Alex Jones: Russia Is The New America

So, is Russia the new America? Is Russia the new beacon of freedom to the world? Is Putin the 21st century's George Washington/Thomas Jefferson/James Madison rolled up into one?? If so many view Russia as being the new America; are they willing to defect to Russia in order to partake in that "New American" freedom?? Or are all of these Putin apologists full of shit?? I know its fun to just say Alex Jones is playing a character so don't take whatever he says seriously...however, why are so many far right and far left folks cheerleading Putin?? Here is Russia's version of Alex Jones talking about how invading Ukraine is just the first step....

If Russia decides to widen the fight to neighboring countries like Poland or Romania; I wonder what would be the spin on that to justify it; because there will be the Tuckers and Steve Bannons of the world trying to defend it.

Putin is definitely not the next George Washington. And Russia is definitely not the new America. The only thing reasonable people and Putin have in common is our dislike for the shitshow of wokeness and we love for our own country.

But why would our next hero be someone who HATES America? He has no desire to let people have the freedoms we have.

Btw, Washington had no desire to invade other countries. He just wanted freedom for his own. I know Putin was worried about NATO getting close to his borders but Washington didn’t attack the crown because they’ll probably attack us.

I personally don’t think Putin is going to stop with Ukraine. I think Putin, like Xi, like Kim Jong Un, like the Nwo, would like to run the world.
I don't know, if you put a dollar in a "Alex Jones was right" jar over the years you would have a tidy sum by now.....Of course inflation would have eaten away at the value.

It isn't inflation that's the problem, it's that a dollar isn't worth what it used to be. Things haven't gotten more expensive all the sudden, it's that the dollar is worth less now.

The current administration is making our money worthless so you need more of it to buy things.
Wow. As I say all the time, they do love their hyper-nationalist authoritarian strongmen. An American version of Putin.
From people who are not Progs point of view...In this Brave New World Progs have the ability to send their police state apparatus into a Church and kill all the people there. With the media/entertainers egging them on.
Over the step at a time. The innocent. "What us"? We won't do that. Progs are totalitarian. We have seen it the last few years. Unalienable rights trumps Democracy as you call it. But you have manipulated the term to force dictums on people when empowered to do so. It seems Tail Gunner Joe was right.
You understand. Politics is business to people like you. A time-honored history of human misery promoting sunshine and impossibilities to a gullible population. No nation as rich as us has spent as much and bent over backward and actually reduced the IQ's of people to fit more of all backgrounds and genders into the Prog version of culture based on a godless system that is vicious. And we are being downsized with less money and less wealth available to keep all of this together.

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