After The Fat Lady Sings

....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
You are as crazy as the Nashville bomber. The Nashville bomber believed in all kind of conspiracy theories that are not even close to the truth. He lived in an alternative world disassociated with reality. You live in the same crazy world. You are sick.

Let's check, just to prove how gullible you are:

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

View attachment 435863
Nashville Bomber crazy - Political Chic crazy - you cannot reason with crazy. Crazy people are laughable but they can be very dangerous. come everything I post is documented, linked and sources and all you can do is whine?

You must be a government school indoctrinee, huh?
Below is an article documenting many positive things Hitler did for Germany. Hitler's negative affect on Germany substantially out weighed the good he did.
The negatives of the Trump Presidency, far out weighed the good he did. History will remember his mishandling of COVID-19 and his attempt to over ride our election system. His support of racists and despots like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump's post Presidency will be interesting. He could still end up in prison.

Hitler was a Socialist, just as you and the Democrats are.

And both Hitler and the Democrat Party were into concentration camps for their citizens.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party). Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The only party in America to put its citizens in concentration camps was.....

....wait for it.....

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.....our little Nazi party.

how does that make nazis socialist?

Did we send japanese to gas chambers?

"how does that make nazis socialist?"

Gads, you're an imbecile.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a book is??????
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.

If you voted for Trump, you'll believe ANYTHING.

Your sources are more laughable by the minute. You're below the bottom of the barrel:

  • Overall, we rate OneNewsNow strongly Right Biased based on story selection that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to misleading headlines that do not match the story and a very poor record with support for the consensus of science.

What's truly great is the comedy you morons provide.

For three years you screeched that Trump was a communist agent, a Russian asset......

......and reality came and kicked you were you think.

Here's the one Communist China paid:

Interesting that when Biden was VP, he and his son Hunter went to deal with China, and Hunter came away with $millions.....

But Trump is immune to the bribes.

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Here's proof from Hunter Biden's laptop:

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

You must feel pretty stoooooopid about now, huh?

if I was Hunter I would also use his influence to make money, nothing wrong with that, fuck it, Biden is President and pussygrabber is not...

View attachment 436217

Did you write this???

“I'm proud of President Biden, by all means necessary he was able to beat the pussygrabber like a dog, if it means that china owns america now, Im ok with it as long as pusssygrabber is gone, jaaa ja ja ja ....”

Get lost, low-life scum.
Kaepernick took a knee and Repubs called him traitor Now Repubs trying to overturn an election ??? And they're supposed to be patriots ?? lol traitors every one of them

You left out 'stolen' by corrupt means election.

View attachment 436073
SIXTY loses in court with 2 supreme court loses and you still spew stolen? If you weren't from Brooklyn I'd really be pissed at you

Not a single loss in a court where the evidence was allowed.

yes, and that is about to change this week.
Kaepernick took a knee and Repubs called him traitor Now Repubs trying to overturn an election ??? And they're supposed to be patriots ?? lol traitors every one of them

You left out 'stolen' by corrupt means election.

View attachment 436073
I'm proud of President Biden, by all means necessary he was able to beat the pussygrabber like a dog, if it means that china owns america now, Im ok with it as long as pusssygrabber is gone, jaaa ja ja ja ....

View attachment 436098

"...if it means that china owns america now, Im ok with...."

Spoken like a true Democrat.

of course deplorable, if cult members did not give a shit bout all pussygrabber's crimes, corruption and treason, why should we care if Hunter has a little business on the side, if Xi Jinping becomes our ruler, cool, much better than the incoherent, and incompetent pussygrabber's tyrannical and dictatorial administration...

View attachment 436219

Did you write this?

“I'm proud of President Biden, by all means necessary he was able to beat the pussygrabber like a dog, if it means that china owns america now, Im ok with it as long as pusssygrabber is gone, jaaa ja ja ja ....”

Get lost, you disgusting piece of offal.
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.

If you voted for Trump, you'll believe ANYTHING.

Your sources are more laughable by the minute. You're below the bottom of the barrel:

  • Overall, we rate OneNewsNow strongly Right Biased based on story selection that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to misleading headlines that do not match the story and a very poor record with support for the consensus of science.

What's truly great is the comedy you morons provide.

For three years you screeched that Trump was a communist agent, a Russian asset......

......and reality came and kicked you were you think.

Here's the one Communist China paid:

Interesting that when Biden was VP, he and his son Hunter went to deal with China, and Hunter came away with $millions.....

But Trump is immune to the bribes.

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Here's proof from Hunter Biden's laptop:

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

You must feel pretty stoooooopid about now, huh?

Why would I feel "stupid" when you just posted links to an article in the NY Post which was called "questionable" by the guy who wrote it and put someone else's name on it because he thought it was false. You just proved everything I posted about YOU, is true. Still unable to discern bullshit from facts.

Not once ever have I said that Trump was a Russian Communist. Communism ended in Russia when George H. W. Bush was President. Russia is a right wing authoritarian oligarchy. Trump may not be an agent of Russia but all of his foreign policy moves in Europe and the Middle East, favoured Russia, including believe Putin over the FBI and the CIA, fracturing NATO, and pulling out of Syria.

Trump never says a bad word about Putin, and frequently spouts Putin's talking points. Verbatim.

Wrong again.


EXCLUSIVE: NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes EXCLUSIVE: NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes
Trump, the first president to lose a reelection bid in almost 30 years, has attributed his defeat to widespread voter fraud. But a range of nonpartisan election officials and Republicans has confirmed there was no fraud in the November contest that would change the results of the election. That includes former Attorney General William Barr, who said he saw no reason to appoint a special counsel to look into the president’s claims about the 2020 election. He resigned from his post last week.
Trump and his allies have filed roughly 50 lawsuits challenging election results, and nearly all have been dismissed or dropped. He’s also lost twice at the Supreme Court.

"...there was no fraud ...."

Let's see if you're lying....

“Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!


Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a “pristine” batch of ballots that were marked “98%” of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgia’s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots could’ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a “selective” fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.”

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
You are as crazy as the Nashville bomber. The Nashville bomber believed in all kind of conspiracy theories that are not even close to the truth. He lived in an alternative world disassociated with reality. You live in the same crazy world. You are sick.

Let's check, just to prove how gullible you are:

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

View attachment 435863
Nashville Bomber crazy - Political Chic crazy - you cannot reason with crazy. Crazy people are laughable but they can be very dangerous. come everything I post is documented, linked and sources and all you can do is whine?

You must be a government school indoctrinee, huh?
Below is an article documenting many positive things Hitler did for Germany. Hitler's negative affect on Germany substantially out weighed the good he did.
The negatives of the Trump Presidency, far out weighed the good he did. History will remember his mishandling of COVID-19 and his attempt to over ride our election system. His support of racists and despots like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump's post Presidency will be interesting. He could still end up in prison.

Hitler was a Socialist, just as you and the Democrats are.

And both Hitler and the Democrat Party were into concentration camps for their citizens.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party). Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The only party in America to put its citizens in concentration camps was.....

....wait for it.....

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.....our little Nazi party.

how does that make nazis socialist?

Did we send japanese to gas chambers?

"how does that make nazis socialist?"

Gads, you're an imbecile.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a book is??????

You certainly haven't read any books. You're much too busy reading fact challenged right wing conspiracy sites:

  • Overall, we rate the Mises Institute Right Biased based on strong advocacy for free-market capitalism and limited government (Libertarian), as well as right-leaning positions regarding climate change. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of Pseudoscience and misleading statements regarding race and climate change.

Also, the name "socialist" was in the NAZI Party's name, but that does not mean they were a "socialist" party. You've been told this repeatedly, and had it confirmed by numerous CREDIBLE sources, but you keep repeating the lies. Either you're even dumber than you seem (and you seem REALLY FUCKING STUPID), or you refuse to learn or accept reality.

The party’s socialist orientation was basically a demagogic gambit designed to attract support from the working class. By 1921 Hitler had ousted the party’s other leaders and taken over.

....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
Why do they let you post lies and conspiracy theories in the regular forum?
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
You are as crazy as the Nashville bomber. The Nashville bomber believed in all kind of conspiracy theories that are not even close to the truth. He lived in an alternative world disassociated with reality. You live in the same crazy world. You are sick.

Let's check, just to prove how gullible you are:

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

View attachment 435863
Nashville Bomber crazy - Political Chic crazy - you cannot reason with crazy. Crazy people are laughable but they can be very dangerous. come everything I post is documented, linked and sources and all you can do is whine?

You must be a government school indoctrinee, huh?
Below is an article documenting many positive things Hitler did for Germany. Hitler's negative affect on Germany substantially out weighed the good he did.
The negatives of the Trump Presidency, far out weighed the good he did. History will remember his mishandling of COVID-19 and his attempt to over ride our election system. His support of racists and despots like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump's post Presidency will be interesting. He could still end up in prison.

Hitler was a Socialist, just as you and the Democrats are.

And both Hitler and the Democrat Party were into concentration camps for their citizens.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party). Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The only party in America to put its citizens in concentration camps was.....

....wait for it.....

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.....our little Nazi party.

how does that make nazis socialist?

Did we send japanese to gas chambers?

"how does that make nazis socialist?"

Gads, you're an imbecile.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a book is??????

You certainly haven't read any books. You're much too busy reading fact challenged right wing conspiracy sites:

  • Overall, we rate the Mises Institute Right Biased based on strong advocacy for free-market capitalism and limited government (Libertarian), as well as right-leaning positions regarding climate change. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of Pseudoscience and misleading statements regarding race and climate change.

Also, the name "socialist" was in the NAZI Party's name, but that does not mean they were a "socialist" party. You've been told this repeatedly, and had it confirmed by numerous CREDIBLE sources, but you keep repeating the lies. Either you're even dumber than you seem (and you seem REALLY FUCKING STUPID), or you refuse to learn or accept reality.

The party’s socialist orientation was basically a demagogic gambit designed to attract support from the working class. By 1921 Hitler had ousted the party’s other leaders and taken over.

"You certainly haven't read any books. "

Can you provide three or four of the books that have informed your geopolitical outlook? addition to the Communist Manifesto......
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
Why do they let you post lies and conspiracy theories in the regular forum?

Yet you are unable to find a single lie.
Your post just became a boomerang.
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
Why do they let you post lies and conspiracy theories in the regular forum?

Yet you are unable to find a single lie.
Your post just became a boomerang.
Lol, what about my post implied I was listing the various lies in it?
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
You are as crazy as the Nashville bomber. The Nashville bomber believed in all kind of conspiracy theories that are not even close to the truth. He lived in an alternative world disassociated with reality. You live in the same crazy world. You are sick.

Let's check, just to prove how gullible you are:

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

View attachment 435863
Nashville Bomber crazy - Political Chic crazy - you cannot reason with crazy. Crazy people are laughable but they can be very dangerous. come everything I post is documented, linked and sources and all you can do is whine?

You must be a government school indoctrinee, huh?
Below is an article documenting many positive things Hitler did for Germany. Hitler's negative affect on Germany substantially out weighed the good he did.
The negatives of the Trump Presidency, far out weighed the good he did. History will remember his mishandling of COVID-19 and his attempt to over ride our election system. His support of racists and despots like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump's post Presidency will be interesting. He could still end up in prison.

Hitler was a Socialist, just as you and the Democrats are.

And both Hitler and the Democrat Party were into concentration camps for their citizens.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party). Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The only party in America to put its citizens in concentration camps was.....

....wait for it.....

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.....our little Nazi party.

how does that make nazis socialist?

Did we send japanese to gas chambers?

"how does that make nazis socialist?"

Gads, you're an imbecile.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a book is??????

You certainly haven't read any books. You're much too busy reading fact challenged right wing conspiracy sites:

  • Overall, we rate the Mises Institute Right Biased based on strong advocacy for free-market capitalism and limited government (Libertarian), as well as right-leaning positions regarding climate change. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of Pseudoscience and misleading statements regarding race and climate change.

Also, the name "socialist" was in the NAZI Party's name, but that does not mean they were a "socialist" party. You've been told this repeatedly, and had it confirmed by numerous CREDIBLE sources, but you keep repeating the lies. Either you're even dumber than you seem (and you seem REALLY FUCKING STUPID), or you refuse to learn or accept reality.

The party’s socialist orientation was basically a demagogic gambit designed to attract support from the working class. By 1921 Hitler had ousted the party’s other leaders and taken over.

"You certainly haven't read any books. "

Can you provide three or four of the books that have informed your geopolitical outlook? addition to the Communist Manifesto......


The Smug Minority by Pierre Berton - my first. Read it as a teenager
The Arms of Krupp by William Manchester
The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
A Company of Adventurers by Peter C. Newman
And The Band Played On by Randy Shiltz
The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolfe
Histories of Rome, the British Isles

I also found The Revolution From Within by Gloria Steinem when I was looking for the spelling of Randy Shiltz' name. I've read other Naomi Klein books, but you asked about the ones which formed my geopolitical thinking so I only listed that one. My daughter is reading "This Changes Everything" and she's lending it to me when she finishes it. I read a lot of feminist stuff in the 60's and 70's but it didn't form my thinking so much as reflect it.

I think every female over the age of 15 needs to read The Beauty Myth. It makes me sad that it didn't come out until I was 40. When I see all of the young beautiful women shooting botox into their faces, and filling their chest full of plastic, it makes me sad. And the eating disorders!!!

And the Band Played On may seem like an odd choice but it taught me how governments can kill people they really don't give a shit about. And how politicizing a disease costs lives. Just like today.

I read of lot of WWII histories when I was younger. Growing up in the shadow of WWII I couldn't fathom how the German people could have allowed their government to stop the atrocities. Why didn't they rise up?

I used to have a 3 book a week habit - from the time I was a teenager, until I stopped taking spending 2 hours a day riding transit. I read mostly non-fiction. I had cases full of books in Toronto, but our basement flooded, and the book cases were in the basement. I just have one bookcase now, and it's mostly cookbooks, gardening and craft books.
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
You are as crazy as the Nashville bomber. The Nashville bomber believed in all kind of conspiracy theories that are not even close to the truth. He lived in an alternative world disassociated with reality. You live in the same crazy world. You are sick.

Let's check, just to prove how gullible you are:

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

View attachment 435863
Nashville Bomber crazy - Political Chic crazy - you cannot reason with crazy. Crazy people are laughable but they can be very dangerous. come everything I post is documented, linked and sources and all you can do is whine?

You must be a government school indoctrinee, huh?
Below is an article documenting many positive things Hitler did for Germany. Hitler's negative affect on Germany substantially out weighed the good he did.
The negatives of the Trump Presidency, far out weighed the good he did. History will remember his mishandling of COVID-19 and his attempt to over ride our election system. His support of racists and despots like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump's post Presidency will be interesting. He could still end up in prison.

Hitler was a Socialist, just as you and the Democrats are.

And both Hitler and the Democrat Party were into concentration camps for their citizens.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party). Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The only party in America to put its citizens in concentration camps was.....

....wait for it.....

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.....our little Nazi party.

how does that make nazis socialist?

Did we send japanese to gas chambers?

"how does that make nazis socialist?"

Gads, you're an imbecile.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a book is??????

Von Mises thought fascism was good enough for temporary use. And he said that fascism saved European civilization.
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
You are as crazy as the Nashville bomber. The Nashville bomber believed in all kind of conspiracy theories that are not even close to the truth. He lived in an alternative world disassociated with reality. You live in the same crazy world. You are sick.

Let's check, just to prove how gullible you are:

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

View attachment 435863
Nashville Bomber crazy - Political Chic crazy - you cannot reason with crazy. Crazy people are laughable but they can be very dangerous. come everything I post is documented, linked and sources and all you can do is whine?

You must be a government school indoctrinee, huh?
Below is an article documenting many positive things Hitler did for Germany. Hitler's negative affect on Germany substantially out weighed the good he did.
The negatives of the Trump Presidency, far out weighed the good he did. History will remember his mishandling of COVID-19 and his attempt to over ride our election system. His support of racists and despots like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump's post Presidency will be interesting. He could still end up in prison.

Hitler was a Socialist, just as you and the Democrats are.

And both Hitler and the Democrat Party were into concentration camps for their citizens.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party). Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The only party in America to put its citizens in concentration camps was.....

....wait for it.....

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.....our little Nazi party.

how does that make nazis socialist?

Did we send japanese to gas chambers?

"how does that make nazis socialist?"

Gads, you're an imbecile.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a book is??????

Von Mises thought fascism was good enough for temporary use. And he said that fascism saved European civilization.

This is the best you can do????
Kaepernick took a knee and Repubs called him traitor Now Repubs trying to overturn an election ??? And they're supposed to be patriots ?? lol traitors every one of them

You left out 'stolen' by corrupt means election.

View attachment 436073
SIXTY loses in court with 2 supreme court loses and you still spew stolen? If you weren't from Brooklyn I'd really be pissed at you
Not a single loss in a court where the evidence was allowed.
That is only true because Trump's lawyers don't present any evidence:
On Nov. 7, the day most media outlets called the race for Joe Biden, Rudy Giuliani stood outside a landscaping business in Philadelphia, making false claims about widespread election malfeasance.​
“This is a gross miscarriage of the process that would assure that these ballots are not fraudulent,” he said. “It’s a fraud, an absolute fraud.”​
Under questioning from a federal judge in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Mr. Giuliani made a different admission: “This is not a fraud case,” he said.​
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
You are as crazy as the Nashville bomber. The Nashville bomber believed in all kind of conspiracy theories that are not even close to the truth. He lived in an alternative world disassociated with reality. You live in the same crazy world. You are sick.

Let's check, just to prove how gullible you are:

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

View attachment 435863
Nashville Bomber crazy - Political Chic crazy - you cannot reason with crazy. Crazy people are laughable but they can be very dangerous. come everything I post is documented, linked and sources and all you can do is whine?

You must be a government school indoctrinee, huh?
Below is an article documenting many positive things Hitler did for Germany. Hitler's negative affect on Germany substantially out weighed the good he did.
The negatives of the Trump Presidency, far out weighed the good he did. History will remember his mishandling of COVID-19 and his attempt to over ride our election system. His support of racists and despots like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump's post Presidency will be interesting. He could still end up in prison.

Hitler was a Socialist, just as you and the Democrats are.

And both Hitler and the Democrat Party were into concentration camps for their citizens.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party). Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The only party in America to put its citizens in concentration camps was.....

....wait for it.....

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.....our little Nazi party.

how does that make nazis socialist?

Did we send japanese to gas chambers?

"how does that make nazis socialist?"

Gads, you're an imbecile.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a book is??????

Von Mises thought fascism was good enough for temporary use. And he said that fascism saved European civilization.

This is the best you can do????
Political Chic cannot be for real. It is impossible for a human to be this bat shit crazy. She or he is punking us.
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
You are as crazy as the Nashville bomber. The Nashville bomber believed in all kind of conspiracy theories that are not even close to the truth. He lived in an alternative world disassociated with reality. You live in the same crazy world. You are sick.

Let's check, just to prove how gullible you are:

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

View attachment 435863
Nashville Bomber crazy - Political Chic crazy - you cannot reason with crazy. Crazy people are laughable but they can be very dangerous. come everything I post is documented, linked and sources and all you can do is whine?

You must be a government school indoctrinee, huh?
Below is an article documenting many positive things Hitler did for Germany. Hitler's negative affect on Germany substantially out weighed the good he did.
The negatives of the Trump Presidency, far out weighed the good he did. History will remember his mishandling of COVID-19 and his attempt to over ride our election system. His support of racists and despots like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump's post Presidency will be interesting. He could still end up in prison.

Hitler was a Socialist, just as you and the Democrats are.

And both Hitler and the Democrat Party were into concentration camps for their citizens.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party). Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The only party in America to put its citizens in concentration camps was.....

....wait for it.....

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.....our little Nazi party.

how does that make nazis socialist?

Did we send japanese to gas chambers?

"how does that make nazis socialist?"

Gads, you're an imbecile.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a book is??????

Von Mises thought fascism was good enough for temporary use. And he said that fascism saved European civilization.

This is the best you can do????
Political Chic cannot be for real. It is impossible for a human to be this bat shit crazy. She or he is punking us.

I always hope for a more articulate, intelligent sort of opponent, but I am always left with this mindless, vulgar, sort of dimwit.

And this sort seems to outnumber educated, articulate America-loving Trump supporters.

They represent the final chapter in a noble experiment in self government.
....a euphemism for our time in America.

1. We watched them take over the education system and weaponize it against individualism, religion, and the Right. They took over the media, and used it to silence the truth about Biden and Communist China.
And the news media instilled a fear of the common seasonal flu as the Red Death.

No one is fighting the stealing of the election.

But just for old times sake, let's reveal this about the scamdemic: there are no 300,000 dead from the ChinaVirus.

2. “Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

…some Minnesota legislators don't believe the numbers being reported and want an audit of COVID-19 deaths….
recently told the "Fox & Friends" program that "Minnesota is not an anomaly" and asked President Trump to request a "full audit of every single state in the nation."

…Senator Scott Jensen (R-47), a practicing a physician, found "clear-cut examples" of people dying from something other than COVID, only to be counted as COVID deaths.

3. "We found clear-cut examples from the Minnesota Department of Health's own files -- public records -- of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle, dementia, and strokes," Franson outlined. "I was so shocked at what I found that I just could not keep silent."

4. "In Florida, there was a health report that said the COVID death toll was inflated by 10%," Representative Franson continued. "In Washington, it's been reported that the death toll could be over-inflated by 13%, and in Colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gunshot victims were being classified as COVID-19 deaths. So that is why we are calling for a full audit."

5. "Citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns, with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness," Franson added. "So we need this audit. We need the truth."
Inflated death toll allowing 'antithesis of a free society'

No doubt, if you voted for Biden, and believe the hoax, you are perfectly copacetic with the end of America, and your brave new world.
You are as crazy as the Nashville bomber. The Nashville bomber believed in all kind of conspiracy theories that are not even close to the truth. He lived in an alternative world disassociated with reality. You live in the same crazy world. You are sick.

Let's check, just to prove how gullible you are:

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

View attachment 435863
Nashville Bomber crazy - Political Chic crazy - you cannot reason with crazy. Crazy people are laughable but they can be very dangerous. come everything I post is documented, linked and sources and all you can do is whine?

You must be a government school indoctrinee, huh?
Below is an article documenting many positive things Hitler did for Germany. Hitler's negative affect on Germany substantially out weighed the good he did.
The negatives of the Trump Presidency, far out weighed the good he did. History will remember his mishandling of COVID-19 and his attempt to over ride our election system. His support of racists and despots like Putin and Kim Jong Un. Trump's post Presidency will be interesting. He could still end up in prison.

Hitler was a Socialist, just as you and the Democrats are.

And both Hitler and the Democrat Party were into concentration camps for their citizens.

J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI (and virulently anti-communist) was a great admirer of the nazis and was a pen pal of Heinrich Himmler (Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi SS, head of the Gestapo, and second most powerful leader of the Nazi party). Hoover sent Himmler a personal invitation to attend the 1937 World Police Conference in Montreal, and in 1938 welcomed one of Himmler's top aids to the U.S.

In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.

The only party in America to put its citizens in concentration camps was.....

....wait for it.....

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.....our little Nazi party.

how does that make nazis socialist?

Did we send japanese to gas chambers?

"how does that make nazis socialist?"

Gads, you're an imbecile.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a book is??????

Von Mises thought fascism was good enough for temporary use. And he said that fascism saved European civilization.

This is the best you can do????
Political Chic cannot be for real. It is impossible for a human to be this bat shit crazy. She or he is punking us.

I always hope for a more articulate, intelligent sort of opponent, but I am always left with this mindless, vulgar, sort of dimwit.

And this sort seems to outnumber educated, articulate America-loving Trump supporters.

They represent the final chapter in a noble experiment in self government.
A person who supports a man who brags about "grabbing women by the pussy' should be able to handle the term "bat shit crazy" without having a melt down.
Another indication you are not real. You are a fake persona punking this message board. I am smart enough to identify your charade.
Kaepernick took a knee and Repubs called him traitor Now Repubs trying to overturn an election ??? And they're supposed to be patriots ?? lol traitors every one of them

You left out 'stolen' by corrupt means election.

View attachment 436073
SIXTY loses in court with 2 supreme court loses and you still spew stolen? If you weren't from Brooklyn I'd really be pissed at you

Not a single loss in a court where the evidence was allowed.
Which one of your garbage DARED to say fraud in court ??? They didn't because their bullshit could cost them their license
Kaepernick took a knee and Repubs called him traitor Now Repubs trying to overturn an election ??? And they're supposed to be patriots ?? lol traitors every one of them

You left out 'stolen' by corrupt means election.

View attachment 436073
SIXTY loses in court with 2 supreme court loses and you still spew stolen? If you weren't from Brooklyn I'd really be pissed at you

Not a single loss in a court where the evidence was allowed.
Which one of your garbage DARED to say fraud in court ??? They didn't because their bullshit could cost them their license

No vulgarity, no matter how deeply the truth has wounded you.

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