Alan Dershowitz on Trump indictment: "First year law students could get this dismissed”

Name a Republican.

Yet it's the Republicans who keep shooting down attempts to limit this sort of thing.

I'm betting you are nearly as upset about Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas taking millions from a GOP donor in gifts.
That's easy! Donald Trump. He left office worth less than when he went in. Can you say the same about any Democrat? The Clintons bought million dollar mansions when they left the White House. So did the Obamas.
Name a Republican.

Yet it's the Republicans who keep shooting down attempts to limit this sort of thing.

I'm betting you are nearly as upset about Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas taking millions from a GOP donor in gifts.
Black Justice stealing millions? hmmmm
Link or gossip, dearest JoeB131. And do you give Democrats the same scrutiny as Republicans? Yes or no, please. Love, beautress

Yes, you can keep going into hysterics, even though Colin Powell and Condy Rice did the same thing (use personal emails for State Department Business).

Colin Powell couldn't produce his email for the run up to the Iraq War. Nothing suspicious there.
That's easy! Donald Trump. He left office worth less than when he went in. Can you say the same about any Democrat? The Clintons bought million dollar mansions when they left the White House. So did the Obamas.

Well, first, Trump has always lied about what he is actually worth, so we don't know if his grifting and self-dealing turned out to be profitable or not.

Secondly, given the fact this man has made a career of taking piles of money and burning them in the middle of the street, that's really not impressive. We're lucky we voted him out before they repossessed the Country.

Black Justice stealing millions? hmmmm
Link or gossip, dearest JoeB131. And do you give Democrats the same scrutiny as Republicans? Yes or no, please. Love, beautress

You are piss ignorant, aren't you? Or willfully blind.

Yes, you can keep going into hysterics, even though Colin Powell and Condy Rice did the same thing (use personal emails for State Department Business).

Colin Powell couldn't produce his email for the run up to the Iraq War. Nothing suspicious there.
You think Condy Rice or Colin Powell had private servers secretly installed in their homes so they could escape Congressional oversight while they ran the State Department, Joey? You think both of them had their devices professionally "bleached"? That both of them destroyed their devices with hammers when they were requested by Congress? To be blunt? What Hillary Clinton DID...and got away NOTHING like anyone else who came before her did...a fact that I think you know only too well!
Well, first, Trump has always lied about what he is actually worth, so we don't know if his grifting and self-dealing turned out to be profitable or not.

Secondly, given the fact this man has made a career of taking piles of money and burning them in the middle of the street, that's really not impressive. We're lucky we voted him out before they repossessed the Country.

Trump had this country's economy HUMMING before Covid shut everything down, Joey! It was so much better THEN than it is now that it borders on farce for you to claim anything different! Trump had been in private business for some 50 years before becoming President. He had successes and he had failures. Naming the failures and ignoring the successes just shows your bias towards the man. Name a single business that Joe Biden EVER made successful! You can't because Joe's never EVER created a successful business!

Alan Dershowitz on Trump indictment: "First year law students could get this dismissed”​

Why is the Loser so stupid that he needs to act like a crazy person, shrieking "Animal!" and "Psychopath!," when he could simply hire a first-year law student who could get dismissed his hush money paid to bimbos with whom he rutted behind the back of a pregnant trophy wife and falsely claimed as business expenses?

I rather like his evangelical defense.

Screen Shot 2023-04-09 at 8.34.42 AM.png

"People tell me that the BIBLE is full of randy humpers!"
You think Condy Rice or Colin Powell had private servers secretly installed in their homes so they could escape Congressional oversight while they ran the State Department, Joey?

No, they did something MUCH worse. They used private emails provided by carriers like Yahoo, which has the internet security of a porn site.

Which means anyone could see their emails.

Of course, Colin Powell had conviently deleted all his emails regarding Iraq. Well, that was sure lucky, because now we don't know if he was lying or not when he told us all with a straight face that Saddam had WMD.s

Seems that is a lot worse than anything Hillary did.

Trump had this country's economy HUMMING before Covid shut everything down, Joey!

No, actually, he really didn't. His GDP Growth never exceeded 3% a year, which by his OWN STANDARD (i.e. what he ripped Obama for) was a failure.
Why did he continually insist that he had Covd under control as he raised unemployment and the national debt?

Was his message any different than Nancy Pelosi's, Chuck Schumer's or Anthony Fauci's at the onset of Covid? Let's be honest here, Schmidlap...nobody had it right in the beginning!

I don't have a clue what you're talking about when you say that Trump "raised unemployment"! He gave us some of the best unemployment numbers we've ever had before Covid. Or are you one of those people who want to discount those numbers by averaging them into the awful numbers we had when the entire nation shut down because of Covid?
Was his message any different than Nancy Pelosi's, Chuck Schumer's or Anthony Fauci's at the onset of Covid? ...
The Loser persisted in denial as the record shows.

Your desperate attempt at diversion fails.

"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"
No, they did something MUCH worse. They used private emails provided by carriers like Yahoo, which has the internet security of a porn site.

Which means anyone could see their emails.

Of course, Colin Powell had conviently deleted all his emails regarding Iraq. Well, that was sure lucky, because now we don't know if he was lying or not when he told us all with a straight face that Saddam had WMD.s

Seems that is a lot worse than anything Hillary did.

How much did Rice or Powell really rely on emails, Joey! That was a different time when most sensitive communications by the State Department were either done by diplomatic pouch or by secure cable. They may have sent a small number of emails on private email accounts but they didn't do so to hide what they were doing from Congress like Hillary Clinton did! She literally ran State from those hidden servers at her home and lied to Congress about what she was doing when they requested all of her communications regarding Benghazi...then destroyed the evidence of what she'd been doing. "BEEEEENNNNGHAAAAZIIIII!!!!" is what lost her the Presidency because it revealed the way she was running State and her myriad lies!
Was his message any different than Nancy Pelosi's, Chuck Schumer's or Anthony Fauci's at the onset of Covid? Let's be honest here, Schmidlap...nobody had it right in the beginning!

But when everyone else realized that Covid was a serious problem, Trump kept telling people to not wear masks, to inject bleach and to show up as his mass spreader events because he ego needed crowds.


How much did Rice or Powell really rely on emails, Joey! That was a different time when most sensitive communications by the State Department were either done by diplomatic pouch or by secure cable. They may have sent a small number of emails on private email accounts but they didn't do so to hide what they were doing from Congress like Hillary Clinton did!

How do we know that? Colin Powell deleted all his private emails, so we don't know to what degree he was hiding shit.
You are piss ignorant, aren't you? Or willfully blind.

"Crow has given several gifts to Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, including a $19,000 Bible that belonged to Frederick Douglass. Crow's mansion is decorated with a large amount of Nazi memorabilia, including a signed copy of Mein Kampf.
His mother, Margaret Crow, survived the sinking of the SS Athenia, the first British ship sunk by Nazi Germany during World War II.[24] Could it be that Mr. Crow keeps Nazi memorablia in his private home to make sure fascists and their doings damaged his beloved mother? Texas people, like all others, keep reminders of the past of their loved ones nearby to remind them to never support real anti-american fascists and keep them at bay?

The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 was passed after the Watergate scandal, and the law requires that justices, judges, members of Congress, and federal officials must disclose most gifts.[15] These rules were clarified and updated in March 2023, but still allows exceptions to the reporting rules if a gift of food, lodging, or entertainment is deemed "personal in nature" and the hospitality has been directly offered by an individual who has a personal relationship to the government official in question.[16] The new rules do however require disclosure of stays at commercial properties as well as private jet travel.[17]

I see no law against Supreme Court Justices having lifelong personal friends just because they are on the bench. In Texas, we're the friendship state. You must live in a state that disallows friendship, so you choose to hate on Texas state sons. Mr. Crow's wife and Justice Thomas' wives may be lifelong friends, both having been educated in Eastern Board universities. How lucky for people they hate is it that Democrats can't go nuclear on friendships when their target is to destroy all Republicans, Donald Trump, people who support him or not? Friendship rocks, and until the fascists take over under the convenient "socialist" misnomer, the American people are free to make friends with both college friends and college rivals. Especially in the Friendship State that Texas is where friendship is our umbrella. Yea! Love, beautress
I see no law against Supreme Court Justices having lifelong personal friends just because they are on the bench. In Texas, we're the friendship state. You must live in a state that disallows friendship, so you choose to hate on Texas state sons. Mr. Crow's wife and Justice Thomas' wives may be lifelong friends, both having been educated in Eastern Board universities. How lucky for people they hate is it that Democrats can't go nuclear on friendships when their target is to destroy all Republicans, Donald Trump, people who support him or not? Friendship rocks, and until the fascists take over under the convenient "socialist" misnomer, the American people are free to make friends with both college friends and college rivals. Especially in the Friendship State that Texas is where friendship is our umbrella.

If you don't see an issue with a SCOTUS justice receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts (Far above his salary), I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done for you.


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