Alex Jones: Russia Is The New America

Open a news paper🤣🤣🤣🤣
Start in 1950, until today lol
Mayor democrat, mayor democrat mayor democrat lol
in the 1960's the Dems still had a large portion of the population that were FDR democrats in force which is why few Republican lead coalitions ran the US. After Reagan it was a different story.
Lol, you
I think what he means is, Putin is one of the only leaders that protect their heritage, culture, lanuage, which is key for the success off it poor citizens.

we Americans used to do the same, it’s what made us great and ppl have taken advantage of this great nation. Turning it in to a joke.
I wish war wasn’t the way to protect but it is. Sucks
Lol, you are not American your a Russian POS. Get the fuck out of here and take your Russian propaganda with you.
Lol, you

Lol, you are not American your a Russian POS. Get the fuck out of here and take your Russian propaganda with you.
I’m actually related to one of the founding fathers of America lol so no you take a hike
Come do it big mouth lol commie troll
Lol dumb fuck backs KGB propaganda all day and calls us commie go fuck your self. Former KGB is bastion of freedom. Hilarious fucking commie POS with luck we run into each other some day. Go fuck your self.

So, is Russia the new America? Is Russia the new beacon of freedom to the world? Is Putin the 21st century's George Washington/Thomas Jefferson/James Madison rolled up into one?? If so many view Russia as being the new America; are they willing to defect to Russia in order to partake in that "New American" freedom?? Or are all of these Putin apologists full of shit?? I know its fun to just say Alex Jones is playing a character so don't take whatever he says seriously...however, why are so many far right and far left folks cheerleading Putin?? Here is Russia's version of Alex Jones talking about how invading Ukraine is just the first step....

If Russia decides to widen the fight to neighboring countries like Poland or Romania; I wonder what would be the spin on that to justify it; because there will be the Tuckers and Steve Bannons of the world trying to defend it.

The left is fixated on Russia, they hate it as much as they hate America. Hence Russia is the “new America”.


So, is Russia the new America? Is Russia the new beacon of freedom to the world? Is Putin the 21st century's George Washington/Thomas Jefferson/James Madison rolled up into one?? If so many view Russia as being the new America; are they willing to defect to Russia in order to partake in that "New American" freedom?? Or are all of these Putin apologists full of shit?? I know its fun to just say Alex Jones is playing a character so don't take whatever he says seriously...however, why are so many far right and far left folks cheerleading Putin?? Here is Russia's version of Alex Jones talking about how invading Ukraine is just the first step....

If Russia decides to widen the fight to neighboring countries like Poland or Romania; I wonder what would be the spin on that to justify it; because there will be the Tuckers and Steve Bannons of the world trying to defend it.

Another Buff Knobpolisher rant where the knob buffer wildly flings shit in every direction with no central theme in hopes something, anything, will stick.

Yer nothing but a feral baboon.
That act did no such thing...this is why I kick the shit out of you racist cucks up and down this post.....

But thanks for admitting that you think the US government institutionalizing racist policy is what you think it means to "protect our heritage and culture" -- "our" meaning, closeted racist cucks like you..

And this is why you folks glorify authoritarian fascist dictators like you do.....guess what country already has what you are jerking off for? Russia...tear your ass

Authoritarian fascist dictators like Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Kim, Knob Polisher?
Wow. As I say all the time, they do love their hyper-nationalist authoritarian strongmen. An American version of Putin.

Rights, because there was no yesterday and no one knows you supported Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Mihn, Castro, Ortega, Baby Doc, Idi Amin, ad nasium.

History is not part of the perpetual now that your Reich serves. You recraft reality to serve the goals of the party.

Heil Soros, Herr Mac.
Wow. As I say all the time, they do love their hyper-nationalist authoritarian strongmen. An American version of Putin.
Dude you have allowed close to 5 million foreigners to invade our country in the past 10 months.. I could care less what your commie ass thinks

So, is Russia the new America? Is Russia the new beacon of freedom to the world? Is Putin the 21st century's George Washington/Thomas Jefferson/James Madison rolled up into one?? If so many view Russia as being the new America; are they willing to defect to Russia in order to partake in that "New American" freedom?? Or are all of these Putin apologists full of shit?? I know its fun to just say Alex Jones is playing a character so don't take whatever he says seriously...however, why are so many far right and far left folks cheerleading Putin?? Here is Russia's version of Alex Jones talking about how invading Ukraine is just the first step....

If Russia decides to widen the fight to neighboring countries like Poland or Romania; I wonder what would be the spin on that to justify it; because there will be the Tuckers and Steve Bannons of the world trying to defend it.

You and Jones are both idiots. Russia has nothing on the United States. Get a life you twit.

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