Al Franken takes dummy Ted Cruz to School

And yet, in South Korea, one can get Ethernet speed internet for about $29/month. Recoup the cost of their investments? What investments? We have the slowest, and the most expensive internet in the industrial world, run by some truly incompetent people (I.e., Comcast).

In Seoul one can get high speed internet for a low price. In the rest of the country, not so much.

In a highly concentrated urban area, there isn't a lot of fiber to run. You'll have to define "industrial world" before I comment on the rest.

List of countries by Internet connection speeds - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Cruz's statements regarding Net Neutrality and Obamacare did demonstrate a profound lack of understanding of what Net Neutrality actually is.

But then Ted generally doesn't have a firm grasp on the issues he chooses to discuss. I remember him telling his constituents that defunding Obamacare by shutting down the government was going to be easy.

How'd that work out again?

Ted is correct in linking Net Neutrality and Obamacare

Republicans want both internet access and healthcare to go to the highest bidder

The one who pays the most gets the most? Who came up with that insane idea? We all get the same regardless of what we pay, that is the American way, it's what the Constitution says. Right big guy?

The Internet is not for sale

True, government is not paying for it, they are simply taking it because they can.
The point is that NOBODY is taking it

As it should be
Not to worry. If nothing happens with Net Neutrality cable/internet bills will rise needlessly and the same people circling the wagons for Cruz will somehow blame liberals for the rise in their bill.

This is an issue that we should all support but sadly the blind partisans would rather play politics so they can pay more for their internet services.

Net Neutrality has nothing to do with cable bills.

And you spew shit that Cruz knows nothing....


Actually Cruz knows less than nothing and Gomert knows less than that and Jefferson Davis Sessions is just a sawed off bigoted little prick and all that is just for starters.
Changing it, my ass.

Carla, you have the intellect of a pile of bricks.

Net Neutrality changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility, making it tightly controlled by the FCC.

BUT if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor....

First of all, the courts have stated that the internet can be regulated under title II. Secondly, placing it under Title II doesn't change the internet as it is today. It provides more consumer protections against corporate take over of the base function of the internet, which is to provide equality among users.
I don't want it changed to a 2 tiered system, you big dummy.

Carla, you have the IQ of sheet of drywall. I guarantee that your ISP already has several tiers of service. If YOU want faster speeds, you have to pay more. Why should NetFlix not have to pay if they wants more bandwidth?

I know, you'll just recite the script that KOS gave you - you have no capacity to reason....
Who knew NeoClowns would be against open and free internet?

That's classic, we want government to stay out of it, you want government to control it. Which is us being against an open and free internet, that we don't want government to control it. I hope you're hot, the only way you're making a living is on your back. Or with your hat out. Ahhh......

You have first amendment rights because the government guarantees that right. Get it?
Changing it, my ass.

Carla, you have the intellect of a pile of bricks.

Net Neutrality changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility, making it tightly controlled by the FCC.

BUT if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor....

First of all, the courts have stated that the internet can be regulated under title II. Secondly, placing it under Title II doesn't change the internet as it is today. It provides more consumer protections against corporate take over of the base function of the internet, which is to provide equality among users.

Wow, how many points does the far left give their drones for using all their keywords that do not equal to what the subject is?
Who knew NeoClowns would be against open and free internet?

That's classic, we want government to stay out of it, you want government to control it. Which is us being against an open and free internet, that we don't want government to control it. I hope you're hot, the only way you're making a living is on your back. Or with your hat out. Ahhh......

You have first amendment rights because the government guarantees that right. Get it?

If the far left has their way that will disappear along with second amendment..

However keep voting far left as your programming tells you to!
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.

If Al Franken ever schooled me on well ANYTHING, I would admit to being a dreg on society and kill myself.

That dude is barely smarter than Nancy Pelosi
Changing it, my ass.

Carla, you have the intellect of a pile of bricks.

Net Neutrality changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility, making it tightly controlled by the FCC.

BUT if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor....

First of all, the courts have stated that the internet can be regulated under title II. Secondly, placing it under Title II doesn't change the internet as it is today. It provides more consumer protections against corporate take over of the base function of the internet, which is to provide equality among users.

Wow, how many points does the far left give their drones for using all their keywords that do not equal to what the subject is?

I give up. How many? You seem to know, so why don't you inform the rest of us?
Who knew NeoClowns would be against open and free internet?

That's classic, we want government to stay out of it, you want government to control it. Which is us being against an open and free internet, that we don't want government to control it. I hope you're hot, the only way you're making a living is on your back. Or with your hat out. Ahhh......

You have first amendment rights because the government guarantees that right. Get it?

If the far left has their way that will disappear along with second amendment..

However keep voting far left as your programming tells you to!

Wow, just wow.
Changing it, my ass.

Carla, you have the intellect of a pile of bricks.

Net Neutrality changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility, making it tightly controlled by the FCC.

BUT if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor....

First of all, the courts have stated that the internet can be regulated under title II. Secondly, placing it under Title II doesn't change the internet as it is today. It provides more consumer protections against corporate take over of the base function of the internet, which is to provide equality among users.

Wow, how many points does the far left give their drones for using all their keywords that do not equal to what the subject is?

I give up. How many? You seem to know, so why don't you inform the rest of us?

Many! So how many points do you get? Scared that everyone will know the far left's secret?

Oh wait we already know that they post using certain key words that they do not understand the meanings of..
Al Franken struggles to explain net neutrality to Ted Cruz: You are ‘completely wrong’

Explaining a moderately complicated policy to an extremist... a struggle.

But Franken told CNN’s Candy Crowley that Cruz had the concept of net neutrality “completely wrong.”

“CNN’s website, [and] a blogger in Duluth, Minnesota travels at the same speed… The New York Times, their website travels the same speed,” Franken pointed out. “That’s the way that it’s been from the beginning. And we want to keep it that way.”

“He has it completely wrong, he just doesn’t understand what this issue is,” the Minnesota Democrat said of Cruz. “We’ve had net neutrality the entire history of the Internet.”

Franken observed that “Obamacare was government program that fixed something, that changed things. This is about reclassifying something so it stays the same. This would keep things exactly the same as they’ve been.”

Watch the video below from CNN’s State of the Union, broadcast Nov. 16, 2014.

If Al Franken ever schooled me on well ANYTHING, I would admit to being a dreg on society and kill myself.

That dude is barely smarter than Nancy Pelosi

Where do we send the daisies?
Who knew NeoClowns would be against open and free internet?

That's classic, we want government to stay out of it, you want government to control it. Which is us being against an open and free internet, that we don't want government to control it. I hope you're hot, the only way you're making a living is on your back. Or with your hat out. Ahhh......

You have first amendment rights because the government guarantees that right. Get it?

If the far left has their way that will disappear along with second amendment..

However keep voting far left as your programming tells you to!

Wow, just wow.

Yes it is amazing why anyone with a brain would vote far left all the time no matter what..
First of all, the courts have stated that the internet can be regulated under title II. Secondly, placing it under Title II doesn't change the internet as it is today. It provides more consumer protections against corporate take over of the base function of the internet, which is to provide equality among users.

The internet is currently a title I utility. This means that it is loosely regulated. CHANGING it to a title II utility as Net Neutrality seeks to do makes it a tightly regulated utility.

You of the left see more government as better, and total government as perfect - I get it. But Cruz is right on the nose that this is the same shit as Obamacare, democrats are flat out lying about the issue and what you propose. You are NOT leaving things the same, you seek a drastic change that is not in the interest of the consumer.

The other road — which relies on Title II of the Communications Act of 1934 — would resuscitate decades-old public-utility regulations and enable the FCC (and a new layer of state agencies) to regulate prices and micromanage Internet services. This is the road back in time that the president endorsed.

Each year, the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) prepares an “Investment Heroes” report identifying the companies that are investing the most in the United States. In 2013, the telecom and cable industry led the list with $46 billion in investment. Compare that with Europe, where Title II-style regulations have suffocated broadband innovation and investment. Indeed, even the president admitted in his announcement that “network investment remained strong” under the current rules.}

Obama s plan to regulate the Internet would do more harm than good - The Washington Post
Changing it, my ass.

Carla, you have the intellect of a pile of bricks.

Net Neutrality changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility, making it tightly controlled by the FCC.

BUT if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor....

First of all, the courts have stated that the internet can be regulated under title II. Secondly, placing it under Title II doesn't change the internet as it is today. It provides more consumer protections against corporate take over of the base function of the internet, which is to provide equality among users.

Wow, how many points does the far left give their drones for using all their keywords that do not equal to what the subject is?

I give up. How many? You seem to know, so why don't you inform the rest of us?

Many! So how many points do you get? Scared that everyone will know the far left's secret?

Oh wait we already know that they post using certain key words that they do not understand the meanings of..

Wow. Many? Is that a lot? Having a hard time quantifying your response, here.
Carla, you have the intellect of a pile of bricks.

Net Neutrality changes the internet from a title I utility to a title II utility, making it tightly controlled by the FCC.

BUT if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor....

First of all, the courts have stated that the internet can be regulated under title II. Secondly, placing it under Title II doesn't change the internet as it is today. It provides more consumer protections against corporate take over of the base function of the internet, which is to provide equality among users.

Wow, how many points does the far left give their drones for using all their keywords that do not equal to what the subject is?

I give up. How many? You seem to know, so why don't you inform the rest of us?

Many! So how many points do you get? Scared that everyone will know the far left's secret?

Oh wait we already know that they post using certain key words that they do not understand the meanings of..

Wow. Many? Is that a lot? Having a hard time quantifying your response, here.

Having a hard time admitting you have been caught posting far left propaganda and your entire assertion is wrong?

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