AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

No more crooked democrat judges

The riots will have many groups switching sides to trump

The democrats have been totally stoopid
How Stoopid is this ? Barr says Trump directed him to fire Berman BUT The fn liar Trump says it was all Barrs doing
Didnt barr conclude that general Flynn should not be prosecuted , yey a liberal judge unprecedented decided no.

Barr lied in his brief to the judge. Barr's lies ran counter to the evidence, and the sworn testimoney of both the Defendant and the Plaintiff. That's why Barr is soon to be disbarred.

What Barr says or does it moot. The Department of Justice is actively attacking his every attempt to subvert justice, and Barr will be hard pressed to keep his fat ass out of prison when this is all over. Never forget, Nixon never went to jail for obstruction of justice, but John Mitchell, his Attorney General went to prison.
An "organized effort to push a president out of office"? How so? What is being done to the poor little scumbag, who only has about six months to go? The right-wingers seem to have the idea that the rest of us are required to associate with someone like him, follow his orders, not criticize him. We have no allegiance to him, and are under no obligation to support him in any way.
And notice not ONE pos republican in the senate or house have opened their mouths Scared POS is what they are
An "organized effort to push a president out of office"? How so? What is being done to the poor little scumbag, who only has about six months to go? The right-wingers seem to have the idea that the rest of us are required to associate with someone like him, follow his orders, not criticize him. We have no allegiance to him, and are under no obligation to support him in any way.

They were making plans to impeach Trump before he was even elected.
Seems the prosecution dropped the charges. And the judge said. No . Wait a minute, i am the judge jury and conviction. And prosecutor.
That wasn’t my question. You talk about no other judges ever taking action like this and I asked how many AGs have taken action like this. Don’t ignore the question. If you don’t know just say so.
Barr suggested it

But only the executive can do the firing

Wake up and quit lying
And Trump said he had nothing to do with it It was BARRS DOING Thats what was said ,,,was it more trump bullshit? Maybe again blaming others for the shit he pulled?
Barr and Trump both did their jobs correct

Barr’s checking and advising and Trump firing

And that means Barr’s investigation is showing a rigged election done by treason people

So trump will say no election in 2020 until the election is no more rigged

Any person that got their news from treason news will not be able to vote with their brainwashed minds from crooked media
Barr did the checking and advising . Trump then does the firing
Trump said and I heard him that he had NOTHING to do with it AND on another note why tf do you think they wanted this guy out and put into a high position where he refused to go ? What does he and his dept. have on Trump and his friends ?? THINK!!
There will be no rigged election this year

Barr says it’s rigged

Trump then declares a broken govt by the treason people brainwashing the unwise

The democrat crooked game will be over

Executions will come because of what the riots showed and did

Democrat leaders will be no more
LOL you and trump now telling jokes?
Barr did his job

And then Trump did his job

This same perfect team play will now do the same

Barr and Durham saying the democrat leaders guilty of treason and have the media with them rigged the election

Then trump will do his job by declaring a broken govt and stopping rigged elections

He will prosecute under military laws all the crooks for treason

NO election in 2020 because the election has been RIGGED

None until the election is not rigged !

The treason indictments will flow in quickly

The riots will have the Hispanics ...Asians ..and Native Americans switching sides to trump !!

Democrats have lost their minds !.!
The irony of reading that post and then seeing it end with “Democrats have lost their minds”

Haha. Thanks for the laugh
The salient matter is whether what Trump has done..........illegally obstruct the investigations of a Special Counsel and of Congress..........eagerly accept the help of a foreign adversary (Russia) in getting elected...........solicit election help from Ukraine by extorting Zelensky..........are impeachable offenses?

The obvious answer is yes.

Which is to say the constitutional means by which the Dems sought to remove Trump was completely justified.

Trump did none of those but ukraine joe extorted money and got his druggie son on the burisma board.

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