Alan Dershowitz on Trump indictment: "First year law students could get this dismissed”

I thought I was pretty clear. The system is treating Trump like the infection he is.

Yes, eventually, a jury is going to put him behind bars. Time for you guys to cut your losses like you did with Nixon and McCarthy.
Even a partisan DA arguing in front of a partisan jury pool overseen by a partisan judge isn't going to put Trump behind bars, Joey! This entire case is bullshit layered on bullshit! Bragg is a joke. Always has been...always will be! If Trump were to lose this case it would immediately be appealed and the ruling would be overturned immediately because the case was farce right from the start. Even with the Biden Justice Department American citizens still have rights. The "system" isn't doing anything with Trump at the moment...he's being harrassed by far left liberals desperate to keep him from running for President.
There were 150 "flagged" banking transactions involving Biden family members, Joe! Then the Biden Administration frantically changed the rules so those transactions couldn't be viewed. Why do you think they did that, Joey?
They got tired of dealing with nonsense.

Look, man, I know you need to twist your brain to find "conspiracies" while ignoring what Trump does out in the open (like inciting riots and fucking porn stars.)
Even a partisan DA arguing in front of a partisan jury pool overseen by a partisan judge isn't going to put Trump behind bars, Joey!

I know you need to believe that... I really expect the other prosecutions to be the ones that put him behind bars.

If Trump were to lose this case it would immediately be appealed and the ruling would be overturned immediately because the case was farce right from the start.
Works on the assumption that the judges aren't as happy to be rid of Trump as the rest of us are..
They got tired of dealing with nonsense.

Look, man, I know you need to twist your brain to find "conspiracies" while ignoring what Trump does out in the open (like inciting riots and fucking porn stars.)
Nonsense? That's 150 flagged transactions by James and Hunter Biden! That's not nonsense. That's not a conspiracy. That's evidence of widespread influence peddling. The fact that the Biden Administration changed the regulations so that those transactions couldn't be viewed speaks volumes about them! You don't do that unless you're hiding things...things like a million dollar plus transfer of money from Chinese interests with ties to the CCP to members of the Biden family for which they provided ZERO in return! That's just one of those transactions. As House investigators sift through the rest...once Treasury is forced to turn them's going to be more of the same. That has nothing to do with Trump. This is the Biden family's abuse of political office for profit!
I know you need to believe that... I really expect the other prosecutions to be the ones that put him behind bars.

Works on the assumption that the judges aren't as happy to be rid of Trump as the rest of us are..
Judges are sworn to uphold the Constitution...not making rulings to get rid of people who's politics they don't agree with! Our very legal system is in danger right now because of what you on the left are doing to protect your agenda.
Nonsense? That's 150 flagged transactions by James and Hunter Biden! That's not nonsense.

And how many of them were stopped? Oh, that's right. NONE. Flagged just means, "Someone take a look at this". Sorry you are confused.

Judges are sworn to uphold the Constitution...not making rulings to get rid of people who's politics they don't agree with! Our very legal system is in danger right now because of what you on the left are doing to protect your agenda.

The best way to uphold the Constitution would be to throw Trump into the darkest hole our Criminal Justice System has.
And how many of them were stopped? Oh, that's right. NONE. Flagged just means, "Someone take a look at this". Sorry you are confused.

The best way to uphold the Constitution would be to throw Trump into the darkest hole our Criminal Justice System has.
Someone take a look at this is EXACTLY what that means, Joey! So did you want to take a crack at explaining why Biden was so desperate that the public DIDN'T get a look at those transactions that he rushed through a change in regulations to block their being made available to members of Congress? When your transactions have been flagged and then you do everything you can not to allow them to be looked at by Congressional investigators...what does that SCREAM, Joey? I'm sorry but this is only going to get worse for Biden. Democrats no longer control the House which means they no longer control the investigations being done BY the House!
Someone take a look at this is EXACTLY what that means, Joey! So did you want to take a crack at explaining why Biden was so desperate that the public DIDN'T get a look at those transactions that he rushed through a change in regulations to block their being made available to members of Congress?

Biden's brother and son are private citizens... Congress really has no business looking at their records.

I'm sorry but this is only going to get worse for Biden. Democrats no longer control the House which means they no longer control the investigations being done BY the House!
Sorry, didn't I hear this shit 12 years ago when you took the house? You were going to prove Obama was born in Kenya or some such shit.
Or 28 years ago when Newt took out the Contract on America. You were going to prove Whitewater and the Mena Airport and Vince Foster was Murdered and Clinton personally ordered the deaths of the Branch Davidians. Oh, wait, you proved he lied about getting a blow job.
Biden's brother and son are private citizens... Congress really has no business looking at their records.

Sorry, didn't I hear this shit 12 years ago when you took the house? You were going to prove Obama was born in Kenya or some such shit.
Or 28 years ago when Newt took out the Contract on America. You were going to prove Whitewater and the Mena Airport and Vince Foster was Murdered and Clinton personally ordered the deaths of the Branch Davidians. Oh, wait, you proved he lied about getting a blow job.
Biden's brother and son have been engaged in influence peddling, Joey! One of the main functions of Congress is oversight into just something like this. You don't want that to happen because you KNOW that the Biden family is dirty as all get out!

As for the rest of that drivel? I've never claimed any of those things. Rather obvious attempt to divert this discussion into something else. Rather pathetic as well...
Biden's brother and son have been engaged in influence peddling, Joey! One of the main functions of Congress is oversight into just something like this. You don't want that to happen because you KNOW that the Biden family is dirty as all get out!

Oh, bullshit. They aren't any different than anyone else in Washington. Year after year, the Democrats propose stricter lobbying rules, and year after year, the Republicans shoot them down.
As for the rest of that drivel? I've never claimed any of those things. Rather obvious attempt to divert this discussion into something else. Rather pathetic as well...

Naw, Brah, I'm trying to help you out. YOu guys keep thinking you are going to "get" the other guys and you waste a lot of time on bullshit investigations.
He wont just easily make those hurdles, he will fly over them in style in his private 737.
Oh, bullshit. They aren't any different than anyone else in Washington. Year after year, the Democrats propose stricter lobbying rules, and year after year, the Republicans shoot them down.
This isn't "lobbying",'s blatant influence peddling! You've got the Biden family being paid millions not because they're providing a good or service but because they're selling the influence that Joe Biden wielded as a Senator and then Vice President. Democrats aren't doing shit to stop all the cashing in on holding office! You think Nancy Pelosi is REALLY going to give away the millions that she's been raking in with insider trading deals? Don't be naive! Name a Democrat that hasn't left office FAR wealthier then when they came to Washington!
Naw, Brah, I'm trying to help you out. YOu guys keep thinking you are going to "get" the other guys and you waste a lot of time on bullshit investigations.
What you're "trying" to do is excuse what the Biden family has done, Joey! I think you know only too well that Joe's'll never admit though...will you? That says more about YOU than it does about Biden!
Judges are sworn to uphold the Constitution...not making rulings to get rid of people who's politics they don't agree with! Our very legal system is in danger right now because of what you on the left are doing to protect your agenda.
Outta the park, Oldestyle.
This isn't "lobbying",'s blatant influence peddling! You've got the Biden family being paid millions not because they're providing a good or service but because they're selling the influence that Joe Biden wielded as a Senator and then Vice President. Democrats aren't doing shit to stop all the cashing in on holding office! You think Nancy Pelosi is REALLY going to give away the millions that she's been raking in with insider trading deals? Don't be naive! Name a Democrat that hasn't left office FAR wealthier then when they came to Washington!

Name a Republican.

Yet it's the Republicans who keep shooting down attempts to limit this sort of thing.

I'm betting you are nearly as upset about Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas taking millions from a GOP donor in gifts.
What you're "trying" to do is excuse what the Biden family has done, Joey! I think you know only too well that Joe's'll never admit though...will you? That says more about YOU than it does about Biden!

Again, guy, we watched you spend hundreds of millions trying to "Get" the Clintons, and after spending hundreds of millions of dollars, the only things you were able to prove is he got a blow job from an intern and she used the wrong email account.

How's that search for Obama's "real" Birth Certificate going?

I mean, this shit would be funny, if we didn't have real problems to solve.
Again, guy, we watched you spend hundreds of millions trying to "Get" the Clintons, and after spending hundreds of millions of dollars, the only things you were able to prove is he got a blow job from an intern and she used the wrong email account.

How's that search for Obama's "real" Birth Certificate going?

I mean, this shit would be funny, if we didn't have real problems to solve.
You make it sound like it was an inadvertent mistake by Clinton! It wasn't. It was criminal and if it wasn't for the deal that Bill Clinton obviously struck with Loretta Lynch in that secret meeting on the tarmac then she would have been CHARGED with a crime! Instead we got James Comey declaring that Hillary Clinton wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the of most laughable statements ever made by an FBI Director!

That has NOTHING to do with what the Biden's have been doing for the last twenty years, Joey! It's just another example of the two tier system of justice we have these days! The Clinton's actually DID break the law and weren't even given a slap on the wrist. Joe Biden sold his country down the river for millions and you're here defending him!

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