Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Which begs the question: Why would any mentally healthy person listen to, or much less believe, anything he spews from his mouth?
That's the power of ideology. Ideologues can convince themselves of some pretty amazing stuff.

Ideology?? What ideology is at play when it comes to Alex Jones? Do you think any of his followers are capable of discerning, much less maintaining, a consistent ideology?
I think his listeners are the type who just pick some tiny "news" sources and run with them without questioning them. We regularly see links to fantasy "news" stories that clearly are from whacked out winger websites.

So in this case, that's what I mean by "ideology" - like a religion, I'm going to believe what my little world allows in, no matter what.

The ideology is a pathological hatred of the US government, to the point of believing it is the source of most evil in the world, and a willingness to believe the governments of other nations, including those hostile against the interests of the United States.

And they masquerade as libertarians.

HOLY shit, Toro, get off of your knees and take the foreign owned federal "gubermint"s cock out of your mouth already. Your beloved "gubermint" is an incorporated,bankrupted entity that was taken into receivership by the IMF when it declared Chapter 11 Bankruptcy yet again in 1950, it gets passed around like a crackwhore to the banking oligarchs that hold the note on the debt of USA.INC. Every state, county, city and 99 percent of all towns are "incorporated" and why does that matter? Because when you "incorporate", land jurisdiction is lost and it falls under the Uniform Commercial Code/ Statutory Law i.e which is why we have courts of Admiralty because Admiralty Law was brought upon the land when local, county and states "incorporated" and became subsidiaries of USA.INC whose headquarters are within the confines of the District of Columbia that goes all the way back to 1868 and then the Act of 1871.

House Joint Resolution 192? Ever heard of it? The gold confiscation of the people via Executive Order in March of 1933? How FDR changed a few words in the "Trading With The Enemy Act of 1917" that made it's serfs "enemies of the state" and could no longer own real species of money like gold and silver and use it to discharge debt? You don't have a fucking clue, Toro......research the information. Research this where allodial rights to property was forfeited and turned over the the receivers/trustees after the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC and our labor was pledged as surety against THEIR debt.

Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session, which states: "The ownership of all property is in the state; individual so-called 'ownership' is only by virtue of the government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the state."
I love some of these posts in here! These people who knee jerk every time to accepting "the official story" no matter what it is because well.....its official!:113::113:

Would you allow that there is a difference between the acceptance of the "official story" and denying the event even happened?

For example, I firmly believe that Oswald was in cahoots with some foreign power, either formally or (most likely) informally. And the reason that it was not investigated more thoroughly was because if it were to ever come out that there was a foreign power involved, it would culminate in a nuclear war which would mean the end of (if not the world) our cushy lifestyles here in the US. In other words, if Cuba or Russia were involved, we would have to go to war with them and that means at some point, the button gets pressed--more likely than not. So I think the powers that be accepted it and just decided to let it be instead of going to war over the assassination. So that part of the Warren Commission Report, I disagree with.

I think Oswald was the only assassin. I don't buy for a moment there was planting of the rifle, postmortem finger/palm prints applied, doctored photographs, etc... So I do "buy" the Warren Commission Report on those findings.

To the point of Alex Jones, I don't deny Kennedy was assassinated.

So there is a difference to be had between buying it all or not buying it at all.
I believe that whn people have enough and start shooting the Progs and their families you will fold like an accordian.

Trump voters crave violence. That much is a given as you have demonstrated above.

The rest of us...not so much.

Hmmm? I haven't seen Trump supporters randomly attacking people for wearing anti-Trump hats or lose yet again, dumb ass.

Yeah, well you're a blind fuck stain.

You must have missed the mailing of bombs and the guy playing human bowling with his Dodge Charger. Let me guess, all of those were staged too right?

LMAO! That "mail bomber" was a big time fake and fraud. Charlottesville? People dressed as nazis got off of the same buses as the antifa crowd. Watch...learn, educate yourself....

Lanza pulls off the most prolific kill rate/shot in the history of mass far. A teenager.

But nobody ever saw the kid on a shooting range.....ever.


^^^ more really bad fake news ^^^

When police interviewed Peter Lanza after the shooting, he told investigators that on "several occasions" prior to 2011, he took Adam to a shooting range in Monroe, and to a range in Danbury at least once.

There, he would "rent a single gun for Adam and him to shoot at targets," the police report said.
Peter Lanza said he would buy the ammunition but would "always" keep any unused ammunition "and did not permit Adam to keep any for himself," according to the report.

Peter Lanza said he never gave Adam a firearm and was not aware of Nancy Lanza's ever purchasing guns for their son, although he "assumed Adam had access to firearms purchased by Nancy," because during one shooting range outing, Peter Lanza said, "Adam possessed two long guns that he believed were purchased by Nancy."
Report Reveals Details Of Deadly Day, Lanza's Life

Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old who killed 20 children and six adults in a rampage at a Connecticut elementary school, and his mother both spent time at an area gun range, ABC News has learned.

A Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives spokesperson told ABC News investigators have determined Lanza did visit a gun range, but they have not determined whether he shot there.
Connecticut School Shooting: Adam Lanza and Mother Visited Gun Ranges

No records of an alleged "Adam Lanza" ever signing into a gun range (which is required) and the official narrative was that it was his mother that took him and there is no record of her attending a shooting range within a 60 mile radius of Newtown. Adam Lanza allegedly suffered from Asperger Syndrome which causes them to be sensitive to the touch of textures like metal...but yet this 120 pound 6 footer allegedly armed with numerous weapons and high capacity magazines shot his way into this alleged functioning school by taking out the window next to the door (that is hardly big enough to allow Adam and his cache of weapons entry into this alleged functioning school (with non-functioning security cameras) and fired off 150 plus shots in less than ten minutes with an alleged 95 percent kill rate while CNN showed footage of a SWAT team that was storming the St.Lima school during a live shooter drill at the exact same time this alleged event was going on at Sandy Hook but presented as a live shot of the storming of Sandy Hook. What is even FUNNIER is that 17 policemen and state troopers wrote in their report that they entered the school through the same small shot out window of which Lanza allegedly entered through.

We have the 911 call from someone in the office that is whispering about a shooting going on down the hall during this ten minute window but we hear no shots? Everyone knows that loud noises echo in a school hallway. We have the recording of the 911 caller of which you hear the "first responders" asking the janitor where Lanza is? WTF? How in the hell do they know that it isn't the "janitor" that is the shooter and why don't they ask him to raise his hands? Any and everyone is a potential suspect.

Why did two administrators allegedly stay hidden for five hours after the event when this alleged event happened even though we see footage of these gun toting "heroes" searching high and low, looking in storage buildings with guard dogs in tow but yet they never came across this administrators that were hiding in mortal fear? Why would a bus driver bypass the firehouse and drop wait, it was 5, maybe 6? ( Gene Rosen's story changed constantly as he faked cried about the "incident") but why would a bus driver drop children off in front of the house of a stranger and leave them there while not telling Gene Rosen, crisis actor as to why he was dropping them off? BUT WAIT! There is CNN footage of Gene Rosen at the firehouse rehearsing his lines while this event was going on? How can this be?

I guess my biggest "Hmmmmm?" moment was the CBS news story of an alleged mother that claimed that she showed up to get her child right after the event (after navigating the blocked road leading into the school) and claimed that she saw officer after officer bringing bloodied child after bloodied child out of the school....but wait?!?!?!? According to the Connecticut State police own report is that not a single fatality was removed from the school until the wee hours of Saturday morning?


I have more....much more, troll........and you can't explain or spin this in a way that makes any sense at all. I have barely scratched the surface of this pathetic excuse for a real time "mass casualty event".

Questions? Comments?

The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

How is this blowhard allowed to walk the streets freely? He literally concocted a conspiracy lie about a mass shooting using his own media network, damaging countless families who were directly involved. He doubled and tripled down on the lies. This was a premeditated psychological attack against families that were victims of a tragedy for no other reason than to garner clicks.

And now he quietly wants to withdraw from the lies of his own making? Uh NO. Fuck that.

Jones' media psychosis bullshit excuse must be flushed down the toilet post haste. I hope he's sued into obscurity. Mr. Jones deserves a fucking karmic spanking that will prevent him from ever having any meaningful platform to spew his toxic shit again.

Ummm, as usual, you are 100 percent wrong on that point. Jones had Wolfgang Halbig on his program and told Jones about the harassment he received as a former Florida state trooper and school security adviser that was deemed credible enough to be aired on national TV after the Columbine shooting. Halbig made some inquiries about the event and was not only ignored but harassed for simply asking some basic questions that should have been easy enough to answer had this been a real time event. The Sandy Hoax "families" claim harassment? You should hear about what has been done to Halbig's family that had nothing to do with his investigation and wished that he had never gotten involved. They have been harassed, their employers have been harassed as a way to put pressure on Halbig to leave it alone. Lenny poseur Pozner tried to financially ruin Halbig with a lawsuit and people like myself donated to his defense fund. When Pozner realized that he couldn't ruin Halbig with attorney fees and had to give a deposition under oath? Pozner folded like a cheap tent and withdrew the lawsuit. Posuer Pozner has been the gatekeeper of this badly botched hoax The documentary "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" was deleted off of youtube that broke this "operation" down "step by step"....why is that? Since when is questioning the official narrative and pointing out the discrepancies of an event that has been used to shape the anti- 2nd amendment debate suddenly a crime?

I will NEVER stop questioning this not only in cyberville but in real time as well. No one can debunk the evidence I produce...try as they may. There is simply too many things that do not add up AT all.
Spare me the Occam's razor bullshit. The event was heavily compartmentalized, NDAs were signed and people played a part in an event not even realizing that they were being played for chumps.So get the fuck out of here with your weak ass shit especially since you didn't even know who Lenny Pozner was.

Nobody cares who Lenny Ponzer is.

an NDA is a piece of paper. No one sane would know a mass shooting was faked and keep quiet about it.

So one more time.

One Crazy person shot some kids.


Thousands of otherwise sane folks participated in a hoax and maintained that coverup for six years.

NewTown, CT isn't this close knit community but is spread over 60 square miles with a population of about 28,000 people.

So. 60 SM is 6 by 10 miles... They'd still know if the local school was open or not.

Debate me and refute the evidence or continue to look like an idiot, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie......

Crazy Dale, it's always fun when you are off your medications and show up on this board. Not sure what you are going to to when Alex is't the voice in your head anymore.
I will NEVER stop questioning this not only in cyberville but in real time as well. No one can debunk the evidence I produce...try as they may. There is simply too many things that do not add up AT all.

Dale in Real Time.


"Let me tell you about the Cold Cuts... The Cold Cuts, that's where i had them!"
If the uneducated white Trump voters ever wondered why they felt "the elites" looked down on them, look no further than this nutty conspiracy loon thread. lol
Spare me the Occam's razor bullshit. The event was heavily compartmentalized, NDAs were signed and people played a part in an event not even realizing that they were being played for chumps.So get the fuck out of here with your weak ass shit especially since you didn't even know who Lenny Pozner was.

Nobody cares who Lenny Ponzer is.

an NDA is a piece of paper. No one sane would know a mass shooting was faked and keep quiet about it.

So one more time.

One Crazy person shot some kids.


Thousands of otherwise sane folks participated in a hoax and maintained that coverup for six years.

NewTown, CT isn't this close knit community but is spread over 60 square miles with a population of about 28,000 people.

So. 60 SM is 6 by 10 miles... They'd still know if the local school was open or not.

[Qex is't the voice in your head anymore.
UOTE="Dale Smith, post: 22123727, member: 55673"]Debate me and refute the evidence or continue to look like an idiot, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie......[/QUOTE]

LOL! No one cares who Lenny "the poseur" Pozner is? You certainly do because he is one of the fake parents that has been the main gatekeeper of Sandy Hoax whose work includes suing any and all high profile people that call out this bullshit for what it is.

"So. 60 SM is 6 by 10 miles... They'd still know if the local school was open or not"

Oh really? And if they did know? Who would they tell? Why would they when the city got a new state of the art school built that costs nearly 7 times more than the average school? Like how tax dollars poured in as hush money? The fake parents setting up donation pages. WHY in the fuck would Sandy Hoax parents need donation pages? The state would be 100 percent responsible for for any and all costs....but yet no lawsuits were filed against Newtown ISD or the state of Connecticut for years? I have never seen so many trying to pad their pockets off of the alleged deaths of (sob, sob...sniffle, sniffle) "children" that never died or existed to begin with. Sue Nancy Lanza's estate and win? FUCK YEAH! and then they bulldoze the one asset they allegedly "won" in court! Makes perfect sense only to a dumb fuck like yourself. Thehits just keep on coming with these commie sideshow freaks of Newtown and formerly thereof.

P.S No need to "thank" me, Joe Blowhard, the Chi-Town commie.
If the uneducated white Trump voters ever wondered why they felt "the elites" looked down on them, look no further than this nutty conspiracy loon thread. lol

See Toro spew bullshit?
Spew, Toro, spew!

I am not going to claim that Toro is one of the more prolific leftard dumb fucks here, but he is definitely "Top Twenty" material.
I have to admit, I didn't expect the thread to go quite in this direction.

I will NEVER stop questioning this not only in cyberville but in real time as well. No one can debunk the evidence I produce...try as they may. There is simply too many things that do not add up AT all.

Dale in Real Time.

View attachment 253558
"Let me tell you about the Cold Cuts... The Cold Cuts, that's where i had them!"

Funny, I have this mental image of you that is even less flattering. If I was to to do a profile on you based on your posts? I would say you are about 5'4, rotund and pushing around 260 with a flat nose and beady little eyes and you attempt to compensate for your "five foot tall by five foot wide" physique with a loud, squeaky voice that is so irritating that the sound of two feral cats fucking in an alley is like music. Your personality is that of a blowhard that is always embellishing any meager accomplishment and every conversation is and has to be about you...or you get irritated. Those that have to be around you "sigh" to themselves when you come waddling into the fray because they know that the sprayer of spittle and bullshit is approaching. I would bet that you have ruined "Happy Hour" in a few Chi-town neighborhood bars in your day.

I have to admit, I didn't expect the thread to go quite in this direction.


Basically, the nutters have taken two tracks

  1. Alex Jones is right
  2. Alex Jones is a stooge for the MSM


At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

You mean like blaming all societies woes on an imaginary "PC Police" and "Regressives"?
Many people live on the edge. And they are good at what they do. Whether it is an excuse or reality he gets the point across. To me he is no worse then MSNBC and CNN and there should be cable TV stations on the other political side of those two spouting their stuff. And don't bring up FOX.
Completely nonsensical blather.
I have to admit, I didn't expect the thread to go quite in this direction.


Basically, the nutters have taken two tracks

  1. Alex Jones is right
  2. Alex Jones is a stooge for the MSM



Toro-tard SEZ????? "Oh you guys are nutters that don't vote leftard like me!!! Do you hear me, do you? Oh I just know that you listen to Alex Jones and that Rush Limbaugh guy instead of good little commie comrades like Rachael Maddow and we are the voice of reason!!!"

HOLY shit, El Toro.....if I were as stupid and as utterly void of personality and common sense as you are? I would kill myself.....seriously. Ignorance can be corrected and for some, the ability to see the bigger picture is happening by the day....but you? Sadly, your stupidity seems to be "terminal".

71,000 plus posts of stupidity since 2005.........great use of your time!

The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Jones & Info Wars is just the tip of the group think 'psychosis' iceberg; we also have Rush Limpdick, Faux Nuwz, Breitfart, others, etc.
The entire right wing of AmeriKKKa is an infection greater than any venereal disease.
Calling and promoting a mass shooting of small children and teachers a "hoax" will forever be viewed as one of the most deplorable, disgusting, cruel and sick conspiracy theories ever perpetrated. Those perpetrators do not have the empathy or sympathy, decency or respect for other human beings to know or care about the depth of depravity their actions represent.

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