Again, why haven't the DemocRATS Passed Health Care Reform?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
They don't Need REPUBLICans... Why the HELL are we still doing the Dog and Pony Shows?...

Is it to Continue to Feed Barry's Gi-Hugic Ego?...

Seriously... 59 Votes in the Senate are theirs... No Questions in the House either.

Shut up and Pass your Reform, you Cowards.

Shut up and Sign it into Law, Barry.

Let the Seats Fall where they may.


The purpose of the Dog and Pony show was to publically show that the Republicans are unwilling to work on the bill and that there is no middle ground to be had.

It paves the way for justifying reconcilliation
The purpose of the Dog and Pony show was to publically show that the Republicans are unwilling to work on the bill and that there is no middle ground to be had.

It paves the way for justifying reconcilliation

So this past year was not about concern about 'poor people dying because of the big, bad insurance companies'.... it was all a lead up to the 'Obama Talk Show' yesterday? So he could show Americans how bad the Republicans are? Really? Gee, that is interesting. See, cuz he had 60 fucking votes for over a year and did not pass this 'vital' bill. So Obama cares more about showing up Republicans than 'taking care of the folks'.

And you defend him? Charming.
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They don't Need REPUBLICans... Why the HELL are we still doing the Dog and Pony Shows?...

Is it to Continue to Feed Barry's Gi-Hugic Ego?...

Seriously... 59 Votes in the Senate are theirs... No Questions in the House either.

Shut up and Pass your Reform, you Cowards.

Shut up and Sign it into Law, Barry.

Let the Seats Fall where they may.


The purpose of the Dog and Pony show was to publically show that the Republicans are unwilling to work on the bill and that there is no middle ground to be had.

It paves the way for justifying reconcilliation

Why not just take it to a Vote?... Why the Coward's Path of Reconcilliation?...


The purpose of the Dog and Pony show was to publically show that the Republicans are unwilling to work on the bill and that there is no middle ground to be had.

It paves the way for justifying reconcilliation
Well, that backfired, eh?
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The purpose of the Dog and Pony show was to publically show that the Republicans are unwilling to work on the bill and that there is no middle ground to be had.

It paves the way for justifying reconcilliation

did it show that?
The purpose of the Dog and Pony show was to publically show that the Republicans are unwilling to work on the bill and that there is no middle ground to be had.

It paves the way for justifying reconcilliation

Why not just take it to a Vote?... Why the Coward's Path of Reconcilliation?...



Reconciliation does not exist until the Senate bill passes the house, or vicey versey. If they just passed the Senate bill and left it as it stands, would that still be "The cowards path?" I really don't understand all the outrage over reconciliation.
I watched the whole thing yesterday and I thought it was indeed a cluster f#&k. Again, more hot wind out of Washington. It's going to be fun watching this thing go down in flames. It's never going to pass - even if they play the reconcillation card. Any Democrat who has any desire at all to possibly get re-elected better run from Owe Bama's Health Care Reform bill now before it's too late. They can't pass it within their own party so why put the blame on the Republicans? Even if every Republican voted no (and they will) the Democrats could pass the bill on their own but they can't. I think it about the funniest thing I've seen in DC in quite a while. It's like kids on the play ground trying to get enough kids together to play dodge ball but can't because the ball they want to use is a brick.
They can't pass it within their own party so why put the blame on the Republicans?


59 votes can't break the filibuster.
Even if every Republican voted no (and they will) the Democrats could pass the bill on their own

Dude. They need at least one Republican (and every single Dem) to tell the GOP to STFU and stop holding up Congress.
☭proletarian☭;2045027 said:
Even if every Republican voted no (and they will) the Democrats could pass the bill on their own

Dude. They need at least one Republican (and every single Dem) to tell the GOP to STFU and stop holding up Congress.

At what point, if ever, does this obstructionism become illegal?
They don't Need REPUBLICans... Why the HELL are we still doing the Dog and Pony Shows?...

Is it to Continue to Feed Barry's Gi-Hugic Ego?...

Seriously... 59 Votes in the Senate are theirs... No Questions in the House either.

Shut up and Pass your Reform, you Cowards.

Shut up and Sign it into Law, Barry.

Let the Seats Fall where they may.



Because the healthcare lobby leases lots of demoncrat politicians as well as rebutlicken ones.
I don't think it ever becomes illegal.

When the tables were turned, the Reps turned to the nuclear option: changing the rules in the middle on the Congressional session to eliminate the Tarantino (filibuster).

Now the Reps are accusing the Dems of calling for the same thing (they haven't; they've called for reconciliation, which is a different procedure and does not get rid of the filibuster for the rest of the congress) and using it as a way of attacking the Dems for (not) threatening to do what the Reppublicans themselves did.

The Reps don't care about the bill. Most of the ideas they forwarded are in one or both versions of the bills (including buying across state lines, for instance). They just keep coming up with more excuses to stall it because they want it to be 'Obama's Waterloo', in the words of Demint.

It's not about policies for the GOP. It's all about making sure the first coloured president doesn't pass any hallmark legislation.
[ame=]YouTube - Weiner Clarifies His Calling The GOP An Insurance Subsidiary[/ame]
☭proletarian☭;2045022 said:
They can't pass it within their own party so why put the blame on the Republicans?


59 votes can't break the filibuster.

There is a fillibuster going on?

Or do you mean the fear of the threat of a fillibuster?
The purpose of the Dog and Pony show was to publically show that the Republicans are unwilling to work on the bill and that there is no middle ground to be had.

It paves the way for justifying reconcilliation

So this past year was not about concern about 'poor people dying because of the big, bad insurance companies'.... it was all a lead up to the 'Obama Talk Show' yesterday? So he could show Americans how bad the Republicans are? Really? Gee, that is interesting. See, cuz he had 60 fucking votes for over a year and did not pass this 'vital' bill. So Obama cares more about showing up Republicans than 'taking care of the folks'.

And you defend him? Charming.

I agree. Obama dropped the ball. His lack of leadership at a critical juncture allowed Congress to once again fuck things up.

The time is NOW. Waiting until after the elections means it does not get done at all. This is what happened in 1993. Democrats lost their nerve and nothing got done.

Reconcilliation... NOW
The purpose of the Dog and Pony show was to publically show that the Republicans are unwilling to work on the bill and that there is no middle ground to be had.

It paves the way for justifying reconcilliation

So this past year was not about concern about 'poor people dying because of the big, bad insurance companies'.... it was all a lead up to the 'Obama Talk Show' yesterday? So he could show Americans how bad the Republicans are? Really? Gee, that is interesting. See, cuz he had 60 fucking votes for over a year and did not pass this 'vital' bill. So Obama cares more about showing up Republicans than 'taking care of the folks'.

And you defend him? Charming.

I agree. Obama dropped the ball. His lack of leadership at a critical juncture allowed Congress to once again fuck things up.

The time is NOW. Waiting until after the elections means it does not get done at all. This is what happened in 1993. Democrats lost their nerve and nothing got done.

Reconcilliation... NOW

The purpose of the Dog and Pony show was to publically show that the Republicans are unwilling to work on the bill and that there is no middle ground to be had.

It paves the way for justifying reconcilliation

So this past year was not about concern about 'poor people dying because of the big, bad insurance companies'.... it was all a lead up to the 'Obama Talk Show' yesterday? So he could show Americans how bad the Republicans are? Really? Gee, that is interesting. See, cuz he had 60 fucking votes for over a year and did not pass this 'vital' bill. So Obama cares more about showing up Republicans than 'taking care of the folks'.

And you defend him? Charming.

I agree. Obama dropped the ball. His lack of leadership at a critical juncture allowed Congress to once again fuck things up.

The time is NOW. Waiting until after the elections means it does not get done at all. This is what happened in 1993. Democrats lost their nerve and nothing got done.

Reconcilliation... NOW

Only problem? At this point I don't even think the Democrats have the votes to push this through using reconciliation.

AP: Obama open to adding GOP ideas to health plan

Associated Press Writer Mar 2, 2:44 PM EST

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama said Tuesday he was open to four new Republican proposals on health care legislation, in a gesture of bipartisanship meant to jump-start his stalled drive to overhaul the system.

Tulsa World: AP Stories

Again... You have 59 Seats in the Senate and the House is the 1/3 of your 3/3's Control of Government...

Pass whatever you DemocRATS want!

This is little More than Cover for Barry when HE Fails to Convince his Party to Pass it.

He will say, "I tried to Work with the other Side, blah, blah, blah..."

So Transparrent that it's Shameless.

The Definition of Barry... Without Shame.



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