Alec Baldwin apologizes after homophobic Twitter rant

The thing about Baldwin is he's a supreme asshole...I can't imagine living with him buthe certainly can turn a phrase...
When I start cussing..I am in a FOUL mood. And then I feel badly for my words. Celebs are human.
Mel Gibson went thru this shit a lot too for what HE said.
Paula is being tarred and feathered.
Baldwin called his kid a brat. She probably was at that time. I know mine were and I told them so. And?

He may have called her a brat...but he also called her a pig.

And? It's his kid. Maybe she was being a piggy brat with gimme gimme gimme daddy, then shining him on when he called her. I see no problem with the term pig. Unless she was fat. Which she isn't/wasn't at that time. He was pissed at his daughter and it was a private conversation. His ex decided to put both the kid AND dad in the spotlight. Who do you think it hurt worse? Certainly not Alec.
Yeah. Anyway.

and yes, she's a bit fluffy, always has been.

But you go ahead and support the practice of a grown man calling his daughter a pig.
Yeah. Anyway.

and yes, she's a bit fluffy, always has been.

But you go ahead and support the practice of a grown man calling his daughter a pig.

I support a dad being angry at his kid and saying something he said he regretted. I have done the same.

Let those who NEVER said something stupid at some time in their lives throw the first stone.

Piggy Calling Cracker.
My son flipped off his dad behind his back. I saw it. I waited until dad walked in the other room, oblivious to what his kid did behind his back. Once he did, I walked up to bratty son and said "you ever do that again, I will break your fucking arm". Did I mean it? No. But he thought I did. Then I added the final verbal punch of "if he saw that, do you think he would have been angry or hurt?" and my son started to cry. He said Dad would have been hurt and he was sorry for doing it and glad Dad didn't see it. That was punishment enough. Was I stupid for saying that? No. I got the point across.

btw...bratty kid was 17 years old at the time. He knew better. I just reminded him who was still alpha and would always be alpha...and that his actions hurt more than a broken arm would.
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Ah...feel the liberal tolerance flow. :razz:


Alec Baldwin has apologized after he used homophobic slurs to violently threaten a British reporter who said his wife Hilaria Thomas had tweeted about wedding presents and TV appearances during James Gandolfini's funeral on Thursday.

"If put my foot up your f**king ass, George Stark, but I'm sure you'd dig it too much," one tweet read.

"I'm gonna find you George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I'm gonna f**k you... up," he added.

Baldwin denied Thomas had tweeted during the funeral, and said the tweets were instead made after the New York City service: "My wife DID NOT use her phone, in any capacity, at our friends funeral. Now, f**k this twitter + good luck to all of you who know the truth."

The 55-year-old actor's Twitter account was disabled following the rant.

But Thomas' wasn't.

Read more: Alec Baldwin apologizes after homophobic Twitter rant | Fox News

Nothing he tweeted could be considered homophobic. Its just Alec Baldwin acting like a toddler, yet again.
Nothing he tweeted could be considered homophobic. Its just Alec Baldwin acting like a toddler, yet again.

Yea.....You wouldn't be saying that if it had been Alan West or Glenn Beck tweeting it.

You know that liberals will always give fellow liberals a pass. It's obvious he couldn't have meant it, he's Alec Baldwin, liberal Bush hater...
Ah...feel the liberal tolerance flow. :razz:


Alec Baldwin has apologized after he used homophobic slurs to violently threaten a British reporter who said his wife Hilaria Thomas had tweeted about wedding presents and TV appearances during James Gandolfini's funeral on Thursday.

"If put my foot up your f**king ass, George Stark, but I'm sure you'd dig it too much," one tweet read.

"I'm gonna find you George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I'm gonna f**k you... up," he added.

Baldwin denied Thomas had tweeted during the funeral, and said the tweets were instead made after the New York City service: "My wife DID NOT use her phone, in any capacity, at our friends funeral. Now, f**k this twitter + good luck to all of you who know the truth."

The 55-year-old actor's Twitter account was disabled following the rant.

But Thomas' wasn't.

Read more: Alec Baldwin apologizes after homophobic Twitter rant | Fox News

He's old school, remember.. Born in '58 he came of age back when being gay was still considered a weakness. And calling other men gay was a common insult even when we knew perfectly well they were not homos

Ergo, Homophobic slurs against other men we are angry are build right into our generation's speech patterns.

Remember, old folks like us were raised back when homosexuality was not only NOT okay., it was illegal, and considered a mental disease, too.

So even when we've moved past those beliefs, our lizard brains (that part of our brain that comes alive when we get really pissed) is NO LIBERAL.

That's no excuse, of course, but it does explain why people who know better still fuck up.
Nothing he tweeted could be considered homophobic. Its just Alec Baldwin acting like a toddler, yet again.

Yea.....You wouldn't be saying that if it had been Alan West or Glenn Beck tweeting it.

You know that liberals will always give fellow liberals a pass. It's obvious he couldn't have meant it, he's Alec Baldwin, liberal Bush hater...

Well...yeah. Look at em go giving him excuses in this thread. :razz:

But then what do you expect from a bunch of hypocrites who also gave him a pass for this lovely comment...

"If we were in another country ... we would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they're doing to this country."[
I think we need to boycott Alec Baldwin movies ( and TV shows)...right lefties?? :eusa_whistle:

Now, now, now...let's not forget organizing efforts to boycott Baldwin's TV sponsors too. You know they'd already be underway if Alec leaned to the right instead of the dark side.

Yes yes...scorched earth astroturf campaigns too...:eusa_angel:

You will also note that now all of a sudden homophobic slurs are not signs of a bigot either. lol
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That is not funny. In fact it's a pretty fucked up thing to post.

That video was presented in another thread. How do you think I came across it?

Go address the original posting of the video, then get back to me.

If you're looking for funny then you are in the wrong place.

I already know exactly where it's from. And not only is it irrelevant here, it's an idiotic thing to say about Paula Deen and a cheap-ass way to mine a cheap joke at the expense of the victim of a brutal assault.

That's fucked up.

I may be fucked up, but I ain't cheap. :eusa_whistle:
The guy needs Jesus. And then he might learn to express himself righteously without the need for apologies or a foot in the mouth...

The narcissist needs to know that the rest of the world sees him as a loser, and places as much credibility with him as they do the commander-in-chief...
My son flipped off his dad behind his back. I saw it. I waited until dad walked in the other room, oblivious to what his kid did behind his back. Once he did, I walked up to bratty son and said "you ever do that again, I will break your fucking arm". Did I mean it? No. But he thought I did. Then I added the final verbal punch of "if he saw that, do you think he would have been angry or hurt?" and my son started to cry. He said Dad would have been hurt and he was sorry for doing it and glad Dad didn't see it. That was punishment enough. Was I stupid for saying that? No. I got the point across.

btw...bratty kid was 17 years old at the time. He knew better. I just reminded him who was still alpha and would always be alpha...and that his actions hurt more than a broken arm would.

Charming. Boys who have mothers who swear at and bully them are well on their way to a well adjusted adulthood.

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