Alan Dershowitz on Trump indictment: "First year law students could get this dismissed”

Hey dumbfuck, why has that asshole Bragg let rapists, murderers, and a number of other criminals go free with no bail and no charges? Bragg will need to apologize for brining a meritless case as he faces disbarment.
Yea, Bragg will be disbarred. Sure. You can add that to your wish list like Trump being elected POTUS again & you recieving more selfies of his ass sent to you by him.

Btw, where was Melania today? :abgg2q.jpg:
Yea, Bragg will be disbarred. Sure. You can add that to your wish list like Trump being elected POTUS again & you recieving more selfies of his ass sent to you by him.

Btw, where was Melania today? :abgg2q.jpg:
Bitch you're happy now but it will be killed when Trump is president in 2025. Then you'll go full blown TDS
Besides the videos of Hunter smoking crack and frolicking with what appear to be underaged Chinese hookers? Besides the emails that prove the entire Biden family has been influence peddling for decades and doing it with some of the nations that oppose the US on the world stage?

A computer can't be "illegal", Winger but it sure can provide a ton of proof of illegal activities if the owner is a degenerate crack addict who isn't smart enough to get rid of things he had on his lap top that shows off those illegal activities!
You realize that what you saw was a copied hard drive provided by Roody right
By 2025 Jack Smith will have Trump either in the slammer or under house arrest at Trump Tower, bitch.
Sorry short bus in the end the supreme court will not allow the verdict of a kangaroo court to stand.
FYI you just admitted Bragg has sham charges.
You realize that what you saw was a copied hard drive provided by Roody right
You do realize that the FBI has the original hard drive and leadership there HATES Trump? Use your head, Lesh! Do you think the FBI wouldn't have immediately come out and challenged anything that wasn't on THEIR copy? Face it...the lap top is Hunter's and it contains evidence of influence peddling on a grand scale!
Just remember one thing, Oldestyle. Trump is not POTUS, he's a private citizen. The sooner you supporters of his realize that fact, the better off you'll be.
He's an ex President that you on the left just brought up on totally bogus charges, Clipper! You know it...I know it...Alvin Bragg knows it! This is nothing more than political theatre designed to divert attention from the dumpster fire the Biden Administration has been from day one!!

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