AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

When the Russians were interfering & members of the Trump campaign were meeting with Russdians and lying about it, nothing should have been investigated?

You assfucks are dumber than shit./

There really is no proof that the Russian Federation was involved in the campaign at all.

Russian nationals may have passed information through Chris Steele in the form of the Dossier.

People posing as Russian operatives tried to get involved with Donald Jr. and others at Trump Tower, George Papadopolous and others.
Ditto with people known to be attached to the British and Australian governments.

AG Barr is interested in getting to the bottom of this.

Remember, Mueller found ZERO collusion between Trump and Uncle Pooty.

But that doesn't mean there isn't other collusion between other parties involved.

On January 13, 2017, the committee announced that it was conducting a probe of Russian meddling. This investigation and others were sparked by a declassified report from the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) that described a multifaceted effort led by Russian President Vladimir Putin to interfere with the election by releasing damaging information about Clinton to help Trump.

2016 Presidential Election Investigation Fast Facts - CNN

That makes your first line a fucking lie. I quit reading your bullshit at that point.
If it's sooo obvious why did Mueller say there wasn't any collusion? If it's sooo obvious why didn't Congress impeach him on those grounds?

You're acting like a typical lib who is told that what they thought was true turn d out to be false, but then doubles down on it anyway.
Mueller said there was not sufficient evidence of collusion. Not that were was no evidence.

Facts. You should learn about facts.

The real question is why did not the DOJ investigate the obstruction of justice instances?

So in other words there was no collusion. I read the Mueller report. He never said anywhere that Trump was colluding with Russia to effect the election.
screw Republicans including Mueller who let Trump off the hook just because he's president. At any rate this crap is even worse...
An AR-15 is a hinting rifle for jackasses that can't shoot.

The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
Only if you call getting all beered up & shooting bottles "sporting".

Your sheer ignorance of the gun culture is astounding. Nobody I know consumes alcohol while shooting. Aside from being illegal, it's also stupid. I carry concealed every day. I can legally go into a bar but can't consume alcohol while carrying. So I drink a coke or coffee.

And nobody shoots bottles. You've probably watched too many idiotic westerns on television.

I know lots of people that do it.

Well it is understandable that you have so many idiots within your circle.
I know a lot of people that own guns & go out shooting- usually toting their cooler.
The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
Only if you call getting all beered up & shooting bottles "sporting".

Your sheer ignorance of the gun culture is astounding. Nobody I know consumes alcohol while shooting. Aside from being illegal, it's also stupid. I carry concealed every day. I can legally go into a bar but can't consume alcohol while carrying. So I drink a coke or coffee.

And nobody shoots bottles. You've probably watched too many idiotic westerns on television.

I know lots of people that do it.

Well it is understandable that you have so many idiots within your circle.
I know a lot of people that own guns & go out shooting- usually toting their cooler.

Do you know a lot of people who pack heat , carrying open or concealed, for protection?
The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
Only if you call getting all beered up & shooting bottles "sporting".

Your sheer ignorance of the gun culture is astounding. Nobody I know consumes alcohol while shooting. Aside from being illegal, it's also stupid. I carry concealed every day. I can legally go into a bar but can't consume alcohol while carrying. So I drink a coke or coffee.

And nobody shoots bottles. You've probably watched too many idiotic westerns on television.

I know lots of people that do it.

Well it is understandable that you have so many idiots within your circle.
I know a lot of people that own guns & go out shooting- usually toting their cooler.

Well son, I've carried concealed every day since 2011 but not once have I carried a cooler with me.

Why would I want to do that?
AR-15 is a hunting rifle.

View attachment 282651
An AR-15 is a hinting rifle for jackasses that can't shoot.

The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
There already are 17 million of them. And the bullet they use causes more damage then any other. It is designed to kill and cause great damage. Have a semi-automatic hunting rifle and hold on to your AR-15. End of story we don't want them to be sold anymore there's too many already. And we want background checks that's the first thing. Background checks on all sales.

Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
There is no "point" as you say. If I follow your attempted distraction you have accomplished your goal.

We aren't going down that road, time to return to the thread topic.
Of course Barr is investigating it,, of course you don’t want him to lol hahahahahahahh

The Impeachment Story Is Simple. Republicans Are just Trying To Confuse You. GOP leaders desperately want to lose you in the process and take attention away from what the president did. He repeatedly pressured a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to help him win. It’s all in the White House summary and it’s corroborated by the whistleblower complaint and Trump admitted it. He’s even asking other countries to do it on tv now. The Republican strategy to this is to create confusion, namely by focusing on the legal process of whistleblower law. Not only are their claims false, they are irrelevant to the facts of Trump’s abuse of power. The whistleblower did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Republicans are trying to paper over the facts with confusion, conspiracies and flat-out lies. “This is looking more & more like a deep state scheme,” House Republican Steve Scalise (R-La.) tweeted Wednesday, invoking an insane conspiracy theory as an explanation for how Schiff got wind of a whistleblower complaint before it was filed. He lied. The question is why?” McCarthy tweeted Wednesday, falsely claiming Schiff had spoken with the whistleblower when he had not. GOP senators, meanwhile, have been spreading misinformation to try to smear the credibility of the whistleblower. They have argued that in order to be considered a “real” whistleblower, you have to have firsthand information of a situation, which is false. “By definition, he’s not a whistleblower because he was reporting hearsay,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) incorrectly told reporters last week. “I think that we are giving too much credit, to someone who does not meet the definition of a whistleblower.” “It’s not a whistleblower because he wasn’t in the room. He wasn’t on the phone call,” Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) said last week, also falsely. They were publicly corrected on Tuesday by one of their own colleague, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “The distinctions being drawn between first- and second-hand knowledge aren’t legal ones,”. “It’s just not part of whistleblower protection law or any agency policy.” He added, “This person appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected.”

Just Gibberish -
The "whistleblower" told us about a perfectly, perfect call.

The Dems freaked because all the "Gold" is in Ukraine.
They know that their sychophants are too stupid to see - until it runs them over - which it will

Remember how the Democrat media all said "well that sucked' after Mueller made a fool of himself on TV.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember it long
Your memory is going to be refreshed shortly.
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
Only if you call getting all beered up & shooting bottles "sporting".

Your sheer ignorance of the gun culture is astounding. Nobody I know consumes alcohol while shooting. Aside from being illegal, it's also stupid. I carry concealed every day. I can legally go into a bar but can't consume alcohol while carrying. So I drink a coke or coffee.

And nobody shoots bottles. You've probably watched too many idiotic westerns on television.

I know lots of people that do it.

Well it is understandable that you have so many idiots within your circle.
I know a lot of people that own guns & go out shooting- usually toting their cooler.

Do you know a lot of people who pack heat , carrying open or concealed, for protection?
That would be cowardly Big mouth conservatives LOL
There is no "point" as you say. If I follow your attempted distraction you have accomplished your goal.

We aren't going down that road, time to return to the thread topic.
Of course Barr is investigating it,, of course you don’t want him to lol hahahahahahahh
That's like having the get away driver conduct the investigation.
Obama is conducting the investigation?
Are you really that dumb, or do you think that's whitty?

Trump literally floated the idea of pardoning himself. This is proof that American conservatives would absolutely love to be ruled by a lying dictator like Putin who is above the law. Every 4 years they would like an election but the only two choices would be right wing extremists or even farther right wing extremists. Anyone moderate is now a deep state rino.

I used to tell USMB republicans, "how come Republican politicians don't say the stupid shit you guys say here" but I can't say that anymore because Trump is the biggest conspiracy theorist being manipulated by Fox News fake news. He tweets the same stupid shit jitss617 posts.
Vote tRump red or tRump yellow.
That's like having the get away driver conduct the investigation.
Obama is conducting the investigation?
Are you really that dumb, or do you think that's whitty?

Trump literally floated the idea of pardoning himself. This is proof that American conservatives would absolutely love to be ruled by a lying dictator like Putin who is above the law. Every 4 years they would like an election but the only two choices would be right wing extremists or even farther right wing extremists. Anyone moderate is now a deep state rino.

I used to tell USMB republicans, "how come Republican politicians don't say the stupid shit you guys say here" but I can't say that anymore because Trump is the biggest conspiracy theorist being manipulated by Fox News fake news. He tweets the same stupid shit jitss617 posts.
You desperate for a win! It’s not going to happen full of rage, encourage democrats to be successful at something, maybe we will vote for you. Give it a shot
No you won't. You don't like any of our ideas. Lets see if more Americans like your ideas in 2020. You guys keep wanting to say the economy is great but it's really no different than Obama's economy unless you are rich or a corporation. In fact I believe most people are still struggling and Trump hasn't done shit but give everyone middle class a $1 raise. And it's not worth it.

Trump barely won MI, PA and WI last time and he won't win them in 2020. He's only popular with his base. Everyone else is sick of him. You'll see. Remember the midterms? Michigan is going blue and Trump needs MI, stupid.
Hell, at this rate Texas may go blue.
Your sheer ignorance of the gun culture is astounding. Nobody I know consumes alcohol while shooting. Aside from being illegal, it's also stupid. I carry concealed every day. I can legally go into a bar but can't consume alcohol while carrying. So I drink a coke or coffee.

And nobody shoots bottles. You've probably watched too many idiotic westerns on television.

I know lots of people that do it.

Well it is understandable that you have so many idiots within your circle.
I know a lot of people that own guns & go out shooting- usually toting their cooler.

Do you know a lot of people who pack heat , carrying open or concealed, for protection?
That would be cowardly Big mouth conservatives LOL

What do you do when a ne'er-do-well pulls a gun on you? Run? Duck? Stand there and cuss him out and try to intimidate him verbally?
I know lots of people that do it.

Well it is understandable that you have so many idiots within your circle.
I know a lot of people that own guns & go out shooting- usually toting their cooler.

Do you know a lot of people who pack heat , carrying open or concealed, for protection?
That would be cowardly Big mouth conservatives LOL

What do you do when a ne'er-do-well pulls a gun on you? Run? Duck? Stand there and cuss him out and try to intimidate him verbally?

Probably suck him off. That's my guess.
The Democratic Party’s renewed urgency to unseat President Donald Trump takes on a whole different meaning amid a report that Attorney General William Barr is indeed investigating the investigators.

A measure the party’s media allies are working feverishly to assign a sinister turn to, presenting the effort to get to the bottom of what may have been an effort to take out a sitting president as using executive branch powers to further personal interests.

The Washington Post reported Monday that Barr has been meeting with British and Italian intelligence officials regarding the investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion hoax.

Accompanying Barr in Italy was John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, who was tapped to investigate the events leading up to a long, exhaustive probe of Trump and his campaign

AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

When the Russians were interfering & members of the Trump campaign were meeting with Russdians and lying about it, nothing should have been investigated?

You assfucks are dumber than shit./

There really is no proof that the Russian Federation was involved in the campaign at all.

Russian nationals may have passed information through Chris Steele in the form of the Dossier.

People posing as Russian operatives tried to get involved with Donald Jr. and others at Trump Tower, George Papadopolous and others.
Ditto with people known to be attached to the British and Australian governments.

AG Barr is interested in getting to the bottom of this.

Remember, Mueller found ZERO collusion between Trump and Uncle Pooty.

But that doesn't mean there isn't other collusion between other parties involved.

On January 13, 2017, the committee announced that it was conducting a probe of Russian meddling. This investigation and others were sparked by a declassified report from the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) that described a multifaceted effort led by Russian President Vladimir Putin to interfere with the election by releasing damaging information about Clinton to help Trump.

2016 Presidential Election Investigation Fast Facts - CNN

That makes your first line a fucking lie. I quit reading your bullshit at that point.
If it's sooo obvious why did Mueller say there wasn't any collusion? If it's sooo obvious why didn't Congress impeach him on those grounds?

You're acting like a typical lib who is told that what they thought was true turn d out to be false, but then doubles down on it anyway.
Mueller said there was not sufficient evidence of collusion. Not that were was no evidence.

Facts. You should learn about facts.

The real question is why did not the DOJ investigate the obstruction of justice instances?

Mueller is a corrupt lying spook just trying to stay out of trouble in case the truth emerges.

The thing is, if you actually cared enough to do a little homework, research his back ground, you would find out, that the folks that are using him as a paragon of truth and honesty now, used to hate the little fucker a decade or two ago, b/c he was such a loathsome untrustworthy, dishonest turnip.

You should try to catch up before your partisan bias embarrasses you later.
An AR-15 is a hinting rifle for jackasses that can't shoot.

The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
There already are 17 million of them. And the bullet they use causes more damage then any other. It is designed to kill and cause great damage. Have a semi-automatic hunting rifle and hold on to your AR-15. End of story we don't want them to be sold anymore there's too many already. And we want background checks that's the first thing. Background checks on all sales.

Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Of course Barr is investigating it,, of course you don’t want him to lol hahahahahahahh

The Impeachment Story Is Simple. Republicans Are just Trying To Confuse You. GOP leaders desperately want to lose you in the process and take attention away from what the president did. He repeatedly pressured a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to help him win. It’s all in the White House summary and it’s corroborated by the whistleblower complaint and Trump admitted it. He’s even asking other countries to do it on tv now. The Republican strategy to this is to create confusion, namely by focusing on the legal process of whistleblower law. Not only are their claims false, they are irrelevant to the facts of Trump’s abuse of power. The whistleblower did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Republicans are trying to paper over the facts with confusion, conspiracies and flat-out lies. “This is looking more & more like a deep state scheme,” House Republican Steve Scalise (R-La.) tweeted Wednesday, invoking an insane conspiracy theory as an explanation for how Schiff got wind of a whistleblower complaint before it was filed. He lied. The question is why?” McCarthy tweeted Wednesday, falsely claiming Schiff had spoken with the whistleblower when he had not. GOP senators, meanwhile, have been spreading misinformation to try to smear the credibility of the whistleblower. They have argued that in order to be considered a “real” whistleblower, you have to have firsthand information of a situation, which is false. “By definition, he’s not a whistleblower because he was reporting hearsay,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) incorrectly told reporters last week. “I think that we are giving too much credit, to someone who does not meet the definition of a whistleblower.” “It’s not a whistleblower because he wasn’t in the room. He wasn’t on the phone call,” Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) said last week, also falsely. They were publicly corrected on Tuesday by one of their own colleague, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “The distinctions being drawn between first- and second-hand knowledge aren’t legal ones,”. “It’s just not part of whistleblower protection law or any agency policy.” He added, “This person appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected.”

Just Gibberish -
The "whistleblower" told us about a perfectly, perfect call.

The Dems freaked because all the "Gold" is in Ukraine.
They know that their sychophants are too stupid to see - until it runs them over - which it will

Remember how the Democrat media all said "well that sucked' after Mueller made a fool of himself on TV.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember it long
Your memory is going to be refreshed shortly.
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Obama is conducting the investigation?
Are you really that dumb, or do you think that's whitty?

Trump literally floated the idea of pardoning himself. This is proof that American conservatives would absolutely love to be ruled by a lying dictator like Putin who is above the law. Every 4 years they would like an election but the only two choices would be right wing extremists or even farther right wing extremists. Anyone moderate is now a deep state rino.

I used to tell USMB republicans, "how come Republican politicians don't say the stupid shit you guys say here" but I can't say that anymore because Trump is the biggest conspiracy theorist being manipulated by Fox News fake news. He tweets the same stupid shit jitss617 posts.
You desperate for a win! It’s not going to happen full of rage, encourage democrats to be successful at something, maybe we will vote for you. Give it a shot
No you won't. You don't like any of our ideas. Lets see if more Americans like your ideas in 2020. You guys keep wanting to say the economy is great but it's really no different than Obama's economy unless you are rich or a corporation. In fact I believe most people are still struggling and Trump hasn't done shit but give everyone middle class a $1 raise. And it's not worth it.

Trump barely won MI, PA and WI last time and he won't win them in 2020. He's only popular with his base. Everyone else is sick of him. You'll see. Remember the midterms? Michigan is going blue and Trump needs MI, stupid.
Hell, at this rate Texas may go blue.
Running on infanticide ? Lol sure it will
The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles made. And the vast majority of owners aren't at all interested in conducting a mass shooting. In fact, handguns are the weapon of choice for crime. A previous generation of Gun Control Freaks railed against "Saturday Night Specials" (small caliber, inexpensive handguns) much like the current generation rails against "Assault Weapons".
There already are 17 million of them. And the bullet they use causes more damage then any other. It is designed to kill and cause great damage. Have a semi-automatic hunting rifle and hold on to your AR-15. End of story we don't want them to be sold anymore there's too many already. And we want background checks that's the first thing. Background checks on all sales.

Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
The Impeachment Story Is Simple. Republicans Are just Trying To Confuse You. GOP leaders desperately want to lose you in the process and take attention away from what the president did. He repeatedly pressured a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to help him win. It’s all in the White House summary and it’s corroborated by the whistleblower complaint and Trump admitted it. He’s even asking other countries to do it on tv now. The Republican strategy to this is to create confusion, namely by focusing on the legal process of whistleblower law. Not only are their claims false, they are irrelevant to the facts of Trump’s abuse of power. The whistleblower did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Republicans are trying to paper over the facts with confusion, conspiracies and flat-out lies. “This is looking more & more like a deep state scheme,” House Republican Steve Scalise (R-La.) tweeted Wednesday, invoking an insane conspiracy theory as an explanation for how Schiff got wind of a whistleblower complaint before it was filed. He lied. The question is why?” McCarthy tweeted Wednesday, falsely claiming Schiff had spoken with the whistleblower when he had not. GOP senators, meanwhile, have been spreading misinformation to try to smear the credibility of the whistleblower. They have argued that in order to be considered a “real” whistleblower, you have to have firsthand information of a situation, which is false. “By definition, he’s not a whistleblower because he was reporting hearsay,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) incorrectly told reporters last week. “I think that we are giving too much credit, to someone who does not meet the definition of a whistleblower.” “It’s not a whistleblower because he wasn’t in the room. He wasn’t on the phone call,” Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) said last week, also falsely. They were publicly corrected on Tuesday by one of their own colleague, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “The distinctions being drawn between first- and second-hand knowledge aren’t legal ones,”. “It’s just not part of whistleblower protection law or any agency policy.” He added, “This person appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected.”

Just Gibberish -
The "whistleblower" told us about a perfectly, perfect call.

The Dems freaked because all the "Gold" is in Ukraine.
They know that their sychophants are too stupid to see - until it runs them over - which it will

Remember how the Democrat media all said "well that sucked' after Mueller made a fool of himself on TV.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember it long
Your memory is going to be refreshed shortly.
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?

I believe in making corporations not pollute the fucking and properly treat their employees & not cheat their buyers.

I am saying that well off corporations don't need a tax cut. A tax cut that is driving up our deficits. Only a total fool thinks it is good economics to borrow money & give it go well off corporations. You know like you & your orange buddy.
Are you really that dumb, or do you think that's whitty?

Trump literally floated the idea of pardoning himself. This is proof that American conservatives would absolutely love to be ruled by a lying dictator like Putin who is above the law. Every 4 years they would like an election but the only two choices would be right wing extremists or even farther right wing extremists. Anyone moderate is now a deep state rino.

I used to tell USMB republicans, "how come Republican politicians don't say the stupid shit you guys say here" but I can't say that anymore because Trump is the biggest conspiracy theorist being manipulated by Fox News fake news. He tweets the same stupid shit jitss617 posts.
You desperate for a win! It’s not going to happen full of rage, encourage democrats to be successful at something, maybe we will vote for you. Give it a shot
No you won't. You don't like any of our ideas. Lets see if more Americans like your ideas in 2020. You guys keep wanting to say the economy is great but it's really no different than Obama's economy unless you are rich or a corporation. In fact I believe most people are still struggling and Trump hasn't done shit but give everyone middle class a $1 raise. And it's not worth it.

Trump barely won MI, PA and WI last time and he won't win them in 2020. He's only popular with his base. Everyone else is sick of him. You'll see. Remember the midterms? Michigan is going blue and Trump needs MI, stupid.
Hell, at this rate Texas may go blue.
Running on infanticide ? Lol sure it will
No one is killing infants. Well, except Trump with his lowering of air & water quality.
I know lots of people that do it.

Well it is understandable that you have so many idiots within your circle.
I know a lot of people that own guns & go out shooting- usually toting their cooler.

Do you know a lot of people who pack heat , carrying open or concealed, for protection?
That would be cowardly Big mouth conservatives LOL

What do you do when a ne'er-do-well pulls a gun on you? Run? Duck? Stand there and cuss him out and try to intimidate him verbally?
What the fuck would you do? Play quick draw? You'd be just as dead. You assfucks are dumber than shit.
Trump literally floated the idea of pardoning himself. This is proof that American conservatives would absolutely love to be ruled by a lying dictator like Putin who is above the law. Every 4 years they would like an election but the only two choices would be right wing extremists or even farther right wing extremists. Anyone moderate is now a deep state rino.

I used to tell USMB republicans, "how come Republican politicians don't say the stupid shit you guys say here" but I can't say that anymore because Trump is the biggest conspiracy theorist being manipulated by Fox News fake news. He tweets the same stupid shit jitss617 posts.
You desperate for a win! It’s not going to happen full of rage, encourage democrats to be successful at something, maybe we will vote for you. Give it a shot
No you won't. You don't like any of our ideas. Lets see if more Americans like your ideas in 2020. You guys keep wanting to say the economy is great but it's really no different than Obama's economy unless you are rich or a corporation. In fact I believe most people are still struggling and Trump hasn't done shit but give everyone middle class a $1 raise. And it's not worth it.

Trump barely won MI, PA and WI last time and he won't win them in 2020. He's only popular with his base. Everyone else is sick of him. You'll see. Remember the midterms? Michigan is going blue and Trump needs MI, stupid.
Hell, at this rate Texas may go blue.
Running on infanticide ? Lol sure it will
No one is killing infants. Well, except Trump with his lowering of air & water quality.
Huh? The gov of Virginia is still the governor right?
There already are 17 million of them. And the bullet they use causes more damage then any other. It is designed to kill and cause great damage. Have a semi-automatic hunting rifle and hold on to your AR-15. End of story we don't want them to be sold anymore there's too many already. And we want background checks that's the first thing. Background checks on all sales.

Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Just Gibberish -
The "whistleblower" told us about a perfectly, perfect call.

The Dems freaked because all the "Gold" is in Ukraine.
They know that their sychophants are too stupid to see - until it runs them over - which it will

Remember how the Democrat media all said "well that sucked' after Mueller made a fool of himself on TV.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember it long
Your memory is going to be refreshed shortly.
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?

I believe in making corporations not pollute the fucking and properly treat their employees & not cheat their buyers.

I am saying that well off corporations don't need a tax cut. A tax cut that is driving up our deficits. Only a total fool thinks it is good economics to borrow money & give it go well off corporations. You know like you & your orange buddy.
So all those protections you want requires a business to pass standards that cost money.. HOW DO POOR PEOPLE COMPETE OR START BUSINESS!??????????????????

Helllllkooooooooo mcflyyyyy
I know lots of people that do it.

Well it is understandable that you have so many idiots within your circle.
I know a lot of people that own guns & go out shooting- usually toting their cooler.

Do you know a lot of people who pack heat , carrying open or concealed, for protection?
That would be cowardly Big mouth conservatives LOL

What do you do when a ne'er-do-well pulls a gun on you? Run? Duck? Stand there and cuss him out and try to intimidate him verbally?
I gave him my money. I'm not stupid. LOL
Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?

I believe in making corporations not pollute the fucking and properly treat their employees & not cheat their buyers.

I am saying that well off corporations don't need a tax cut. A tax cut that is driving up our deficits. Only a total fool thinks it is good economics to borrow money & give it go well off corporations. You know like you & your orange buddy.
So all those protections you want requires a business to pass standards that cost money.. HOW DO POOR PEOPLE COMPETE OR START BUSINESS!??????????????????

Helllllkooooooooo mcflyyyyy
Well first you have a living wage of $15 minimum wage so people can start saving again. At the moment 70% don't.

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