Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

Lanza pulls off the most prolific kill rate/shot in the history of mass far. A teenager.

But nobody ever saw the kid on a shooting range.....ever.


^^^ more really bad fake news ^^^

When police interviewed Peter Lanza after the shooting, he told investigators that on "several occasions" prior to 2011, he took Adam to a shooting range in Monroe, and to a range in Danbury at least once.

There, he would "rent a single gun for Adam and him to shoot at targets," the police report said.
Peter Lanza said he would buy the ammunition but would "always" keep any unused ammunition "and did not permit Adam to keep any for himself," according to the report.

Peter Lanza said he never gave Adam a firearm and was not aware of Nancy Lanza's ever purchasing guns for their son, although he "assumed Adam had access to firearms purchased by Nancy," because during one shooting range outing, Peter Lanza said, "Adam possessed two long guns that he believed were purchased by Nancy."
Report Reveals Details Of Deadly Day, Lanza's Life

Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old who killed 20 children and six adults in a rampage at a Connecticut elementary school, and his mother both spent time at an area gun range, ABC News has learned.

A Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives spokesperson told ABC News investigators have determined Lanza did visit a gun range, but they have not determined whether he shot there.
Connecticut School Shooting: Adam Lanza and Mother Visited Gun Ranges
I have long suspected Jones actually works for the very "NWO" globalist sociopaths he claims to "expose".

Simply being associated with that nutbag marginalizes the opposition, and discredits those who actually resist the leftist agenda.

I don't really think so.

I too went of rocker at some point, and became a total anarchist and refused to recognize authority. This time of my life led to a conviction of a class A-felony drug sale.

My time in prison cured me of that anarchist spell (ulra libertarian) and made me respect the Rule of Law, and why the Law itself exists to begin with, to maintain the Peace and Tranquility of our nation.

Not everything about prison initially changed me for the good either, I came out a rabid racist and took a couple of years of living among the common people and reverse and repudiate my own racism.
Lanza pulls off the most prolific kill rate/shot in the history of mass far. A teenager.

But nobody ever saw the kid on a shooting range.....ever.


^^^ more really bad fake news ^^^

When police interviewed Peter Lanza after the shooting, he told investigators that on "several occasions" prior to 2011, he took Adam to a shooting range in Monroe, and to a range in Danbury at least once.

There, he would "rent a single gun for Adam and him to shoot at targets," the police report said.
Peter Lanza said he would buy the ammunition but would "always" keep any unused ammunition "and did not permit Adam to keep any for himself," according to the report.

Peter Lanza said he never gave Adam a firearm and was not aware of Nancy Lanza's ever purchasing guns for their son, although he "assumed Adam had access to firearms purchased by Nancy," because during one shooting range outing, Peter Lanza said, "Adam possessed two long guns that he believed were purchased by Nancy."
Report Reveals Details Of Deadly Day, Lanza's Life

Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old who killed 20 children and six adults in a rampage at a Connecticut elementary school, and his mother both spent time at an area gun range, ABC News has learned.

A Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives spokesperson told ABC News investigators have determined Lanza did visit a gun range, but they have not determined whether he shot there.
Connecticut School Shooting: Adam Lanza and Mother Visited Gun Ranges

LOL......interviewed the brother!! OK!!

Not one other human being ever saw the guy at a range........only idiots think there are personal shooting ranges out there! And lets assume the brothers statement is Adam Lanza goes and shoots a few rounds in a handful of sessions at a range and then pulls off a superhuman stunt that marine guys and special op's guys say they could never do......astonishing kill rate accuracy. By an autistic kid...:abgg2q.jpg:....anything not routinized for autistic kids is like you or I walking into a funhouse with 1,000 mirrors......doy. Have been working with autistic adults for 35 years.....they don't do novel.

Where is the vid of Lanza purchasing the weapons? ( official reports have him purchasing gun at a local gun store ). Even in 2012, video monitoring was standard in any gun store. And speaking of video monitors at Sandy Hook, one of the best school districts in the United States.:2up:. Maybe though, they were just switched off that day?:4_13_65:. The kid was 112 pounds........but the official report says he carried, "hundreds of rounds" of ammo PLUS three weapons!:ack-1::ack-1::abgg2q.jpg:And barely missed a single target!:aug08_031:
I love some of these posts in here! These people who knee jerk every time to accepting "the official story" no matter what it is because well.....its official!:113::113:

Would you allow that there is a difference between the acceptance of the "official story" and denying the event even happened?

For example, I firmly believe that Oswald was in cahoots with some foreign power, either formally or (most likely) informally. And the reason that it was not investigated more thoroughly was because if it were to ever come out that there was a foreign power involved, it would culminate in a nuclear war which would mean the end of (if not the world) our cushy lifestyles here in the US. In other words, if Cuba or Russia were involved, we would have to go to war with them and that means at some point, the button gets pressed--more likely than not. So I think the powers that be accepted it and just decided to let it be instead of going to war over the assassination. So that part of the Warren Commission Report, I disagree with.

I think Oswald was the only assassin. I don't buy for a moment there was planting of the rifle, postmortem finger/palm prints applied, doctored photographs, etc... So I do "buy" the Warren Commission Report on those findings.

To the point of Alex Jones, I don't deny Kennedy was assassinated.

So there is a difference to be had between buying it all or not buying it at all.
I love some of these posts in here! These people who knee jerk every time to accepting "the official story" no matter what it is because well.....its official!:113::113:

Would you allow that there is a difference between the acceptance of the "official story" and denying the event even happened?

For example, I firmly believe that Oswald was in cahoots with some foreign power, either formally or (most likely) informally. And the reason that it was not investigated more thoroughly was because if it were to ever come out that there was a foreign power involved, it would culminate in a nuclear war which would mean the end of (if not the world) our cushy lifestyles here in the US. In other words, if Cuba or Russia were involved, we would have to go to war with them and that means at some point, the button gets pressed--more likely than not. So I think the powers that be accepted it and just decided to let it be instead of going to war over the assassination. So that part of the Warren Commission Report, I disagree with.

I think Oswald was the only assassin. I don't buy for a moment there was planting of the rifle, postmortem finger/palm prints applied, doctored photographs, etc... So I do "buy" the Warren Commission Report on those findings.

To the point of Alex Jones, I don't deny Kennedy was assassinated.

So there is a difference to be had between buying it all or not buying it at all.
I believe that whn people have enough and start shooting the Progs and their families you will fold like an accordian.
Nothing quite shouts personal responsibility like blaming one’s actions on corporations and the media. Jones is simply trying to limit his liability in the lawsuit against him. He will be back gassing on about Martian slave camps by the end of the day.

And many will continue to believe the nutter to this day.
I always listen with caution, and have called into his radio show several times. He usually turns out to be correct, I did however, say on radio, the The Sandy Hook conspiracy theory was something he should immediately back down from, he disagreed with me, politely mind you, and we continued talking about the Obamacare mandate (the original topic of my call in).

I'm sure he wished he listened to me in hindsight. I said explicitly that pushing this idea, true or false, could be catastrophic for his radio show, and undermine all the otherwise great work that he has done. My youtube channel has recordings of some of my callins.

EDIT: Addition:

And that is why I now always listen with caution. Any article (or claim) without direct citations (which he usually provides) to legal documents (such as Judicial Watch) or first-hand witnesses/videos/testimonies, I now ignore.

He has forever stained himself with this travesty, and I warned him to abandon it long before he got sued.
The guy is a lying hack and a cook. Everyone knows it. Everyone with a lick of sense that is.

If a person has to "listen w/caution" that tells you right there that they already know they're listening to straight up lies, it's just lies that want to and like to hear.

I always listen with caution, and have called into his radio show several times. He usually turns out to be correct, I did however, say on radio, the The Sandy Hook conspiracy theory was something he should immediately back down from, he disagreed with me, politely mind you, and we continued talking about the Obamacare mandate (the original topic of my call in).

I'm sure he wished he listened to me in hindsight. I said explicitly that pushing this idea, true or false, could be catastrophic for his radio show, and undermine all the otherwise great work that he has done. My youtube channel has recordings of some of my callins.

EDIT: Addition:

And that is why I now always listen with caution. Any article (or claim) without direct citations (which he usually provides) to legal documents (such as Judicial Watch) or first-hand witnesses/videos/testimonies, I now ignore.

He has forever stained himself with this travesty, and I warned him to abandon it long before he got sued.
The guy is a lying hack and a cook. Everyone knows it. Everyone with a lick of sense that is.

If a person has to "listen w/caution" that tells you right there that they already know they're listening to straight up lies, it's just lies that want to and like to hear.


I listen to CNN and MNSBC with caution as well, but I do watch them and will continue to.


There are currently still good pieces of news on those programs. What exactly do the Republicans intend to replace Obamacare with once they repeal it? None of them give any answers.

What I've learned is to listen to all sides and all viewpoints...with caution. All of these pundits, anchors and hosts, including Alex Jones and Rachael Maddow, have agendas and audiences that they cater to.

In their bickering and trading of insults and exposing of each other, they all reveal ugly truths about their opposing sides.
The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Which begs the question: Why would any mentally healthy person listen to, or much less believe, anything he spews from his mouth?
That's the power of ideology. Ideologues can convince themselves of some pretty amazing stuff.

Ideology?? What ideology is at play when it comes to Alex Jones? Do you think any of his followers are capable of discerning, much less maintaining, a consistent ideology?
I think his listeners are the type who just pick some tiny "news" sources and run with them without questioning them. We regularly see links to fantasy "news" stories that clearly are from whacked out winger websites.

So in this case, that's what I mean by "ideology" - like a religion, I'm going to believe what my little world allows in, no matter what.

The ideology is a pathological hatred of the US government, to the point of believing it is the source of most evil in the world, and a willingness to believe the governments of other nations, including those hostile against the interests of the United States.

And they masquerade as libertarians.
I love some of these posts in here! These people who knee jerk every time to accepting "the official story" no matter what it is because well.....its official!:113::113:

Would you allow that there is a difference between the acceptance of the "official story" and denying the event even happened?

For example, I firmly believe that Oswald was in cahoots with some foreign power, either formally or (most likely) informally. And the reason that it was not investigated more thoroughly was because if it were to ever come out that there was a foreign power involved, it would culminate in a nuclear war which would mean the end of (if not the world) our cushy lifestyles here in the US. In other words, if Cuba or Russia were involved, we would have to go to war with them and that means at some point, the button gets pressed--more likely than not. So I think the powers that be accepted it and just decided to let it be instead of going to war over the assassination. So that part of the Warren Commission Report, I disagree with.

I think Oswald was the only assassin. I don't buy for a moment there was planting of the rifle, postmortem finger/palm prints applied, doctored photographs, etc... So I do "buy" the Warren Commission Report on those findings.

To the point of Alex Jones, I don't deny Kennedy was assassinated.

So there is a difference to be had between buying it all or not buying it at all.
I believe that whn people have enough and start shooting the Progs and their families you will fold like an accordian.

Trump voters crave violence. That much is a given as you have demonstrated above.

The rest of us...not so much.
Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,”

So he jumped on that bandwagon and became part of the lying media

As he speaks, he doesn't know if it is real or memorex
Excellent job, LL! DAMN! You really knocked it out of the park with that brilliant reply! You sure showed me! I am now totally convinced that Sandy Hoax...I mean Hook really happened now and my faith in your POS incorporated "gubermint" has been 100 percent restored!!!!

See folks? This is how it is done...ol LoneLaugher has created the template for REAL debating!

Again, I have to wonder what kind of degenerate cocksucker looks at murdered children and says, "That's a total hoax, you guys... you can't see a handicapped sticker!"

I see that you are also a graduate from the Leftard Clown Posse School Of Debate. I have to laugh at your indignant outrage over alleged victims of an event that was totally staged and nor am I surprised that you fell for it "hook, line AND sinker much like you did the "ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to steal the election and attacked our DE-MOOOOCK-RACY!!!" bullshit....especially being that you are just "peachy" with abortions up until the day of birth. You are a fraud, you lack any debating skills. I have pointed out DOZENS of examples showing without a shadow of a doubt that this was a DHS mass casualty drill that was passed off as a real time event. You TOTALLY ignore the prima facie evidence and all the glaring anomalies some of which was provided (though by accident) by the very ones behind this fake event.

Spare me the Occam's razor bullshit. The event was heavily compartmentalized, NDAs were signed and people played a part in an event not even realizing that they were being played for chumps.So get the fuck out of here with your weak ass shit especially since you didn't even know who Lenny Pozner was. NewTown, CT isn't this close knit community but is spread over 60 square miles with a population of about 28,000 people. Compare that with Pampa, Texas that had almost the same population total that consists of less than ten square miles. It is an affluent town that caters to a clientele that work in New York City and make the hour and a half drive and has had a constant "turnover" of residents. Debate me and refute the evidence or continue to look like an idiot, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie......
I love some of these posts in here! These people who knee jerk every time to accepting "the official story" no matter what it is because well.....its official!:113::113:

Would you allow that there is a difference between the acceptance of the "official story" and denying the event even happened?

For example, I firmly believe that Oswald was in cahoots with some foreign power, either formally or (most likely) informally. And the reason that it was not investigated more thoroughly was because if it were to ever come out that there was a foreign power involved, it would culminate in a nuclear war which would mean the end of (if not the world) our cushy lifestyles here in the US. In other words, if Cuba or Russia were involved, we would have to go to war with them and that means at some point, the button gets pressed--more likely than not. So I think the powers that be accepted it and just decided to let it be instead of going to war over the assassination. So that part of the Warren Commission Report, I disagree with.

I think Oswald was the only assassin. I don't buy for a moment there was planting of the rifle, postmortem finger/palm prints applied, doctored photographs, etc... So I do "buy" the Warren Commission Report on those findings.

To the point of Alex Jones, I don't deny Kennedy was assassinated.

So there is a difference to be had between buying it all or not buying it at all.
I believe that whn people have enough and start shooting the Progs and their families you will fold like an accordian.

Trump voters crave violence. That much is a given as you have demonstrated above.

The rest of us...not so much.

Hmmm? I haven't seen Trump supporters randomly attacking people for wearing anti-Trump hats or lose yet again, dumb ass.
Not for me to say.
You're a sissy. It takes a special kind of sissy to be a sissy on an anonymous message board. You conspiracy freaks even embarrass yourselves, in addition to the rest of us.

skrazyasbil is a conspiracy loon lol

No worries s0n....your comfy/cozy hobbit hole will continue to remain intact. Sandy Hook is forever in the memory hole just like Boston and LasVegas.

The curious need the check out David McGowans deep investigation into Boston.....hysterical stuff! Even my wife who is an ER nurse for 23 years and apolitical laughed her ass off at some of the blood around bombing victims!:2up:
Even funnier....the kid who reportedly got his leg blown off being pushed in wheelchair. Hes heading to the closest pub for a beer'll split your sides laughing.
Last edited:
I love some of these posts in here! These people who knee jerk every time to accepting "the official story" no matter what it is because well.....its official!:113::113:

Would you allow that there is a difference between the acceptance of the "official story" and denying the event even happened?

For example, I firmly believe that Oswald was in cahoots with some foreign power, either formally or (most likely) informally. And the reason that it was not investigated more thoroughly was because if it were to ever come out that there was a foreign power involved, it would culminate in a nuclear war which would mean the end of (if not the world) our cushy lifestyles here in the US. In other words, if Cuba or Russia were involved, we would have to go to war with them and that means at some point, the button gets pressed--more likely than not. So I think the powers that be accepted it and just decided to let it be instead of going to war over the assassination. So that part of the Warren Commission Report, I disagree with.

I think Oswald was the only assassin. I don't buy for a moment there was planting of the rifle, postmortem finger/palm prints applied, doctored photographs, etc... So I do "buy" the Warren Commission Report on those findings.

To the point of Alex Jones, I don't deny Kennedy was assassinated.

So there is a difference to be had between buying it all or not buying it at all.
I believe that whn people have enough and start shooting the Progs and their families you will fold like an accordian.

Trump voters crave violence. That much is a given as you have demonstrated above.

The rest of us...not so much.

Hmmm? I haven't seen Trump supporters randomly attacking people for wearing anti-Trump hats or lose yet again, dumb ass.

Yeah, well you're a blind fuck stain.

You must have missed the mailing of bombs and the guy playing human bowling with his Dodge Charger. Let me guess, all of those were staged too right?

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