Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

So Cruz's argument had nothing to do with IV4 and IV6. Anymore red herrings you'd like to splatter on the floor?

IPV4 and V6, sparky.

My point is that you are entirely ignorant on the subject at hand, yet your snarky hero spews shit about Cruz. IF you leftists want to impugn the knowledge of others, you better goddamned well posses the knowledge yourself.

You don't/

Cruz's claim that Net Neutrality is Obamcare for the internet is simple ignorance. As Net Neutrality keeps the same rules we have now.

That is a blatant lie.

Cruz has a cute riff - and is far more correct than you are.

Changing the internet to a regulated utility sure the fuck isn't "keeping things the same."
Not to worry. If nothing happens with Net Neutrality cable/internet bills will rise needlessly and the same people circling the wagons for Cruz will somehow blame liberals for the rise in their bill.

This is an issue that we should all support but sadly the blind partisans would rather play politics so they can pay more for their internet services.

Net Neutrality has nothing to due with cable bills.

And you spew shit that Cruz knows nothing....


In many markets cable bills and internet bills are combined due to them coming from the same provider.

I didn't spew shit and nor did I claim Cruz does not know nothing. When it comes to THIS issue though he has got it entirely wrong. You should spend more time educating yourself on what Net Neutrality actually entails instead of water carrying and wagon circling because he has the right letter after his name.
You have yet to refute, or even disagree, Uncencored. Try that first before you start babbling about 'Thinkprogressive'.

Refute what? You are blatantly lying - that is my refutation. Far from "keeping things the same," Net Neutrality changes the internet from a title I utility with minimal regulation, to a title II utility with strict regulation.

Further, the entire issue is nothing more than welfare for NetFlix and Amazon Prime, and of course Apple TV (the real reason leftists have rallied.)

NetFlix expands traffic by 75,000 times the base prior to it's inception, yet you think they shouldn't be charged a dime for the new switches and fiber needed to carry the load. Actually, you don't think this - because you are utterly ignorant of the actual issues involved.
Great. Net neutrality does not regulate the internet. It simply prohibits companies like Comcast from restricting the free and fair exchange of ideas.

False, it changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility - allowing the FCC to regulate it the way they do telephone and cell phone service.

Having the FCC regulate the internet is the stupidest idea leftists have ever come up with.

But if Obambam wants it so do they. They don't have to think any further on it. Thank gawd Republicans now have some control over him

That's rich coming from one the most blind partisans on this forum.

This should be not partisan issue but you would rather moronic politics and it's going to end up cost you more money on the end. Educate yourself on this issue and you'll see the light. I don't have any hopes though.
Exactly....treating it like say, rail road access. Where all cargo has to be treated equally. Which is the same rules we've had for the internet since its inception.

So the 'regulation' you speak of is keeping the exact same rules we've always had. So much for the inept 'Obamacare' analogy. But then, Cruz rarely has a command of the topics he chooses to discuss.

Ah, so radical change is no change, but no change is actually change!

You leftists and your double-think....
True net neutrality might be a good thing.

Government control over what it is allowed to "carry" is not.

But you'll get used to that.

Hey, folks in North Korea, Iran and China already have.
Cruz would wipe the floor with him. how funny

I don't believe Ted Cruz would let his picture be taken that way. What was he thinking?
Cruz would wipe the floor with him. how funny

I don't believe Ted Cruz would let his picture be taken that way. What was he thinking?

He's Canadian.

I guess they have their own ways
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.

Imagine if Franken hadn't destroyed all of those brain cells all of those years snorting coke. Imagine how smart he would be!!!!
True net neutrality might be a good thing.

Government control over what it is allowed to "carry" is not.

But you'll get used to that.

Hey, folks in North Korea, Iran and China already have.

There is nothing about it that is a good thing.

If Verizon and Time Warner, et al. are prohibited from charging content providers for the bandwidth they consume, those backbone operators will simply stop upgrading switches and fiber.

Oh, and having the FCC regulate the internet will lower cost to the consumer in exactly the same way Obamacare lowered health care costs.
That's a pretty stupid strawman.

It is the heart of the issue.

It is what this all boils down to - the large-scale content providers are facing the possibility of backbone providers charging them for the bandwidth they consume.

No, it's not the heart of the issue at all. That's either a deliberate re-invention into a false claim or a profound lack of understanding. Hard to tell which.

I have a cable and internet plan that I pay for. I pay for the data I consume. My plan allows X usage, for a specific price per month. Content providers (like USMB, Netflix, etc) produce content, I consume it via the internet and pay for it.

If I consume Netflix, I'm the one doing the bandwidth consumption, not Netflix. I'm paying for that consumed bandwidth. What ISPs like Comcast want to do is to double dip the payment pots, and collect double payment by charging me for my consumption, and then charging content providers for distribution. It's digital racketeering. And it's a behavior that will be highly detrimental to small businesses and consumers alike. And perhaps most evil of all is the fact that companies like Comcast aren't merely providers of internet connectivity, they also are content producers as well, which creates a huge conflict of interest. Do you think the public will benefit from Comcast throttling news websites with the exception of NBC?
I think Cruz is a middle of the Road Republican. He represents the intelligence of the Average Republican and he does it brilliantly.
True net neutrality might be a good thing.

Government control over what it is allowed to "carry" is not.

But you'll get used to that.

Hey, folks in North Korea, Iran and China already have.

There is nothing about it that is a good thing.

If Verizon and Time Warner, et al. are prohibited from charging content providers for the bandwidth they consume, those backbone operators will simply stop upgrading switches and fiber.

Oh, and having the FCC regulate the internet will lower cost to the consumer in exactly the same way Obamacare lowered health care costs.
so a lot then?
Cruz's statements regarding Net Neutrality and Obamacare did demonstrate a profound lack of understanding of what Net Neutrality actually is.

But then Ted generally doesn't have a firm grasp on the issues he chooses to discuss. I remember him telling his constituents that defunding Obamacare by shutting down the government was going to be easy.

How'd that work out again?

Obama said he's never even heard of ObamaCare!

Can you quote him saying that? And of course, what possible relevance does your claim have to do with what we're discussing?

Did you read the OP?????????????????????????????????????

"“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”
False, it changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility - allowing the FCC to regulate it the way they do telephone and cell phone service.

Having the FCC regulate the internet is the stupidest idea leftists have ever come up with.

It establishes regulations that will prevent harmful changes. Doesn't change how anything would work. Cell phones are a good example. Perhaps you didn't notice, but the government doesn't control what you talk about on the phone.

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