Aftermath as Prologue


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Aftermath as Prologue - Kunstler
Senator Collins of Maine said she believed that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford experienced something traumatic, just not at the hands of Mr. Kavanaugh. I believe Senator Collins said that to placate the #Metoo mob, not because she actually believed it. I believe Christine Blasey Ford was lying, through and through, in her injured little girl voice, like a bad imitation of Truman Capote.
I believe that the Christine Blasey Ford gambit was an extension of the sinister activities underway since early 2016 in the Department of Justice and the FBI to un-do the last presidential election, and that the real and truthful story about these seditious monkeyshines is going to blow wide open.
It turns out that the Deep State is a small world. Did you know that the lawyer sitting next to Dr. Ford in the Senate hearings, one Michael Bromwich, is also an attorney for Andrew McCabe, the former FBI Deputy Director fired for lying to investigators from his own agency and currently singing to a grand jury? What a coincidence. Out of all the lawyers in the most lawyer-infested corner of the USA, she just happened to hook up with him.
The Democratic Party has its fingerprints all over this, as it does with the shenanigans over the Russia investigation. Not only do I not believe Dr. Ford’s story; I also don’t believe she acted on her own in this shady business. What’s happening with all these FBI and DOJ associated lawyers is an obvious circling of the wagons. They’ve generated too much animus in the process and they’re going to get nailed.

Wow!!!... This coming from James H. Kunstler a family famous for defending the undefendable. Conspiracy theories?
One result of the Kavanaugh brouhaha is that we’ve seen the gay baiting rule clarified by the Left Wing High Priesthood (standup comics). They have determined it’s commendable to revile, humiliate, and degrade any gay person who opposes their agenda, e.g. Lindsey Graham. Such gay-bashing in no way soils one’s position atop the high moral horse of political correctness.
In contrast, I’ve always thought that well intentioned adults should argue without resort to playground taunts: you’re queer, you’re fat, you’re ugly, yo mama binge drinks with frat boys, etc. If the smugly self-righteous Bill Maher were capable of moral introspection, he might realize that an enlightened liberal engaging in gay-bashing is (dare we say it) a smidgeon hypocritical. Yes, even if the gay in question has committed the sin of wandering off the ideological reservation. Aren’t they entitled to their own opinions?
Proponents of DSA identity politics insist that anyone in one of their categories (Gay, Black, Hispanic, Feminist, etc.) must tote the ideological party line or be viciously attacked.
How dare anyone of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat/DSA plantation have the audacity to think logically as an individual? It isn’t tolerated by the Maoist red guard in charge of the DSA party. Free speech is permitted only if ideologically correct in those Saul Alinsky re-education camps which were once Ivy League Universities.

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