Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

His take on Sandy Hook was completely insane.
Yep. I know that one of the parents of Sandy Hook shooting reaction was genuine. Yup, he sure was.

He had the same reaction as this woman had when being interviewed.

i suppose you think this was fake too, asshole?

Autopsy confirms Sandy Hook father Jeremy Richman’s death as suicide

Well that makes it official then!!:113::113:

ok freak, answer a question: was sandy hook a hoax?

Call it what you want s0n.....hoax.....ff.....whatever! Not for me to say.

You think it was Lanza?:abgg2q.jpg:

120 pound kid carrying 100's of rounds of ammo and 3 weapons with the highest ( by far ) kill rate in the history of mass shooting events. Autistic kid who didnt park in a marked parking spot ( most of the planet wont get it ).....shot through a glass window with .223 rounds that did no damage at all to the wall 30 feet behind ( magic bullets maybe :5_1_12024:). Oh....and imagine if Lanza didnt leave that shotgun in the Civic glove compartment!:50:

it was lanza. i'm from CT & it wasn't a hoax. you are just as much a nutter now as the last time i crossed paths with you on the board.
.223 rounds always pass through school walls and then through car doors!! Oh....until they have to go through ballistics testing!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
People go through a McDonalds drive through and pour coffee on themselves, get burned and sue them. And win in a settlement.

Newtown.....not a single lawsuit.

Lanza pulls off the most prolific kill rate/shot in the history of mass far. A teenager.

But nobody ever saw the kid on a shooting range.....ever.

At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

You mean like blaming all societies woes on an imaginary "PC Police" and "Regressives"?
If Republicans didn't lie they'd have NOTHING to say!

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You can keep your doctor.....

Yes. I did. Most Americans did. Some didn’t. Very few. And it was a campaign promise which was stymied by the insurance industry.

That was Obama’s worst “lie”. And it was 90% true.

The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Remember when you started a thread about the left “losing it’s shit”? Amazing how you’ll have dozens of supporters of Alex Jones (and the President too by the way)….and you won’t say a peep to them about “losing their shit”….will you?
The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Remember when you started a thread about the left “losing it’s shit”? Amazing how you’ll have dozens of supporters of Alex Jones (and the President too by the way)….and you won’t say a peep to them about “losing their shit”….will you?
Of course, yes. Jones fans are Talk Radio righties on speed. The two wings have managed to lose their shit at roughly the same time.

See, try as you might, you can't turn me into a hypocrite. That's for you partisan zombies. That mirror must be ugly, and it's why you lash out.

And I remain amazed at how much room I take up in your heads, and how closely you follow my posts. Thanks.
The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Remember when you started a thread about the left “losing it’s shit”? Amazing how you’ll have dozens of supporters of Alex Jones (and the President too by the way)….and you won’t say a peep to them about “losing their shit”….will you?
Of course, yes. Jones fans are Talk Radio righties on speed. The two wings have managed to lose their shit at roughly the same time.

See, try as you might, you can't turn me into a hypocrite. That's for you partisan zombies. That mirror must be ugly, and it's why you lash out.

And I remain amazed at how much room I take up in your heads, and how closely you follow my posts. Thanks.

Yep....Jones is a fake....part of the matrix.

You know Mac....most people cant hack facing the fact that most shit they've been taught come from the Reality Manufacturing Apollo 11 for example. I get hard enough to navigate as it is. Much easier to pivot to the comfy-cozy world of conformity.
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The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Remember when you started a thread about the left “losing it’s shit”? Amazing how you’ll have dozens of supporters of Alex Jones (and the President too by the way)….and you won’t say a peep to them about “losing their shit”….will you?
Of course, yes. Jones fans are Talk Radio righties on speed. The two wings have managed to lose their shit at roughly the same time.

See, try as you might, you can't turn me into a hypocrite. That's for you partisan zombies. That mirror must be ugly, and it's why you lash out.

And I remain amazed at how much room I take up in your heads, and how closely you follow my posts. Thanks.

I don’t have to turn you into a hypocrite…you do that on your own. To your credit, I think it is, perhaps, because you expect more out of the left than you do the right? I may be giving you too much credit. Whatever...
Hey, if pointing out your hypocrisy is “taking room in my head”….you’re the one responding to me at this time. So I guess I”m taking up room in your head too?
The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

How is this blowhard allowed to walk the streets freely? He literally concocted a conspiracy lie about a mass shooting using his own media network, damaging countless families who were directly involved. He doubled and tripled down on the lies. This was a premeditated psychological attack against families that were victims of a tragedy for no other reason than to garner clicks.

And now he quietly wants to withdraw from the lies of his own making? Uh NO. Fuck that.

Jones' media psychosis bullshit excuse must be flushed down the toilet post haste. I hope he's sued into obscurity. Mr. Jones deserves a fucking karmic spanking that will prevent him from ever having any meaningful platform to spew his toxic shit again.
The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Remember when you started a thread about the left “losing it’s shit”? Amazing how you’ll have dozens of supporters of Alex Jones (and the President too by the way)….and you won’t say a peep to them about “losing their shit”….will you?
Of course, yes. Jones fans are Talk Radio righties on speed. The two wings have managed to lose their shit at roughly the same time.

See, try as you might, you can't turn me into a hypocrite. That's for you partisan zombies. That mirror must be ugly, and it's why you lash out.

And I remain amazed at how much room I take up in your heads, and how closely you follow my posts. Thanks.

I don’t have to turn you into a hypocrite…you do that on your own. To your credit, I think it is, perhaps, because you expect more out of the left than you do the right? I may be giving you too much credit. Whatever...
Hey, if pointing out your hypocrisy is “taking room in my head”….you’re the one responding to me at this time. So I guess I”m taking up room in your head too?
Here we go again.

Do you notice that the only time we "communicate" is when you're bitching at me?

I'm going to guess you don't. Don't post to me, and I'll never post to you.
The Communist Chinese caused thousands to commit suicide with media manipulation. After they took control, they murdered another 45 million.This is what happens under Socialism and Communism. Nobody can trust anything.
Do you trust Alex Jones?

I always listen with caution, and have called into his radio show several times. He usually turns out to be correct, I did however, say on radio, the The Sandy Hook conspiracy theory was something he should immediately back down from, he disagreed with me, politely mind you, and we continued talking about the Obamacare mandate (the original topic of my call in).

I'm sure he wished he listened to me in hindsight. I said explicitly that pushing this idea, true or false, could be catastrophic for his radio show, and undermine all the otherwise great work that he has done. My youtube channel has recordings of some of my callins.

EDIT: Addition:

And that is why I now always listen with caution. Any article (or claim) without direct citations (which he usually provides) to legal documents (such as Judicial Watch) or first-hand witnesses/videos/testimonies, I now ignore.

He has forever stained himself with this travesty, and I warned him to abandon it long before he got sued.
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I love some of these posts in here! These people who knee jerk every time to accepting "the official story" no matter what it is because well.....its official!:113::113:
I have long suspected Jones actually works for the very "NWO" globalist sociopaths he claims to "expose".

Simply being associated with that nutbag marginalizes the opposition, and discredits those who actually resist the leftist agenda.
The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Remember when you started a thread about the left “losing it’s shit”? Amazing how you’ll have dozens of supporters of Alex Jones (and the President too by the way)….and you won’t say a peep to them about “losing their shit”….will you?
Of course, yes. Jones fans are Talk Radio righties on speed. The two wings have managed to lose their shit at roughly the same time.

See, try as you might, you can't turn me into a hypocrite. That's for you partisan zombies. That mirror must be ugly, and it's why you lash out.

And I remain amazed at how much room I take up in your heads, and how closely you follow my posts. Thanks.
If it bothers could consider not starting threads to avoid the oppression.
The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

Remember when you started a thread about the left “losing it’s shit”? Amazing how you’ll have dozens of supporters of Alex Jones (and the President too by the way)….and you won’t say a peep to them about “losing their shit”….will you?
Of course, yes. Jones fans are Talk Radio righties on speed. The two wings have managed to lose their shit at roughly the same time.

See, try as you might, you can't turn me into a hypocrite. That's for you partisan zombies. That mirror must be ugly, and it's why you lash out.

And I remain amazed at how much room I take up in your heads, and how closely you follow my posts. Thanks.
If it bothers could consider not starting threads to avoid the oppression.
No oppression, just validation of my opinion of wingers.

But it can get tedious.

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