Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

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LOL! No one cares who Lenny "the poseur" Pozner is? You certainly do because he is one of the fake parents that has been the main gatekeeper of Sandy Hoax whose work includes suing any and all high profile people that call out this bullshit for what it is.

Sorry, Nuts living in their Mom's basements aren't high profile, Stewbum Dale.

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The fake parents setting up donation pages. WHY in the fuck would Sandy Hoax parents need donation pages? The state would be 100 percent responsible for for any and all costs....but yet no lawsuits were filed against Newtown ISD or the state of Connecticut for years?

Why would they need donation pages? Funeral and legal expenses. Psychological counselling. Having to move again after Alex Jones doxxes your home address and gun nuts start showing up at your house.

Here's the problem- Who were they going to sue? Mommy Lanza is dead, Adam is dead. They are sueing the gun makers and that lawsuit is moving forward, but we'll see where it goes.

Hey, funny thing... Bushmaster's defense is not, "Your kid never existed and this was all a false flag operation." Imagine that. you think with all your evidence, you'd be able to make their case for them.

Maybe you need to call Bushmaster's legal team and show them "the Truth" right now. I'm sure they'll call security.

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. "But, but, but... the Porta-potties. Look at the pictures of the Porta-Potties!"

Lame ass shit, Joe Blowhard, the commie coward...but I have come to expect no better....

"Why would they need donation pages? Funeral and legal expenses. Psychological counselling"

But these pages were set up before this event and before the alleged bodies were even removed from the school that had been shut down since the end of the school year of 2008. That is why "porta-potties" were needed because running water through pipes that hadn't been used since May of 2008 could be really nasty. Who would they "sue"? Like the Newtown school district like post haste? They did sue the alleged Lanza estate and had the house bulldozed...hmmmm? A real asset that could be sold is instead bulldozed....BTW, it was right next door to the DNC connected guy that set up donation pages whose home was bustling with police vehicles the day of this alleged event and not Nancy Lanza's home? The official report plainly states that there is zero forensic evidence tying an "Adam Lanza" to the crime. That Bushmaster rifle that was lifted out of the trunk of what is believed to be the car that Adam drove was removed from the trunk with no rubber gloves thus violating the most basic rules of evidence gathering.

Why do you do this. Joe Blowhard, the commie coward? You bend over and BEG me to kick that commie ass of yours...........and then you get bitchslapped.

School was bulldozed too.....everything into the memory hole.

Never did see that vid of Lanza buying weapon at the Ct gun store. Of course, the school vid system was down at the time of the shootings. Hmmmmm.....

answered that already, you dumbfuck. he didn't have to buy crap if his dead mother had a stockpile that he had access to.

Wrong, dipshit......W-R-O-N-G.......
School was bulldozed too.....everything into the memory hole.

Never did see that vid of Lanza buying weapon at the Ct gun store. Of course, the school vid system was down at the time of the shootings. Hmmmmm.....
Yep! And all a vast conspiracy to fool all the smart people, while all the morons like you know the real truth. dont have to copy and paste every post you make ya know!!:113:

Like I said....when one has no answers, one frequently pivots to using the term "moron"!:2up:

Yep, whether people like him realize it or not, their response is straight out of Alinsky's handbook. Not to mention lame and childish.
School was bulldozed too.....everything into the memory hole.

Never did see that vid of Lanza buying weapon at the Ct gun store. Of course, the school vid system was down at the time of the shootings. Hmmmmm.....
Yep! And all a vast conspiracy to fool all the smart people, while all the morons like you know the real truth. dont have to copy and paste every post you make ya know!!:113:

Like I said....when one has no answers, one frequently pivots to using the term "moron"!:2up:

Yep, whether people like him realize it or not, their response is straight out of Alinsky's handbook. Not to mention lame and childish.

No, what’s lame and childish are references to ‘Alinsky.’
School was bulldozed too.....everything into the memory hole.

Never did see that vid of Lanza buying weapon at the Ct gun store. Of course, the school vid system was down at the time of the shootings. Hmmmmm.....
Yep! And all a vast conspiracy to fool all the smart people, while all the morons like you know the real truth. dont have to copy and paste every post you make ya know!!:113:

Like I said....when one has no answers, one frequently pivots to using the term "moron"!:2up:

Yep, whether people like him realize it or not, their response is straight out of Alinsky's handbook. Not to mention lame and childish.

No, what’s lame and childish are references to ‘Alinsky.’

No one is allowed to refer to Alinksy? Ooookay, whatever you say. *roll eyes*
Fast forward to 1:43 and listen until about 2:12. The point she makes there is something every American needs to hear, and it needs to sink in.

It is when I watched the BLM riots, the ANTIFA riots, the extreme FEMINIST riots and the ILLEGAL riots over the Obama years and Trump's first one or so that I got my education. p.s...the kid was a Progressive Socialist turned crazy.

There was no evidence that Adam Lanza had any political affiliation... and his mom was a right wing gun nut who armed herself like the Zombies were coming. They were both NRA members....

And honestly, if you think the minor demonstrations we've had were anything compared to the riots we had in the 60's, you are delusional.
It is when I watched the BLM riots, the ANTIFA riots, the extreme FEMINIST riots and the ILLEGAL riots over the Obama years and Trump's first one or so that I got my education. p.s...the kid was a Progressive Socialist turned crazy.

There was no evidence that Adam Lanza had any political affiliation... and his mom was a right wing gun nut who armed herself like the Zombies were coming. They were both NRA members....

And honestly, if you think the minor demonstrations we've had were anything compared to the riots we had in the 60's, you are delusional.
Sure...sure....sure! Progressive Socialist deep blue areas. All that money spent on stopping bullying and we have Prog schools becoming shooting ranges. Hell in Houston another drag queen raped a child again from the same library. And the people are getting fed up. Good times....good times!
Look everyone, Stewbum Dale is back for another round of crazy.. It's so nice when the Shelter lets him use the computer.


But these pages were set up before this event and before the alleged bodies were even removed from the school that had been shut down since the end of the school year of 2008. That is why "porta-potties" were needed because running water through pipes that hadn't been used since May of 2008 could be really nasty. Who would they "sue"?

Yes, yes, this is what other crazy people have told you, but where's the documentary evidence?


Like the Newtown school district like post haste? They did sue the alleged Lanza estate and had the house bulldozed...hmmmm? A real asset that could be sold is instead bulldozed....

Who'd want to buy it? Reality check... They bulldozed John Gacy's house. They bulldozed Jeff Dahmner's apartment building. Bulldozing the house of a mass murderer is actually usually an SOP.


The official report plainly states that there is zero forensic evidence tying an "Adam Lanza" to the crime. That Bushmaster rifle that was lifted out of the trunk of what is believed to be the car that Adam drove was removed from the trunk with no rubber gloves thus violating the most basic rules of evidence gathering.

again, one more time... Bushmaster is being sued. The judge is letting the lawsuit go forward. Now you would thing, "It never happened and these people never existed" would be a hell of an affirmative defense, wouldn't you.

I know. Bushmaster is in on this to! Because even though this incident has been an absolute disaster for their brand, they are going along with the hoax, and their thousands of lawyers and investigators aren't half as clever as you, Stewbum Dale.
The performance artist offers more insight into his fertile imagination:

InfoWars’ Alex Jones: I Had ‘Form of Psychosis’ While Pushing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

It actually gets better:

Jones blamed his mental state on the “trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much,” saying that he couldn’t “trust anything anymore,” and he didn’t really know what reality was.He also admitted to the lawyer of one of the suing parents that he was susceptible to “mass group think.”

Psychosis. Mental state. Mass group think. Indeed.
I always thought that the whole "psychosis' thing was just part of his schtick. Done for entertainment purposes.

I also think he has a mind-altering drug abuse problem.
I always thought that the whole "psychosis' thing was just part of his schtick. Done for entertainment purposes.

I also think he has a mind-altering drug abuse problem.

The problem isn't WHY Alex Jones does the things he does. He might be on drugs, he might be crazy, or this might just be an elaborate scam to get money.

The problem is, too many people take him seriously... including Trump.
Look everyone, Stewbum Dale is back for another round of crazy.. It's so nice when the Shelter lets him use the computer.

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But these pages were set up before this event and before the alleged bodies were even removed from the school that had been shut down since the end of the school year of 2008. That is why "porta-potties" were needed because running water through pipes that hadn't been used since May of 2008 could be really nasty. Who would they "sue"?

Yes, yes, this is what other crazy people have told you, but where's the documentary evidence?

View attachment 254121
Like the Newtown school district like post haste? They did sue the alleged Lanza estate and had the house bulldozed...hmmmm? A real asset that could be sold is instead bulldozed....

Who'd want to buy it? Reality check... They bulldozed John Gacy's house. They bulldozed Jeff Dahmner's apartment building. Bulldozing the house of a mass murderer is actually usually an SOP.

View attachment 254122

The official report plainly states that there is zero forensic evidence tying an "Adam Lanza" to the crime. That Bushmaster rifle that was lifted out of the trunk of what is believed to be the car that Adam drove was removed from the trunk with no rubber gloves thus violating the most basic rules of evidence gathering.

again, one more time... Bushmaster is being sued. The judge is letting the lawsuit go forward. Now you would thing, "It never happened and these people never existed" would be a hell of an affirmative defense, wouldn't you.

I know. Bushmaster is in on this to! Because even though this incident has been an absolute disaster for their brand, they are going along with the hoax, and their thousands of lawyers and investigators aren't half as clever as you, Stewbum Dale.

Nah, I don't live here on this forum like you do, dumb fuck. Bulldozing the alleged home of Lanza's mom is the same as the bulldozing the homes of queer mass murderers??? Are you out of your fucking mind? Of course you are Joe,ll the commie blowhard. Your pathetic replies to my very salient points do not come close to anything resembling a rebuttal but yet your panties are all bunched up because people call this for the bull shit event that it was...tough shit. I will be rubbing this in your face whenever necessary, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.

Hope this helps!
I always thought that the whole "psychosis' thing was just part of his schtick. Done for entertainment purposes.
I also think he has a mind-altering drug abuse problem.
It really is tough to tell. In an industry that is chock full o' crazies and nuts, he manages to be unique.

It's just mind-blowing that anyone takes it seriously.

Nah, I don't live here on this forum like you do, dumb fuck. Bulldozing the alleged home of Lanza's mom is the same as the bulldozing the homes of queer mass murderers??? Are you out of your fucking mind?

Not seeing the difference.... They didn't want these places to become tourist attractions for the morbid.


Your pathetic replies to my very salient points do not come close to anything resembling a rebuttal but yet your panties are all bunched up because people call this for the bull shit event that it was...tough shit. I will be rubbing this in your face whenever necessary, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.

Guy, you have to have a pretty fucking serious hole in your soul to look at the parents of slaughtered babies and say, "Well, you're just a crisis actor, aren't you?"

I mean, seriously, what kind of fucked up happened in your life that your brain even works like that.

Nah, I don't live here on this forum like you do, dumb fuck. Bulldozing the alleged home of Lanza's mom is the same as the bulldozing the homes of queer mass murderers??? Are you out of your fucking mind?

Not seeing the difference.... They didn't want these places to become tourist attractions for the morbid.


Your pathetic replies to my very salient points do not come close to anything resembling a rebuttal but yet your panties are all bunched up because people call this for the bull shit event that it was...tough shit. I will be rubbing this in your face whenever necessary, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.

Guy, you have to have a pretty fucking serious hole in your soul to look at the parents of slaughtered babies and say, "Well, you're just a crisis actor, aren't you?"

I mean, seriously, what kind of fucked up happened in your life that your brain even works like that.

Coming from someone that supports abortion up to day of birth? I find your fact free contentions utterly pathetic.
Nothing quite shouts personal responsibility like blaming one’s actions on corporations and the media. Jones is simply trying to limit his liability in the lawsuit against him. He will be back gassing on about Martian slave camps by the end of the day.
At the heart of what he said lies a pretty deep paranoia.

Group think and paranoia, that's not a good combo.

I am not so sure it’s even about that. I think he is a common grifter and will say whatever it takes get his acolytes to open their wallets and hearts. In that order.
Alex Jones too....
I agree they are both useful idiots. Alex Jones is very much self serving. He laughs all the way to the bank.

The problem isn't Jones. The problem is that people want to be fooled.

Kind of like when you go to see a Magician, you know you did not actually witness a brutal dismemberment of a woman and her Resurrection... You are going there to be fooled because you want to be fooled.

The people who listen to Jones lie about Crisis Actors want to hear that shit. IF Jones doesn't feed it to them, someone else will.
Are we talking about evangelicals?
Coming from someone that supports abortion up to day of birth? I find your fact free contentions utterly pathetic.

Fetuses aren't babies, and I don't substitute my judgment for medical professionals.

Quit trying to change the subject.

I don't really care what you call a fetus - baby, person whatever. If it's in my body, it's me, and no one else's business.

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