Agenda47: Firing the Radical Marxist Prosecutors Destroying America . Trump Is Calling Out The Communists.

"A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his BALLS, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."

That's YOU, dummy.
To such a person a woman can become a man. A man can get pregnant. A person who was never a slave is entitled to slave reparations from those who were never slave holders. Killing babies in the womb is health care.

Of course our perception of reality has been completely turned inside out.
So you can't do it. Glad we settled that stupidity.
I would really like to hear how you ignore history.
I would LOVE for you to prove REALITY wrong, because reality TODAY is becoming something that is disturbingly like the past intolerance of other thought, like being a Jew in Europe in the 1930's.
You leftists are SOOOOO TOUGH on the internet, and media spreading your BULLSHIT narratives.
Meanwhile, most of us get up in the morning and WORK for a living and pay taxes blah blah blah.
But dare anyone post WRONGTHINK....Oh. My. Cookie.

The demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have gone too far.
Trump could not correctly define Marxism if his life depended on it.
Trump loves Marxists.

When Tucker Carlson asked him about Kim, Xi, and Putin, Trump could not say enough nice things about them.

He utterly failed to mention they are all mass murderers.
I posted two very informative links that you obviously ignored.
Refute those, and then we'll talk.
That's what you do. Copy and paste.

Not a single original thought in your head. This is why you fall for the stupidest shit.
Trump really could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and these fuckwits would call the prosecutor a communist.

Their character assassinations are as transparent as Trump Vodka.
Our country is under attack. Our border patrol has been overrun and outgunned by the drug cartels, our people are being poisoned every day by Fentanyl being produced by China and the Cartels. The Democratic Army is facilitating the attack with their policies and their actions. The Media provides whatever cover the Democrats require. Put whatever label you want on it, The Democratic Army, China, Mexico and the Cartels are our primary enemies and Donald Trump is the only leader we have who even calls them out.

Trump scrambled your brain.
Yuri Bezmenov warned us about YOU!
Your neo-Bolshevik bullshit is running thin. You retarded assholes ARE NOT the majority, yet you act as if you are. The difference NOW from the Soviet Revolution' is that now' everyone sees how full of SHIT your percentage of the overall population REALLY adheres to the BULLSHIT that is being thrust upon consumers of media. Even YouTube adds are propaganda!
I killed my Tee Vee three years ago; you should too.

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