Alabama election results thread

This madness would have been avoided if The Donald did not appoint that idiot Jeff Sessions. Moore obviously has mental issues in that he thinks Yahweh exists and wrote the 10 Commandments.
This madness would have been avoided if The Donald did not appoint that idiot Jeff Sessions.

Nah: it was the 14yo that did it. Most likely crap but it worked. Expect more...pardon the pun.

This will be the end of Bannon, and it will be pretty much the end of Trump as well. I think republicans can be happy about both of those results at least.
How will mostly D names from the slush fund ledger hurt Trump? You know that will be the vote that McConnel will call for if Tax Reform fails to get the needed votes.
Jones wins!

Once again, in every single election around the country since Trump was sworn in, Democrat vote is way, way up, Republican vote is down. It's called a wave. It's a big wave. Wake up Conservatives.

Ha. Not really.

Report: Alabama Senate Candidate Doug Jones Backed By George Soros-Funded PACs

''Per a Politico report published Monday, the mysterious super PAC that has poured $4 million into the Alabama special election, Highway 31, is a “joint project” of two of the Democrats’ largest super PACs – Senate Majority PAC and Priorities USA Action – both of which are funded by liberal one-world billionaire George Soros.

If that’s not the opposite of grassroots, I don’t know what is.''
Putin rigged the election.

Oh, he tried:

"Russian-linked Twitter accounts—including some operated by Russian news outlets RT and Sputnik—have attacked the credibility of the women accusing Moore as well as US news media reporting the allegations. During a week in mid-November, when sexual misconduct scandals were a top focus of these Kremlin-linked accounts, a majority of the content they pushed on the topic was in defense of Moore, according to the cyber security research project Hamilton 68: “Among pro-Moore articles, close to 70% attacked the credibility of the accuser(s), 38% attacked the media in general or the Washington Post in particular, and one story attacked Lindsey Graham for not defending Moore.”"

"The pro-Moore push has continued apace; this past weekend, #alabamasenaterace was among the top trending hashtags tracked on the Hamilton 68 dashboard, which is operated by the nonpartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy and monitors approximately 600 Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations. Those accounts push out 20,000 to 25,000 tweets every day, according to Bret Schafer, an analyst with the group. “The fact that this has continued for so many weeks means that this is clearly something the accounts have latched onto,” Schafer says of the Moore-related content. [Election Day update: Among the top content shared by the Russian-linked accounts on Tuesday, Dec. 12, was, a URL redirecting to the Alabama secretary of state’s website.]"

"The Kremlin’s ongoing “active measures”campaign on social media has aimed to sow confusion and chaos by supporting both far-right and far-left interests in American politics. The Alabama election presented a ripe opportunity, according to former senior CIA official John Sipher, now an expert with the national security group Cipher Brief. “In the case of Moore, the Russians certainly assess that the hyper-partisan and heated campaign is pitting Americans against each other and they want to do all they can to add fuel to the fire,” he says. “They likely assess that a Moore victory will bring the fight to Washington and further weaken the strained US political system.”"

Russian propagandists are pushing for Roy Moore to win
If The Donald sent that idiot Jeff Session back, he could have appointed a real AT who would be prosecuting SWAMP RATS MUELLER & CO.!
Jones wins!

Once again, in every single election around the country since Trump was sworn in, Democrat vote is way, way up, Republican vote is down. It's called a wave. It's a big wave. Wake up Conservatives.

Ha. Not really.

Report: Alabama Senate Candidate Doug Jones Backed By George Soros-Funded PACs

''Per a Politico report published Monday, the mysterious super PAC that has poured $4 million into the Alabama special election, Highway 31, is a “joint project” of two of the Democrats’ largest super PACs – Senate Majority PAC and Priorities USA Action – both of which are funded by liberal one-world billionaire George Soros.

If that’s not the opposite of grassroots, I don’t know what is.''
And the same could be said for Roy Moore. Or all of politics. That doesn't mean NOTHING is "grassroots"
CNN just called it for Doug Jones!

So....let's watch how much of a gracious loser Moore is....and those who predicted his win here on this thread.

As for me, since I predicted Moore to win, I am quite pleasantly surprised. I really am.
So....let's watch how much of a gracious loser Moore is....and those who predicted his win here on this thread.

As for me, since I predicted Moore to win, I am quite pleasantly surprised. I really am.
I also predicted Moore would take it. <2% win in the end, can't blame anyone who called it close either way for being too wrong.
While I am disappointed, it's hardly an "end of the world" loss. The left will gloat over their win and call it a "Referendum on Trump", but remember: The Republicans would have won this one had Alabama ran the candidate Trump originally supported. There is an ebb and flow to these elections and the Democrats are going to get lucky now and then. While they may have won in a sprint, the race is a marathon.
Sad that Democrats have learned you can falsely accuse people of vile acts and win rather than run on issues.

Oh well. Mo brooks next time? Get constitutionalist in there
Will this be enough of a reality check on Trump where he will behave himself from now on?

Bannon is mercifully toast, and Moore is not a senator. The problem is, Jones is. Bummer. But Moore isn't. Yeah...

The Donald did not like mental case, Bible thumper Moore. Bannon is a radical White zionist (a stooge of the "elite"). Even so, I could not quite understand his obsession with supporting mental case, Bible thumper, anti-pot idiot Moore.
Snort... Moore lost. I'm laughing right now. I'll tell you why, simply because he was his own worst enemy. No one to blame but himself. I mean, when the winner was called just a few minutes ago, I smiled.

This is why I jumped off the two party ship five years ago. Man, I'm still chuckling. But if there's a silver lining to all this, Democrats can't say Trump supported him all the way (he supported Strange in the primary). Nor can they hang Moore around the neck of the Republican party.

A Pyrrhic victory for the Democrats. That's what it boils down to.
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