Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

He's capitulated to corporate interests at every turn. Even Obamacare - which was supposed to be single payer - had to appeal to corporate interests in order to pass.

The point I was about to make. Even you admit he could not get single payer, but he took as much as he could get. That doesn't make him not a Marxist, he didn't turn down single payer, he got as close as he could. He even said shortly before he was President he's for single payer. That one had to hurt when you felt your own bullet in your ass.

Ok, you've convinced me that libertarians are not republicans. The main reason I find them so similar is because they're both so fucking obnoxious. But in terms of real bile churning, in-your-face, I've-got-mine short term self interest, you guys win hands down. And I'll bet if you were honest, you'd admit that you vote Republican.

Yes, I hate people by not wanting us to be dependent on government and wanting us to be free to make our own choices. You got me. Bad kaz, bad, no soup for you.
LOL, the grammar police turns around and uses a word he doesn't understand. I don't know what you think "rationalize" means, but it makes no sense in the post you just reaponded to. My spell checker told me I spelled "responded" wrong, but I left it to give you a thrill.
it's funny how when posters like you get their ass in a crack they use the old" you're not smart enough to know what that means ploy".

to attribute (one's actions) to rational and creditable motives without analysis of true and especially unconscious motives <rationalized his dislike of his brother> ; broadly : to create an excuse or more attractive explanation for <rationalize the problem>

the above defines your posts to the letter.

You covered everything but the point. What did I rationalize?
that is the point! everything you post is a rationalization.
are you conceding that I do know the meaning of the word by deflection?

Another word you don't know...
another use of a ploy as deflection.

Sorry man, I don't have time to hang with you on the playground, I'll check you later when you want to have a big boy conversation.
false but my "far left" programming taught me grammar and spelling.

Spell and grammar checking on message boards are the epitome of lame
just admit you fucked up....grow a pair.

I'm not the one who made the grammar mistake you pointed out moron, I just called you out for spamming.
kaz kosh oh well sorry!

So you want me to "grow a pair" and admit I "fucked up" when you actually were referring to Kosh not me, and when I pointed that out to you then you went to sarcasm. Think about it. LOL. This is why I keep talking to you, your stupidity is hilarious.
false that was not sarcasm.
sarcasm would have been: oh well all right leaning nut sacks look alike ...
it's funny how when posters like you get their ass in a crack they use the old" you're not smart enough to know what that means ploy".

to attribute (one's actions) to rational and creditable motives without analysis of true and especially unconscious motives <rationalized his dislike of his brother> ; broadly : to create an excuse or more attractive explanation for <rationalize the problem>

the above defines your posts to the letter.

You covered everything but the point. What did I rationalize?
that is the point! everything you post is a rationalization.
are you conceding that I do know the meaning of the word by deflection?

Another word you don't know...
another use of a ploy as deflection.

Sorry man, I don't have time to hang with you on the playground, I'll check you later when you want to have a big boy conversation.
how'd I know you'd say that.?
He's capitulated to corporate interests at every turn. Even Obamacare - which was supposed to be single payer - had to appeal to corporate interests in order to pass.
The point I was about to make. Even you admit he could not get single payer, but he took as much as he could get. That doesn't make him not a Marxist, he didn't turn down single payer, he got as close as he could. He even said shortly before he was President he's for single payer. That one had to hurt when you felt your own bullet in your ass.
Obama took the dive so quickly that I don't even think single payer was his intention. Believe what you want I guess. You right wingers sure have steel trap minds. Once anything true, false or batshit crazy has made an impression, it's there for good.
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LOL, a liberal talking about black and white. I'll bite, this should be good. What are my "two shades?" What and what?
You said it.
Black or white.
Marxist or...whatever your other is.
Free market always good...regulation always bad.
No need to think at all really...why does life seem so complicated for other people?

First of all, learn to quote. And here's the difference, simpleton.

They are calling me a Republican when of the three major areas of politics, fiscal policy, social policy and military policy, I agree with Republicans only even remotely on one, fiscal policy. I'm completely opposed to them on the other two, and I don't agree with them really on fiscal policy because I mean it and they don't. But you idiot liberals are duh, Republican, duh, Republican, duh, Republican.

On "Marxist," there first is no "black and white" in my argument at all. I never said everyone is Marxist or Libertarian idiot. Think about the phrase "black and white." Republicans for example are neither. I am not boiling down the world to two groups like you are. You people are so stupid, it's unbelievable.

As for Marxist, I call you that because you advocate the planks of the Communist manifesto and justify it with the same anti-rich, anti-capitalist rhetoric. I gave you a bunch of examples of how I'm not "Republican." I'm pro-choice, against the war on drugs, against the wars in the middle east, against other morality laws including prostitution and gambling.

Now, how are you not a Marxist?
I'm not sure what happened with my quoting in that post but...oh well...I hope I have it right this time to save your blood pressure.

Calling me a Marxist is clear evidence of your blinkered world view.
I stated support for net neutrality, said that without it is inevitable that throttling of speeds will occur and from that you extrapolated that I'm against capitalism and a Marxist.
There's no middle ground as far as idealogues like you are can be either free-market or socialist...apparently there can be no such thing as a nuanced mix which, actually, is the real world.

I never called you a Republican...I don't care who you vote for but you are a slavering idealogue.
Seriously, who cares what an illegitimate Senator and washed-up lame comedian thinks? The fact Al Franken is a U.S. Senator, says it all about how fucked up our Government has become. What a mess.
[Calling me a Marxist is clear evidence of your blinkered world view.
I stated support for net neutrality, said that without it is inevitable that throttling of speeds will occur and from that you extrapolated that I'm against capitalism and a Marxist.
There's no middle ground as far as idealogues like you are can be either free-market or socialist...apparently there can be no such thing as a nuanced mix which, actually, is the real world.

I never called you a Republican...I don't care who you vote for but you are a slavering idealogue.

So your go to issue to demonstrate you're not a Marxist is you want the government to control the Internet. Wow, that's a pretty good argument that you are... can be either free-market or socialist...apparently there can be no such thing as a nuanced mix which ... .

LOL! Oh now THAT has always fascinated me, this notion of the 'mixing' of ideas which promote the free exchange of goods and services to the mutual benefit (profit) of both parties and those which oppose such.

Would ya take a moment to express the principles to which you adhere within your 'capitalist' side and the principles which you feel are central to your socialist mix? can be either free-market or socialist...apparently there can be no such thing as a nuanced mix which ... .

LOL! Oh now THAT has always fascinated me, this notion of the 'mixing' of ideas which promote the free exchange of goods and services to the mutual benefit (profit) of both parties and those which oppose such.

Would ya take a moment to express the principles to which you adhere within your 'capitalist' side and the principles which you feel are central to your socialist mix?

So far we have that he's not a socialist because he wants the government to control the internet. He also said I'm an ideologue because I don't consider that government has a legitimate role in using guns to make our choices for us because I guess they make choices over our lives for us better than we do ourselves.


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