Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

Coming from someone that supports abortion up to day of birth? I find your fact free contentions utterly pathetic.

Fetuses aren't babies, and I don't substitute my judgment for medical professionals.

Quit trying to change the subject.

Au contraire, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, it's very germane to the conversation. You LAMELY attempt to "shame" me for pointing out that Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill that occured over two different days and was totally passed off as a real time event by claiming "How sick and deranged" I must be for not buying into this load of bullshit and how "heartless" I am to soil the memory of alleged victims most of which were innocent little children....blah, blah, blah, bullshit, bullshit" while (with great gusto, I may add ) supporting the abortion of a baby up until the day of spare me your indignant pseudo outrage, Joe Blowhard, because it is bullshit . You don't give a shit about life or the preservation thereof but what you do care about is turning over more and more power to the state and the disarming of the public to defend themselves is part of the communist manifesto.

There is ZERO forensic evidence that ties an alleged Adam Lanza to this event...nada, zero,zilch and this was released in the official report and buried deep within it as part of the official findings of forensic evidence presented to them. You always conveniently gloss over the very blatant anomalies and video footage of the very ones that covered this hoax and use that stupid Occam's Razor is a simple explanation, dumb order to guilt the masses into turning over their arms and accept more restrictions on what arms they are allowed to have? They staged an event in a small town full of government operatives, had participants sign NDAs and paid them handsomely and it's all legal with the overturning of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947. Compartmentalization, Joe Blowhard........payoffs, vows of silence by those participating that were either onboard with gun confiscation or had been compromised. Lenny Pozner, the gatekeeper of this has been compromised and "Pozner" is not his real name.

Keep on offering forth your chin for the's not like I give a shit. Wanna bet that more posters are convinced by my research than they are by your fool-fueled temper tantrums of nothingness.......shall we wager?

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Would you allow that there is a difference between the acceptance of the "official story" and denying the event even happened?

For example, I firmly believe that Oswald was in cahoots with some foreign power, either formally or (most likely) informally. And the reason that it was not investigated more thoroughly was because if it were to ever come out that there was a foreign power involved, it would culminate in a nuclear war which would mean the end of (if not the world) our cushy lifestyles here in the US. In other words, if Cuba or Russia were involved, we would have to go to war with them and that means at some point, the button gets pressed--more likely than not. So I think the powers that be accepted it and just decided to let it be instead of going to war over the assassination. So that part of the Warren Commission Report, I disagree with.

I think Oswald was the only assassin. I don't buy for a moment there was planting of the rifle, postmortem finger/palm prints applied, doctored photographs, etc... So I do "buy" the Warren Commission Report on those findings.

To the point of Alex Jones, I don't deny Kennedy was assassinated.

So there is a difference to be had between buying it all or not buying it at all.
I believe that whn people have enough and start shooting the Progs and their families you will fold like an accordian.

Trump voters crave violence. That much is a given as you have demonstrated above.

The rest of us...not so much.

Hmmm? I haven't seen Trump supporters randomly attacking people for wearing anti-Trump hats or lose yet again, dumb ass.

Yeah, well you're a blind fuck stain.

You must have missed the mailing of bombs and the guy playing human bowling with his Dodge Charger. Let me guess, all of those were staged too right?

LMAO! That "mail bomber" was a big time fake and fraud. Charlottesville? People dressed as nazis got off of the same buses as the antifa crowd. Watch...learn, educate yourself....

Wow, another conspiracy nutjob with access to a computer in the asylum.

Maybe your 2/3 namesake can plead out in exchange for a crisis acting job. The drug addled punk sure loves to talk in the jail. Sad to see him bond out a couple weeks ago, though.
Hilarious! Biden Claims Trump Tweeted Fake Video

The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.

So he admits he was wrong and worked it out. Good on him. Now for the #MuellerDeniers.

So he admits he was wrong and worked it out. Good on him. Now for the #MuellerDeniers.
That would be a different topic. Two topics can exist in the same universe at the same time.

Jones and his followers & enablers remain one helluva topic.
Au contraire, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, it's very germane to the conversation. You LAMELY attempt to "shame" me for pointing out that Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill that occured over two different days and was totally passed off as a real time event by claiming "How sick and deranged" I must be for not buying into this load of bullshit and how "heartless" I am to soil the memory of alleged victims most of which were innocent little children...

Yes, yes, i'm glad you understand this... that saying these awful things would make you an awful person.

blah, blah, blah, bullshit, bullshit" while (with great gusto, I may add ) supporting the abortion of a baby up until the day of spare me your indignant pseudo outrage, Joe Blowhard, because it is bullshit . You don't give a shit about life or the preservation thereof

Fetuses aren't babies... and a as a practical matter, a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. (Makes me wonder if you've ever even had sex.)

If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because either it's a threat to her health or the fetus is horribly deformed. No one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says, 'Nah, fuck it, i'll get an abortion."

but what you do care about is turning over more and more power to the state and the disarming of the public to defend themselves is part of the communist manifesto.

No, guy, I want to disarm the public because, frankly, I'm tired of having to live in a country were we spend millions on security doors, armed guards, metal detectors, active shooter drills, etc. to counter that small percentage of you that want to compensate for tiny dicks.

There is ZERO forensic evidence that ties an alleged Adam Lanza to this event...nada, zero,zilch and this was released in the official report and buried deep within it as part of the official findings of forensic evidence presented to them.

YOu mean other than his dead body in the school with the guns in his hands?

You always conveniently gloss over the very blatant anomalies and video footage of the very ones that covered this hoax and use that stupid Occam's Razor is a simple explanation, dumb order to guilt the masses into turning over their arms and accept more restrictions on what arms they are allowed to have?

Um, yeah... here's the thing. After Sandy Hook, there wasn't even a half-hearted attempt to even put on the most tepid of gun restrictions.

They staged an event in a small town full of government operatives, had participants sign NDAs and paid them handsomely and it's all legal with the overturning of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947. Compartmentalization, Joe Blowhard........payoffs, vows of silence by those participating that were either onboard with gun confiscation or had been compromised. Lenny Pozner, the gatekeeper of this has been compromised and "Pozner" is not his real name.

Right, tens of thousands of people got huge payoffs to all keep quiet, and no one noticed or said anything, and the NRA, Fox News etc. all have access to this information and they are all keeping quiet about it. That's a pretty fucking elabortae conspiracy.

One crazy person steals mommy's guns and shoots people. That's not elaborate at all.

Keep on offering forth your chin for the's not like I give a shit. Wanna bet that more posters are convinced by my research than they are by your fool-fueled temper tantrums of nothingness.......shall we wager?

Uh, guy, I already did a thread where I asked how many people believed that Sandy Hook was a hoax. Only five of you nuts thought it was, even Right Wing Pro Gun types admit it happened.

Poll: Did Sandy Hook Really Happen?
Au contraire, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, it's very germane to the conversation. You LAMELY attempt to "shame" me for pointing out that Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill that occured over two different days and was totally passed off as a real time event by claiming "How sick and deranged" I must be for not buying into this load of bullshit and how "heartless" I am to soil the memory of alleged victims most of which were innocent little children...

Yes, yes, i'm glad you understand this... that saying these awful things would make you an awful person.

blah, blah, blah, bullshit, bullshit" while (with great gusto, I may add ) supporting the abortion of a baby up until the day of spare me your indignant pseudo outrage, Joe Blowhard, because it is bullshit . You don't give a shit about life or the preservation thereof

Fetuses aren't babies... and a as a practical matter, a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. (Makes me wonder if you've ever even had sex.)

If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because either it's a threat to her health or the fetus is horribly deformed. No one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says, 'Nah, fuck it, i'll get an abortion."

but what you do care about is turning over more and more power to the state and the disarming of the public to defend themselves is part of the communist manifesto.

No, guy, I want to disarm the public because, frankly, I'm tired of having to live in a country were we spend millions on security doors, armed guards, metal detectors, active shooter drills, etc. to counter that small percentage of you that want to compensate for tiny dicks.

There is ZERO forensic evidence that ties an alleged Adam Lanza to this event...nada, zero,zilch and this was released in the official report and buried deep within it as part of the official findings of forensic evidence presented to them.

YOu mean other than his dead body in the school with the guns in his hands?

You always conveniently gloss over the very blatant anomalies and video footage of the very ones that covered this hoax and use that stupid Occam's Razor is a simple explanation, dumb order to guilt the masses into turning over their arms and accept more restrictions on what arms they are allowed to have?

Um, yeah... here's the thing. After Sandy Hook, there wasn't even a half-hearted attempt to even put on the most tepid of gun restrictions.

They staged an event in a small town full of government operatives, had participants sign NDAs and paid them handsomely and it's all legal with the overturning of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947. Compartmentalization, Joe Blowhard........payoffs, vows of silence by those participating that were either onboard with gun confiscation or had been compromised. Lenny Pozner, the gatekeeper of this has been compromised and "Pozner" is not his real name.

Right, tens of thousands of people got huge payoffs to all keep quiet, and no one noticed or said anything, and the NRA, Fox News etc. all have access to this information and they are all keeping quiet about it. That's a pretty fucking elabortae conspiracy.

One crazy person steals mommy's guns and shoots people. That's not elaborate at all.

Keep on offering forth your chin for the's not like I give a shit. Wanna bet that more posters are convinced by my research than they are by your fool-fueled temper tantrums of nothingness.......shall we wager?

Uh, guy, I already did a thread where I asked how many people believed that Sandy Hook was a hoax. Only five of you nuts thought it was, even Right Wing Pro Gun types admit it happened.

Poll: Did Sandy Hook Really Happen?
Rustic, no one was talking to you and most people have you on ignore because you rarely add anything to a conversation.
Au contraire, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, it's very germane to the conversation. You LAMELY attempt to "shame" me for pointing out that Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill that occured over two different days and was totally passed off as a real time event by claiming "How sick and deranged" I must be for not buying into this load of bullshit and how "heartless" I am to soil the memory of alleged victims most of which were innocent little children...

Yes, yes, i'm glad you understand this... that saying these awful things would make you an awful person.

blah, blah, blah, bullshit, bullshit" while (with great gusto, I may add ) supporting the abortion of a baby up until the day of spare me your indignant pseudo outrage, Joe Blowhard, because it is bullshit . You don't give a shit about life or the preservation thereof

Fetuses aren't babies... and a as a practical matter, a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. (Makes me wonder if you've ever even had sex.)

If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because either it's a threat to her health or the fetus is horribly deformed. No one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says, 'Nah, fuck it, i'll get an abortion."

but what you do care about is turning over more and more power to the state and the disarming of the public to defend themselves is part of the communist manifesto.

No, guy, I want to disarm the public because, frankly, I'm tired of having to live in a country were we spend millions on security doors, armed guards, metal detectors, active shooter drills, etc. to counter that small percentage of you that want to compensate for tiny dicks.

There is ZERO forensic evidence that ties an alleged Adam Lanza to this event...nada, zero,zilch and this was released in the official report and buried deep within it as part of the official findings of forensic evidence presented to them.

You always conveniently gloss over the very blatant anomalies and video footage of the very ones that covered this hoax and use that stupid Occam's Razor is a simple explanation, dumb order to guilt the masses into turning over their arms and accept more restrictions on what arms they are allowed to have?

Um, yeah... here's the thing. After Sandy Hook, there wasn't even a half-hearted attempt to even put on the most tepid of gun restrictions.

They staged an event in a small town full of government operatives, had participants sign NDAs and paid them handsomely and it's all legal with the overturning of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947. Compartmentalization, Joe Blowhard........payoffs, vows of silence by those participating that were either onboard with gun confiscation or had been compromised. Lenny Pozner, the gatekeeper of this has been compromised and "Pozner" is not his real name.

Right, tens of thousands of people got huge payoffs to all keep quiet, and no one noticed or said anything, and the NRA, Fox News etc. all have access to this information and they are all keeping quiet about it. That's a pretty fucking elabortae conspiracy.

One crazy person steals mommy's guns and shoots people. That's not elaborate at all.

Keep on offering forth your chin for the's not like I give a shit. Wanna bet that more posters are convinced by my research than they are by your fool-fueled temper tantrums of nothingness.......shall we wager?

Uh, guy, I already did a thread where I asked how many people believed that Sandy Hook was a hoax. Only five of you nuts thought it was, even Right Wing Pro Gun types admit it happened.

Poll: Did Sandy Hook Really Happen?

"Yes, yes, i'm glad you understand this... that saying these awful things would make you an awful person"

#1 If speaking truth makes me an "awful person"? So be it.

#2 I seriously doubt that the day will ever come where I would desire or seek your "approval".

"Fetuses aren't babies... and a as a practical matter, a woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. (Makes me wonder if you've ever even had sex.)"

Once a fetus can survive outside the womb, it ceases to be a "fetus" even by YOUR standards. Did you feel that way about YOUR children? That they were just a bunch of useless clumps of cells until they exited the womb? Damn! You must have been one helluva father.....did you foot their therapy bills by chance?

"If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because either it's a threat to her health or the fetus is horribly deformed. No one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says, 'Nah, fuck it, i'll get an abortion."

Depends upon the price an unborn baby is fetching these days with Planned Parenthood being the "middle man" for them. Don't EVEN try and pull your bullshit on me, Joe Blowhard..... an unborn baby has a heartbeat at six weeks.

"Um, yeah... here's the thing. After Sandy Hook, there wasn't even a half-hearted attempt to even put on the most tepid of gun restrictions"

BZZZZZT! Wrong!!!! You should be use to being wrong by now.........

Here Are The 23 Executive Orders On Gun Safety Signed Today By The President

"Right, tens of thousands of people got huge payoffs to all keep quiet, and no one noticed or said anything, and the NRA, Fox News etc. all have access to this information and they are all keeping quiet about it. That's a pretty fucking elabortae conspiracy."\

Tens of thousands? Try a few hundred. You think that the NRA would dare mention that this was a staged event and have the bought and paid for lamestream media land on them with both feet knowing that the majority of the sheeple are a s fucking blind as you are? This corporate entity disguised as "gubermint" only needs the trust of 51 percent of the sheeple, dumb ass.

"No, guy, I want to disarm the public because, frankly, I'm tired of having to live in a country were we spend millions on security doors, armed guards, metal detectors, active shooter drills, etc. to counter that small percentage of you that want to compensate for tiny dicks".

LMAO! You REALLY believe that security doors, metal detectors, armed guards and DHS capstone drills would magically disappear if law abiding citizens were disarmed???? HOLY shit but are you fucking stupid. Let's say that you and your beloved are sitting at home watching a movie and all of the sudden, a gang of armed intruders enter your you:

A: Drop trou and try to intimidate the gun toting thugs into running away at the very sight of your alleged massive "johnson".

B: Toss your beloved a pillow so that he/she is more comfortable as sher/he is assaulted???

In 1969, my mom held an intruder at bay because she had a gun.My dad was a cop that taught her how to use a gun and he worked third shift. The intruder busted through the back door and came walking up the hall. I saw his silhouette because our room was right across from my parents. My mom's hands were steady but from her voice she was obviously scared. Me and my little brother called out to her and wanted to run to her defense but told us to stay where we were at.....eventually the intruder left because he believed that she would use it.This predator turned out to be a 18 year old that lived across the ally and they only matched his prints after he was arrested for raping an elderly woman months what you are saying is that my mom should have been left utterly defenseless?

You want the public to be disarmed? I suggest that you volunteer to put your fat ass out in front of a "door to door" confiscation" squad to make that happen. Hopefully someone will be videoing you getting your ass blown out the door as you attempt to illegally enter a house.

"YOu mean other than his dead body in the school with the guns in his hands? "

What part of "No forensic evidence" (which includes fingerprints) is giving you the most problem, dumb ass????
Nothing quite shouts personal responsibility like blaming one’s actions on corporations and the media. Jones is simply trying to limit his liability in the lawsuit against him. He will be back gassing on about Martian slave camps by the end of the day.
At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

I am not so sure it’s even about that. I think he is a common grifter and will say whatever it takes get his acolytes to open their wallets and hearts. In that order.
That too, but look at what he has helped create: This entirely alternate, closed circuit universe in which inhabitants only trust what they observe within that universe.

To be fair, the press and corporations are kind enough to give them enough grist to keep that universe alive and thriving. A handy kernel of truth to keep the wheel turning.

But holy crap, this guy is used as a "news source".
Unfortunately propaganda works, Jones is purveyor.
Nothing quite shouts personal responsibility like blaming one’s actions on corporations and the media. Jones is simply trying to limit his liability in the lawsuit against him. He will be back gassing on about Martian slave camps by the end of the day.
At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

I am not so sure it’s even about that. I think he is a common grifter and will say whatever it takes get his acolytes to open their wallets and hearts. In that order.
That too, but look at what he has helped create: This entirely alternate, closed circuit universe in which inhabitants only trust what they observe within that universe.

To be fair, the press and corporations are kind enough to give them enough grist to keep that universe alive and thriving. A handy kernel of truth to keep the wheel turning.

But holy crap, this guy is used as a "news source".
Unfortunately propaganda works, Jones is purveyor.

Lamestream media = Fake news.....FACT!


#1 If speaking truth makes me an "awful person"? So be it.

#2 I seriously doubt that the day will ever come where I would desire or seek your "approval".

Except what your speaking isn't the truth. I'm not even sure if you actually believe the stuff you spew, or you are just a troll or an awful person.

Once a fetus can survive outside the womb, it ceases to be a "fetus" even by YOUR standards. That they were just a bunch of useless clumps of cells until they exited the womb?

Uh, guy, that's not MY standard. That's everyone's standards. People just don't feel the same way about fetuses they feel about babies, even if they want them. People don't lose their shit over a miscarriage the way they do over a baby dying.

The point is, a fetus when MOST abortions are performed, is smaller than a kidney bean. No one thinks of that as a "baby".

Depends upon the price an unborn baby is fetching these days with Planned Parenthood being the "middle man" for them. Don't EVEN try and pull your bullshit on me, Joe Blowhard..... an unborn baby has a heartbeat at six weeks.

The women don't see that money, PP only got the costs of processing it and they got out of that business. (which damages medical science as there is a valid need.) Nobody has late abortions for profit. They have them either because some medical threat to the mom, or because the fetus has some horrible deformity like Down Syndrome or Tay-Sachs.

Tens of thousands? Try a few hundred. You think that the NRA would dare mention that this was a staged event and have the bought and paid for lamestream media land on them with both feet knowing that the majority of the sheeple are a s fucking blind as you are? This corporate entity disguised as "gubermint" only needs the trust of 51 percent of the sheeple, dumb ass.

Actually, no, it would really require thousands of people who would know that school wasn't active. and we've seen the NRA is totally fucking evil and would try to claim it was fake if they thought they could get away with it.

LMAO! You REALLY believe that security doors, metal detectors, armed guards and DHS capstone drills would magically disappear if law abiding citizens were disarmed???? HOLY shit but are you fucking stupid. Let's say that you and your beloved are sitting at home watching a movie and all of the sudden, a gang of armed intruders enter your you:

Guy, the only reason I have to worry about a gang of armed intruders is because the gun industry has flooded our streets with guns to start with. THat said, I'm more likely to be killed by an angry neighbor (my neighbor fired a bunch of shots into the parking lot at our complex before killing himself) or a coworker who went nuts because he knew he was about to get fired.

This is why we end up having to spend billions on the lock down state. Not because of the evil "Gummit of Lizard People", but because companies - even small ones - realize the liability of not being secure is too great.

You want the public to be disarmed? I suggest that you volunteer to put your fat ass out in front of a "door to door" confiscation" squad to make that happen. Hopefully someone will be videoing you getting your ass blown out the door as you attempt to illegally enter a house.

No, Guy, we send the ATF out to do that. Heavily armed ATF agents who will arrest Johnny Gun Nut when he's out to his job, and then execute the warrant on his house, and make him watch as we melt down all his guns before we toss him in the klink with some scary black folks. The rest of the nuts will get the idea after that.

What part of "No forensic evidence" (which includes fingerprints) is giving you the most problem, dumb ass????

The part where I don't believe nuts like you...
Nothing quite shouts personal responsibility like blaming one’s actions on corporations and the media. Jones is simply trying to limit his liability in the lawsuit against him. He will be back gassing on about Martian slave camps by the end of the day.
At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

I am not so sure it’s even about that. I think he is a common grifter and will say whatever it takes get his acolytes to open their wallets and hearts. In that order.
That too, but look at what he has helped create: This entirely alternate, closed circuit universe in which inhabitants only trust what they observe within that universe.

To be fair, the press and corporations are kind enough to give them enough grist to keep that universe alive and thriving. A handy kernel of truth to keep the wheel turning.

But holy crap, this guy is used as a "news source".
Unfortunately propaganda works, Jones is purveyor.

Lamestream media = Fake news.....FACT!
You think Jones is about truth? C'mon man you aren't really that dumb. Or are you?

View attachment 254451
#1 If speaking truth makes me an "awful person"? So be it.

#2 I seriously doubt that the day will ever come where I would desire or seek your "approval".

Except what your speaking isn't the truth. I'm not even sure if you actually believe the stuff you spew, or you are just a troll or an awful person.

Once a fetus can survive outside the womb, it ceases to be a "fetus" even by YOUR standards. That they were just a bunch of useless clumps of cells until they exited the womb?

Uh, guy, that's not MY standard. That's everyone's standards. People just don't feel the same way about fetuses they feel about babies, even if they want them. People don't lose their shit over a miscarriage the way they do over a baby dying.

The point is, a fetus when MOST abortions are performed, is smaller than a kidney bean. No one thinks of that as a "baby".

Depends upon the price an unborn baby is fetching these days with Planned Parenthood being the "middle man" for them. Don't EVEN try and pull your bullshit on me, Joe Blowhard..... an unborn baby has a heartbeat at six weeks.

The women don't see that money, PP only got the costs of processing it and they got out of that business. (which damages medical science as there is a valid need.) Nobody has late abortions for profit. They have them either because some medical threat to the mom, or because the fetus has some horrible deformity like Down Syndrome or Tay-Sachs.

Tens of thousands? Try a few hundred. You think that the NRA would dare mention that this was a staged event and have the bought and paid for lamestream media land on them with both feet knowing that the majority of the sheeple are a s fucking blind as you are? This corporate entity disguised as "gubermint" only needs the trust of 51 percent of the sheeple, dumb ass.

Actually, no, it would really require thousands of people who would know that school wasn't active. and we've seen the NRA is totally fucking evil and would try to claim it was fake if they thought they could get away with it.

LMAO! You REALLY believe that security doors, metal detectors, armed guards and DHS capstone drills would magically disappear if law abiding citizens were disarmed???? HOLY shit but are you fucking stupid. Let's say that you and your beloved are sitting at home watching a movie and all of the sudden, a gang of armed intruders enter your you:

Guy, the only reason I have to worry about a gang of armed intruders is because the gun industry has flooded our streets with guns to start with. THat said, I'm more likely to be killed by an angry neighbor (my neighbor fired a bunch of shots into the parking lot at our complex before killing himself) or a coworker who went nuts because he knew he was about to get fired.

This is why we end up having to spend billions on the lock down state. Not because of the evil "Gummit of Lizard People", but because companies - even small ones - realize the liability of not being secure is too great.

You want the public to be disarmed? I suggest that you volunteer to put your fat ass out in front of a "door to door" confiscation" squad to make that happen. Hopefully someone will be videoing you getting your ass blown out the door as you attempt to illegally enter a house.

No, Guy, we send the ATF out to do that. Heavily armed ATF agents who will arrest Johnny Gun Nut when he's out to his job, and then execute the warrant on his house, and make him watch as we melt down all his guns before we toss him in the klink with some scary black folks. The rest of the nuts will get the idea after that.

What part of "No forensic evidence" (which includes fingerprints) is giving you the most problem, dumb ass????

The part where I don't believe nuts like you...

"Except what your speaking isn't the truth. I'm not even sure if you actually believe the stuff you spew, or you are just a troll or an awful person"

Really? And this coming from you that didn't even know some of the major players/gatekeepers of this fraudulent event like Lenny "poseur Pozner? Admit it, Joe Blowhar.... you haven't done any background research as to the wheres and whys that those like me see through this unbelievably and amateurish DHS drill where NO DIED! I certainly approached this from every angle possible and the CNN footage alone was disturbing enough. They put so little effort into this that it shows that they have ZERO respect for their sheeple.

"Uh, guy, that's not MY standard. That's everyone's standards. People just don't feel the same way about fetuses they feel about babies, even if they want them. People don't lose their shit over a miscarriage the way they do over a baby dying".

Don't confuse miscarriages with a fetus with a heartbeat. Tell a mother that can feel a the baby kicking that it's just a "clump of cells". Woemn can feel the baby "kick" as early as 12 weeks with 14 weeks being pretty much the norm. Is that simply a "clump of cells"? The reason I am rubbing your face in this is BECAUSE you have zero problem with an abortion at any point of the pregnancy but hide behind children like a shield to promote gun confiscation and THAT makes you a big time hypocrite.
BTW, I never claimed that women that aborted a baby profited but PP sure does and all your protestations doesn't change diddly squat. They were busted as far back as 2001 for selling aborted baby parts...go sell your bullshit to someone else.

"Guy, the only reason I have to worry about a gang of armed intruders is because the gun industry has flooded our streets with guns to start with. THat said, I'm more likely to be killed by an angry neighbor (my neighbor fired a bunch of shots into the parking lot at our complex before killing himself) or a coworker who went nuts because he knew he was about to get fired"

LMAO! You live in Commietown Chicago with some of the strictest "laws" in the country concerning firearms.....are you saying that people possess them illegally????? BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!.

BTW, dipshit, I would rather take my chances of coming across someone having a bad day than having this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself a s a legitimate governmental body being the only ones with weapons. With freedom comes risks and those that are willing to give up their God-given rights for a nanny like security state deserves neither freedom or security. BTW, the SCOTUS has ruled that the job of the police is not to protect the serfs.

Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

So the bottom line is that I will take whatever measures necessary to protect me and mine....thank you very much. Your wants and desires for disarmament ain't gonna happen in your lifetime, Joe Blowhard.....but wear loose clothing so you can scare away criminals with guns by "dropping trou" and using your substandard genitalia to ward them off......let us all know how that works out for you.'

"No, Guy, we send the ATF out to do that. Heavily armed ATF agents who will arrest Johnny Gun Nut when he's out to his job, and then execute the warrant on his house, and make him watch as we melt down all his guns before we toss him in the klink with some scary black folks. The rest of the nuts will get the idea after that"

"We", Joe Blowhard? You are part of "da gubermint"? Or are you simply a good little Maoist that wants others to do your dirty work? Under what act, statute, code or ordinance will be used to "arrest " someone and justify the searching of one's home for alleged weapons deemed "unacceptable" by "da gubermint? A mandate where some commie fuck declares that any and all gun ownership is now "illegal" like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ferdinand Marcos, etc etc did when they set themselves up as dictators? And we should and will acquiesce while little commies like you watch from the shadows like the cowards you are? Molon Labe, Joe Blowhard....come and take them.......put your money where that big mouth of yours is. It is my contention that you don't have the sac.
At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

I am not so sure it’s even about that. I think he is a common grifter and will say whatever it takes get his acolytes to open their wallets and hearts. In that order.
That too, but look at what he has helped create: This entirely alternate, closed circuit universe in which inhabitants only trust what they observe within that universe.

To be fair, the press and corporations are kind enough to give them enough grist to keep that universe alive and thriving. A handy kernel of truth to keep the wheel turning.

But holy crap, this guy is used as a "news source".
Unfortunately propaganda works, Jones is purveyor.

Lamestream media = Fake news.....FACT!
You think Jones is about truth? C'mon man you aren't really that dumb. Or are you?

You think the lamestream media is about "truth"? C'mon, aren't really THAT dumb...are you???
I am not so sure it’s even about that. I think he is a common grifter and will say whatever it takes get his acolytes to open their wallets and hearts. In that order.
That too, but look at what he has helped create: This entirely alternate, closed circuit universe in which inhabitants only trust what they observe within that universe.

To be fair, the press and corporations are kind enough to give them enough grist to keep that universe alive and thriving. A handy kernel of truth to keep the wheel turning.

But holy crap, this guy is used as a "news source".
Unfortunately propaganda works, Jones is purveyor.

Lamestream media = Fake news.....FACT!
You think Jones is about truth? C'mon man you aren't really that dumb. Or are you?

You think the lamestream media is about "truth"? C'mon, aren't really THAT dumb...are you???
No I don't. But if you think Jones is about truth you need to get your head examined.

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