Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

Like in this thread. It's not about Obama or Obamacare. It's about jones, his lies and his excuses for those lies. He has admitted that he knew he was lying all along by saying he had a psychosis. Which is so lame it's pathetic.

What's disgusting is that jones and others have made money off their lies and terrorizing the Sandy Hook families. So much that one of them took their own life recently.

Or is all those lies, slander and terrorizing innocent people ok because your employer discontinued your insurance and Obama said you could keep your doctor?

Blaming the suicide on Alex Jones is a bit of a stretch. You're not one of those awful, horrible right wing conspiracy theorists are you?
If the Sandy Kooks like Crazy Dale heard the government say you can drown in water, they’d deny it with every fiber of their being.

It certainly beats being one of the sheeple that gobble up their bullshit as if it were manna from heaven.
this fits here>

US Govt Just Legalized Operation Mockingbird -- FBI Can Now Impersonate the Media


Is Alex Jones continuation of Project Mockingbird CIA FBI Jesuit Knight of Malta?

Watch - ALEX JONES Prison Planet TV

Quote from the page:

"Alex Jones at St. Edwards University, Austin. Alex gives a fascinating detailed lecture to a class at St. Edwards University in Austin about establishment media control, ways in which slick propaganda is dispersed through the elite-controlled "repeater" press whores, and how the alternative media is infested with paid-for kooks who are on the government payroll and deliberately poison the well of information to discredit genuine truth seekers."


LOL! No one cares who Lenny "the poseur" Pozner is? You certainly do because he is one of the fake parents that has been the main gatekeeper of Sandy Hoax whose work includes suing any and all high profile people that call out this bullshit for what it is.

Sorry, Nuts living in their Mom's basements aren't high profile, Stewbum Dale.


The fake parents setting up donation pages. WHY in the fuck would Sandy Hoax parents need donation pages? The state would be 100 percent responsible for for any and all costs....but yet no lawsuits were filed against Newtown ISD or the state of Connecticut for years?

Why would they need donation pages? Funeral and legal expenses. Psychological counselling. Having to move again after Alex Jones doxxes your home address and gun nuts start showing up at your house.

Here's the problem- Who were they going to sue? Mommy Lanza is dead, Adam is dead. They are sueing the gun makers and that lawsuit is moving forward, but we'll see where it goes.

Hey, funny thing... Bushmaster's defense is not, "Your kid never existed and this was all a false flag operation." Imagine that. you think with all your evidence, you'd be able to make their case for them.

Maybe you need to call Bushmaster's legal team and show them "the Truth" right now. I'm sure they'll call security.


. "But, but, but... the Porta-potties. Look at the pictures of the Porta-Potties!"
If the Sandy Kooks like Crazy Dale heard the government say you can drown in water, they’d deny it with every fiber of their being.

And then he'd show you proof that people can breath underwater..

View attachment 253762
With all the bull on cable TV you go TDS on one issue. Jones has the guts to stir it on you and he gets results from the outrage professed by his targets. 95% of all the death and carnage is by you. Sandy Hook was by you to you. I call these inside jobs. So that means logically it is safer to be in areas not Prog Socialist. And incredibly when you move out of those areas you do the same thing to the new areas like a massive infestation changing the political climate to much.
With all the bull on cable TV you go TDS on one issue. Jones has the guts to stir it on you and he gets results from the outrage professed by his targets. 95% of all the death and carnage is by you. Sandy Hook was by you to you. I call these inside jobs. So that means logically it is safer to be in areas not Prog Socialist. And incredibly when you move out of those areas you do the same thing to the new areas like a massive infestation changing the political climate to much.

I'm not sure who you mean by "you". I haven't killed anyone, ever. Probably capable if I needed to, thanks to the Army training I've gotten, but naw... not really my thing.

Here's the thing. One more time- Occam's razor.

Either there was a vast conspiracy involving State, Local, and Federal officials, the entire mass media (Including Fox news and Talk Radio), and the entire community of Newtown, CT, which has 28,000 people in it.


One crazy person stole his mommy's guns and shot some folks.

Which scenario seems a much simpler explanation to you?
If the Sandy Kooks like Crazy Dale heard the government say you can drown in water, they’d deny it with every fiber of their being.

And then he'd show you proof that people can breath underwater..

View attachment 253762

Do you even ever leave your house....what with that post count total! But you call everybody else nutty!

Many just cant get past the fact that they've been bamboozled as events unfold. Most also....especially the social oddball hermits of the world, are never going to wander from the sanctuary of conformity. They've played the position of left out their whole lives.....dont want to raise any eyebrows in any social realm. Doy

How do you know?

Well, any time you ask pointed questions on the fuckedupedness of something, they knee jerk to "You're crazy!" and walk away. When you stand there with no answers and thumb inserted far up your ass, it's what one pivots to. Some make a sport of Joe B here who will invariably never question any "official" narrative ever.......on anything. That's how one ends up with 4 billion # post counts on a message board!:2up:.

When in doubt, always go with the " simple explanation":beer:
Home of Sandy Hook shooter is demolished in Newtown
By:Jesse Gosselin
Posted: Mar 24, 2015 02:09 PM EDT

Updated: Mar 24, 2015 02:09 PM EDT

FILE - In this Dec. 18, 2012 file photo a police cruiser sits in the driveway of the home of Nancy Lanza, in Newtown, Conn. The Newtown Legislative Council is voting Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 on a proposal recommended by the board of selectmen to...

Associated Press -
NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) - The Connecticut home of the man who carried out the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary school has been demolished, Newtown officials said Tuesday.

The 2-acre lot where the 3,100-square-foot house once stood in a leafy, suburban neighborhood will be left as open space under a plan approved by town officials.

Several neighbors had asked for the building to be taken down, describing it as a constant reminder of the tragedy. Among them, Dave Ackart said in a letter: "Not only is the property a constant reminder of the evil that resided there - those of us who walk, run, drive, ride or otherwise must pass it multiple times a day, are having a hard time moving on."


Home of Sandy Hook shooter is demolished in Newtown
School was bulldozed too.....everything into the memory hole.

Never did see that vid of Lanza buying weapon at the Ct gun store. Of course, the school vid system was down at the time of the shootings. Hmmmmm.....
School was bulldozed too.....everything into the memory hole.

Never did see that vid of Lanza buying weapon at the Ct gun store. Of course, the school vid system was down at the time of the shootings. Hmmmmm.....
Yep! And all a vast conspiracy to fool all the smart people, while all the morons like you know the real truth.
School was bulldozed too.....everything into the memory hole.

Never did see that vid of Lanza buying weapon at the Ct gun store. Of course, the school vid system was down at the time of the shootings. Hmmmmm.....
Yep! And all a vast conspiracy to fool all the smart people, while all the morons like you know the real truth. dont have to copy and paste every post you make ya know!!:113:

Like I said....when one has no answers, one frequently pivots to using the term "moron"!:2up:
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With all the bull on cable TV you go TDS on one issue. Jones has the guts to stir it on you and he gets results from the outrage professed by his targets. 95% of all the death and carnage is by you. Sandy Hook was by you to you. I call these inside jobs. So that means logically it is safer to be in areas not Prog Socialist. And incredibly when you move out of those areas you do the same thing to the new areas like a massive infestation changing the political climate to much.

I'm not sure who you mean by "you". I haven't killed anyone, ever. Probably capable if I needed to, thanks to the Army training I've gotten, but naw... not really my thing.

Here's the thing. One more time- Occam's razor.

Either there was a vast conspiracy involving State, Local, and Federal officials, the entire mass media (Including Fox news and Talk Radio), and the entire community of Newtown, CT, which has 28,000 people in it.


One crazy person stole his mommy's guns and shot some folks.

Which scenario seems a much simpler explanation to you?
It is when I watched the BLM riots, the ANTIFA riots, the extreme FEMINIST riots and the ILLEGAL riots over the Obama years and Trump's first one or so that I got my education. p.s...the kid was a Progressive Socialist turned crazy.
School was bulldozed too.....everything into the memory hole.

Never did see that vid of Lanza buying weapon at the Ct gun store. Of course, the school vid system was down at the time of the shootings. Hmmmmm.....

answered that already, you dumbfuck. he didn't have to buy crap if his dead mother had a stockpile that he had access to.

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