AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

An "organized effort to push a president out of office"? How so? What is being done to the poor little scumbag, who only has about six months to go? The right-wingers seem to have the idea that the rest of us are required to associate with someone like him, follow his orders, not criticize him. We have no allegiance to him, and are under no obligation to support him in any way.
What a bunch of BS!
The ONLY coup is coming from INSIDE the WH and from the Orange Blob in the Oval Office!
Trump is taking advantage of, and manufacturing emergencies, just to give him excuses to try and take over.
Will he do it? Is he totalitarian enough and egotistical enough to THINK he is God's Gift to America?
I guess we will have to wait until November to see if he cancels the elections, rigs the elections or ignores his loss.
All Non Progs....tradesmen...fix Non Progs stuff first if there is a choice. Non Progs come first for Non Progs.
Barr is the head of the DOJ he decides who is prosecuted. So are you implying that he is rooted in with the Anti-trump deep state swamp?

The Attorney General's hands are tied as to what he can do. He is not a dictator. He has to accept political realities. He knows that juries in D.C. are hardly favorable to Republicans. No one is foolish enough to believe that there is any actual "justice."
Before the Papadopoulos conversation with the Clinton sycophant from Australia, there was only Mifsud, who planted the information about Russian possession of e-mails on Papadopoulos.

When it is finally exposed who Mifsud was working for---and it was NOT the Russians--then the whole conspiracy will have been exposed. I would look for Brennan to be behind it all. Barr-Durham already know.

And Barr has called it "one of the greatest travesties in American history".

Justice grinds slow, but grinds fine.

Barr is an idiot who is about to be disbarred for obstruction of justice, and abuse of power. If Durham had something other than jack shit, they wouldn't be going around the world looking for evidence to support this Russian propaganda, and upon finding none there, gone into every email every written on the subject of these investigations. Everything they've uncovered so far has completely exonerated the Obama Administration and showed they followed procedures to the letter, and documented everything.

Mueller filed his first charges within 6 months of taking over the investigation. Durham and Barr have been at it for two years, and they haven't filed a single charge. Durham and Barr have convened three Grand Juries, and still no charges. I know, I know. . . any day now.

I seem to recall you fools screaming that this travesty had gone on long enough when Mueller had been investigating for two years, and he laid over 100 charges and got 9 guilty pleas and/or convictions on all of those charges he filed. Every single one of Mueller's American defendants was found guilty. Barr and Durham can't even find enough evidence to lay charges, much less get a conviction.
The Attorney General's hands are tied as to what he can do. He is not a dictator. He has to accept political realities. He knows that juries in D.C. are hardly favorable to Republicans. No one is foolish enough to believe that there is any actual "justice."

Why aren't they favourable to Republicans? They were mostly appointed by Republicans.

It's not the judges who aren't "favourable to Republicans", it's the evidence. The stuff you need for indictments and convictions. Trump has been called by the judges time and time again on his sloppy paper work. Trump tries to take short cuts and doesn't follow procedures. Trump doesn't want to do the work to get stuff done. He just wants to sign an Executive Order, and it magically happens. Like when Kings issued decrees. Make it so Number One.

A Tri-Part Constitutional Republic doesn't work like that. You can't cut corners or govern by decree. You have to discussion, a consideration of arguments of interested parties, and a study of the impact, both positive and negative, of what you want to do. Democracy is inefficient, messy and argumentative. Dictatorships are easier. Republicans who don't want to consider any one else's needs or points of view but their own, want to end democracy.

It doesn't work that way.
The Attorney General's hands are tied as to what he can do. He is not a dictator. He has to accept political realities. He knows that juries in D.C. are hardly favorable to Republicans. No one is foolish enough to believe that there is any actual "justice."
If he has legit evidence to make a case then he should bring the case. Being scared of a jury is a horrible excuse. Do you really believe that? Dems brought their case against Trump knowing the republicans would shut it down. Your logic that Barr can’t do the same doesn’t hold up
What a bunch of BS!
The ONLY coup is coming from INSIDE the WH and from the Orange Blob in the Oval Office!
Trump is taking advantage of, and manufacturing emergencies, just to give him excuses to try and take over.
Will he do it? Is he totalitarian enough and egotistical enough to THINK he is God's Gift to America?
I guess we will have to wait until November to see if he cancels the elections, rigs the elections or ignores his loss.
Ha Ha Ha. Kerp pushing your FAKE NEWS. Its all the democrats have left. The facts are on the A.G. s side. LOCK THEM UP IN LATE OCTOBER.
Barr is an idiot who is about to be disbarred for obstruction of justice, and abuse of power. If Durham had something other than jack shit, they wouldn't be going around the world looking for evidence to support this Russian propaganda, and upon finding none there, gone into every email every written on the subject of these investigations. Everything they've uncovered so far has completely exonerated the Obama Administration and showed they followed procedures to the letter, and documented everything.

Mueller filed his first charges within 6 months of taking over the investigation. Durham and Barr have been at it for two years, and they haven't filed a single charge. Durham and Barr have convened three Grand Juries, and still no charges. I know, I know. . . any day now.

I seem to recall you fools screaming that this travesty had gone on long enough when Mueller had been investigating for two years, and he laid over 100 charges and got 9 guilty pleas and/or convictions on all of those charges he filed. Every single one of Mueller's American defendants was found guilty. Barr and Durham can't even find enough evidence to lay charges, much less get a conviction.

This is the most uninformed, blindly partisan, dumb-ass post I have read on this board in some time...and that is saying something.

Only a rank fool would claim the Attorney General is about to be disbarred. You are a rank fool.

Durham has been on the case for a little over a year. Barr first said he hoped Durham would be through by late spring, but today he said it might be late summer because Durham was slowed by the China Virus---for example, that because of it, Grand Juries were not meeting right now.

Kevin Clinesmith feloniously altered documents in order to obtain a Fisa Warrant. He is a SURE THING for indictment, or guilty plea. But, that is on hold while he cooperates to try to get to spend less time as Big Bubba's wife in a Federal Pen. Until you see this Pussy get the perp walk---it is not over, just beginning.

Joseph Mifsud was NOT a Russian Agent. He was working for Western Intelligence to plant info on Papadopulos...much like crooked cops plant cocaine on a person they want to frame...then arrest him for possession of cocaine.

I am going to save your post. You will see it again. You are welcome to save mine.

Justice is coming. Get fucked Bolshevik.

I guess no other judge in the history of judging concluded the same.
Is that right? And how many times has an AG tried to drop charges on somebody who has plead guilty to crimes in court? If you’re gonna reference historical stats then be complete.
He is so correct. The Obama coup plotters will be brought to justice. They are terrified of U.S. Attorney John Durham.

View attachment 353206

Is that right? And how many times has an AG tried to drop charges on somebody who has plead guilty to crimes in court? If you’re gonna reference historical stats then be complete.
Seems the prosecution dropped the charges. And the judge said. No . Wait a minute, i am the judge jury and conviction. And prosecutor.
He is so correct. The Obama coup plotters will be brought to justice. They are terrified of U.S. Attorney John Durham.

View attachment 353206


NO election in 2020 because the election has been RIGGED

None until the election is not rigged !

The treason indictments will flow in quickly

The riots will have the Hispanics ...Asians ..and Native Americans switching sides to trump !!

Democrats have lost their minds !.!
Seems the prosecution dropped the charges. And the judge said. No . Wait a minute, i am the judge jury and conviction. And prosecutor.

No more crooked democrat judges

The riots will have many groups switching sides to trump

The democrats have been totally stoopid

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