After Title 42 "expired" (?), migrant encounters are ONLY 5000 PER DAY.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
This is how Democrats normalize insanity. Because we had ten thousand migrant encounters per day before Title 42 arbitrarily expired, they are pretending that things are now "normal and stable" and the border is just fine. Yep 5000 unknown foreign nationals, no idea of their criminal records, diseases, current health condition, mental state just waltzing into the country every day. What could go wrong?

This is how Democrats normalize insanity. Because we had ten thousand migrant encounters per day before Title 42 arbitrarily expired, they are pretending that things are now "normal and stable" and the border is just fine. Yep 5000 unknown foreign nationals, no idea of their criminal records, diseases, current health condition, mental state just waltzing into the country every day. What could go wrong?

Are they breaking the law by showing up at the border, turning themselves in, and asking for Asylum?

Hey look, a new rule

A rule that went into effect Thursday will deny asylum to migrants who passed through a third country where they could have sought asylum instead.

Good job to whoever thought of that one.
more GOOD news for all

The Biden administration has added new options to allow migrants to request asylum without going to the southern border, including a government cellphone app known as CBP One. Migrants will also have the option of applying for asylum at new processing centers in Guatemala or Colombia, which will give successful applicants the option to legally enter Canada, Spain or the U.S.

The administration also has imposed stricter penalties on asylum-seekers who try to cross the border illegally: They could be charged with a misdemeanor of illegal entry, or a felony if they’ve tried to enter the U.S. multiple times. They could also be barred from the country for five years.
This is how Democrats normalize insanity. Because we had ten thousand migrant encounters per day before Title 42 arbitrarily expired, they are pretending that things are now "normal and stable" and the border is just fine. Yep 5000 unknown foreign nationals, no idea of their criminal records, diseases, current health condition, mental state just waltzing into the country every day. What could go wrong?

That is 1.8 million new Democrat Moocher Voters per year.
There is a house in my town where 5 young adult immigrants have lived in for over 2 years.
They all have cars, but none of them work.
I wonder how they pay their bills if none of them work?
It must be nice to come to America and retire when you are only about 22 years old.
When I was in my 20s, I was working hard and struggling to pay my bills and save some money.
Sometimes I was working one full time job and a part time job.
This is how Democrats normalize insanity. Because we had ten thousand migrant encounters per day before Title 42 arbitrarily expired, they are pretending that things are now "normal and stable" and the border is just fine. Yep 5000 unknown foreign nationals, no idea of their criminal records, diseases, current health condition, mental state just waltzing into the country every day. What could go wrong?

In NYC the Mayor, Adams, almost as much of an idiot as the guy in the White House, figures that with the hotels filling up and not enough room on the streets, he, Adams is willing to pay NY citizens to take in the illegals and board them.

Now if Adams, opens his doors and takes in a few dozen migrants, then maybe he has a leg to stand on.....Doubt it...Demofacists NIMBY (not in my back yard).
Yet NY only pays-out $45.00 a day for foster care for a US citizen.

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