Alabama election results thread

He’s not a child molester, you are a liar.
He is..own him, GOP.

No he isn't.

Even of the allegations were true he wouldn't have been guilty of touching a child.

You Democrats always have to exaggerate accusations and wonder why no one trusts you.

there is a woman who claims he stripped her down to her underwear and felt her up when she was 14 years old... she told on him at the time, there are witnesses to this.

And 14 isn't a child. 14 is a teenager.

Fucking WOW that makes it all better. Unfuckingbelieveable!

So you think its okay to lie an exaggerate accusations? You don't think being honest about them is serious enough?

But then I suppose you don't care about whether they are true. Its all about politics for you
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Very surprising that after decades of deriding southerners as racist hicks, Dems could find it hard to win their support
what do Roy Moore, Vladimir Putin, and the Taliban have in common??

they have NO respect for the individual freedom provided by our GREAT Constitution.

they are WEAKLING SCUM who prey upon the vulnerable and gullible.

trumptards are such suckers......... sad.

What does this have to to with reality?

what do Roy Moore, Vladimir Putin, and the Taliban have in common??

they have NO respect for the individual freedom provided by our GREAT Constitution.

they are WEAKLING SCUM who prey upon the vulnerable and gullible.

trumptards are such suckers......... sad.

If he was a muslim you would be doing cartwheels for someone who "waited" until they were 14....."its their culture"! You would bellow.......if it was a D
Roy Moore is up by 8% points. Trump really helped Roy Moore by endorsing him. Trump didn’t bow down to the elites and the establishment, he did what’s right. That’s why we love him.
Moore is going win by a small margin.

And this election shows the same pattern since Trump was elected - Republicans are winning in elections that they’ve crushed the Democrats in the past by narrow margins, whereas Democrats are winning in every single swing election.
Remember when Trump brings out them young cheerleader kids to perform at his rally.....somebody tie ole' Roy up till we get em' back in clothes.....

Hey, Trump was right again. He said run the other guy. Of course what cockamaney crap would the D's have invented on him...?
Alabama will not disappoint

They will vote for the child molesting, homo hating, bible thumper
He represents who they are

He’s not a child molester, you are a liar.

so when he molested that 16 year old girl in the car and then threatened her, "you are a child and i am the district attorney, so no one will believe you" ? was he lying when he called her a child?

what about the 14 year old who he felt up?? was she not a CHILD??

You really need to stop letting your imagination run away with you.
Oh yeah....oh's not finished yet...but I'm already saying oh yeah for Judge Moore! :2up:

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