Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.
Everyone should fear dumb women with the power to influence their lives.

Dumb men with the power to influence their lives are fine though.
^^^^retard doesn't realize this thread is about AOC and she SPECIFICALLY pointed to WOMEN.

But I digress, you too are an idiot so yes, dumb men are just as bad.

What we all note here is the fragility of white american males on display.
Personally, I see there is no color barrier to the fragility. You do make my case, Bo.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.
Everyone should fear dumb women with the power to influence their lives.

Dumb men with the power to influence their lives are fine though.
^^^^retard doesn't realize this thread is about AOC and she SPECIFICALLY pointed to WOMEN.

But I digress, you too are an idiot so yes, dumb men are just as bad.

What we all note here is the fragility of white american males on display.
More lame nonsense. Race and vaginas are irrelevant tard.

Her IDEALS are an assault on the American way and the merits of conservatism.

Now go play in the street ya cuck
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.
Everyone should fear dumb women with the power to influence their lives.

Dumb men with the power to influence their lives are fine though.
No, that’s why there’s trump! You need to become unstupid
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.

Every time I hear "strong woman" I ask what is a norm for it?

Is it determined bu number of pushups or number of stupid things you can do or say without any accountability?

It’s determined by your ability to separate bullshit from fact and not be fooled by the former. Trump hates that.

It’s having the strength to stand up for what’s right, and not to back down when threatened. Something else Trump hates.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.
Trump validates his supporter’s hate; and also their shortcomings. What is this...the 500th hate thread about AOC you losers have posted?

Let’s go with your 500 number...I’d guess you’re also counting the number of Orange Man Bad threads? What’s that number?
Oh but of course, that's our system; "well yeah it's shitty, but your guys are shittier so there".
Nani Nani booboo and all, huh?
Pretty easy to see if you relieve yourself of your imprinting and reflexive Pavlovian response.
So that was a yes!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.
Everyone should fear dumb women with the power to influence their lives.
She hasn’t a dime, her elites are who I fear
She doesn't need a dime. She has a vote and the power to introduce legislation
She’s only there because of elites and their vote . They love stupid women cause they get to manipulate them because they’re too stupid to figure it out
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.

Every time I hear "strong woman" I ask what is a norm for it?

Is it determined bu number of pushups or number of stupid things you can do or say without any accountability?

It’s determined by your ability to separate bullshit from fact and not be fooled by the former. Trump hates that.

It’s having the strength to stand up for what’s right, and not to back down when threatened. Something else Trump hates.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.
Every time she opens her mouth she spews hatred. She deserves all of the crap she gets.


So does any number of freshmen reps every year. Somehow you guys only focus on a Hispanic Latina. She’s right about the blob and his fluffers.

And there it is... bimbo says: "Hispanic Latina"


it’s most of what you guys hate the most...females who you can’t control or intimidate, clear immigrant descendencies, and someone who tells the truth

Nothing to do with control or intimidation...

you said "Hispanic Latina"


You seem tickled by multi syllable words.

No, I am amazed that after pointing two times, you still don't get it. Of course, I don't expect you to, since you're incapable of it.

"Hispanic Latina"


Have you heard of tautology?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.

Every time I hear "strong woman" I ask what is a norm for it?

Is it determined bu number of pushups or number of stupid things you can do or say without any accountability?

When you hear it you should think of their self hatred. They consider “strong women” as something unusual and outside the norm.

If they all claim to be "strong" then it's really not outside the norm. What those "strong" claims suppose to accomplish?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.
She's confusing strong with loud and obnoxious

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.
Track record? That is?

I observe who all she triggers merely by existing, and rejoice.

She's not one that triggers. The defense of her stupidity is.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.

Every time I hear "strong woman" I ask what is a norm for it?

Is it determined bu number of pushups or number of stupid things you can do or say without any accountability?

It’s determined by your ability to separate bullshit from fact and not be fooled by the former. Trump hates that.

It’s having the strength to stand up for what’s right, and not to back down when threatened. Something else Trump hates.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.
Ocasio-Cortez called the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change her generation's "World War II."

"Millennials and Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up, and we're like, 'The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change, and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?' " she said.

Ocasio-Cortez on climate: Millennials fear world will end in 12 years
QUOTE="Ame®icano, post: 23736106, member: 11420"]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.
Track record? That is?

I observe who all she triggers merely by existing, and rejoice.

She's not one that triggers. The defense of her stupidity is.[/QUOTE]
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.

Every time I hear "strong woman" I ask what is a norm for it?

Is it determined bu number of pushups or number of stupid things you can do or say without any accountability?

It’s determined by your ability to separate bullshit from fact and not be fooled by the former. Trump hates that.

It’s having the strength to stand up for what’s right, and not to back down when threatened. Something else Trump hates.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.

She actually said, "the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.

Every time I hear "strong woman" I ask what is a norm for it?

Is it determined bu number of pushups or number of stupid things you can do or say without any accountability?

It’s determined by your ability to separate bullshit from fact and not be fooled by the former. Trump hates that.

It’s having the strength to stand up for what’s right, and not to back down when threatened. Something else Trump hates.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.

She actually said, "the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change."

Her saying it doesn't make it true, any more than Donald Trump saying he's doing a great job, makes that true either.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.

Every time I hear "strong woman" I ask what is a norm for it?

Is it determined bu number of pushups or number of stupid things you can do or say without any accountability?

It’s determined by your ability to separate bullshit from fact and not be fooled by the former. Trump hates that.

It’s having the strength to stand up for what’s right, and not to back down when threatened. Something else Trump hates.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.

She actually said, "the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change."
No one asked her how
Every time I hear "strong woman" I ask what is a norm for it?

Is it determined bu number of pushups or number of stupid things you can do or say without any accountability?

It’s determined by your ability to separate bullshit from fact and not be fooled by the former. Trump hates that.

It’s having the strength to stand up for what’s right, and not to back down when threatened. Something else Trump hates.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.

She actually said, "the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change."

Her saying it doesn't make it true, any more than Donald Trump saying he's doing a great job, makes that true either.
You said no one said it. But she did.
It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.

To which no one asked her exactly how she knows that

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