Ain't she a peach? Hillary equates GOP to Nazis and Iranians.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Now that's just what we need right? After 8 years of Obama's divisiveness now we have Hillary who equates the GOP to the Iranians and the Nazis? There's your "reach across the aisle" President. Reach across with what, a machete?
Now that's just what we need right? After 8 years of Obama's divisiveness now we have Hillary who equates the GOP to the Iranians and the Nazis? There's your "reach across the aisle" President. Reach across with what, a machete?

Obama's divisiveness, eh?

Hitlery Dead In Six Months | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

... Meanwhile... as Trump Continues to Dominate... Hitlery is Losing Steam... | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Here's Why Hitlery Won't Be Elected | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Republicrats prefer Hitlery over Paul | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Hey dims! Hitlery Is TOAST. Who You Got Now? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Hitlery keeps stepping in her own pile and the left wonders why her numbers are shit

Why Hitlery has been a supporter of gay marriage for MONTHS now..... Obama too.

And so on.
if the GOP are terrorists, i guess then Hillary wont have any problem walking up to a moniter lizard or Komodo Dragon and offering them her hand to nibble on.
Republicans have proven they have no interests in bipartisanship and see compromise as unacceptable, why should she be like Obama and offer an oil branch?? The Republicans gave Obama NOTHING for conceding on multiple issues.

The correct path for Hillary to stay on is a direct and confrontational attack against Republicans and give them just as much bipartisanship as they've given Obama.
Now that's just what we need right? After 8 years of Obama's divisiveness now we have Hillary who equates the GOP to the Iranians and the Nazis? There's your "reach across the aisle" President. Reach across with what, a machete?
maybe she could at least name the republicans that are known terrorists?
All of the sudden the RWnuts have undergone an anti-Nazi anti-terrorist comparison Reformation?

lol, eureka.
thats odd...Sarah Palin doesn't walk around in terrorist gear carrying a bazooka ready to fire on anyone who looks like they belong in the middle class.
Now that's just what we need right? After 8 years of Obama's divisiveness now we have Hillary who equates the GOP to the Iranians and the Nazis? There's your "reach across the aisle" President. Reach across with what, a machete?
She's been hanging out with RWrs who call Democrats traitors and sub-human all the time. Shame on her!
Now that's just what we need right? After 8 years of Obama's divisiveness now we have Hillary who equates the GOP to the Iranians and the Nazis? There's your "reach across the aisle" President. Reach across with what, a machete?

You gotta admit, it would spike C-Span's ratings...

Btw if you don't mind a question..... :desk:

What the fuck are you even talking about?

So, a presidential candidate considers half of the country her enemy and equates them to Nazis and Iranians, while helping the Iranians get nuclear weapons. Wow.
Nazi's got their asses kicked in WW2, so hillary may be right in 2016 about rep party.
Now that's just what we need right? After 8 years of Obama's divisiveness now we have Hillary who equates the GOP to the Iranians and the Nazis? There's your "reach across the aisle" President. Reach across with what, a machete?
But Forcing Middle Class Americans to buy very expensive health-care is ok with her? even though it may bankrupt them?
Now that's just what we need right? After 8 years of Obama's divisiveness now we have Hillary who equates the GOP to the Iranians and the Nazis? There's your "reach across the aisle" President. Reach across with what, a machete?
maybe she could at least name the republicans that are known terrorists?

Are all Persians ( Iranians ) Terrorists?

I am sure you believe every Muslim in the world wear a bomb belt while plotting to kill you because Fox News and the Tea Party has told you to believe that, but in the real world not all Muslims are terrorists nor are Iranians and the majority of the Tea Party supporters have more in common with ISIL than with the Founding Fathers...

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