Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

alex jones was the first person trump thanked after the 'election' for his support & receiving the support of his fans.

think about that.
To me, support should be appreciated no matter who it comes from because its better than people not making a contribution at all period.

God bless you always!!!

really? what about support from david duke? him too?
When a positive difference is made, "Thank you." should be said.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Of course one person's positive difference can always end up being another person's negative difference unfortunately.
His take on Sandy Hook was completely insane.
Yep. I know that one of the parents of Sandy Hook shooting reaction was genuine. Yup, he sure was.

He had the same reaction as this woman had when being interviewed.

i suppose you think this was fake too, asshole?

Autopsy confirms Sandy Hook father Jeremy Richman’s death as suicide

Well that makes it official then!!:113::113:

ok freak, answer a question: was sandy hook a hoax?
At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

You mean like blaming all societies woes on an imaginary "PC Police" and "Regressives"?
Many people live on the edge. And they are good at what they do. Whether it is an excuse or reality he gets the point across. To me he is no worse then MSNBC and CNN and there should be cable TV stations on the other political side of those two spouting their stuff. And don't bring up FOX.
“To me [Jones] is no worse then [sic] MSNBC and CNN…”

And here’s an example of the rightwing idiocy the likes of Jones and Trump seek to take advantage of.
You can keep your doctor......

the insurance companies were responsible for what happened to that... to maximize their profits post ACA, they took alot of their doctors off the exchange & into private policies & bigger networks off the exchange. they still had to have all the protections, but were able to jack up the premiums if they weren't on the exchange.
Then that law should not have been passed. And we see new laws on the horizon.
His take on Sandy Hook was completely insane.
Yep. I know that one of the parents of Sandy Hook shooting reaction was genuine. Yup, he sure was.

He had the same reaction as this woman had when being interviewed.

i suppose you think this was fake too, asshole?

Autopsy confirms Sandy Hook father Jeremy Richman’s death as suicide

Well that makes it official then!!:113::113:

ok freak, answer a question: was sandy hook a hoax?

Call it what you want s0n.....hoax.....ff.....whatever! Not for me to say.

You think it was Lanza?:abgg2q.jpg:

120 pound kid carrying 100's of rounds of ammo and 3 weapons with the highest ( by far ) kill rate in the history of mass shooting events. Autistic kid who didnt park in a marked parking spot ( most of the planet wont get it ).....shot through a glass window with .223 rounds that did no damage at all to the wall 30 feet behind ( magic bullets maybe :5_1_12024:). Oh....and imagine if Lanza didnt leave that shotgun in the Civic glove compartment!:50:
His take on Sandy Hook was completely insane.
Yep. I know that one of the parents of Sandy Hook shooting reaction was genuine. Yup, he sure was.

He had the same reaction as this woman had when being interviewed.

i suppose you think this was fake too, asshole?

Autopsy confirms Sandy Hook father Jeremy Richman’s death as suicide

Well that makes it official then!!:113::113:

ok freak, answer a question: was sandy hook a hoax?

Tell me about MSNBC and CNN people. So I see Joy Reid and Symone as healthy looking black women beating the chitt out of all of the Jewish commentators working on the dais if things get bad. They are racists and bigots. Just like the liberal Jewish commentators are....As Cosell would spout...Down goes Borger.....oy vey! And does Brian Stelter's head look like a dik. So instead of dik head we will call him a Stelter head.
Tell me about MSNBC and CNN people.
What, numbnuts? what rock did you crawl out from under? what does this have to do with anything? Piss off.

Dang about touching a nerve? What's up with that? You have a role in here s0n?:deal: Because you suddenly look kinda fucking st00pid!!:cul2:

Asked you a question about Lanza.....
alex jones was the first person trump thanked after the 'election' for his support & receiving the support of his fans.

think about that.
To me, support should be appreciated no matter who it comes from because its better than people not making a contribution at all period.

God bless you always!!!


really? what about support from david duke? him too?

Funny how leftards ignore endorsements from the CPUSA...of course they would never distance themselves from it being that they are closet commies themselves.
You don't have to be an Alex Jones fan to think the sandy hook interviews were a bit strange. The sort of thing that makes you go hmm..

No. You don't have to be Alex Jones. But you do have to be a complete moron.

But yet you always tuck tail and run away when I point out the numerous flaws in the official narrative of Sandy Hoax and they stick out like a cockroach on a wedding cake and even a casual glance at CNN footage and the testimony of those like Gene Rosen, Dr Wayne Carver and the lame attempt at grief by crisis actor Robbie Parker that doesn't realize that he is on live TV as he gets into character for his "big moment". Donation sites set up before the event according to cache dates. The fact that Robbie Parker is plugging one before his alleged daughter is even removed from the school according to the CSP's own documents that claim not a single victim was removed until the wee hours of Saturday morning......but wait! A crisis actress was on CBS's morning show and coverage of Sandy Hoax that claimed that she got to the school shortly after the event to get her child and saw police officer after police officer come out (with a blood stained uniform) carrying victim after victim....but how could that be? No one was removed from the school until after 3:00 am Saturday morning? How did she get through the blocked off street leading into the school? Questions, LL....oh how they linger. No compliance with the ADA of 2009 requiring handicapped access and the changing of requirements designating handicapped spots including a sign at least 60 inches high? How could a school be non-compliant three years after this was passed and have portable units with no wheelchair access as required by this act?

Do you REALLY believe that a bus driver would load five children into a bus, drive past the firehouse and leave children in the hands of Gene Rosen and not tell him what had allegedly transpired? But wait! There is CNN footage showing Gene Rosen at the firehouse when all of this allegedly went down? Weird, eh? Police pics of the removal of a rifle from the alleged trunk of the alleged shooter sans gloves which violates even the most basic rules for evidence gathering? I got many, many more, LL......but this is a start. I am sure you can EASILY answer these questions, right?

Here is the deal, pal.......before you start throwing around the insulting, belittling rhetoric about a staged event like Sandy Hoax, you would be best served to do even a modicum of research. Hell, look at the CNN footage and then come back and tell me that you see a sense of
You don't have to be an Alex Jones fan to think the sandy hook interviews were a bit strange. The sort of thing that makes you go hmm..

No. You don't have to be Alex Jones. But you do have to be a complete moron.

But yet you always tuck tail and run away when I point out the numerous flaws in the official narrative of Sandy Hoax and they stick out like a cockroach on a wedding cake and even a casual glance at CNN footage and the testimony of those like Gene Rosen, Dr Wayne Carver and the lame attempt at grief by crisis actor Robbie Parker that doesn't realize that he is on live TV as he gets into character for his "big moment". Donation sites set up before the event according to cache dates. The fact that Robbie Parker is plugging one before his alleged daughter is even removed from the school according to the CSP's own documents that claim not a single victim was removed until the wee hours of Saturday morning......but wait! A crisis actress was on CBS's morning show and coverage of Sandy Hoax that claimed that she got to the school shortly after the event to get her child and saw police officer after police officer come out (with a blood stained uniform) carrying victim after victim....but how could that be? No one was removed from the school until after 3:00 am Saturday morning? How did she get through the blocked off street leading into the school? Questions, LL....oh how they linger. No compliance with the ADA of 2009 requiring handicapped access and the changing of requirements designating handicapped spots including a sign at least 60 inches high? How could a school be non-compliant three years after this was passed and have portable units with no wheelchair access as required by this act?

Do you REALLY believe that a bus driver would load five children into a bus, drive past the firehouse and leave children in the hands of Gene Rosen and not tell him what had allegedly transpired? But wait! There is CNN footage showing Gene Rosen at the firehouse when all of this allegedly went down? Weird, eh? Police pics of the removal of a rifle from the alleged trunk of the alleged shooter sans gloves which violates even the most basic rules for evidence gathering? I got many, many more, LL......but this is a start. I am sure you can EASILY answer these questions, right?

Here is the deal, pal.......before you start throwing around the insulting, belittling rhetoric about a staged event like Sandy Hoax, you would be best served to do even a modicum of research. Hell, look at the CNN footage and then come back and tell me that you see a sense of

Since when is standing right in front of you laughing at how stupid you are described as "tuck tail and run"?

Keep going, moron boy. You are making people really think here.
You don't have to be an Alex Jones fan to think the sandy hook interviews were a bit strange. The sort of thing that makes you go hmm..

No. You don't have to be Alex Jones. But you do have to be a complete moron.

But yet you always tuck tail and run away when I point out the numerous flaws in the official narrative of Sandy Hoax and they stick out like a cockroach on a wedding cake and even a casual glance at CNN footage and the testimony of those like Gene Rosen, Dr Wayne Carver and the lame attempt at grief by crisis actor Robbie Parker that doesn't realize that he is on live TV as he gets into character for his "big moment". Donation sites set up before the event according to cache dates. The fact that Robbie Parker is plugging one before his alleged daughter is even removed from the school according to the CSP's own documents that claim not a single victim was removed until the wee hours of Saturday morning......but wait! A crisis actress was on CBS's morning show and coverage of Sandy Hoax that claimed that she got to the school shortly after the event to get her child and saw police officer after police officer come out (with a blood stained uniform) carrying victim after victim....but how could that be? No one was removed from the school until after 3:00 am Saturday morning? How did she get through the blocked off street leading into the school? Questions, LL....oh how they linger. No compliance with the ADA of 2009 requiring handicapped access and the changing of requirements designating handicapped spots including a sign at least 60 inches high? How could a school be non-compliant three years after this was passed and have portable units with no wheelchair access as required by this act?

Do you REALLY believe that a bus driver would load five children into a bus, drive past the firehouse and leave children in the hands of Gene Rosen and not tell him what had allegedly transpired? But wait! There is CNN footage showing Gene Rosen at the firehouse when all of this allegedly went down? Weird, eh? Police pics of the removal of a rifle from the alleged trunk of the alleged shooter sans gloves which violates even the most basic rules for evidence gathering? I got many, many more, LL......but this is a start. I am sure you can EASILY answer these questions, right?

Here is the deal, pal.......before you start throwing around the insulting, belittling rhetoric about a staged event like Sandy Hoax, you would be best served to do even a modicum of research. Hell, look at the CNN footage and then come back and tell me that you see a sense of

Since when is standing right in front of you laughing at how stupid you are described as "tuck tail and run"?

In the past you have ran away and like even now, you cyber sit here with no answers to just a few of the anomalies and simply ( and lamely) insult instead of addressing the questions.

Keep going, moron boy. You are making people really think here.

Excellent job, LL! DAMN! You really knocked it out of the park with that brilliant reply! You sure showed me! I am now totally convinced that Sandy Hoax...I mean Hook really happened now and my faith in your POS incorporated "gubermint" has been 100 percent restored!!!!

See folks? This is how it is done...ol LoneLaugher has created the template for REAL debating!

Excellent job, LL! DAMN! You really knocked it out of the park with that brilliant reply! You sure showed me! I am now totally convinced that Sandy Hoax...I mean Hook really happened now and my faith in your POS incorporated "gubermint" has been 100 percent restored!!!!

See folks? This is how it is done...ol LoneLaugher has created the template for REAL debating!

Again, I have to wonder what kind of degenerate cocksucker looks at murdered children and says, "That's a total hoax, you guys... you can't see a handicapped sticker!"
No one died at Sandy Hoax........debate me on this and come up with a rebuttal for the NUMEROUS anomalies that show that this was a DHS capstone drill.

Again, a staged event where THOUSANDS of people would have to keep quiet about this being a closed school.

One more time. Occam's Razor.

One crazy guy steals mom's guns and kills a bunch of people because he's crazy.


The DHS, FBI, State Police, Local and National Media (Including Fox) and the entire town of Newtown (Population 28,000) would be in on a conspiracy to fake a mass shooting at a closed school to accomplish legislation that never passes, and the group that would oppose said Legislation keeps silent about this conspiracy because... reasons.

Crazy Dale "But, but, but... Cold Cuts. Porta Potties. Handicapped Placards".
You mean like blaming all societies woes on an imaginary "PC Police" and "Regressives"?
Many people live on the edge. And they are good at what they do. Whether it is an excuse or reality he gets the point across. To me he is no worse then MSNBC and CNN and there should be cable TV stations on the other political side of those two spouting their stuff. And don't bring up FOX.
“To me [Jones] is no worse then [sic] MSNBC and CNN…”

And here’s an example of the rightwing idiocy the likes of Jones and Trump seek to take advantage of.
You can keep your doctor......

the insurance companies were responsible for what happened to that... to maximize their profits post ACA, they took alot of their doctors off the exchange & into private policies & bigger networks off the exchange. they still had to have all the protections, but were able to jack up the premiums if they weren't on the exchange.
Then that law should not have been passed. And we see new laws on the horizon.

better be careful what you want to see happen. the house flipped in the midterms specifically because of healthcare. people are scared again, & (R)s are going to see that fear rise AGAIN at townhalls.

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