Alabama election results thread

come on Alabama, make America proud again!


Sad that Democrats have learned you can falsely accuse people of vile acts and win rather than run on issues.

bullshit. rethuglicans learned that by falsely demonizing their presidential opponent.

roy moore is a legit creeper and his stone age agenda is THE CREEPIEST.

say a prayer and search your soul for the TRUTH, Mr Christian...
Jones wins!

Once again, in every single election around the country since Trump was sworn in, Democrat vote is way, way up, Republican vote is down. It's called a wave. It's a big wave. Wake up Conservatives.

Ha. Not really.

Report: Alabama Senate Candidate Doug Jones Backed By George Soros-Funded PACs

''Per a Politico report published Monday, the mysterious super PAC that has poured $4 million into the Alabama special election, Highway 31, is a “joint project” of two of the Democrats’ largest super PACs – Senate Majority PAC and Priorities USA Action – both of which are funded by liberal one-world billionaire George Soros.

If that’s not the opposite of grassroots, I don’t know what is.''
Anyone who talks Soros without talk Koch is talking out their ass.
Moore had other issues than teenage girls. Republicans would have been wise to disqualify him just on his refusal to honour his oath to uphold the Constitution, or his problems with the IRS, or his age.

This is also a vote against Trump’s tax cuts.
"Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win. The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!" - President Trump

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