Alex Jones: I had a form of psychosis about Sandy Hook

That too, but look at what he has helped create: This entirely alternate, closed circuit universe in which inhabitants only trust what they observe within that universe.

To be fair, the press and corporations are kind enough to give them enough grist to keep that universe alive and thriving. A handy kernel of truth to keep the wheel turning.

But holy crap, this guy is used as a "news source".
Unfortunately propaganda works, Jones is purveyor.

Lamestream media = Fake news.....FACT!
You think Jones is about truth? C'mon man you aren't really that dumb. Or are you?

You think the lamestream media is about "truth"? C'mon, aren't really THAT dumb...are you???
No I don't. But if you think Jones is about truth you need to get your head examined. has been much more accurate than the lamerstream media on false flag events like Assad using chemical weapons and how the Ukraine coup d'etat was an E.U Soros sponsored you disagree? Jones is part of the controlled opposition and he mixed lies with truth to cloud the issues. Have you ever read a post from me touting Jones? Please, by all means, use the search feature and post it......

Really? And this coming from you that didn't even know some of the major players/gatekeepers of this fraudulent event like Lenny "poseur Pozner? Admit it, Joe Blowhar.... you haven't done any background research as to the wheres and whys that those like me see through this unbelievably and amateurish DHS drill where NO DIED! I certainly approached this from every angle possible and the CNN footage alone was disturbing enough. They put so little effort into this that it shows that they have ZERO respect for their sheeple.

Somehow, Guy, I suspect you were a crazy conspiracy nut long before you read all the nutty websites about Porta Potties and Cold Cuts.

The thing is, if your brain is already wired to see Lizard People, you are going to see Lizard People. We have medications for that, but you need to avail yourself of them.


Don't confuse miscarriages with a fetus with a heartbeat. Tell a mother that can feel a the baby kicking that it's just a "clump of cells". Woemn can feel the baby "kick" as early as 12 weeks with 14 weeks being pretty much the norm. Is that simply a "clump of cells"? The reason I am rubbing your face in this is BECAUSE you have zero problem with an abortion at any point of the pregnancy but hide behind children like a shield to promote gun confiscation and THAT makes you a big time hypocrite.

Not at all... fetuses aren't babies. Women who have abortions don't think of them as babies, they think of them as that 'Thing I need to take care of on Tuesday". I have zero problem with abortion because I know that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she WILL find a way to not be pregnant. Just like if she wants to be a prostitute or take drugs. The amusing thing that as much as you whine about the 'Gummit', you'd need a real police state to enforce your abortion laws.

LMAO! You live in Commietown Chicago with some of the strictest "laws" in the country concerning firearms.....are you saying that people possess them illegally????? BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!.

actually, I live in the Suburbs, and I wish someone had confiscated this guy's guns the first time he went on a shooting spree... He'd probably be alive today.

Chicago doesn't have particularly strict gun laws. Japan has strict gun laws. The UK Has strict gun laws. We really don't.

BTW, dipshit, I would rather take my chances of coming across someone having a bad day than having this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself a s a legitimate governmental body being the only ones with weapons. With freedom comes risks and those that are willing to give up their God-given rights for a nanny like security state deserves neither freedom or security. BTW, the SCOTUS has ruled that the job of the police is not to protect the serfs.

Kind of an insult to the Men in Blue who put their lives on the line every day. 165 of them died last year protecting us, but never mind.


So the bottom line is that I will take whatever measures necessary to protect me and mine....thank you very much. Your wants and desires for disarmament ain't gonna happen in your lifetime, Joe Blowhard.....

Uh, guy, given your mental state, you probably wouldn't qualify to own a gun even with tepid gun control. You're probably crazier than Lanza was.


"We", Joe Blowhard? You are part of "da gubermint"? Or are you simply a good little Maoist that wants others to do your dirty work? Under what act, statute, code or ordinance will be used to "arrest " someone and justify the searching of one's home for alleged weapons deemed "unacceptable" by "da gubermint? A mandate where some commie fuck declares that any and all gun ownership is now "illegal" like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ferdinand Marcos, etc etc did when they set themselves up as dictators? And we should and will acquiesce while little commies like you watch from the shadows like the cowards you are? Molon Labe, Joe Blowhard....come and take them.......put your money where that big mouth of yours is. It is my contention that you don't have the sac.

Uh, guy Australia and the UK already banned private gun ownership, and they had no problem getting people to turn in their weapons. And people were more than happy to report their gun nut neighbors because no one wants to live next to a crazy person with a gun.
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Really? And this coming from you that didn't even know some of the major players/gatekeepers of this fraudulent event like Lenny "poseur Pozner? Admit it, Joe Blowhar.... you haven't done any background research as to the wheres and whys that those like me see through this unbelievably and amateurish DHS drill where NO DIED! I certainly approached this from every angle possible and the CNN footage alone was disturbing enough. They put so little effort into this that it shows that they have ZERO respect for their sheeple.

Somehow, Guy, I suspect you were a crazy conspiracy nut long before you read all the nutty websites about Porta Potties and Cold Cuts.

The thing is, if your brain is already wired to see Lizard People, you are going to see Lizard People. We have medications for that, but you need to avail yourself of them.

View attachment 254640
Don't confuse miscarriages with a fetus with a heartbeat. Tell a mother that can feel a the baby kicking that it's just a "clump of cells". Woemn can feel the baby "kick" as early as 12 weeks with 14 weeks being pretty much the norm. Is that simply a "clump of cells"? The reason I am rubbing your face in this is BECAUSE you have zero problem with an abortion at any point of the pregnancy but hide behind children like a shield to promote gun confiscation and THAT makes you a big time hypocrite.

Not at all... fetuses aren't babies. Women who have abortions don't think of them as babies, they think of them as that 'Thing I need to take care of on Tuesday". I have zero problem with abortion because I know that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she WILL find a way to not be pregnant. Just like if she wants to be a prostitute or take drugs. The amusing thing that as much as you whine about the 'Gummit', you'd need a real police state to enforce your abortion laws.

LMAO! You live in Commietown Chicago with some of the strictest "laws" in the country concerning firearms.....are you saying that people possess them illegally????? BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!.

actually, I live in the Suburbs, and I wish someone had confiscated this guy's guns the first time he went on a shooting spree... He'd probably be alive today.

Chicago doesn't have particularly strict gun laws. Japan has strict gun laws. The UK Has strict gun laws. We really don't.

BTW, dipshit, I would rather take my chances of coming across someone having a bad day than having this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself a s a legitimate governmental body being the only ones with weapons. With freedom comes risks and those that are willing to give up their God-given rights for a nanny like security state deserves neither freedom or security. BTW, the SCOTUS has ruled that the job of the police is not to protect the serfs.

Kind of an insult to the Men in Blue who put their lives on the line every day. 165 of them died last year protecting us, but never mind.

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So the bottom line is that I will take whatever measures necessary to protect me and mine....thank you very much. Your wants and desires for disarmament ain't gonna happen in your lifetime, Joe Blowhard.....

Uh, guy, given your mental state, you probably wouldn't qualify to own a gun even with tepid gun control. You're probably crazier than Lanza was.

View attachment 254642
"We", Joe Blowhard? You are part of "da gubermint"? Or are you simply a good little Maoist that wants others to do your dirty work? Under what act, statute, code or ordinance will be used to "arrest " someone and justify the searching of one's home for alleged weapons deemed "unacceptable" by "da gubermint? A mandate where some commie fuck declares that any and all gun ownership is now "illegal" like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ferdinand Marcos, etc etc did when they set themselves up as dictators? And we should and will acquiesce while little commies like you watch from the shadows like the cowards you are? Molon Labe, Joe Blowhard....come and take them.......put your money where that big mouth of yours is. It is my contention that you don't have the sac.

Uh, guy Australia and the UK already banned private gun ownership, and they had no problem getting people to turn in their weapons. And people were more than happy to report their gun nut neighbors because no one wants to live next to a crazy person with a gun.

"Somehow, Guy, I suspect you were a crazy conspiracy nut long before you read all the nutty websites about Porta Potties and Cold Cuts"

LOL! You couldn't be more wrong, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.I was once one of the "sheeple" that backed the neocons and the disastrous war in Iraq. One of the many things that separates
me from the likes of your ilk is that once I realized how we had been "chumped"? I started reading, researching, connecting dots and tossed aside the "left versus right" paradigm. It was absolutely STUNNING as to how this mental fog lifted and I experienced a clarity of thought beyond my wildest dreams when I put my TV on the curb. You are consistent about one thing and that is your ability to gloss over any and all evidence that refutes your claims. You get pissed that your lame attempts at a
rebuttal of pertinent facts gets thrown back in your face tenfold. Pride goeth before a fall, Joe Blowhard. Sandy Hoax was a DHS drill that was passed off as a "real time event". CNN showing footage of "storm troopers" running across the Rose of St. Lima school while claiming it was at Sandy Hook...WTF? A state trooper removing a gun from the trunk of a car with no gloves??? FOIA requests of the dashcam video that was rolling during this mass exodus where 460 plus alleged students of Sandy Hook are being hurried out of the school......but what do we see? A video sans a time stamp and a fat C.T state trooper preparing for lunch for his fellow frauds on the hood of his cruiser. Sucks to be you, Joe Blowhard.

"The thing is, if your brain is already wired to see Lizard People, you are going to see Lizard People. We have medications for that, but you need to avail yourself of them."

#1 What "lizard people" are you claiming that I claimed to of seen???? Posting the same lie i.e "shit flinging" isn't working out very well for ya.

#2 Who is "We", Joe Blowhard? You have a mouse in your pocket? Seems that you believe that you are in an inner circle of gun-grabbing commies with ties to big pharma. "We have medications"....."We have the means to confiscate your guns" even though you have plainly stated that you would hide like a coward and let someone else do it. The fact of the matter is that you are simply a small turd in a big sewer. Hope this helps!!!

"Chicago doesn't have particularly strict gun laws"

Kinda like Sandy Hoax resulted in no new legislation ???!?!?!?!?!?

Gun Control

"Uh, guy, given your mental state, you probably wouldn't qualify to own a gun even with tepid gun control. You're probably crazier than Lanza was"

#1 You are not in the position of determining the "mental state" of anyone nor will you ever be. Since you are a card carrying commie, it's in the best interest of you and your comrades to seek legal means to disarm the public...of course lil commies like yourself would never risk hide nor hair of what you expect others to do

#2. This corporate construct lamely disguising itself a legitimate governmental body only has power if I "cede" to it and when it comes to protecting me and mine and the means to do so? I will make that call.......not your beloved "gubermint"...are we clear on this point?

"Uh, guy Australia and the UK already banned private gun ownership, and they had no problem getting people to turn in their weapons. And people were more than happy to report their gun nut neighbors because no one wants to live next to a crazy person with a gun"

UK's population is 65 Million, Australia's population is around 23.5 million. Hell, we have more guns in the USA (that is known) than the number of state controlled serfs in those two countries. Hell, Texas has nearly 29 million people alone. Sheriffs are refusing AND vowing to rebuff federal "authority" as it pertains to gun control mandates and they have the jurisdiction and the last say in the matter. Stay in blue state Illinois because commie fucks wouldn't fare well here in Texas at all. Keep on offering forth your chin and keep rising off of the cyber canvas on wobbly knees as kicking your dumb ass is a guilty pleasure of mine.'


LOL! You couldn't be more wrong, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.I was once one of the "sheeple" that backed the neocons and the disastrous war in Iraq. One of the many things that separates
me from the likes of your ilk is that once I realized how we had been "chumped"? I started reading, researching, connecting dots and tossed aside the "left versus right" paradigm.

so you changed your mind about the war in Iraq, but then you keep voting for the right wing, bible thumping nuts who brought us the war in Iraq... Interesting.


#2 Who is "We", Joe Blowhard? You have a mouse in your pocket?

sane, not crazy people.... Guy, we've established you are kind of a nut, and while most of the posters are avoiding you like....well, a crazy homeless person, I actually bother to engage you because, honestly, I think you need help, man. I'm sorry there is no one in your life who hears you talking about Cold Cuts proving the LIzard People staged Sandy Hook and tries to get you help... but man, you need help.


#1 You are not in the position of determining the "mental state" of anyone nor will you ever be. Since you are a card carrying commie, it's in the best interest of you and your comrades to seek legal means to disarm the public...of course lil commies like yourself would never risk hide nor hair of what you expect others to do

Uh, guy, you post reams of crazy stuff, just like a Kaczynski, a Holmes or a Loughner... This is how people can tell you are crazy.


#2. This corporate construct lamely disguising itself a legitimate governmental body only has power if I "cede" to it and when it comes to protecting me and mine and the means to do so? I will make that call.......not your beloved "gubermint"...are we clear on this point?

Yes, we are very, very clear you are crazy.


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LOL! You couldn't be more wrong, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.I was once one of the "sheeple" that backed the neocons and the disastrous war in Iraq. One of the many things that separates
me from the likes of your ilk is that once I realized how we had been "chumped"? I started reading, researching, connecting dots and tossed aside the "left versus right" paradigm.

so you changed your mind about the war in Iraq, but then you keep voting for the right wing, bible thumping nuts who brought us the war in Iraq... Interesting.

View attachment 254831
#2 Who is "We", Joe Blowhard? You have a mouse in your pocket?

sane, not crazy people.... Guy, we've established you are kind of a nut, and while most of the posters are avoiding you like....well, a crazy homeless person, I actually bother to engage you because, honestly, I think you need help, man. I'm sorry there is no one in your life who hears you talking about Cold Cuts proving the LIzard People staged Sandy Hook and tries to get you help... but man, you need help.

View attachment 254832
#1 You are not in the position of determining the "mental state" of anyone nor will you ever be. Since you are a card carrying commie, it's in the best interest of you and your comrades to seek legal means to disarm the public...of course lil commies like yourself would never risk hide nor hair of what you expect others to do

Uh, guy, you post reams of crazy stuff, just like a Kaczynski, a Holmes or a Loughner... This is how people can tell you are crazy.


#2. This corporate construct lamely disguising itself a legitimate governmental body only has power if I "cede" to it and when it comes to protecting me and mine and the means to do so? I will make that call.......not your beloved "gubermint"...are we clear on this point?

Yes, we are very, very clear you are crazy.

Lol.....s0n....all of your hero's couldnt wait to go to war in Iraq!!:2up:

At least Lizard people dont keep 12G shotguns in their glove compartments like Lanza did!:beer:
View attachment 254830

LOL! You couldn't be more wrong, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.I was once one of the "sheeple" that backed the neocons and the disastrous war in Iraq. One of the many things that separates
me from the likes of your ilk is that once I realized how we had been "chumped"? I started reading, researching, connecting dots and tossed aside the "left versus right" paradigm.

so you changed your mind about the war in Iraq, but then you keep voting for the right wing, bible thumping nuts who brought us the war in Iraq... Interesting.

View attachment 254831
#2 Who is "We", Joe Blowhard? You have a mouse in your pocket?

sane, not crazy people.... Guy, we've established you are kind of a nut, and while most of the posters are avoiding you like....well, a crazy homeless person, I actually bother to engage you because, honestly, I think you need help, man. I'm sorry there is no one in your life who hears you talking about Cold Cuts proving the LIzard People staged Sandy Hook and tries to get you help... but man, you need help.

View attachment 254832
#1 You are not in the position of determining the "mental state" of anyone nor will you ever be. Since you are a card carrying commie, it's in the best interest of you and your comrades to seek legal means to disarm the public...of course lil commies like yourself would never risk hide nor hair of what you expect others to do

Uh, guy, you post reams of crazy stuff, just like a Kaczynski, a Holmes or a Loughner... This is how people can tell you are crazy.


#2. This corporate construct lamely disguising itself a legitimate governmental body only has power if I "cede" to it and when it comes to protecting me and mine and the means to do so? I will make that call.......not your beloved "gubermint"...are we clear on this point?

Yes, we are very, very clear you are crazy.

"so you changed your mind about the war in Iraq, but then you keep voting for the right wing, bible thumping nuts who brought us the war in Iraq... Interesting"

Holy shit, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, you have the attention span and ability to recall prior details of that of a toddler. How MANY times have you responded to my posts where I have stated that I no longer participate in the "election process" of what has become a banana republic ever since it gave up their monetary system to mostly European bankers in 1913? That I reclaimed my status of a state nationalist instead of a U.S citizen and de-facto employee under the jurisdiction of USA.INC by opting out of the UCC thus correcting my legal status?

I am a constitutionalist (the organic one) a conservative and proud of it. I wouldn't support a commie democrat even with the threat of execution. The DNC was hijacked by fabian socialists going all the way back to Woodrow Wilson's day. BTW, don't EVEN pretend that your leftard clown posse party of commies have any high ground to take. They continued to fund a war that they claimed in 2006 that they would refuse to fund if they were given back the House and Senate...they folded like a cheap chair. They also continued the PNAC plan by taking out leaders in countries like Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and attempted to oust Assad in Syria by a proxy army that they funded and supplied arms to. GTFO of here with that weak ass shit.

"sane, not crazy people.... Guy, we've established you are kind of a nut, and while most of the posters are avoiding you like....well, a crazy homeless person, I actually bother to engage you because, honestly, I think you need help, man. I'm sorry there is no one in your life who hears you talking about Cold Cuts proving the LIzard People staged Sandy Hook and tries to get you help... but man, you need help."

Here we go and the "We" as if you are some kind of "spokesperson" ....when did this happen? Was there a coronation? (snicker). You "engage" me and you hate the fact that I destroy your lame attempts at refuting what I's utterly pathetic and it obviously galls you. BTW, who the fuck are these "Lizard people" that you are obsessed with????? Make no mistake, though, Sandy Hook was a staged event that after even the tiniest bit of research should and would set off the bullshit detector of anyone that isn't a braindead moron. You worry about yourself, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, and you will have more on your plate than you can handle...capiche'?

" guy, you post reams of crazy stuff, just like a Kaczynski, a Holmes or a Loughner... This is how people can tell you are crazy."

I am familiar with the manifesto of the Unibomber but what exactly did Holmes and Loughner allegedly write about? BTW, Holmes wasn't the Aurora movie theater shooter any more than Paddock was the shooter in Las Vegas.

Molon Labe, Joe Blowhard.......

Holy shit, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, you have the attention span and ability to recall prior details of that of a toddler. How MANY times have you responded to my posts where I have stated that I no longer participate in the "election process" of what has become a banana republic ever since it gave up their monetary system to mostly European bankers in 1913? That I reclaimed my status of a state nationalist instead of a U.S citizen and de-facto employee under the jurisdiction of USA.INC by opting out of the UCC thus correcting my legal status?

Oh, was this before or after you moved into the cardboard box?


it's utterly pathetic and it obviously galls you. BTW, who the fuck are these "Lizard people" that you are obsessed with????? Make no mistake, though, Sandy Hook was a staged event that after even the tiniest bit of research should and would set off the bullshit detector of anyone that isn't a braindead moron. You worry about yourself, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, and you will have more on your plate than you can handle...capiche'?

Again, the only detector that 's set off is the Crazy Homeless person detector. Yes, LIzard People are crazy... but no less crazy than thinking the Vatican and the Trilateralists staged Sandy Hook reasons.


I am familiar with the manifesto of the Unibomber but what exactly did Holmes and Loughner allegedly write about? BTW, Holmes wasn't the Aurora movie theater shooter any more than Paddock was the shooter in Las Vegas.

Ooooooookay. Yup, all these mass shootings are being staged by the LIzard People reasons, I guess.

Loughner posted a whole bunch of crazy posts on YouTube about how he could create his own currency, which all sounded about as crazy as your stuff about being controlled by European Bankers...
View attachment 255067

Holy shit, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, you have the attention span and ability to recall prior details of that of a toddler. How MANY times have you responded to my posts where I have stated that I no longer participate in the "election process" of what has become a banana republic ever since it gave up their monetary system to mostly European bankers in 1913? That I reclaimed my status of a state nationalist instead of a U.S citizen and de-facto employee under the jurisdiction of USA.INC by opting out of the UCC thus correcting my legal status?

Oh, was this before or after you moved into the cardboard box?

View attachment 255068
it's utterly pathetic and it obviously galls you. BTW, who the fuck are these "Lizard people" that you are obsessed with????? Make no mistake, though, Sandy Hook was a staged event that after even the tiniest bit of research should and would set off the bullshit detector of anyone that isn't a braindead moron. You worry about yourself, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, and you will have more on your plate than you can handle...capiche'?

Again, the only detector that 's set off is the Crazy Homeless person detector. Yes, LIzard People are crazy... but no less crazy than thinking the Vatican and the Trilateralists staged Sandy Hook reasons.

View attachment 255069
I am familiar with the manifesto of the Unibomber but what exactly did Holmes and Loughner allegedly write about? BTW, Holmes wasn't the Aurora movie theater shooter any more than Paddock was the shooter in Las Vegas.

Ooooooookay. Yup, all these mass shootings are being staged by the LIzard People reasons, I guess.

Loughner posted a whole bunch of crazy posts on YouTube about how he could create his own currency, which all sounded about as crazy as your stuff about being controlled by European Bankers...
Joe, Joe, Joe.....Practically all of your propaganda artists on TV are the same. An Example...the African American woman Symone. We all have fore heads. Some have five heads. Symone has a three head. Her face is a smoothed out neanderthal. Like an experiment. Look it at. The mouth when fully opened is several inches. This woman never worked a fair day in her life. She lives off of Black misery. It is so easy to see. Any city dweller if open to the crap knows this. Just one more prog shill of many.
Joe, Joe, Joe.....Practically all of your propaganda artists on TV are the same. An Example...the African American woman Symone. We all have fore heads. Some have five heads. Symone has a three head. Her face is a smoothed out neanderthal. Like an experiment. Look it at. The mouth when fully opened is several inches. This woman never worked a fair day in her life. She lives off of Black misery. It is so easy to see. Any city dweller if open to the crap knows this. Just one more prog shill of many.

Guy, you are making Crazy Dale sound rational... did he kick you out of the cardboard box?
Joe, Joe, Joe.....Practically all of your propaganda artists on TV are the same. An Example...the African American woman Symone. We all have fore heads. Some have five heads. Symone has a three head. Her face is a smoothed out neanderthal. Like an experiment. Look it at. The mouth when fully opened is several inches. This woman never worked a fair day in her life. She lives off of Black misery. It is so easy to see. Any city dweller if open to the crap knows this. Just one more prog shill of many.

Guy, you are making Crazy Dale sound rational... did he kick you out of the cardboard box?

s0n..........we laugh when you get into coining others "irrational". You are the one who has generated 4 billion posts in here in a very brief period of time!:backpedal:
School was bulldozed too.....everything into the memory hole.

Never did see that vid of Lanza buying weapon at the Ct gun store. Of course, the school vid system was down at the time of the shootings. Hmmmmm.....
Yep! And all a vast conspiracy to fool all the smart people, while all the morons like you know the real truth. dont have to copy and paste every post you make ya know!!:113:

Like I said....when one has no answers, one frequently pivots to using the term "moron"!:2up:

Yep, whether people like him realize it or not, their response is straight out of Alinsky's handbook. Not to mention lame and childish.

No, what’s lame and childish are references to ‘Alinsky.’

No one is allowed to refer to Alinksy? Ooookay, whatever you say. *roll eyes*
Lame and childish.
Alex Jones had psychosis when speaking about Sandy Hook. But ONLY when speaking about Sandy Hook, at at NO other time.

Get that straight, people.
View attachment 255067

Holy shit, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, you have the attention span and ability to recall prior details of that of a toddler. How MANY times have you responded to my posts where I have stated that I no longer participate in the "election process" of what has become a banana republic ever since it gave up their monetary system to mostly European bankers in 1913? That I reclaimed my status of a state nationalist instead of a U.S citizen and de-facto employee under the jurisdiction of USA.INC by opting out of the UCC thus correcting my legal status?

Oh, was this before or after you moved into the cardboard box?

View attachment 255068
it's utterly pathetic and it obviously galls you. BTW, who the fuck are these "Lizard people" that you are obsessed with????? Make no mistake, though, Sandy Hook was a staged event that after even the tiniest bit of research should and would set off the bullshit detector of anyone that isn't a braindead moron. You worry about yourself, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie, and you will have more on your plate than you can handle...capiche'?

Again, the only detector that 's set off is the Crazy Homeless person detector. Yes, LIzard People are crazy... but no less crazy than thinking the Vatican and the Trilateralists staged Sandy Hook reasons.

View attachment 255069
I am familiar with the manifesto of the Unibomber but what exactly did Holmes and Loughner allegedly write about? BTW, Holmes wasn't the Aurora movie theater shooter any more than Paddock was the shooter in Las Vegas.

Ooooooookay. Yup, all these mass shootings are being staged by the LIzard People reasons, I guess.

Loughner posted a whole bunch of crazy posts on YouTube about how he could create his own currency, which all sounded about as crazy as your stuff about being controlled by European Bankers...

"Oh, was this before or after you moved into the cardboard box?"

I have never been homeless, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie......and I am gainfully employed and I am in the upper 20 percent of income earners. I am also an avid reader and researcher which is why I am infinitely more informed than a card carrying, gun-grabbing commie such as yourself that believes in an all empowered, all encompassing "state" that micro-manages it's serfs. Keep offering up your ass for yet another kicking, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie. As your usual M.O, you can't debate those pesky facts and have to deflect to "lame flames". The bottom line is that I know, comprehend and understand more than you do and it galls you.....tis a pity.

View attachment 255424

I have never been homeless, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie......and I am gainfully employed and I am in the upper 20 percent of income earners.

Sure you are.... because companies like to hire crazy people who rant about who the Corporate Government is out to get us.

"Will Work For Food" is not a job.

There is a time and place for everything, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.....did you let your employer know that you were an anti-2nd amendment, gun grabbing, pro-abortion proponent until the day of birth before you accepted the position? I donated over 600 dollars to someone here that lost her house in a fire that I have never met. Is that the actions of someone that begs for spare change? I think seem to enjoy getting your ass kicked....either that or you need the attention.

BTW, You have a one positive point for every five posts. I have better than a "one to one" ratio for positive pointage.

Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie 107,349 posts...positive ratings 26,572.
Yours truly? 20,866 posts..... positive ratings 28,549.....

Stats don't lie, Joe Blowhard.......(snicker)
It crawls out of it's cardboard box

There is a time and place for everything, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie.....did you let your employer know that you were an anti-2nd amendment, gun grabbing, pro-abortion proponent until the day of birth before you accepted the position?

Well, I'm currently self employed...

So what you are admitting is you don't go around spouting off the batshit crazy about the Corporate State faking the deaths of children.... because anyone would fire you they found out you were that crazy.

Not that I believe you can hold down a job, Stew-bum Dale.

BTW, You have a one positive point for every five posts. I have better than a "one to one" ratio for positive pointage.

No, guy, what you have is a 100% CRAZY point, and most people probably have you on ignore because you be nutz.... I'm sorry you don't get how crazy you are.

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