AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

Trump will send in the military to stop the riots. After enough people of the world sees how crooked the democrats are

This will make it easy to stop the rigged election in nov until there are no more brainwashed voters voting because of the fake media news
Demanding that only valid voters can vote is what Democrats call "suppressing the vote."
I want only valid voters too bri BUT WHY make it difficult for valid voters to vote ?? Why not make it easier ? You know the answer but I'll tell you anyway The more folks come out to vote the less chance republicans have to win
What a bunch of BS!
The ONLY coup is coming from INSIDE the WH and from the Orange Blob in the Oval Office!
Trump is taking advantage of, and manufacturing emergencies, just to give him excuses to try and take over.
Will he do it? Is he totalitarian enough and egotistical enough to THINK he is God's Gift to America?
I guess we will have to wait until November to see if he cancels the elections, rigs the elections or ignores his loss.
manufacturing emergencies? you leftist fucks are...

Nevermind. troll.
Demanding that only valid voters can vote is what Democrats call "suppressing the vote."

It is when in the effort to purge the voter rolls, they take thousands of legal voters off.

They don't. Anyone who has been taken off the rules can easily reinstate his voter registration.

As in florida when they produced a purge list with 10,000 legal voters included on it. They didn't notify the voters of their change in status. And they even justified the list by saying it was "advisory" that local election districts were supposed to invidually verify the list bevfore using it.
I want only valid voters too bri BUT WHY make it difficult for valid voters to vote ?? Why not make it easier ? You know the answer but I'll tell you anyway The more folks come out to vote the less chance republicans have to win
Bullshit. You're encouraging voter fraud.

You aren't fooling anyone. Imposing rules that certify the voter is a legal voter isn't done solely to "make it difficult for valid voters to vote," you fucking dumbass. Only brain damaged TDS morons believe that.
Bullshit. You're encouraging voter fraud.

You aren't fooling anyone. Imposing rules that certify the voter is a legal voter isn't done solely to "make it difficult for valid voters to vote," you fucking dumbass. Only brain damaged TDS morons believe that.
its much more than that and you know it. There have been several recent voter fraud cases found guilty in court. Why are you ignoring those?
As in florida when they produced a purge list with 10,000 legal voters included on it. They didn't notify the voters of their change in status. And they even justified the list by saying it was "advisory" that local election districts were supposed to invidually verify the list bevfore using it.
Any list is likely to have legal voters on it. Apparently you believe that any process that isn't 100% perfect is illegal. That's because you're a sleazy dishonest douchebag.
I’m watching but obviously seeing something very different than you

Use an ounce of logjc

The more wise the faster the switching

The white race the most wise of all and the most for trump

Barr and Trump declares a crooked rigged election and they will stop the election until the treason trials are over
How does that prove you aren't encouraging voter fraud?
Well I don’t feel the need to prove that because I know that I don’t encourage voter fraud and frankly I don’t really care what you think.

I would say that anything from any party that encourages voter fraud or inadvertently results in increased voter fraud should be fixed.
Well I don’t feel the need to prove that because I know that I don’t encourage voter fraud and frankly I don’t really care what you think.

I would say that anything from any party that encourages voter fraud or inadvertently results in increased voter fraud should be fixed.
In other words, you can't prove you aren't encouraging voter fraud. However, commen senses indicates that you are. Not checking for a valid ID encourages voter fraud. You are opposed to that.
Use an ounce of logjc

The more wise the faster the switching

The white race the most wise of all and the most for trump

Barr and Trump declares a crooked rigged election and they will stop the election until the treason trials are over
Sounds great except for the fact that Trump and Barr are not God and Jesus. I know it feels that way but it is just not true. We actually have checks and balances in this country so they don’t have the power to play the rigged election game without evidence. Trump tried to tee it up last election but he won. Yes he surly is going tot try and do it again. By now enough people know he is full of shit and can’t be trusted. Only idiots like yourself will believe the crap he says. #pathetic
In other words, you can't prove you aren't encouraging voter fraud. However, commen senses indicates that you are. Not checking for a valid ID encourages voter fraud. You are opposed to that.
I’m fine with voter ID. Why are you saying that I’m not? Because you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about? Yes I think so
Any list is likely to have legal voters on it. Apparently you believe that any process that isn't 100% perfect is illegal. That's because you're a sleazy dishonest douchebag.

We're talking Florida tried to remove 10,000 legal voters from the voting rolls.
I’m fine with voter ID. Why are you saying that I’m not? Because you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about? Yes I think so
Because all the Dims on this forum are opposed to voter ID. Whenever the talk about "voter suppression," they are always talking about the requirement for voter ID.

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