Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

Lets get something straight right now. Cruz is fucking overrated and a dumbass who will never ever be president. If he runs our country and mainly gop primarys will hurt. He will fuck with the rights chances to win and do more harm than good. The only thing in life hes done is win a senate seat. He has no record and no proposls or ideas. Hes fucked.

Here is part of his record for the class dummy.

"In private practice in Houston, Ted spent five years as a partner at one of the nation’s largest law firms, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national Appellate Litigation practice. Ted has authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and argued 43 oral arguments, including nine before the U.S. Supreme Court. During Ted’s service as Solicitor General, Texas achieved an unprecedented series of landmark national victories, including successfully defending:

• U.S. sovereignty against the UN and the World Court inMedellin v. Texas;
• The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument;
• The constitutionality of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance;
• The constitutionality of the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment law; and
• The Texas congressional redistricting plan.

TheNational Law Journal has called Ted “a key voice” to whom “the [U.S. Supreme Court] Justices listen.” Ted has been named byAmerican Lawyer magazine as one of the 50 Best Litigators under 45 in America, by theNational Law Journal as one of the 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America, and byTexas Lawyer as one of the 25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century.

From 2004-09, he taught U.S. Supreme Court Litigation as an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law."
I do love a good liberal circle jerk. And the more inane the point, the harder you pump.
bold statement from the party of inanity

I don't belong to a party
right .....
It's possible he's telling the truth. He probably considers himself libertarian which to the outsider looks like a republican only more dickish.

On a scale of one to you on the dickish scale I'm probably a six or seven.

So seriously, you think libertarians agree with Republicans? We have the same positions they do? That's the limit of your knowledge? LOL, I'm sure it is, simpleton.
You seem to be against all the things they're against - most notably any kind of a social contract. You just show your disfavor in a more strident way. In your favor, you probably think the war on drugs is a waste of time and maybe that we shouldn't be the worlds policeman. So technically, you're not all bad.
bold statement from the party of inanity

I don't belong to a party
right .....
It's possible he's telling the truth. He probably considers himself libertarian which to the outsider looks like a republican only more dickish.

On a scale of one to you on the dickish scale I'm probably a six or seven.

So seriously, you think libertarians agree with Republicans? We have the same positions they do? That's the limit of your knowledge? LOL, I'm sure it is, simpleton.
You seem to be against all the things they're against - most notably any kind of a social contract. You just show your disfavor in a more strident way. In your favor, you probably think the war on drugs is a waste of time and maybe that we shouldn't be the worlds policeman. So technically, you're not all bad.

Straight up. If you are that mind numbingly ignorant about libertarianism, why are you commenting on it? Do you enjoy looking ignorant? And you're not reading any of the other posts in this thread where I gave you a list?
I don't belong to a party
right .....
It's possible he's telling the truth. He probably considers himself libertarian which to the outsider looks like a republican only more dickish.

On a scale of one to you on the dickish scale I'm probably a six or seven.

So seriously, you think libertarians agree with Republicans? We have the same positions they do? That's the limit of your knowledge? LOL, I'm sure it is, simpleton.
You seem to be against all the things they're against - most notably any kind of a social contract. You just show your disfavor in a more strident way. In your favor, you probably think the war on drugs is a waste of time and maybe that we shouldn't be the worlds policeman. So technically, you're not all bad.

Straight up. If you are that mind numbingly ignorant about libertarianism, why are you commenting on it? Do you enjoy looking ignorant? And you're not reading any of the other posts in this thread where I gave you a list?
I'm commenting on an amalgamation of posts and posters mainly on this forum. Coming here is what I do in between getting things done at work. If you have posted lists, I've missed them. Why don't give me a post number or link or something.
right .....
It's possible he's telling the truth. He probably considers himself libertarian which to the outsider looks like a republican only more dickish.

On a scale of one to you on the dickish scale I'm probably a six or seven.

So seriously, you think libertarians agree with Republicans? We have the same positions they do? That's the limit of your knowledge? LOL, I'm sure it is, simpleton.
You seem to be against all the things they're against - most notably any kind of a social contract. You just show your disfavor in a more strident way. In your favor, you probably think the war on drugs is a waste of time and maybe that we shouldn't be the worlds policeman. So technically, you're not all bad.

Straight up. If you are that mind numbingly ignorant about libertarianism, why are you commenting on it? Do you enjoy looking ignorant? And you're not reading any of the other posts in this thread where I gave you a list?
I'm commenting on an amalgamation of posts and posters mainly on this forum. Coming here is what I do in between getting things done at work. If you have posted lists, I've missed them. Why don't give me a post number or link or something.

#379 a few back from this is the latest. That still doesn't address how you are so completely ignorant on libertarianism that you think Republicans are libertarian. Wow, they are not. And yet not having any idea on the subject, you post as if you do.
It's possible he's telling the truth. He probably considers himself libertarian which to the outsider looks like a republican only more dickish.

On a scale of one to you on the dickish scale I'm probably a six or seven.

So seriously, you think libertarians agree with Republicans? We have the same positions they do? That's the limit of your knowledge? LOL, I'm sure it is, simpleton.
You seem to be against all the things they're against - most notably any kind of a social contract. You just show your disfavor in a more strident way. In your favor, you probably think the war on drugs is a waste of time and maybe that we shouldn't be the worlds policeman. So technically, you're not all bad.

Straight up. If you are that mind numbingly ignorant about libertarianism, why are you commenting on it? Do you enjoy looking ignorant? And you're not reading any of the other posts in this thread where I gave you a list?
I'm commenting on an amalgamation of posts and posters mainly on this forum. Coming here is what I do in between getting things done at work. If you have posted lists, I've missed them. Why don't give me a post number or link or something.

#379 a few back from this is the latest. That still doesn't address how you are so completely ignorant on libertarianism that you think Republicans are libertarian. Wow, they are not. And yet not having any idea on the subject, you post as if you do.
So given that Libertarian candidates have zero chance of ever winning an election, do you stick with principles and vote Libertarian or do you vote for another party?

BTW, I do know exactly what Libertarians are and in most important and practical ways, they differ little from Republicans. My only question is, how do adults remain so naive that they can buy into it.
practical ways, they differ little from Republicans

LOL, what a tool. Being pro-choice, anti-war on drugs, against our military even being in the middle east, that is to you in "practical ways, they differ little from Republicans." So to you, none of those are serious issues. Only your lust for other people's money matters, that is the only issue to you.

You're a moron, I'm just going to mock you. Oh, and remind me how liberals are smarter than Republicans because you're not all black and white like they are. What a tool. Obama's hand is up your ass moving your lips for you.
practical ways, they differ little from Republicans

LOL, what a tool. Being pro-choice, anti-war on drugs, against our military even being in the middle east, that is to you in "practical ways, they differ little from Republicans." So to you, none of those are serious issues. Only your lust for other people's money matters, that is the only issue to you.

You're a moron, I'm just going to mock you. Oh, and remind me how liberals are smarter than Republicans because you're not all black and white like they are. What a tool. Obama's hand is up your ass moving your lips for you.
See this is what I mean. You have ostensibly the same Obama Derangement Syndrome as the most hard core Republicans. Yet on the social issues that you list, he's probably on the same page as you. That tells me right there that these issues are a distant second to you.
BTW, I do know exactly what Libertarians are

Also, I never said I was a member of the party. I said I am a libertarian, not a "Libertarian." You can google what capitalizing a word means. The party is a party that is built on their views of liberarian ideology. They do not speak for the ideology, only their party. They are more libertarian than the other parties, but they are more party than libertarian.

Here's a link showing my views. Other small government libertarians generally agreed with my view.

What is a small government libertarian US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
practical ways, they differ little from Republicans

LOL, what a tool. Being pro-choice, anti-war on drugs, against our military even being in the middle east, that is to you in "practical ways, they differ little from Republicans." So to you, none of those are serious issues. Only your lust for other people's money matters, that is the only issue to you.

You're a moron, I'm just going to mock you. Oh, and remind me how liberals are smarter than Republicans because you're not all black and white like they are. What a tool. Obama's hand is up your ass moving your lips for you.
See this is what I mean. You have ostensibly the same Obama Derangement Syndrome as the most hard core Republicans. Yet on the social issues that you list, he's probably on the same page as you. That tells me right there that these issues are a distant second to you.

I see, so if I despise Obama like Republicans then that means I agree with Republicans on other issues. You're certainly validating my theory that you're just a moron and it's not worth doing anything but mocking you.
Franken is an illegitimate Senator and lame old fart comedian. He was put into office by way of a rigged Election. Only pathetic Communist/Progressive wankers care what he thinks. He's irrelevant.
practical ways, they differ little from Republicans

LOL, what a tool. Being pro-choice, anti-war on drugs, against our military even being in the middle east, that is to you in "practical ways, they differ little from Republicans." So to you, none of those are serious issues. Only your lust for other people's money matters, that is the only issue to you.

You're a moron, I'm just going to mock you. Oh, and remind me how liberals are smarter than Republicans because you're not all black and white like they are. What a tool. Obama's hand is up your ass moving your lips for you.
See this is what I mean. You have ostensibly the same Obama Derangement Syndrome as the most hard core Republicans. Yet on the social issues that you list, he's probably on the same page as you. That tells me right there that these issues are a distant second to you.

I see, so if I despise Obama like Republicans then that means I agree with Republicans on other issues. You're certainly validating my theory that you're just a moron and it's not worth doing anything but mocking you.
You're apparently just too fucking stupid to understand the point. I'll explain it once again. If you agree with Obama on social issues, and social issues are equally important to you as fiscal issues, why are you so vehemently opposed to Obama?
practical ways, they differ little from Republicans

LOL, what a tool. Being pro-choice, anti-war on drugs, against our military even being in the middle east, that is to you in "practical ways, they differ little from Republicans." So to you, none of those are serious issues. Only your lust for other people's money matters, that is the only issue to you.

You're a moron, I'm just going to mock you. Oh, and remind me how liberals are smarter than Republicans because you're not all black and white like they are. What a tool. Obama's hand is up your ass moving your lips for you.
See this is what I mean. You have ostensibly the same Obama Derangement Syndrome as the most hard core Republicans. Yet on the social issues that you list, he's probably on the same page as you. That tells me right there that these issues are a distant second to you.

I see, so if I despise Obama like Republicans then that means I agree with Republicans on other issues. You're certainly validating my theory that you're just a moron and it's not worth doing anything but mocking you.
You're apparently just too fucking stupid to understand the point. I'll explain it once again. If you agree with Obama on social issues, and social issues are equally important to you as fiscal issues, why are you so vehemently opposed to Obama?

What social issues does Obama agree with me on?

Abortion: OK, we're both pro-choice, but he believes that the Constitution protects abortion, which is ridiculous it doesn't cover it. And he believes it's government's job to fund them, it isn't. I oppose government discriminating against gays, but he wants government to use force to give gays benefits that should be driven in the marketplace. He isn't against the war on drugs, he isn't fighting to eliminate euthinasia laws or other morality laws. How do you get that he agrees with me?

And you eliminated the military entirely where I want to end the wars and leave the middle east and he's George W Bush.

.And for fiscal polices, Republicans suck, but he's a flat out Marxist.

I'm a classic liberal, he's an authoritarian leftist. They are the opposite.
practical ways, they differ little from Republicans

LOL, what a tool. Being pro-choice, anti-war on drugs, against our military even being in the middle east, that is to you in "practical ways, they differ little from Republicans." So to you, none of those are serious issues. Only your lust for other people's money matters, that is the only issue to you.

You're a moron, I'm just going to mock you. Oh, and remind me how liberals are smarter than Republicans because you're not all black and white like they are. What a tool. Obama's hand is up your ass moving your lips for you.
See this is what I mean. You have ostensibly the same Obama Derangement Syndrome as the most hard core Republicans. Yet on the social issues that you list, he's probably on the same page as you. That tells me right there that these issues are a distant second to you.

I see, so if I despise Obama like Republicans then that means I agree with Republicans on other issues. You're certainly validating my theory that you're just a moron and it's not worth doing anything but mocking you.
You're apparently just too fucking stupid to understand the point. I'll explain it once again. If you agree with Obama on social issues, and social issues are equally important to you as fiscal issues, why are you so vehemently opposed to Obama?

What social issues does Obama agree with me on?

Abortion: OK, we're both pro-choice, but he believes that the Constitution protects abortion, which is ridiculous it doesn't cover it. And he believes it's government's job to fund them, it isn't. I oppose government discriminating against gays, but he wants government to use force to give gays benefits that should be driven in the marketplace. He isn't against the war on drugs, he isn't fighting to eliminate euthinasia laws or other morality laws. How do you get that he agrees with me?

And you eliminated the military entirely where I want to end the wars and leave the middle east and he's George W Bush.

.And for fiscal polices, Republicans suck, but he's a flat out Marxist.

I'm a classic liberal, he's an authoritarian leftist. They are the opposite.
I think if given carte blanche in the social issues category, you'd be pretty happy with what he would accomplish. Of course it's not going to happen with the right wing busy bodies mucking things up. On the military, you have a point. He's pretty much stayed the course that the Bush administration set. But guess what, the same holds true with fiscal policy. What you describe as Marxist might be what he presents outwardly but in action, he's as corporate friendly as any president has ever been.
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the same holds true with fiscal policy. What you describe as Marxist might be what he presents outwardly but in action, he's as corporate friendly as any president has ever been.


So you think the moon actually is made of cheese, do you? You're obviously not in management or God forbid a business owner.
the same holds true with fiscal policy. What you describe as Marxist might be what he presents outwardly but in action, he's as corporate friendly as any president has ever been.


So you think the moon actually is made of cheese, do you? You're obviously not in management or God forbid a business owner.
Ok, support your Marxist statement then.
the same holds true with fiscal policy. What you describe as Marxist might be what he presents outwardly but in action, he's as corporate friendly as any president has ever been.


So you think the moon actually is made of cheese, do you? You're obviously not in management or God forbid a business owner.
Ok, support your Marxist statement then.

The planks justified by the rhetoric of the communist manifesto.
the same holds true with fiscal policy. What you describe as Marxist might be what he presents outwardly but in action, he's as corporate friendly as any president has ever been.


So you think the moon actually is made of cheese, do you? You're obviously not in management or God forbid a business owner.
Ok, support your Marxist statement then.

The planks justified by the rhetoric of the communist manifesto.
Yeah, right. Shorthand for 'I don't know what the hell I'm talking about'.
the same holds true with fiscal policy. What you describe as Marxist might be what he presents outwardly but in action, he's as corporate friendly as any president has ever been.


So you think the moon actually is made of cheese, do you? You're obviously not in management or God forbid a business owner.
Ok, support your Marxist statement then.

The planks justified by the rhetoric of the communist manifesto.
Yeah, right. Shorthand for 'I don't know what the hell I'm talking about'.

No, it's shorthand for I'm not wasting much effort on someone who stated and stood by his insistence that Republicans are libertarian. They love government almost as much as you. In some ways more. You can't be an imbecile and expect to be taken seriously at the same time, you have to pick.

Here's an easy one for you if you are right. Tell me how he is not Marxist.

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