Alaska is the first red state to legalize recreational Marijuana

Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

As for the SCIENCE!, even casual use of marijuana(once a week), results in structural brain changes that effect cognitive function..

And alcohol is toxic- and kills Americans every year.

Study Marijuana much safer than alcohol KOBI-TV NBC5 KOTI-TV NBC2 Local news for Southern Oregon Northern California
A new international study suggests some legal substances could be more deadly than illegal ones, and marijuana may be safer than previously thought.

The study in “Scientific Reports” journal looks at one main thing, how deadly is a drug?

The Study - Scientific Reports

The results show alcohol as more lethal than even meth or heroin and over a hundred times more deadly than weed.

"The chances for mortality from other drugs is much much higher than for marijuana," said Medical Expert Dr. Robin Miller.

As July 1st approaches and marijuana legalization nears for Oregonians 21 and up we're getting a better look at how dangerous recreational drugs can be.

"Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, tobacco long term, are incredibly hard on your health," said Dr. Miller.

A study by the research journal 'Scientific Reports' found that compared to other recreational drugs marijuana comes dead last in terms of risk.

That's not surprising to medical experts like Dr. Miller.

"The chances of dying from smoking or taking in marijuana is very very low," said Dr. Miller.

A team of international scientists compared the typical usage of a drug against the amount in a lethal dose.

The findings show that individually, alcohol was the deadliest substance followed by heroin and cocaine. At the bottom of the list, and least deadly, was marijuana.

Legally banning marijuana is frankly irrational. We have seen that Prohibition doesn't work.

Treat marijuana exactly how we treat alcohol- regulate, tax- and the money will stop flowing to criminals and people will not get killed by criminals fighting over marijuana profits.

That study is redundant and doesn't speak to your case at all. Of course more individuals die from alcohol than from drugs like heroin and cocaine, more people drink alcohol than use those drugs. However even your study states these drugs are more lethal and addictive, and in much smaller doses.

And how casually you ignore that alcohol directly kills people.

Alcohol is toxic- marijuana is not.
2,200 deaths from alcohol poisoning per year versus none from marijuana poisoning.

Alcohol Poisoning Deaths Vital Signs

Alcohol is physically addictive- persons who become addicted to alcohol can die from withdrawal- again unlike marijuana.

Does that mean that marijuana is necessarily safe? No- but it does mean that alcohol is more deadly- and shows the hypocrisy of treating marijuana differently from alcohol.
Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

As for the SCIENCE!, even casual use of marijuana(once a week), results in structural brain changes that effect cognitive function..

And alcohol is toxic- and kills Americans every year.

Study Marijuana much safer than alcohol KOBI-TV NBC5 KOTI-TV NBC2 Local news for Southern Oregon Northern California
A new international study suggests some legal substances could be more deadly than illegal ones, and marijuana may be safer than previously thought.

The study in “Scientific Reports” journal looks at one main thing, how deadly is a drug?

The Study - Scientific Reports

The results show alcohol as more lethal than even meth or heroin and over a hundred times more deadly than weed.

"The chances for mortality from other drugs is much much higher than for marijuana," said Medical Expert Dr. Robin Miller.

As July 1st approaches and marijuana legalization nears for Oregonians 21 and up we're getting a better look at how dangerous recreational drugs can be.

"Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, tobacco long term, are incredibly hard on your health," said Dr. Miller.

A study by the research journal 'Scientific Reports' found that compared to other recreational drugs marijuana comes dead last in terms of risk.

That's not surprising to medical experts like Dr. Miller.

"The chances of dying from smoking or taking in marijuana is very very low," said Dr. Miller.

A team of international scientists compared the typical usage of a drug against the amount in a lethal dose.

The findings show that individually, alcohol was the deadliest substance followed by heroin and cocaine. At the bottom of the list, and least deadly, was marijuana.

Legally banning marijuana is frankly irrational. We have seen that Prohibition doesn't work.

Treat marijuana exactly how we treat alcohol- regulate, tax- and the money will stop flowing to criminals and people will not get killed by criminals fighting over marijuana profits.

I am not even against potentially decriminalization small amounts but legalization and suggesting it is like alcohol is absurd..


Why is legalization of one intoxicant- alcohol- which kills 2,200 people directly every year- and whose Prohibition was a failure- is not absurd to you-

But legalization of another intoxicant- marijuana- which does not directly kill any people every year- and whose Prohibition has been a failure- is absurd to you?
it is a gateway drug to hashish, opium, and eventually the Hook.

Except that nonsense has been completely and utterly debunked.

If that were true millions of 70's hippies would all be hooked on heroin. Only that never happened. They just stopped smoking joints and became respectable adults with jobs and families instead.
You don't understand what gateway drug theory is.

The idea is not that everyone who smokes weed moves to heroin or cocaine.

Most people, if any, don't start at heroin, but started at softer drugs like marijuana. Show me one heroin addict that started at heroin and I will show you 50 that started at pot. This is the point, that soft drug use leads to an increased likelihood of harder dug use. Meaning those who haven't used substances like marijuana to begin with are less like to use harder drugs.

Many baby boomers are amoral, selfish, narcissistic faggots, bad example.

Marijuana, NOT EVEN ONCE.


So according to that fallacy of yours soda is a gateway to becoming an alcoholic because you can't show me a single alcoholic who never started by drinking a soda, right?

Your false equivalence fails because there is no causality. Addicts become addicts because they have addictive personalities. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the substances they abuse either. People who are addicted to gambling or cutting themselves or bulimia didn't all smoke pot first.
As for so called violence. It isn't legal in my country and there is a high rate of violent crime because of it. So your assessment on the ban causing all this violent gang related crime is absurd. As for other drugs like cocaine and heroin. There is violent crime associated with trafficking, so you advocate legalizing these things as well.

Not 'so called' violence- actual violence.

Your post is confusing but yes- Prohibition of alcohol- and prohibition of pot- both directly led to organized crime- and gang violence.

Until alcohol was made illegal- gangs in America were petty anty- Prohibition made organized crime rich.

The same with marijuana.

Now that legal marijuana is flooding the markets in the United States, the gangs have largely stopped shipping pot, and are instead battling over meth and heroin.

Legal pot has already largely eliminated the violent crime that was associated with illegal pot.
Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

I know you don't live in the United States, but I would think whatever backward country you do live in would have heard of the great experiment the United States had with alcohol prohibition.

That prohibition enriched criminals and killed Americans. It was a huge failure.

Just like marijuana prohibition.

The criminals who sold illegal alcohol were driven out of the business by legal alcohol producers- and that is exactly what is happening with marijuana.
The criminals who sold illegal alcohol didn't suddenly become law abiding. They moved into drug sales. .

There was little in the way of an illegal drug market in 1930- organized crime focused on loan sharking, gambling and prostitution once they lost the alcohol market. And violence dropped once the big money was eliminated.
it is a gateway drug to hashish, opium, and eventually the Hook.

Except that nonsense has been completely and utterly debunked.

If that were true millions of 70's hippies would all be hooked on heroin. Only that never happened. They just stopped smoking joints and became respectable adults with jobs and families instead.
You don't understand what gateway drug theory is.

The idea is not that everyone who smokes weed moves to heroin or cocaine.

Most people, if any, don't start at heroin, but started at softer drugs like marijuana. Show me one heroin addict that started at heroin and I will show you 50 that started at pot. This is the point, that soft drug use leads to an increased likelihood of harder dug use. Meaning those who haven't used substances like marijuana to begin with are less like to use harder drugs.

Many baby boomers are amoral, selfish, narcissistic faggots, bad example.

Marijuana, NOT EVEN ONCE.

Show me any heroin addict and I will show you someone how drank alcohol first, and smoked cigarettes first. Most people who do heavier drugs started with alcohol and or cigarettes- both far more addictive than marijuana.

Many people from other countries are self rightious amoral, selfish narcisstic pricks.
Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

I know you don't live in the United States, but I would think whatever backward country you do live in would have heard of the great experiment the United States had with alcohol prohibition.

That prohibition enriched criminals and killed Americans. It was a huge failure.

Just like marijuana prohibition.

The criminals who sold illegal alcohol were driven out of the business by legal alcohol producers- and that is exactly what is happening with marijuana.
The criminals who sold illegal alcohol didn't suddenly become law abiding. They moved into drug sales. .

There was little in the way of an illegal drug market in 1930- organized crime focused on loan sharking, gambling and prostitution once they lost the alcohol market. And violence dropped once the big money was eliminated.

The unintended consequences of the rightwing "do-gooder" mentality of trying to ban alcohol and drugs has created the violent criminal gangs of today.
Yea, some guy on the internet said weed is harmless because of SCIENCE! or something. Well better support legalizing it.

Some people have actually read history and science.

History tells us that drug prohibition leads to money flowing to criminals, and the violence that accompanies criminals fighting for that money.

Science tells us that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.

Three states now have decided to pay attention to history and science rather than histrionics.

The rest of the United States can watch and see what happens. So far it looks like the biggest effect is more tax money for the States.
I like that logic, if we no longer call the people selling and manufacturing drugs criminals, than the drug money will no longer be flowing to criminals. Cool how that works.

As for the SCIENCE!, even casual use of marijuana(once a week), results in structural brain changes that effect cognitive function..

And alcohol is toxic- and kills Americans every year.

Study Marijuana much safer than alcohol KOBI-TV NBC5 KOTI-TV NBC2 Local news for Southern Oregon Northern California
A new international study suggests some legal substances could be more deadly than illegal ones, and marijuana may be safer than previously thought.

The study in “Scientific Reports” journal looks at one main thing, how deadly is a drug?

The Study - Scientific Reports

The results show alcohol as more lethal than even meth or heroin and over a hundred times more deadly than weed.

"The chances for mortality from other drugs is much much higher than for marijuana," said Medical Expert Dr. Robin Miller.

As July 1st approaches and marijuana legalization nears for Oregonians 21 and up we're getting a better look at how dangerous recreational drugs can be.

"Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, tobacco long term, are incredibly hard on your health," said Dr. Miller.

A study by the research journal 'Scientific Reports' found that compared to other recreational drugs marijuana comes dead last in terms of risk.

That's not surprising to medical experts like Dr. Miller.

"The chances of dying from smoking or taking in marijuana is very very low," said Dr. Miller.

A team of international scientists compared the typical usage of a drug against the amount in a lethal dose.

The findings show that individually, alcohol was the deadliest substance followed by heroin and cocaine. At the bottom of the list, and least deadly, was marijuana.

Legally banning marijuana is frankly irrational. We have seen that Prohibition doesn't work.

Treat marijuana exactly how we treat alcohol- regulate, tax- and the money will stop flowing to criminals and people will not get killed by criminals fighting over marijuana profits.

That study is redundant and doesn't speak to your case at all. Of course more individuals die from alcohol than from drugs like heroin and cocaine, more people drink alcohol than use those drugs. However even your study states these drugs are more lethal and addictive, and in much smaller doses.

And how casually you ignore that alcohol directly kills people.

Alcohol is toxic- marijuana is not.
2,200 deaths from alcohol poisoning per year versus none from marijuana poisoning.

Alcohol Poisoning Deaths Vital Signs

Alcohol is physically addictive- persons who become addicted to alcohol can die from withdrawal- again unlike marijuana.

Does that mean that marijuana is necessarily safe? No- but it does mean that alcohol is more deadly- and shows the hypocrisy of treating marijuana differently from alcohol.
I am not ignoring it. But you are being entirely disingenuous in your characterization of alcohol.

Regular alcohol use does not kill an individual. You can die of an overdose from doctor prescribed medications, should marijuana be legalized on that basis? Are prescription pills harmful when medicated properly? Of course not. Is alcohol when consumed in proper amounts harmful? Not it is not. But is marijuana in moderate doses harmful to one's health? Yes it is, and the studies show this.

When you are talking about setting policy, you don't base it on exceptions to the rule, but the general trends. So you don't base the legality of the substance on the minority who abuse it, but it's effects in regular dose. Over consumption of many otherwise healthy or healthy neutral things can lead to harm to its legality isn't predicated on its overdose effects. For example The fact is, regular marijuana use is far more damaging than regular use of alcohol, particularly in the area of cognitive function.

Also, the idea that marijuana is not addictive whereas alcohol is. Both substances are addictive. So honestly, stop bringing around your garbage pseudoscience about how marijuana isn't addictive.
Cannabis can be highly addictive major study finds - Telegraph
Is marijuana addictive National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA
it is a gateway drug to hashish, opium, and eventually the Hook.

Except that nonsense has been completely and utterly debunked.

If that were true millions of 70's hippies would all be hooked on heroin. Only that never happened. They just stopped smoking joints and became respectable adults with jobs and families instead.
You don't understand what gateway drug theory is.

The idea is not that everyone who smokes weed moves to heroin or cocaine.

Most people, if any, don't start at heroin, but started at softer drugs like marijuana. Show me one heroin addict that started at heroin and I will show you 50 that started at pot. This is the point, that soft drug use leads to an increased likelihood of harder dug use. Meaning those who haven't used substances like marijuana to begin with are less like to use harder drugs.

Many baby boomers are amoral, selfish, narcissistic faggots, bad example.

Marijuana, NOT EVEN ONCE.


So according to that fallacy of yours soda is a gateway to becoming an alcoholic because you can't show me a single alcoholic who never started by drinking a soda, right?

Your false equivalence fails because there is no causality. Addicts become addicts because they have addictive personalities. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the substances they abuse either. People who are addicted to gambling or cutting themselves or bulimia didn't all smoke pot first.
It isn't a fallacy.

It is just a fact someone who smokes marijuana is at a higher risk of using hard drugs than someone who doesn't use marijuana. Gateway drug theory isn't about gambling or bulimia so stop confusing the issue.
it is a gateway drug to hashish, opium, and eventually the Hook.

Except that nonsense has been completely and utterly debunked.

If that were true millions of 70's hippies would all be hooked on heroin. Only that never happened. They just stopped smoking joints and became respectable adults with jobs and families instead.
You don't understand what gateway drug theory is.

The idea is not that everyone who smokes weed moves to heroin or cocaine.

Most people, if any, don't start at heroin, but started at softer drugs like marijuana. Show me one heroin addict that started at heroin and I will show you 50 that started at pot. This is the point, that soft drug use leads to an increased likelihood of harder dug use. Meaning those who haven't used substances like marijuana to begin with are less like to use harder drugs.

Many baby boomers are amoral, selfish, narcissistic faggots, bad example.

Marijuana, NOT EVEN ONCE.


So according to that fallacy of yours soda is a gateway to becoming an alcoholic because you can't show me a single alcoholic who never started by drinking a soda, right?

Your false equivalence fails because there is no causality. Addicts become addicts because they have addictive personalities. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the substances they abuse either. People who are addicted to gambling or cutting themselves or bulimia didn't all smoke pot first.
It isn't a fallacy.

It is just a fact someone who smokes marijuana is at a higher risk of using hard drugs than someone who doesn't use marijuana. Gateway drug theory isn't about gambling or bulimia so stop confusing the issue.
You're wrong bud. Your just spewing propoganda. I promise you all the cokeheads and heroine users of the world tried alcohol first. And probably cigarettes.

But I CAN think of a way that marijuana IS a gateway drug! Because it's so illegal the only way to get it is to get mixed up with criminals. And those criminals have access to other drugs! So it makes getting into further illegal activities seem not so bad!

But I can think of one very easy way to end that...
Some people have actually read history and science.

Also, the idea that marijuana is not addictive whereas alcohol is. Both substances are addictive. So honestly, stop bringing around your garbage pseudoscience about how marijuana isn't addictive.
Cannabis can be highly addictive major study finds - Telegraph
Is marijuana addictive National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA

Marijuana is not as physically addictive as alcohol is.

Alcohol addicts can die from withdrawal, and as such alcohol cessation for an addict should be monitored by a doctor.

As with similar substances with a sedative-hypnotic mechanism, such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines, withdrawal from alcohol dependence can be fatal if it is not properly managed.[48][54] Alcohol's primary effect is the increase in stimulation of the GABAA receptor, promoting central nervous system depression. With repeated heavy consumption of alcohol, these receptors are desensitized and reduced in number, resulting in tolerance and physical dependence. When alcohol consumption is stopped too abruptly, the person's nervous system suffers from uncontrolled synapse firing. This can result in symptoms that include anxiety, life-threatening seizures, delirium tremens, hallucinations, shakes and possible heart failure.[55][56] Other neurotransmitter systems are also involved, especially dopamine, NMDA and glutamate.[9][57]

Marijuana withdrawal can lead to irritibiilty and anxiety- and doesn't require medical supervision

In a study of nearly 500 marijuana smokers who tried to kick the habit, about one-third resumed use to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and anxiety
Show me a crack addict and I'll show you a person who, as a child, drank milk. Therefore milk is a gateway drug leading to crack abuse and must be banned.
As for so called violence. It isn't legal in my country and there is a high rate of violent crime because of it. So your assessment on the ban causing all this violent gang related crime is absurd. As for other drugs like cocaine and heroin. There is violent crime associated with trafficking, so you advocate legalizing these things as well.

Not 'so called' violence- actual violence.

Your post is confusing but yes- Prohibition of alcohol- and prohibition of pot- both directly led to organized crime- and gang violence.

Until alcohol was made illegal- gangs in America were petty anty- Prohibition made organized crime rich.

The same with marijuana.

Now that legal marijuana is flooding the markets in the United States, the gangs have largely stopped shipping pot, and are instead battling over meth and heroin.

Legal pot has already largely eliminated the violent crime that was associated with illegal pot.
Provide evidence all this violent crime in America and Europe as a result of marijuana being illegal.

Those who grow marijuana illegally now would continue to grow marijuana legally, they wouldn't stop because it is now legal, this makes no sense. Those who grew it illegally in places like Colorado, Washington etc are still growing it today, just selling it to legal dispensaries or on the black market at lower prices. So your argument that illegal suppliers will magically stop because it is now legal makes no sense. And as I said before, even it a new class of suppliers were to replace the old ones, the damaging effects of the substance would still remain.
If there is anything this country really needs it's thousands more like Eddie Raush with cannibis psychosis. Listen to the teachers who claim that the more students smoke pot the higher the test scores get.
But is marijuana in moderate doses harmful to one's health? Yes it is, and the studies show this.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Onus is on you to provide credible links proving your claim.
I already provided multiple links in this thread that even moderate use of marijuana harms cognitive function, whereas even regular heavy drinking doesn't, just look through the thread.

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