Air force or Marines?

I think his point was that marines were trained so well to fight, that they needed time to be transitioned back into the civilian world. It never came off as a crack against the marines to me, rather one of respect for them.

My father is gone...has been since shortly after 9/11. He retired from the Air force in the late 60's and spent the rest of his life making two other careers. One as an accountant and another as a professor.

BTW, my father joined the Air Force when it was the ARMY. Yep, he joined the Army and retired from the Air Force without changing jobs. He started as an enlisted man and worked his way up to officer, he retired as a Major. Do you know how few people do that? I don't think you could call him "snooty" and It upsets me that you would try when you don't know him at all. I'm sorry if I offended you, it wasn't intended, and yes, I do take your attack on my father personally.

BTW, I lived most of my life OFF of the Air Force bases, I did meet a lot of snooty people on base. One girl treated me like garbage until she discovered my father was a Major, suddenly, I was good enough to be her friend. yeah, I didn't give her the time of day.

My parents always taught us to treat everyone the same. That's why they had friends all around the world. It's also a good reason why I have friends in so many different countries.

The Air Force treated us like shit. I was home on leave and went to the club out at Lackland one night and the club manager looked at my ID for a few minutes then said he'd let me in if I promised to not tear down his club.

We weren't allowed in the Air Force clubs on Kadena AFB.

I mean no disrepesct toward your father at all. I just understand his mentality as I have been subjected to it more than a few times.

BTW ... my father also started out in the Army and did a lat move after his first enlistment.
There is nothing wrong with the air force. Every branch of the military will do you right.

You missed my point. It wasn't aimed at the Air Force. It was questioning YOU as a person.

I believe I previously mentioned I grew up in the Air Force. My father is a retired CMSgt. I have nothing against it. Well, except they wear highwaters off the rack.:lol:

My point is what are YOU looking for? What do YOU want to be? If you are looking for a job, then don't join the Marines. You won't survive happily. It's a different mentality. Marines want to be Marines. If you don't, then I suggest any other service. That's all I'm saying.
Marines, cause they have the best quotes



We have two companies of MARINES running all over this island and thousands of ARMY troops doing nothing!"

So they've got us surrounded, good! Now we can fire in any direction, those bastards won't get away this time!"

Good stuff!
The Air Force treated us like shit. I was home on leave and went to the club out at Lackland one night and the club manager looked at my ID for a few minutes then said he'd let me in if I promised to not tear down his club.
We weren't allowed in the Air Force clubs on Kadena AFB.
I was stationed at Kadena from 1989-1992. 18th SPS. That's what some Marines did most of the time, tear shit up. Some Marines never learn when to switch it on and switch it off.
This is why the AF is the better quality of life service. And truth be told, honorable discharges from all branches of service are of equal value.
Marines, cause they have the best quotes
We have two companies of MARINES running all over this island and thousands of ARMY troops doing nothing!"
So they've got us surrounded, good! Now we can fire in any direction, those bastards won't get away this time!"
Good stuff!
A sailor in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, ''Wanna hear a MARINE joke?'' The guy next to him replies, ''Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs, and I'm a MARINE. The guy sitting next to me is 6'2'' tall, weighs 225, and he's a MARINE. The fella next to him is 6'5'' tall, weighs 250, and he's also a MARINE. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?''
The sailor says, ''Nah, I don't want to have to explain it three times.''

Did you know the Navy is switching to powdered soap? It takes longer to bend over and pick up.

Having passed the enlistment physical, Jon was asked by the doctor, "Why do you want to join the Air Force, son?"
"My father said it'd be a good idea, Sir."
"Oh? And what does your father do?"
"He's in the Army, Sir."

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My favorite saying still is what Navy people say about the Coast Guard

"You gotta be at least 6 feet tall so in case the ship sinks you can walk back to shore"
I was stationed at Kadena from 1989-1992. 18th SPS. That's what some Marines did most of the time, tear shit up. Some Marines never learn when to switch it on and switch it off.
This is why the AF is the better quality of life service. And truth be told, honorable discharges from all branches of service are of equal value.

But don't make mention of the fact that Airmen were dumb enough to start an equal amount of the altercations. Why some zoomie would take his candy ass up and bust a bottle over the smallest Marine in the group's head is beyond me. Tough shit if our displeasure got reigsitered on any-and-everything Air Force in sight.

Don't tug on Superman's cape and you don't get the taste slapped out of your head.

You can say the Air Force is the better quality of life service, but I disagree. The Air Force gets better "stuff." The Air Force does NOT take better care if its people. All that fancy-ass "stuff" ain't worth shit without the people.

I also don't see where your analogy supports that statement. The fact that Marines tore YOUR shit up doesn't have a damned thing to do with quality of life. It just means Marines are smarter than you think. They shit in YOUR yard, not their own.

Legally, all discharges are equal. I guarantee you I get a different reaction whe I tell people I'm a retired jarhead than you get telling them you were in the Air Force. We got a retired zoomie where I work. His name's Rick. My names "that crazy-ass Marine that'll do anything for a thrill."

There's a difference.
I was stationed at Kadena from 1989-1992. 18th SPS. That's what some Marines did most of the time, tear shit up. Some Marines never learn when to switch it on and switch it off.
This is why the AF is the better quality of life service. And truth be told, honorable discharges from all branches of service are of equal value.

I was in Okinawa from 90 to 93 Also 80 to 84. Marines got banned from the Kadana water rec area too, why? Cause a bunch of airmen had a riot and the Marines got blamed for it. Funny thing is when you check the blotter it was only air force personnel that got charged for any damages, they turned over a car and damaged some boats.

Also when ever I went to a Local beach it was never drunk Marines harrassing the locals it was drunk Airmen. Why? Cause if a Marine caught a Marine doing that we stopped them.

Now marines were rough on each other marines, some dumb shit Marines killed another Marine cause he was landing support and wore a red tag on his camo trousers. They caught the bastards and put them away for a LONG time.

On Okinawa the Air Force Command were assholes. The entire housing on ALL okinawa is supposed to be controlled by one source. Air force personnel can live in ANY housing area on the Island. Marines could only live on Kadana if they worked there. The Air Force controlled the furniture loan program too, guess what? When a Marine Family needed something they got shit. Airmen got anything they wanted.

The Air Force Command tried to put their gyms off limits too. 3rd MarDiv General put a stop to that. ALL rec facilities of ALL military bases are supposed to be open to ALL active Duty regardless of Service.

I had to haul gear to Kadana in the 80's for evac from the security point on the Air Field. The Air Force tried to keep us from eating in their chow halls as well. Claimed we were somehow to blame cause their cooks and managers were not smart enough to plan for enough food. EVERY TIME I ate there there was maybe 5 people in the chow hall not counting me and my partner. Believe me no one drove to Kadana at breakfast or Lunch just to eat there, we didn't have the time. If we ate there it was cause we were aboard the Base working.

I wanted to throttle an airman one day. Me and my partner ( we had to have 2 people to transport classified material and gear) were in line, as in we WERE the line at chow hall and 2 airmen came in and started whining about having to wait ina LONG line cause us Marines were using THEIR Chow Hall. They were pissed cause 2 GUYS were ahead of them. I explained how on a Marine Base one waited ina line of several HUNDRED Marines and if he thought two was a problem we could step outside. Of course I was wearing a .45 so he wisely shut the hell up.
My two sons are active duty Marines....they both did research on their own and picked this branch based on the quality of the training and the opportunities. Remember the Marines have many of the same roles that each of the others offer: infantry, engineering, naval, air...pretty much everything except medical.

One of my sons went through his MOS school at Fort Leonard Wood in MO and the Airforce guys got extra pay for being on a base with Marines and the Marines were ordered to not hang out in groups of more than 4 on the base..because it worried the Army.

That says all it needs to about the other branches for me.

My Dad was a Marine, I don't remember him. My son is a Marine and in Iraq now.

There's a lot of good news going on in Iraq and no media is reporting it.
Instead, They go all ga ga because oboma called himself a mutt.:rolleyes:


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I was in Okinawa from 90 to 93 Also 80 to 84. Marines got banned from the Kadana water rec area too, why? Cause a bunch of airmen had a riot and the Marines got blamed for it. Funny thing is when you check the blotter it was only air force personnel that got charged for any damages, they turned over a car and damaged some boats.

Also when ever I went to a Local beach it was never drunk Marines harrassing the locals it was drunk Airmen. Why? Cause if a Marine caught a Marine doing that we stopped them.

Now marines were rough on each other marines, some dumb shit Marines killed another Marine cause he was landing support and wore a red tag on his camo trousers. They caught the bastards and put them away for a LONG time.

On Okinawa the Air Force Command were assholes. The entire housing on ALL okinawa is supposed to be controlled by one source. Air force personnel can live in ANY housing area on the Island. Marines could only live on Kadana if they worked there. The Air Force controlled the furniture loan program too, guess what? When a Marine Family needed something they got shit. Airmen got anything they wanted.

The Air Force Command tried to put their gyms off limits too. 3rd MarDiv General put a stop to that. ALL rec facilities of ALL military bases are supposed to be open to ALL active Duty regardless of Service.

I had to haul gear to Kadana in the 80's for evac from the security point on the Air Field. The Air Force tried to keep us from eating in their chow halls as well. Claimed we were somehow to blame cause their cooks and managers were not smart enough to plan for enough food. EVERY TIME I ate there there was maybe 5 people in the chow hall not counting me and my partner. Believe me no one drove to Kadana at breakfast or Lunch just to eat there, we didn't have the time. If we ate there it was cause we were aboard the Base working.

I wanted to throttle an airman one day. Me and my partner ( we had to have 2 people to transport classified material and gear) were in line, as in we WERE the line at chow hall and 2 airmen came in and started whining about having to wait ina LONG line cause us Marines were using THEIR Chow Hall. They were pissed cause 2 GUYS were ahead of them. I explained how on a Marine Base one waited ina line of several HUNDRED Marines and if he thought two was a problem we could step outside. Of course I was wearing a .45 so he wisely shut the hell up.

I got there right after that LSB Marine got killed on Kitamae Beach. The beach and jetty were off limits the whole time I was there.

I also remember coming back in from Team Spirit and having to eat in the Air Force chow hall. They asked us what we wanted. We just looked at each other and said "Huh?" :lol:
Which is a better branch to join USAF or USMC? What are the benefits of both and which has better jobs?

Air Force. If you really want to learn a skill and actually do you your job and have something great to fall back on in case you get hurt, sick and can no longer be in the military, Mr Bass recommends the Air Force. Contrary to popular myth the Air Force puts mission and family as priorities and knowledge of one's job is highly stressed.
That's no reason to join a service. I'm an Air Force brat AND retired Marine. Your father has a typical, snooty elistist Air Force mentality. They all acted like that toward us. I was usually most offended because I had spent the first 18 years of my life on one Air Force base or another.

The answer to the question is as simple as this:

If you want to be a Marine, you join the Marines.

If you're just looking for a job, join the Air Force.

And you wonder why Army and Air Force peeps think Marines are mindless clowns.
And you wonder why Army and Air Force peeps think Marines are mindless clowns.

Mindless clowns? The Army sure doesn't think that. I spent 4 YEARS as an instructor on an Army Base. Most Soldiers tell you they almost joined the Marine Corps.

The Marine Corps teaches history and tradition, one always knows that as a Marine you have a long line of previous Marines watching you. Failure is not an option. That is the BIGGEST difference right there, the other services do not teach their people the long history of their service. They do not instill in them the PRIDE of service.

As an Instructor I used to ask my students which service they thought was the best. Marines ALWAYS said the Marines. Soldiers almost never said the Army.

The Marine Corps Technical fields are JUST as good as the Air Force. Better in some ways because you are a Marine. Marines are taught to learn the next highest ranks job and be prepared to assume leadership if needed no matter what rank they are. This INCLUDES the support fields.

Tell me? What Civilian job is a weapons specialist in the Air force qualified? The guys that load munitions on the air craft? Each service has some MOS's that do not easily equate to civilian jobs. BUT a Marine is sought anyway because the Business sector KNOWS they are task oriented and are taught to finish the job.
No, Marines are not mindless clowns.

No Air Force personnel are not pussies, either.

A LOT of Army personnel you know about obviously idiots.
Air Force. If you really want to learn a skill and actually do you your job and have something great to fall back on in case you get hurt, sick and can no longer be in the military, Mr Bass recommends the Air Force. Contrary to popular myth the Air Force puts mission and family as priorities and knowledge of one's job is highly stressed.

Interesting. My leadership style was Mission First, Marines Always. And may God have mercy on your soul if you didn't know your job from beginning to end, because I wouldn't. And, just to ensure that your shit was in one bag you had better be able to stop wrenching and fight. Then, you better be able to improvise wrenching under combat conditions.

As to learning skills: I would stack my resume both practical and on paper up against anyone's on any given day.

Bottom line is that you join the other services. You become a Marine. We don't take applications, only commitments.

Notice the tone of my post? The biggest difference I noted between the Marines and other services is mindset not job skills. I was an Airforce brat (pops was in from 42-72) that was sick of airplane noise. Of course my first duty station had to be El Toro. :eek:

IF your first priority is WIIFM.... then you need to join a different service and contribute that way.

(if you don't know what WIIFM is then start highlighting here) What's In It For Me?

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