Alamo defenders are cowards--- now


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
The Alamo was more than Davie Crockett

The Texans were fighting because Mexico banned slavery in the territory
The Alamo was more than Davie Crockett

The Texans were fighting because Mexico banned slavery in the territory

That was only part of it, troll but it figures you'd use that as the only reason. Other reasons were , westward expansion, economics and land. The spark was the annexation of Texas and a dispute where Texas ended....not slavery
The Alamo was more than Davie Crockett

The Texans were fighting because Mexico banned slavery in the territory


The Alamo: America’s Shrine to White Supremacy

All persons of color who were slaves for life previous to their emigration to Texas, and who are now held in bondage, shall remain in the like state of servitude… Congress (of Texas) shall pass no laws to prohibit emigrants from the United State of America from bringing their slaves into the Republic with them…nor shall Congress have the power to emancipate slaves; nor shall any slaveholder be allowed to emancipate his or her slave or slaves…no free person of African descent either in whole or in part shall be permitted to reside permanently in the Republic without the consent of Congress.”
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I would argue they were not very smart. As is attributed to Patton, you don’t win wars by dying for your country. You win wars by making the other guy die for his. It would have been smarter to fight like the Indians, that is to say hit and run, guerrilla warfare. The people who died at the Alamo would have been better off cutting wide and attacking the supplies that Santa Ana had following to feed and supply his army.

Santa Ana would either have to curtail the suppression of the uprising, or dedicate a significant portion of his army to guarding the supplies. Either way, it would stretch his forces and make them easier to break. The Alamo was never going to be victorious.

It is sort of like Gettysburg. In every victorious battle, Robert E. Lee fought from the defensive. In Gettysburg, he fought on the offense, and suffered the same fate as people had been suffering on the attack for a long time now. Crockett was an Indian fighter. He knew how to fight like an Indian, he knew how to fight small unit raids and that sort of thing. Instead of going for the tactics he knew, he went for the hold up and wait. As I said, stupid. Monty Python’s suicide squad would have been just as effective in the long run.
more dumbshit from libs/etc with nothing to do except badmouth America/etc
The phrase 'and all of the heroic defenders who gave their lives there' would be cut.
wtf is WRONG with these people??
they think of piddly/insignificant crap/unimportant crap/etc
how about they try to change how the word ''moon'' is spelled
what other dumbass/stupid crap/etc can they think of? any suggestions?
Texas Republican mad at proposal to remove 'heroic' from Alamo class | Daily Mail Online
----------------------------------------------------------------------- The NEW third world LEGAL immigrants many who are 'mexicans' and other third world residents of the USA who are here in the USA and it is they that will be catered to in their Schools . It is their Hero's that will be taught about in public school . I mean its just common sense . The people in charge of changing things in Public School are just a generation or 2 away from being 'mexicans' and its always irked them that parts of the USA were once 'mexico' that was stolen from them by the Gringo Harmonica .
Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
its also symbolic , legal mexican immigrants don't like seeing Americans that killed 'mexicans' at the ALAMO called 'heros' of the ALAMO Harmonica .
The Alamo was more than Davie Crockett

The Texans were fighting because Mexico banned slavery in the territory

That was only part of it, troll but it figures you'd use that as the only reason. Other reasons were , westward expansion, economics and land. The spark was the annexation of Texas and a dispute where Texas ended....not slavery
Was fighting to defend slavery heroic?
Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
Should both points of view about the Alamo be presented to students or only the legend?
I would argue they were not very smart. As is attributed to Patton, you don’t win wars by dying for your country. You win wars by making the other guy die for his. It would have been smarter to fight like the Indians, that is to say hit and run, guerrilla warfare. The people who died at the Alamo would have been better off cutting wide and attacking the supplies that Santa Ana had following to feed and supply his army.

Santa Ana would either have to curtail the suppression of the uprising, or dedicate a significant portion of his army to guarding the supplies. Either way, it would stretch his forces and make them easier to break. The Alamo was never going to be victorious.

It is sort of like Gettysburg. In every victorious battle, Robert E. Lee fought from the defensive. In Gettysburg, he fought on the offense, and suffered the same fate as people had been suffering on the attack for a long time now. Crockett was an Indian fighter. He knew how to fight like an Indian, he knew how to fight small unit raids and that sort of thing. Instead of going for the tactics he knew, he went for the hold up and wait. As I said, stupid. Monty Python’s suicide squad would have been just as effective in the long run.
sometimes smart/etc has nothing to do with it
....many, many times in WW2/etc, American units [ and others of course ] have stayed to fight and were wiped out when they could've retreated
..the Battle of Bulge had many, many, many instances like this
....the Germans, Italians, Japanese, etc had heroic units in WW2
....just because they lost or were the enemy, were fighting for hitler/mussolini/etc does NOT mean they were not heroic
...just because they were fighting for nazis/hitler/etc does NOT mean they were not heroic
Get'em Gov. Abbott

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott took a firm stance on the proposition, arguing that the “political correctness in our schools” needed to “stop.”

Stop political correctness in our schools. Of course Texas schoolchildren should be taught that Alamo defenders were ‘Heroic’! I fully expect the State Board of Education to agree. Contact your SBOE Member to complain. ⁦@TXSBOE#txlege #tcotShould Texas Schoolchildren Be Taught That Alamo Defenders Were ‘Heroic’?

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 6, 2018
Should both points of view about the Alamo be presented to students or only the legend?

The point is they are trying to drop the word "heroic" from it. Stop tying to change it into something else, troll. I see right through you
its also symbolic , legal mexican immigrants don't like seeing Americans that killed 'mexicans' at the ALAMO called 'heros' of the ALAMO Harmonica .
Who cares? Are we going to erase the American Mexican war now?
well i don't care , i'm all growed up and i know my American History as i have been taught for my lifetime . Same for my kids and my Parents before me . If History changes , well , such is life especially for the younger people and their kids in school . To me what is being done is Revising History and its already being done on the History Channel .
i mean heck , USA Government Schools have got to give third worlders something to have pride in because obviously there is nothing to be proud of in most of the 'mexico' and the third world or the third worlders wouldn't be flooding the USA looking for the good life would they ??

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