibility of law-breaking but end with lingering uncertainty. Mueller need not put up with such stonewalling. He has the tools to dig much deeper.

Trump is now in a painful position: Either allow the investigation to continue and risk exposure of his possible criminality or fire Mueller and weather the resulting political catastrophe. Trump has already entertained the idea of terminating the special counsel. [just to see how public opinion would react.} Although his advisers talked the president out of it for now [settling, instead, into a campaign of “smearing” Muller even though they previously praised the appointment of this particular special counsel.]

Robert Mueller’s Probe Will Reveal Loads of Dirt From Trump’s Financial Past. Uh Oh.
Still laughing at you. What now?
There is some sneering but little laughter about the investigation about nothing. Be careful what you wish for lefties. The Klintons are vulnerable and likely for indictment.
There is some sneering but little laughter about the investigation about nothing. Be careful what you wish for lefties. The Klintons are vulnerable and likely for indictment.

Couldn't care less about the Clintons.....However, the topic on this thread is your orange hero.
Here again my original reply. The Democrats if they were looking that way would be well advised to be focused on policy, issues, and looking ready to govern. Instead they are doing everything they can to be anti-Trump. If Fitzmas 2.0 fails the Democrats are in the shitter. Are you sure you want to bet the house on Fitzmas 2.0?

The above moron is fixated on Fitzman.........try an enema.

You started the thread with joyous predictions of doom for Trump and all Republicans. To reiterate the point. We've seen that before. It did not pan out then. So what makes you think it will be there this time?
I know that most right wingers sneer at "liberal" sources such as Slate....but here's an interesting synopsis of what may be going on.......and while these same right wingers stick with the FOX mantra about "where's the proof of collusion," other avenues are being explored by the Mueller's investigative team.

Trump is faced with two terrible choices....Fire Mueller and take the barrage of criticism...OR, allow for Mueller to not only impact on rendering Trump ineffective, but also risking the downfall of his lucrative fiscal empire and confirming Trump dubious and shady reputation as a fraud..

The Post revealed that, in addition to exploring obstruction of justice,that Mueller’s team is “looking for any evidence of possible financial crimes among Trump associates.”

The NY Times elaborated that Mueller’s investigation “was looking at money laundering” among Trump’s inner circle in the form of a “financial payoff” from Russian officials routed “through offshore banking centers.”

These inquiries are bound to draw Mueller deeper into the details of the Trump family’s business empire. And even if they do not reveal outright collusion with Russia, they will allow Mueller to study complex transactions conducted behind closed doors with little oversight. Mueller can depose witnesses, subpoena records (including tax returns), and interview the president himself under oath. His skilled staff can pursue multiple leads and offer immunity to witnesses who are willing to talk. The special counsel can follow the breadcrumbs of criminality wherever they lead him, even if—especially if—they lead to the Oval Office.

And what, exactly, will Mueller find now that he has substantially broadened the scope of his investigation? It’s impossible to say, but easy to speculate. Reporters have already uncovered an astonishing amount of disturbing information about Trump. There’s the Azerbaijan hotel project propped up by graft and bribery with ties to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The charitable foundation accused of self-dealing and tax fraud. The questionable Deutsche Bank loans with ties to Moscow. The close association with allegedly criminal international companies. The journalists chasing these leads have hit snags, obstacles, and insurmountable walls, leading to stories that suggest the possibility of law-breaking but end with lingering uncertainty. Mueller need not put up with such stonewalling. He has the tools to dig much deeper.

Trump is now in a painful position: Either allow the investigation to continue and risk exposure of his possible criminality or fire Mueller and weather the resulting political catastrophe. Trump has already entertained the idea of terminating the special counsel. [just to see how public opinion would react.} Although his advisers talked the president out of it for now [settling, instead, into a campaign of “smearing” Muller even though they previously praised the appointment of this particular special counsel.]

Robert Mueller’s Probe Will Reveal Loads of Dirt From Trump’s Financial Past. Uh Oh.

He has the tools to dig much deeper.

Excacly. And with a cadre of 13 other lawyers to help him do just that. With a lot of that digging into business conducted in other countries, and financial and banking transactions, not protected by US law, or enjoys the benefit of Constitutional protections. A man like Robert Mueller has a lot of friends in the FBI, and other intelligence agencies in the US, and intelligence agencies in Europe that i'm sure aren't all that interested in Trump, or his circle of criminals Constitutional rights, and have plenty of willing participants submit information that would not ordinarily be able to be obtained through the normal channels of investigation, that would require a warrant, or permission from a judge to be obtained.
I know that most right wingers sneer at "liberal" sources such as Slate....but here's an interesting synopsis of what may be going on.......and while these same right wingers stick with the FOX mantra about "where's the proof of collusion," other avenues are being explored by the Mueller's investigative team.

Trump is faced with two terrible choices....Fire Mueller and take the barrage of criticism...OR, allow for Mueller to not only impact on rendering Trump ineffective, but also risking the downfall of his lucrative fiscal empire and confirming Trump dubious and shady reputation as a fraud..

The Post revealed that, in addition to exploring obstruction of justice,that Mueller’s team is “looking for any evidence of possible financial crimes among Trump associates.”

The NY Times elaborated that Mueller’s investigation “was looking at money laundering” among Trump’s inner circle in the form of a “financial payoff” from Russian officials routed “through offshore banking centers.”

These inquiries are bound to draw Mueller deeper into the details of the Trump family’s business empire. And even if they do not reveal outright collusion with Russia, they will allow Mueller to study complex transactions conducted behind closed doors with little oversight. Mueller can depose witnesses, subpoena records (including tax returns), and interview the president himself under oath. His skilled staff can pursue multiple leads and offer immunity to witnesses who are willing to talk. The special counsel can follow the breadcrumbs of criminality wherever they lead him, even if—especially if—they lead to the Oval Office.

And what, exactly, will Mueller find now that he has substantially broadened the scope of his investigation? It’s impossible to say, but easy to speculate. Reporters have already uncovered an astonishing amount of disturbing information about Trump. There’s the Azerbaijan hotel project propped up by graft and bribery with ties to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The charitable foundation accused of self-dealing and tax fraud. The questionable Deutsche Bank loans with ties to Moscow. The close association with allegedly criminal international companies. The journalists chasing these leads have hit snags, obstacles, and insurmountable walls, leading to stories that suggest the possibility of law-breaking but end with lingering uncertainty. Mueller need not put up with such stonewalling. He has the tools to dig much deeper.

Trump is now in a painful position: Either allow the investigation to continue and risk exposure of his possible criminality or fire Mueller and weather the resulting political catastrophe. Trump has already entertained the idea of terminating the special counsel. [just to see how public opinion would react.} Although his advisers talked the president out of it for now [settling, instead, into a campaign of “smearing” Muller even though they previously praised the appointment of this particular special counsel.]

Robert Mueller’s Probe Will Reveal Loads of Dirt From Trump’s Financial Past. Uh Oh.

He has the tools to dig much deeper.

Excacly. And with a cadre of 13 other lawyers to help him do just that. With a lot of that digging into business conducted in other countries, and financial and banking transactions, not protected by US law, or enjoys the benefit of Constitutional protections. A man like Robert Mueller has a lot of friends in the FBI, and other intelligence agencies in the US, and intelligence agencies in Europe that i'm sure aren't all that interested in Trump, or his circle of criminals Constitutional rights, and have plenty of willing participants submit information that would not ordinarily be able to be obtained through the normal channels of investigation, that would require a warrant, or permission from a judge to be obtained.
So you're hoping for a wide ranging witch hunt by people that don't like him. And expect that won't go wrong.
I know that most right wingers sneer at "liberal" sources such as Slate....but here's an interesting synopsis of what may be going on.......and while these same right wingers stick with the FOX mantra about "where's the proof of collusion," other avenues are being explored by the Mueller's investigative team.

Trump is faced with two terrible choices....Fire Mueller and take the barrage of criticism...OR, allow for Mueller to not only impact on rendering Trump ineffective, but also risking the downfall of his lucrative fiscal empire and confirming Trump dubious and shady reputation as a fraud..

The Post revealed that, in addition to exploring obstruction of justice,that Mueller’s team is “looking for any evidence of possible financial crimes among Trump associates.”

The NY Times elaborated that Mueller’s investigation “was looking at money laundering” among Trump’s inner circle in the form of a “financial payoff” from Russian officials routed “through offshore banking centers.”

These inquiries are bound to draw Mueller deeper into the details of the Trump family’s business empire. And even if they do not reveal outright collusion with Russia, they will allow Mueller to study complex transactions conducted behind closed doors with little oversight. Mueller can depose witnesses, subpoena records (including tax returns), and interview the president himself under oath. His skilled staff can pursue multiple leads and offer immunity to witnesses who are willing to talk. The special counsel can follow the breadcrumbs of criminality wherever they lead him, even if—especially if—they lead to the Oval Office.

And what, exactly, will Mueller find now that he has substantially broadened the scope of his investigation? It’s impossible to say, but easy to speculate. Reporters have already uncovered an astonishing amount of disturbing information about Trump. There’s the Azerbaijan hotel project propped up by graft and bribery with ties to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The charitable foundation accused of self-dealing and tax fraud. The questionable Deutsche Bank loans with ties to Moscow. The close association with allegedly criminal international companies. The journalists chasing these leads have hit snags, obstacles, and insurmountable walls, leading to stories that suggest the possibility of law-breaking but end with lingering uncertainty. Mueller need not put up with such stonewalling. He has the tools to dig much deeper.

Trump is now in a painful position: Either allow the investigation to continue and risk exposure of his possible criminality or fire Mueller and weather the resulting political catastrophe. Trump has already entertained the idea of terminating the special counsel. [just to see how public opinion would react.} Although his advisers talked the president out of it for now [settling, instead, into a campaign of “smearing” Muller even though they previously praised the appointment of this particular special counsel.]

Robert Mueller’s Probe Will Reveal Loads of Dirt From Trump’s Financial Past. Uh Oh.

So basically what you've admitted here, that there was no collusion or obstruction of justice as you on the left have claimed all along...and now you're hoping that Robert Mueller can find SOMETHING illegal that's taken place in Donald Trump's business empire?

Nah, no witch hunt...right, little buddy? (eye roll)
So basically what you've admitted here, that there was no collusion or obstruction of justice as you on the left have claimed all along...and now you're hoping that Robert Mueller can find SOMETHING illegal that's taken place in Donald Trump's business empire?

Nah, no witch hunt...right, little buddy? (eye roll)

When your other half brain begins functioning, you too would see the connection....In the meanwhile, just listen to hannity
Anonymous source says, next step is to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the special prosecutor.

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