Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

Calling and promoting a mass shooting of small children and teachers a "hoax" will forever be viewed as one of the most deplorable, disgusting, cruel and sick conspiracy theories ever perpetrated. Those perpetrators do not have the empathy or sympathy, decency or respect for other human beings to know or care about the depth of depravity their actions represent.

And yet Sandy Hoax was a staged "Operation Gladio" type event. At least be glad that no child actually died during this "Made for TV news" event...unlike the deep state operation that was the OKC bombing and Waco, Texas where dead children were collateral damage and their dead bodies used as props and a propaganda tool. What do these staged events always accomplish? It puts more and more power into the hands of the state and more draconian legislation. It's a good thing for leftards that the Obamamonkey did away with that pesky Smith-Mundt Act of 1947 making it legal for "da gubermint" to lie to it's serfs.
The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Jones & Info Wars is just the tip of the group think 'psychosis' iceberg; we also have Rush Limpdick, Faux Nuwz, Breitfart, others, etc.
The entire right wing of AmeriKKKa is an infection greater than any venereal disease.

So says the little commie fuck.......
Calling and promoting a mass shooting of small children and teachers a "hoax" will forever be viewed as one of the most deplorable, disgusting, cruel and sick conspiracy theories ever perpetrated. Those perpetrators do not have the empathy or sympathy, decency or respect for other human beings to know or care about the depth of depravity their actions represent.

You have to understand this one thing about these people.

They're crazy.

Once you realize that, it makes much more sense.
I have to admit, I didn't expect the thread to go quite in this direction.


Basically, the nutters have taken two tracks

  1. Alex Jones is right
  2. Alex Jones is a stooge for the MSM



Toro-tard SEZ????? "Oh you guys are nutters that don't vote leftard like me!!! Do you hear me, do you? Oh I just know that you listen to Alex Jones and that Rush Limbaugh guy instead of good little commie comrades like Rachael Maddow and we are the voice of reason!!!"

HOLY shit, El Toro.....if I were as stupid and as utterly void of personality and common sense as you are? I would kill myself.....seriously. Ignorance can be corrected and for some, the ability to see the bigger picture is happening by the day....but you? Sadly, your stupidity seems to be "terminal".

71,000 plus posts of stupidity since 2005.........great use of your time!


LOL.....notice it is always the members with 4 billion posts that call everybody else looney!!:2up:

I used to have a list of about 50 questions following the bogus police report......just beyond laughable in that you realized that you can sell dog doo for $1,000 a pop if you package it up just right for the public!:backpedal:
At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

You mean like blaming all societies woes on an imaginary "PC Police" and "Regressives"?
If Republicans didn't lie they'd have NOTHING to say!

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You can keep your doctor.....

I did keep my doctor.

All Obamacare did to my private employer provided insurance was make it better.

More things are covered now and I pay less out of pocket.

You can say Obama lied but he didn't. In fact saying Obama lied about that is a lie.

But what does that have to do with jones and his lies about sandy hook?

Are you saying that because you believe Obama told one lie that every lie from a conservative is ok?

That's some extremely twisted logic.
Calling and promoting a mass shooting of small children and teachers a "hoax" will forever be viewed as one of the most deplorable, disgusting, cruel and sick conspiracy theories ever perpetrated. Those perpetrators do not have the empathy or sympathy, decency or respect for other human beings to know or care about the depth of depravity their actions represent.

You're will be viewed that way by the zombies of the world....the zombies who navigate life desperately seeking the comfy/cozy spaces of the hobbit hole 100% of the time. If official government sources told them to go perch themselves on top of a big bumpy cucumber because it's been vetted, they'd happily oblige.

The world isnt as Disney-like as most people think it is!!:113::113:Anybody who takes just a bit of a gander into Newtown wont be able to connect lots of dots.....but I get it....most wont go there.:2up:
At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

You mean like blaming all societies woes on an imaginary "PC Police" and "Regressives"?
If Republicans didn't lie they'd have NOTHING to say!

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You can keep your doctor.....

I did keep my doctor.

All Obamacare did to my private employer provided insurance was make it better.

More things are covered now and I pay less out of pocket.

You can say Obama lied but he didn't. In fact saying Obama lied about that is a lie.

But what does that have to do with jones and his lies about sandy hook?

Are you saying that because you believe Obama told one lie that every lie from a conservative is ok?

That's some extremely twisted logic.
Calling and promoting a mass shooting of small children and teachers a "hoax" will forever be viewed as one of the most deplorable, disgusting, cruel and sick conspiracy theories ever perpetrated. Those perpetrators do not have the empathy or sympathy, decency or respect for other human beings to know or care about the depth of depravity their actions represent.

You have to understand this one thing about these people.

They're crazy.

Once you realize that, it makes much more sense.
Only thing funnier than seeing Alex Jones derail and try to keep the train chugging along is to read all his supporters on USMB make up the most ridiculous excuses for him. Just look at the shit Dale Smith posted.
Ummm, as usual, you are 100 percent wrong on that point. Jones had Wolfgang Halbig on his program...

None of this pap is proof of anything beyond your own delusions.

Since when is questioning the official narrative and pointing out the discrepancies of an event that has been used to shape the anti- 2nd amendment debate suddenly a crime?

It's not. No one said it is, you triggered mental case. But I think it requires a complete lack of empathy to even think that way. Try and actually think about what you're up to and why: you're 'questioning the official narrative' of a mass shooting simply because of a rabid paranoia and obligation to defend a right that's not going away. I own many firearms, and yet I don't live in fear of someone taking them away from me because it's not a rational response. But it is a classic wingerloon response, made by someone easily lead by media with a strong bias. In case you have trouble deciphering the message, that means you, snowflake.

I will NEVER stop questioning this not only in cyberville but in real time as well. No one can debunk the evidence I produce...try as they may. There is simply too many things that do not add up AT all.

Aww, look at you. A grown-ass man who subscribes to conspiracy fairy tales. Something the rest of us grew out of in our teens. Perhaps longer if you smoke the wacky tobacky. Does your life have that little meaning that you must defend and build upon false narratives from right wing talk show hosts? To me, that's the epitome of pathetic. I don't take conspiracy loons seriously because you're not qualified to make the assumptions you make, unless you care to supply your journalistic credentials and what publication(s) you're currently employed with, then we can talk. It is also the reason I don't ask for programming advice from my dog groomer. Again, not qualified. Sorry life dealt you such hardship that you must believe in nonsense just to get through it. I truly hope it gets better for you someday.
Ummm, as usual, you are 100 percent wrong on that point. Jones had Wolfgang Halbig on his program...

None of this pap is proof of anything beyond your own delusions.

Since when is questioning the official narrative and pointing out the discrepancies of an event that has been used to shape the anti- 2nd amendment debate suddenly a crime?

It's not. No one said it is, you triggered mental case. But I think it requires a complete lack of empathy to even think that way. Try and actually think about what you're up to and why: you're 'questioning the official narrative' of a mass shooting simply because of a rabid paranoia and obligation to defend a right that's not going away. I own many firearms, and yet I don't live in fear of someone taking them away from me because it's not a rational response. But it is a classic wingerloon response, made by someone easily lead by media with a strong bias. In case you have trouble deciphering the message, that means you, snowflake.

I will NEVER stop questioning this not only in cyberville but in real time as well. No one can debunk the evidence I produce...try as they may. There is simply too many things that do not add up AT all.

Aww, look at you. A grown-ass man who subscribes to conspiracy fairy tales. Something the rest of us grew out of in our teens. Perhaps longer if you smoke the wacky tobacky. Does your life have that little meaning that you must defend and build upon false narratives from right wing talk show hosts? To me, that's the epitome of pathetic. I don't take conspiracy loons seriously because you're not qualified to make the assumptions you make, unless you care to supply your journalistic credentials and what publication(s) you're currently employed with, then we can talk. It is also the reason I don't ask for programming advice from my dog groomer. Again, not qualified. Sorry life dealt you such hardship that you must believe in nonsense just to get through it. I truly hope it gets better for you someday.

Lol.....heres a guy talking about "lack of empathy" and calling the other guy a snowflake!!!:gay:

Only a hardened progressive......:113::113: get this when the topic of Sandy Hook comes up.....every snowflake wants to display how empathic they are!:popcorn:
Only thing funnier than seeing Alex Jones derail and try to keep the train chugging along is to read all his supporters on USMB make up the most ridiculous excuses for him. Just look at the shit Dale Smith posted.

You mean things you can't refute or have an answer to as it pertains to Sandy Hoax? You leftard clowns simply make it tooo fucking easy to make you look so fucking stupid.
Ummm, as usual, you are 100 percent wrong on that point. Jones had Wolfgang Halbig on his program...

None of this pap is proof of anything beyond your own delusions.

Since when is questioning the official narrative and pointing out the discrepancies of an event that has been used to shape the anti- 2nd amendment debate suddenly a crime?

It's not. No one said it is, you triggered mental case. But I think it requires a complete lack of empathy to even think that way. Try and actually think about what you're up to and why: you're 'questioning the official narrative' of a mass shooting simply because of a rabid paranoia and obligation to defend a right that's not going away. I own many firearms, and yet I don't live in fear of someone taking them away from me because it's not a rational response. But it is a classic wingerloon response, made by someone easily lead by media with a strong bias. In case you have trouble deciphering the message, that means you, snowflake.

I will NEVER stop questioning this not only in cyberville but in real time as well. No one can debunk the evidence I produce...try as they may. There is simply too many things that do not add up AT all.

Aww, look at you. A grown-ass man who subscribes to conspiracy fairy tales. Something the rest of us grew out of in our teens. Perhaps longer if you smoke the wacky tobacky. Does your life have that little meaning that you must defend and build upon false narratives from right wing talk show hosts? To me, that's the epitome of pathetic. I don't take conspiracy loons seriously because you're not qualified to make the assumptions you make, unless you care to supply your journalistic credentials and what publication(s) you're currently employed with, then we can talk. It is also the reason I don't ask for programming advice from my dog groomer. Again, not qualified. Sorry life dealt you such hardship that you must believe in nonsense just to get through it. I truly hope it gets better for you someday.

No worries here, Tumblin'tard and I am not even slightly surprised that you got suckered into believing this load of shit that was passed off as a live event. None of your leftard clown posse pals can touch even a few of the points I have made that blows this scam out of the water. Leftard tactic (it's one and only tactic) is lamely attempting shame those that see right through this load of horseshit. You can eat shit and go blind for all I care. Your well-being is none of my concern and I wouldn't want you anywhere close to my side, ya little commie fuck-stain.
I did keep my doctor.

All Obamacare did to my private employer provided insurance was make it better.

More things are covered now and I pay less out of pocket.

You can say Obama lied but he didn't.

I'm very happy for you. However, your experience is entirely anecdotal. For some, like myself, the ACA was responsible for me losing my pretty terrific employment-sponsored private insurance policy years ago. The best non-ACA policy I could find afterwards is more than 50% more expensive with a higher deductible. Turns out, lots of other people were affected in a similar manner. So, respectfully, I'm glad your insurance is unchanged, but you're likely the exception rather than the norm, and please don't try to tell me Obama didn't lie about that.
Only thing funnier than seeing Alex Jones derail and try to keep the train chugging along is to read all his supporters on USMB make up the most ridiculous excuses for him. Just look at the shit Dale Smith posted.

You mean things you can't refute or have an answer to as it pertains to Sandy Hoax? You leftard clowns simply make it tooo fucking easy to make you look so fucking stupid.
I was referring more to "InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis" and not Sandy Hook. Just the general train wreck that your Infowars deity is.
No amount of BS conspiracy shit you post will change the truth about Sandy Hook.
No worries here, Tumblin'tard and I am not even slightly surprised that you got suckered into believing this load of shit that was passed off as a live event.

Well, you're certainly overthinking about what I do, so I suppose I should be flattered. Regardless, I never saw it live, but I read about it the next day. Television news rots your brain, bud.

None of your leftard clown posse pals can touch even a few of the points I have made that blows this scam out of the water.

Ah yes, the obvious, 'you're a leftard because you disagree w/ me' rhetoric. So tired. So boring. Derp. Regardless, I wouldn't touch any of your talking points because I refuse to debate the fantasies in your addled brain. Sorry, just not interested.

Leftard tactic (it's one and only tactic) is lamely attempting shame those that see right through this load of horseshit.

LOL. It's only Cult45 that brings up shame, ya notice that? I never brought it up. Perhaps this tells us something when rabid Cult45 inbreeds embrace terms like 'shaming' and 'virtue signalling' to cover up second guessing their own deplorable behavior. You got something to be ashamed of, fats?

You can eat shit and go blind for all I care. Your well-being is none of my concern and I wouldn't want you anywhere close to my side, ya little commie fuck-stain.

LOL Haters gonna hate. :04: Have a glorious day.
I did keep my doctor.

All Obamacare did to my private employer provided insurance was make it better.

More things are covered now and I pay less out of pocket.

You can say Obama lied but he didn't.

I'm very happy for you. However, your experience is entirely anecdotal. For some, like myself, the ACA was responsible for me losing my pretty terrific employment-sponsored private insurance policy years ago. The best non-ACA policy I could find afterwards is more than 50% more expensive with a higher deductible. Turns out, lots of other people were affected in a similar manner. So, respectfully, I'm glad your insurance is unchanged, but you're likely the exception rather than the norm, and please don't try to tell me Obama didn't lie about that.

If your employer discontinued your insurance that's not the fault of Obamacare. It's the fault of your employer. Your employer made that choice. Not Obama or Obamacare.

I'm sorry you lost your insurance. It's just another example of companies putting money above the people who generate that money.

I wouldn't fault Obamacare for something your employer did.

Nor would I use that to excuse all of the thousands of lies that come from trump or conservatives. They use that one instance to excuse horrible lies by republicans and trump and it's getting very old.

They seem to have a problem with what they call lies from Obama but don't have any problem with the thousands of lies from trump and republicans.

This thread is a good example. jones has been lying and slandering the Sandy Hook families for years now. Many have had to leave their homes in fear of their lives because of the lies jones and others have been saying for years.

If people don't like what they see as one lie from Obama but don't have a problem with all the thousands of lies from trump and conservatives I have to believe that they are fine with those lies and only whine about democrats to deflect from the subject at hand.

Like in this thread. It's not about Obama or Obamacare. It's about jones, his lies and his excuses for those lies. He has admitted that he knew he was lying all along by saying he had a psychosis. Which is so lame it's pathetic.

What's disgusting is that jones and others have made money off their lies and terrorizing the Sandy Hook families. So much that one of them took their own life recently.

Or is all those lies, slander and terrorizing innocent people ok because your employer discontinued your insurance and Obama said you could keep your doctor?
Lanza pulls off the most prolific kill rate/shot in the history of mass far. A teenager.

But nobody ever saw the kid on a shooting range.....ever.


^^^ more really bad fake news ^^^

When police interviewed Peter Lanza after the shooting, he told investigators that on "several occasions" prior to 2011, he took Adam to a shooting range in Monroe, and to a range in Danbury at least once.

There, he would "rent a single gun for Adam and him to shoot at targets," the police report said.
Peter Lanza said he would buy the ammunition but would "always" keep any unused ammunition "and did not permit Adam to keep any for himself," according to the report.

Peter Lanza said he never gave Adam a firearm and was not aware of Nancy Lanza's ever purchasing guns for their son, although he "assumed Adam had access to firearms purchased by Nancy," because during one shooting range outing, Peter Lanza said, "Adam possessed two long guns that he believed were purchased by Nancy."
Report Reveals Details Of Deadly Day, Lanza's Life

Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old who killed 20 children and six adults in a rampage at a Connecticut elementary school, and his mother both spent time at an area gun range, ABC News has learned.

A Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives spokesperson told ABC News investigators have determined Lanza did visit a gun range, but they have not determined whether he shot there.
Connecticut School Shooting: Adam Lanza and Mother Visited Gun Ranges

LOL......interviewed the brother!! OK!!

Not one other human being ever saw the guy at a range........only idiots think there are personal shooting ranges out there! And lets assume the brothers statement is Adam Lanza goes and shoots a few rounds in a handful of sessions at a range and then pulls off a superhuman stunt that marine guys and special op's guys say they could never do......astonishing kill rate accuracy. By an autistic kid...:abgg2q.jpg:....anything not routinized for autistic kids is like you or I walking into a funhouse with 1,000 mirrors......doy. Have been working with autistic adults for 35 years.....they don't do novel.

Where is the vid of Lanza purchasing the weapons? ( official reports have him purchasing gun at a local gun store ). Even in 2012, video monitoring was standard in any gun store. And speaking of video monitors at Sandy Hook, one of the best school districts in the United States.:2up:. Maybe though, they were just switched off that day?:4_13_65:. The kid was 112 pounds........but the official report says he carried, "hundreds of rounds" of ammo PLUS three weapons!:ack-1::ack-1::abgg2q.jpg:And barely missed a single target!:aug08_031:

peter lanza is his father. lanza had asperger's syndrome. asperger's is high functioning autism & apsies are known to have high IQs, so he very easily could know exactly what he was doing & how he was doing it. the thing about the type of weapon he had is it is designed to compensate for accuracy with fan spray high velocity multi-round mags that tend to have a high kill ratio.... that is why they are as close to military action weapons as one can be without being full auto. btw - if you really knew the story -- you would know he didn't hafta buy any weapon. he killed his mother & took hers.
If your employer discontinued your insurance that's not the fault of Obamacare. It's the fault of your employer. Your employer made that choice. Not Obama or Obamacare.

I'm sorry you lost your insurance. It's just another example of companies putting money above the people who generate that money.

I wouldn't fault Obamacare for something your employer did.

Well, that's where we differ, because I kinda knew it was going to turn out this way. Notice I didn't blame Obama himself for cancelling my insurance, just that it was a direct effect of the ACA being in place. However, the outcome would have been the same had he arrived at my employer and cancelled my policy himself. See what I mean? You seem to be arguing semantics. I agree universal health care in this country is a sound idea. However, putting the gov't in charge of health care so suddenly was a very bad idea to me. I feel the act was implemented too hastily as a win for Democrats (and Obama) and the mandate is too heavy handed (and seemingly unconstitutional) to be sustainable. I hope we can go back to the drawing board someday to make universal health care practical for all economic classes in this country, because right now, it sure the hell ain't.

I run private businesses now, and yes, it's all about the bottom line, and yes, sometimes it's not fair. My previous employer made it a principle for 40 years to pay 80% of its employees' (around 400+) premiums. Then, a year after the ACA was implemented, their premiums skyrocketed until it started to significantly impact their bottom line. They held out for as long as they could (first, dropping their % coverage, then dropping the policies altogether) until they couldn't provide coverage anymore. I don't blame them for trying to keep their employees employed, doors open and lights on. Many businesses, including small and those in rural locations, were affected the same way, and I'd likely do the same thing if put in that situation. I feel the expensive insurance policies I currently provide for my employees could provide better (they were just 5 year ago) coverage, but I'm also not going to bankrupt my businesses so I don't feel bad about things beyond my control.

Nor would I use that to excuse all of the thousands of lies that come from trump or conservatives. They use that one instance to excuse horrible lies by republicans and trump and it's getting very old.

I don't excuse anything coming from the hive mind of Cult45, but wingers are gonna wing. Nothing we can do about it.

Like in this thread. It's not about Obama or Obamacare. It's about jones, his lies and his excuses for those lies. He has admitted that he knew he was lying all along by saying he had a psychosis. Which is so lame it's pathetic.

I agree. I believe I already stated as much right here in the thread.

Or is all those lies, slander and terrorizing innocent people ok because your employer discontinued your insurance and Obama said you could keep your doctor?

LOL Hyperbolic much? What a silly question. Don't go all winger on me now.

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