After The Ball Drops Tonight, It'll Be Back To Reality

2023 is going to be a great year for the Gator Household.

We are going into it making close to 20 grand more a year between the two of us than we started 2022 making.

One of the benefits of not tying your happiness or fortunes to one party or the other, who is sitting in the White House or has the most seats in Congress have very little impact on your life.
Unless you’re black or the unemployed poor. Then it’s everyone else’s fault, and we must give the former reparations and the latter handouts equivalent to a $50,000 a year.

We can always count on a lib to defend handouts to blacks and people who won’t work, but if a lower-middle class person is struggling under Biden’s inflation, it’s their own damn fault!

(And I’m not talking about myself.)
Why are you always so jelly?
I prefer to be positive and not dwell in negativity like many people. I look forward to happiness and prosperity in 2023.
It is not about the people being infected with it, it is about the chickens being so.

Are you truly this ignorant?

You must be even more ignorant. The chickens aren't dying from the Avian Flu, they're being killed by the farmers, as mandated by the federal government.

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture says more than 52.3 million birds in 46 states — mostly chickens and turkeys on commercial farms — have been slaughtered as part of this year’s outbreak."

Bird flu outbreak prompts slaughter of 1.8 million chickens in Nebraska

"When a positive case of the virus is confirmed, federal law gives the U.S. Department of Agriculture authority to “depopulate” or kill the birds in that flock quickly — ideally within 24 hours — to prevent the virus from spreading to other farms."

Amid avian flu outbreak, activists decry poultry-killing methods
You people have it made, you are on easy street and you still bitch, what a sad sack.
You must be even more ignorant. The chickens aren't dying from the Avian Flu, they're being killed by the farmers, as mandated by the federal government.

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture says more than 52.3 million birds in 46 states — mostly chickens and turkeys on commercial farms — have been slaughtered as part of this year’s outbreak."

Bird flu outbreak prompts slaughter of 1.8 million chickens in Nebraska

"When a positive case of the virus is confirmed, federal law gives the U.S. Department of Agriculture authority to “depopulate” or kill the birds in that flock quickly — ideally within 24 hours — to prevent the virus from spreading to other farms."

Amid avian flu outbreak, activists decry poultry-killing methods
Mass culling is all that works.
2023 is going to be a great year for the Gator Household.

We are going into it making close to 20 grand more a year between the two of us than we started 2022 making.

One of the benefits of not tying your happiness or fortunes to one party or the other, who is sitting in the White House or has the most seats in Congress have very little impact on your life.

Well aren't you special and so "above it all"? :laughing0301:
You must be even more ignorant. The chickens aren't dying from the Avian Flu, they're being killed by the farmers, as mandated by the federal government.

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture says more than 52.3 million birds in 46 states — mostly chickens and turkeys on commercial farms — have been slaughtered as part of this year’s outbreak."

Bird flu outbreak prompts slaughter of 1.8 million chickens in Nebraska

"When a positive case of the virus is confirmed, federal law gives the U.S. Department of Agriculture authority to “depopulate” or kill the birds in that flock quickly — ideally within 24 hours — to prevent the virus from spreading to other farms."

Amid avian flu outbreak, activists decry poultry-killing methods

Yep, that is the way they always deal with it. Same thing when you have swine flu going through the hog farms.

It has nothing to do with people getting it, as you ignorantly suggested.
Well aren't you special and so "above it all"? :laughing0301:

Not at all. Most people I know do not tie their happiness or fortunes to one party or the other. You morons that do are the exception.
I am one of those people.

The Democrats have blindfolds on. They're very well aware of how bad things are in our country right now, they just don't want to acknowledge it so they put on their blindfolds and stick their fingers in their ears singing "LA, LA, LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" on top of their lungs to try and make their problems go away.
Yes. Inflation was 9% or more and when it goes down to the 5%-6% range they will be declaring what a great job they have done and they and their media will be reporting that inflation is now under control. Meanwhile, inflation will have gone down to that range because we will be in a recession. We may never be able to Make America Great Again due to Democratic policies which won't be easy to reverse.
2023 is going to be a great year for the Gator Household.

We are going into it making close to 20 grand more a year between the two of us than we started 2022 making.

One of the benefits of not tying your happiness or fortunes to one party or the other, who is sitting in the White House or has the most seats in Congress have very little impact on your life.

When you pull your head out of the sand, you'll come to realize how people out to destroy this country do impact your life. Unless you're selling fentanyl, I suggest you don't count on that 20 grand this year.
Yes. Inflation was 9% or more and when it goes down to the 5%-6% range they will be declaring what a great job they have done and they and their media will be reporting that inflation is now under control. Meanwhile, inflation will have gone down to that range because we will be in a recession. We may never be able to Make America Great Again due to Democratic policies.

That 1.7 trillion dollar pork bill will keep inflation up if not make it go higher. I do expect lower gasoline prices from the recession even though the Shell station I get gas from went up 40 cents a gallon since Christmas.
When you pull your head out of the sand, you'll come to realize how people out to destroy this country do impact your life.

You have no impact on my life.

Unless you're selling fentanyl, I suggest you don't count on that 20 grand this year.

No fentanyl , just two people working hard to make things better for them and theirs. Unless the Govt colipases my wife's job is about the most recession proof as they come. While mine is not as secure I have no concerns at all about losing it.

Sorry your life might be sucking, but things have literally never been better for my family, especially when I add in the raise/promotion my daughter got with the start of the year. Making more than 200 grand a year before the age of 30 is pretty damn good.
Fucking Ray is the commie.
Why is Ray a Commie?
Defend it Ray?

I can defend calling your party commies. Just go to the US Communist website and read their agenda for yourself. It's almost identical to the Democrat party. You can't say that about the Republicans. Your turn.
You have no impact on my life.

No fentanyl , just two people working hard to make things better for them and theirs. Unless the Govt colipases my wife's job is about the most recession proof as they come. While mine is not as secure I have no concerns at all about losing it.

Sorry your life might be sucking, but things have literally never been better for my family, especially when I add in the raise/promotion my daughter got with the start of the year. Making more than 200 grand a year before the age of 30 is pretty damn good.

Typical liberal elitist: Doesn't give a crap about anyone but themselves.
You have no impact on my life.

No fentanyl , just two people working hard to make things better for them and theirs. Unless the Govt colipases my wife's job is about the most recession proof as they come. While mine is not as secure I have no concerns at all about losing it.

Sorry your life might be sucking, but things have literally never been better for my family, especially when I add in the raise/promotion my daughter got with the start of the year. Making more than 200 grand a year before the age of 30 is pretty damn good.

Job 1:21

"Naked I came from my mother's womb; naked I shall return; the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord."
Typical liberal elitist: Doesn't give a crap about anyone but themselves.

Tis the American way.

Nobody gave a fuck about me and mine a decade ago when we were living under the poverty level. We worked our asses off to better our situation and I am not going to fucking apologize for it to losers like you how tie their entire lives to a political party

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