After the election


Active Member
Jan 21, 2012
You haven't seen anything yet. Wait til after the election and obama has his way again for another 4 yrs. If the voters do us wrong again, we are looking at the worst of times ahead of us.

Hillary wants to send egypt 4 million dollars to help their situations. Obama is going to send 450 million to syria to help his brotherhood muslims. Let alone how obamacare is going to cost us and ruin our lives.

Add it up, and our deficit is going to be the largest ever in our history. And we are doomed.

So you better get out and vote this obama out. Our fate lays in the voters hands, cus no one else is helping us. Vote obama and all these nit wit democrats in office. obama and all these nit wit democrats out of office. obama and all these nit wit democrats out of office.

Your fearmongering didn't work in 2008, and it isn't working now. The saddest part of all for you GOP enthusiasts is based on the unemployment rate and the poor economy, housing market, et al, this should have been the easiest victory for you. Instead, you idiots let your ideaology get in the way of doing what was best for America. You were swept into office in 2010 to combat supposed liberal policy, and what did you dolts do with this new power? You attempted to redefine the term "rape". You attempted to pass legislation that would limit a woman's choice. You extended the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthie, err, job creators, knowing full well ahead of time they had NO intention of creating any jobs. You did absolutely NOTHING to try to help out middle class America, and now you put up some used car salesman who had to move so far to the right in the primary that most Americans can't even identify with him. When Mitt spat on nearly half of the US population in a secret meeting with 1%ers, he sealed his fate. You morans have managed to pull defeat from the jaws of what should have been one of the easiest Presidential victories in recent memory. Congratulations! :clap2::clap2:


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