Alex Jones

Update on Alex Jones:

Broadcast just 2 minutes ago!!!!

Alex says that the (new) master plan by the TECHNOCRATS is to put us all into pods and use us like batteries!!! Sound familiar?:lol::lol: The guy is a fucking nut bag and needs to be locked up.

Look it up Eots. Your boy is a fucking douche bag.:lol::lol:

Just buy my DVD's, books, bumper stickers, etc. I need more of those nasty Federal Reserve dollars!!
so why could a thermetic device or explosive not have been the cause of the failure of a single column ?
because there is no proof one was used.
also there is that sticky question about getting caught planting know the one you keep dancing around.

so you coincide it could happen and the only way to know would be to examine the column and test for residue...but this never done
no! there are no coulds either it happened the way you say it did or it did not
you've proven neither.
I see Eots isn't defending the worthless Alex Jones anymore.:lol::lol: I wonder if Eots is like that in everything he believes? Oh! Wait! He does constantly change his "points" on 9/11 also. If you show parts from Flight 93 he says, "But, but, where's the luggage, seats, tail, etc. If they showed body parts he would say, "But where are their shoes?"

I guess Eots got his debate skills from Alex Jones.:lol::lol:

On the main point:

Alex Jones is a paranoid schizophrenic that needs to be locked up just for the safety of his wife and children. SHIT!! The asshole has reproduced.:lol::lol:
Well, it seems that today Alex is saying that the government is going to take your kids out of school and hold them at sports stadiums until the parents turn their guns into authorities. A caller said he saw bus loads of kids heading for Mile High Stadium and Alex is yelling at him to get in his car and go there to see what's happening. LOL Alex is wanting the caller to find a sky scraper so he can video tape it. (No one uses tape anymore, Alex, you fucking moron.)

Wait, now Alex is saying that they government probably won't keep the kids because HE was broadcasting about it.

Alex Jones is a megalomaniac is his own feeble little way. What a fucking joke.:lol::lol:
Well, it seems that today Alex is saying that the government is going to take your kids out of school and hold them at sports stadiums until the parents turn their guns into authorities. A caller said he saw bus loads of kids heading for Mile High Stadium and Alex is yelling at him to get in his car and go there to see what's happening. LOL Alex is wanting the caller to find a sky scraper so he can video tape it. (No one uses tape anymore, Alex, you fucking moron.)

Wait, now Alex is saying that they government probably won't keep the kids because HE was broadcasting about it.

Alex Jones is a megalomaniac is his own feeble little way. What a fucking joke.:lol::lol:
The show wasn't even close to how you describe it.
Well, it seems that today Alex is saying that the government is going to take your kids out of school and hold them at sports stadiums until the parents turn their guns into authorities. A caller said he saw bus loads of kids heading for Mile High Stadium and Alex is yelling at him to get in his car and go there to see what's happening. LOL Alex is wanting the caller to find a sky scraper so he can video tape it. (No one uses tape anymore, Alex, you fucking moron.)

Wait, now Alex is saying that they government probably won't keep the kids because HE was broadcasting about it.

Alex Jones is a megalomaniac is his own feeble little way. What a fucking joke.:lol::lol:
The show wasn't even close to how you describe it.

it never is...that why he never provides a link to what he claims or if he does its not there
Well, it seems that today Alex is saying that the government is going to take your kids out of school and hold them at sports stadiums until the parents turn their guns into authorities. A caller said he saw bus loads of kids heading for Mile High Stadium and Alex is yelling at him to get in his car and go there to see what's happening. LOL Alex is wanting the caller to find a sky scraper so he can video tape it. (No one uses tape anymore, Alex, you fucking moron.)

Wait, now Alex is saying that they government probably won't keep the kids because HE was broadcasting about it.

Alex Jones is a megalomaniac is his own feeble little way. What a fucking joke.:lol::lol:
The show wasn't even close to how you describe it.

it never is...that why he never provides a link to what he claims or if he does its not there
I posted a youtube video WITH the time he said something stupid and you kept saying you couldn't find it. You copy AJ's approach perfectly.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Well, it seems that today Alex is saying that the government is going to take your kids out of school and hold them at sports stadiums until the parents turn their guns into authorities. A caller said he saw bus loads of kids heading for Mile High Stadium and Alex is yelling at him to get in his car and go there to see what's happening. LOL Alex is wanting the caller to find a sky scraper so he can video tape it. (No one uses tape anymore, Alex, you fucking moron.)

Wait, now Alex is saying that they government probably won't keep the kids because HE was broadcasting about it.

Alex Jones is a megalomaniac is his own feeble little way. What a fucking joke.:lol::lol:
The show wasn't even close to how you describe it.
What part is wrong?:lol:
:clap2::clap2:Thanks idiots for proving that NOTHING I have posted about Jones is false. Morons.:lol::lol:
RED FUCKING ALERT!!!!!! ALEX JONES IS ON VACATION BUT HE HAS ANOTHER FUCKING RED FUCKING ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cheap fuck is on Skype and has some stupid alert about the "fake" Iran attack on the Saudi Arabian ambassador in the US.

If this stupid fuck is wrong, again, I'll bet Eots will ignore this thread AGAIN!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
you read it here first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! Us attacks iran!!!!!! Alex jones says it is fucking true!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fast and furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First step in this program to attack iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!martial law in the united states!!!!!!!! Holy fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 85% approval for obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! World war 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Eots, a few days ago, said that I wan't being fair to Jones. I said that his show was nothing more than fear mongering and selling "survival" supplies. Eots countered by saying that Jones has clothing commercials and the like. So, I downloaded the podcasts for the last week and started with yesterday, June 29, 2011. Here are a couple of the things I noticed in just the first 30 minutes.

1. I was told as a listener that if I disagreed with his take on genetic engineering that I had already been altered and that is why I was laughing. (Actually I was laughing because Eots believes this idiot.):eek:

2. Roughly 15 minutes later Jones was talking about millionaires that pay over $35,000,000 for a bucket of piss and puss to worship over.:cuckoo:

Oh hell why leave out the other stupid thing I heard:

Jones doesn't hate gay people. They are just the result of genetic engineering to stop procreation and wipe out the human race.:lol:

Eots and Jones do have at least one thing in common. Okay more than one. Both are a waste of oxygen. The rest are quite obvious.

I listened to Jones a few times...There's really no point, it's all fantasy land crap..I think people that follow him just want to believe in crazy theories and conspiracy...

I follow politics because of the satisfaction of getting closer to the truth...Alex Jones just takes me further away from the truth...some might find him entertaining though.

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