Alert! ACLJ Obtains Obama's Immunity Agreements with Hillary Clinton Aides Destroying Emails/Laptops


It's a real shame that you do not know how to discern bull shit from shinola!

Seriously! The accusations and body counts is all made up, FAKE NEWS...propaganda CREATED by the right wing.... surely you can see this....?
It's impossible to think the CBC is fake, IF you have actually read the material, and you have even a modicum of intelligence.

I'll grant that you have the intelligence. I won't grant that you read the material, and have the foggiest idea what it is. Wanna take a quiz ?
Facts are facts, truth is truth....

And Hillary's subpoena from the House was for Benghazi and Lybia connected emails, of which her lawyers sought out and turned over, to comply with the subpoena. Anything else on her server, WAS NOT SUBPOENAED.... therefore, by LAW she could do whatever she wanted with them, erase, bleach bit, destroy, scrub, burn or whatever... that's a fact jack!

This is why she was not indicted or charged for scrubbing her server...

Congress NEVER subpoenaed her server.

The FBI did not ask for her server to be turned over, until 5 months after the House's subpoena for Benghazi and Lybia emails and after she had deleted her 30,000 personal emails.... that too is a fact jack.

State department rules say to all employees to NOT turn in any personal emails, to be archived and to only send govt emails to the National Archives.... that too is a fact jack.

bet you believe she killed Vince Foster too.... :rolleyes:
NO, she could NOT do whatever she wanted to emails on her server, because she was in violation by HAVING THEM on her server to begin with. She risked US national security by putting top secret SAPs information where all the world could see it. You think this is OK ?

As for Vince Foster, you think he's the only one she is suspected of killing ? There are dozens of others. Just for example, how do you explain Ron Brown dying in a plane crash (clear skies, experienced pilots)
On the verge of being indicted and having stated publicly his willingness to make a deal with prosecutors, Ron Brown's death brought to an end his ability to testify. The very next day, Ron Brown's personal lawyer was murdered in a drive-by shooting. A few days later, the Air Traffic Controller who had been in charge during the aircraft crash was found dead and declared a suicide.

On leaving Ron Brown's funeral, President Bill Clinton was seen laughing and joking ... until he saw the camera, then he went into his sad act!


Or John Ashe dying of a weight lifting "accident" only hours before he was supposed to testify about Hillary's links to Ng Lap Seng, in the the 1996 "China-gate" scandal for funneling illegal donations to Bill Clinton's re-election fund.

And you think she bashed and bleached her cellphone to cover up harmless information ? No you don't. LOCK HER UP!



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Someone should investigate her...and while they're at it look into the Benghazi thing.
I don't understand why no-one has tried to get to the bottom of it!!!
AG Barr is going to send Hillary to prison for her illegal emails.

I hear he's going to reveal the tapes of Sec Clinton's secret trip to Libya where she was leading the assault in Benghazi.
Good grief! In other words, the DOJ/FBI were not conducting an investigation but were themselves part of a criminal conspiracy with Clinton to destroy evidence.

Edit: Aids should be spelled Aides in title. Fixed White_MAGA_Man

ACLJ Obtains Obama DOJ’s Immunity Agreements with Hillary Clinton Lawyers Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson to “Dispose” of Evidence and Refuse to Comply with Federal Law | American Center for Law and Justice

Someone should investigate her...and while they're at it look into the Benghazi thing.
I don't understand why no-one has tried to get to the bottom of it!!!

Torches and pitchforks time

The evidence is mounting, will anything ever be done?

the house issued a subpoena for Benghazi and Libya emails, she/her lawyers complied.... her computer maintenance company erased/deleted/bleach bit her 30,000 private emails....which WAS NOT against the Law....

you all want her ''locked up''/ the doj to indict her for deleting her private emails which was NOT against the law...

ya'll are :cuckoo:
What makes you think they were not official government business? You have a copy ?
Facts are facts, truth is truth....

And Hillary's subpoena from the House was for Benghazi and Lybia connected emails, of which her lawyers sought out and turned over, to comply with the subpoena. Anything else on her server, WAS NOT SUBPOENAED.... therefore, by LAW she could do whatever she wanted with them, erase, bleach bit, destroy, scrub, burn or whatever... that's a fact jack!

This is why she was not indicted or charged for scrubbing her server...

Congress NEVER subpoenaed her server.

The FBI did not ask for her server to be turned over, until 5 months after the House's subpoena for Benghazi and Lybia emails and after she had deleted her 30,000 personal emails.... that too is a fact jack.

State department rules say to all employees to NOT turn in any personal emails, to be archived and to only send govt emails to the National Archives.... that too is a fact jack.

bet you believe she killed Vince Foster too.... :rolleyes:
NO, she could NOT do whatever she wanted to emails on her server, because she was in violation by HAVING THEM on her server to begin with. She risked US national security by putting top secret SAPs information where all the world could see it. You think this is OK ?

As for Vince Foster, you think he's the only one she is suspected of killing ? There are dozens of others. Just for example, how do you explain Ron Brown dying in a plane crash (clear skies, experienced pilots)
On the verge of being indicted and having stated publicly his willingness to make a deal with prosecutors, Ron Brown's death brought to an end his ability to testify. The very next day, Ron Brown's personal lawyer was murdered in a drive-by shooting. A few days later, the Air Traffic Controller who had been in charge during the aircraft crash was found dead and declared a suicide.

On leaving Ron Brown's funeral, President Bill Clinton was seen laughing and joking ... until he saw the camera, then he went into his sad act!


Or John Ashe dying of a weight lifting "accident" only hours before he was supposed to testify about Hillary's links to Ng Lap Seng, in the the 1996 "China-gate" scandal for funneling illegal donations to Bill Clinton's re-election fund.

And you think she bashed and bleached her cellphone to cover up harmless information ? No you don't. LOCK HER UP!




Ng Lap Seng is dead too, no? Clinton knows how to tie up loose ends. Tbh, I doubt Bill ever had anything to do with any of that.
You can't get to the bottom of anything when the Entire Obama Administration was engaged in a cover up. The reason there was this Fake Russia Investigation at all, was because Obama people engaged in the cover up were still in power when Trump took office, so they "Resisted The Peaceful Transition of Power" by committing multiple treasonous acts.

Kiddingly? RUSSIANS WERE TRYING TO HACK RELAVANT TARGETS THE VERY NEXT DAY. They must've not got the joke. :rolleyes:

And if he really wasn't hiding anything then he wouldn't be perpetually lying about release of his tax returns, his pussy grabbing, his fuck doll payoffs, his Trump tower project in Moscow and his campaign's soliciatation of Russian government for Hillary dirt.
1. It is Hillary who was in cahoots with the Russians, not the Trumps.

2. Show one iota of evidence of Trump ever doing "pussy grabbing" or even advocating that.

3. Building a building is real estate investment. So what ?

Strike 1…...Strike 2...…..Strike 3...

You can't get to the bottom of anything when the Entire Obama Administration was engaged in a cover up. The reason there was this Fake Russia Investigation at all, was because Obama people engaged in the cover up were still in power when Trump took office, so they "Resisted The Peaceful Transition of Power" by committing multiple treasonous acts.

BTW this book was pretty much dead on regarding what Obama & Clinton tried to pull off.
They made Russians hack DNC/Podesta? They made Papadolous talk about Russians having Clinton emails before anyone in public knew? They made Trump blow Putin publicly for the duration of campaign? They made Trump campaign solicit Hillary dirt from Russian government? They made Trump try to secure a deal on a tower project in Moscow during campaign?

Because thats how the investigation into VERY REAL Russian interference in our election started.
Easy to see they got YOU programmed. :rolleyes:
Not at all, the Clinton's did fire the travel office and did have the FBI falsely charge them. It is well documented.

Fake is all that drools out of a demoRATs mouth.
While presenting zero evidence, to back up their pitiful claims.
Good grief! In other words, the DOJ/FBI were not conducting an investigation but were themselves part of a criminal conspiracy with Clinton to destroy evidence.

Edit: Aids should be spelled Aides in title. Fixed White_MAGA_Man

ACLJ Obtains Obama DOJ’s Immunity Agreements with Hillary Clinton Lawyers Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson to “Dispose” of Evidence and Refuse to Comply with Federal Law | American Center for Law and Justice

No, you don't get to read her personal emails.

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