All costs of child rearing should be borne by men.

All costs of child rearing should be borne by men.

At one time, inheritance was strictly to the male heirs. Some women ended up owning some of the wealth of course but wealth was basically in the hands of men.

Men decided just how much wealth was to go to their sons. Consideration of women was secondary.


Women, when stressed by financial considerations do not produce the best children. The more stress a woman has when pregnant and after while rearing the child, the less of a child and adult she will have produced. This is not good for society.

To improve society as a whole, now that half of the children grow up in poverty and lack of opportunity, I think men must step up and take more of the burden. Parental love demands that we change our ways.

Women are clearly failing to do what is required, in terms of family and quality of offspring, --- thanks to the poor quality of men and how we are financing birth, --- and I think that men of better quality must step up and shift the financial burden away from women. This would produce unstressed births and better human beings. I see it as a man’s social duty.

It would also be a rite of passage for young men who are producing all of the bastard children that we see everywhere and who are stuck in a financial doldrums that is holding us all back as a wealthy society.

Women presently hold most of the financial burden for child rearing and this is detrimental to all of society. Should we as a society do the right thing and un-stress the births in our country and thus produce better people?

We keep talking about women’s reproductive rights. I think we should be talking about men’s duty in terms of reproductive rights and responsibility. Our children deserve this.

We men have shirked their duty to society by allowing the production of less than the best possible births. We are shirking our duty to our children if we do not bear the financial burden of the best possible births/rearing. I think that if things are to improve, men will have to do the right thing and foot the bills.



Didn't read all of your sexist post but the way I see it, two people equally made the child, two people equally decided to make the child, the two people are equally responsible for the child.

there are ALL KINDS OF SCENARIOS----that render a girl or woman pregnant----
and ALL KINDS OF SCENARIOS that develope AFTER the event of conception.
You guys seem to be utterly lacking in ------WORLDLY EXPERIENCE. --------

Correct but to say that both parties are equal in bringing a child to term is idiotic and should make every woman do a face palm.

" two people equally made the child,"

Nobody can be so stupid as to think a man's few minutes of pleasure are equal to a women 9 month of hard work.

I am not particularly sexist and call myself a feminist but you are totally deluded.

You are correct that the end responsibility should be to both parties so tell us what you th8ink we should do to stop all the deadbeat dads from leaving the women holding the bag, baby bag that is.

If the guy is willing to pay for the abortion he shouldn't be stuck paying 18 years of child support.
If the guy is willing to pay for the abortion and the women chooses to keep the child it should no longer be the mans responsibility.

If they come to this solution before they have sex, that works for me.

But paying a few hundred bucks does not remove his responsibility as the co-creator of that child.

Don't want to pay child support? Don't make a baby.
It's not fair that the mother can decide to abort, after they've had sex and the guy doesn't get the same option. All things equal if the woman can choose to abort and walk away from the situation so should a man be able to too.

The point of the freedom to choose to abort or to give birth is because it is her body. That is the crux of the matter.

It is equal because both get to decide what happens to their own body. It is not fair that the man has no say in whether to abort or not. But then, life ain't fair.

Wear a condom. Get yourself fixed. Only sleep with women who agree to an abortion. But paying a few hundred dollars does not alleviate your responsibility for the life you helped create.
So it's ok for her to kill her child for whatever reason. But the guy is stuck with whatever decision she makes. That's not right. either both get to decide or neither.

That is not what the Canadian court concluded in a case I recall about 25 years ago.

I do not recall the U.S. having such a case which bolsters my point that men are not stepping up.

All costs of child rearing should be borne by men.

At one time, inheritance was strictly to the male heirs. Some women ended up owning some of the wealth of course but wealth was basically in the hands of men.

Men decided just how much wealth was to go to their sons. Consideration of women was secondary.


Women, when stressed by financial considerations do not produce the best children. The more stress a woman has when pregnant and after while rearing the child, the less of a child and adult she will have produced. This is not good for society.

To improve society as a whole, now that half of the children grow up in poverty and lack of opportunity, I think men must step up and take more of the burden. Parental love demands that we change our ways.

Women are clearly failing to do what is required, in terms of family and quality of offspring, --- thanks to the poor quality of men and how we are financing birth, --- and I think that men of better quality must step up and shift the financial burden away from women. This would produce unstressed births and better human beings. I see it as a man’s social duty.

It would also be a rite of passage for young men who are producing all of the bastard children that we see everywhere and who are stuck in a financial doldrums that is holding us all back as a wealthy society.

Women presently hold most of the financial burden for child rearing and this is detrimental to all of society. Should we as a society do the right thing and un-stress the births in our country and thus produce better people?

We keep talking about women’s reproductive rights. I think we should be talking about men’s duty in terms of reproductive rights and responsibility. Our children deserve this.

We men have shirked their duty to society by allowing the production of less than the best possible births. We are shirking our duty to our children if we do not bear the financial burden of the best possible births/rearing. I think that if things are to improve, men will have to do the right thing and foot the bills.


What ever happened to team work. My children grew up the same way I did, with "parents".

I am all for that but single parent homes are in the 40 odd % now and rising.

The value of marriage and child rearing has been completely lost to a lot of deadbeat dads who are not interested in team work.

It may even be that, due to such a low minimum wage, women are also opting for the dole instead of putting up with some guy who does not recognized his reproductive responsibilities.

I personally know of one girl who got pregnant just for the dole.

All costs of child rearing should be borne by men.

At one time, inheritance was strictly to the male heirs. Some women ended up owning some of the wealth of course but wealth was basically in the hands of men.

Men decided just how much wealth was to go to their sons. Consideration of women was secondary.


Women, when stressed by financial considerations do not produce the best children. The more stress a woman has when pregnant and after while rearing the child, the less of a child and adult she will have produced. This is not good for society.

To improve society as a whole, now that half of the children grow up in poverty and lack of opportunity, I think men must step up and take more of the burden. Parental love demands that we change our ways.

Women are clearly failing to do what is required, in terms of family and quality of offspring, --- thanks to the poor quality of men and how we are financing birth, --- and I think that men of better quality must step up and shift the financial burden away from women. This would produce unstressed births and better human beings. I see it as a man’s social duty.

It would also be a rite of passage for young men who are producing all of the bastard children that we see everywhere and who are stuck in a financial doldrums that is holding us all back as a wealthy society.

Women presently hold most of the financial burden for child rearing and this is detrimental to all of society. Should we as a society do the right thing and un-stress the births in our country and thus produce better people?

We keep talking about women’s reproductive rights. I think we should be talking about men’s duty in terms of reproductive rights and responsibility. Our children deserve this.

We men have shirked their duty to society by allowing the production of less than the best possible births. We are shirking our duty to our children if we do not bear the financial burden of the best possible births/rearing. I think that if things are to improve, men will have to do the right thing and foot the bills.


What ever happened to team work. My children grew up the same way I did, with "parents".

That is far and away the best way. But when you have boys making babies they won't support, it is hard to imagine them stepping up to be a Dad and a husband.
In the past having a child was the fastest way to "grow up". Society demanded it and there was no other option. Not so any more.

Hence my view that we as a society must develop some rite of passage memes so as to distract the kids from sex as much as we can and perhaps teach some morals along with whatever rites of passage we might come up with.

All costs of child rearing should be borne by men.

At one time, inheritance was strictly to the male heirs. Some women ended up owning some of the wealth of course but wealth was basically in the hands of men.

Men decided just how much wealth was to go to their sons. Consideration of women was secondary.


Women, when stressed by financial considerations do not produce the best children. The more stress a woman has when pregnant and after while rearing the child, the less of a child and adult she will have produced. This is not good for society.

To improve society as a whole, now that half of the children grow up in poverty and lack of opportunity, I think men must step up and take more of the burden. Parental love demands that we change our ways.

Women are clearly failing to do what is required, in terms of family and quality of offspring, --- thanks to the poor quality of men and how we are financing birth, --- and I think that men of better quality must step up and shift the financial burden away from women. This would produce unstressed births and better human beings. I see it as a man’s social duty.

It would also be a rite of passage for young men who are producing all of the bastard children that we see everywhere and who are stuck in a financial doldrums that is holding us all back as a wealthy society.

Women presently hold most of the financial burden for child rearing and this is detrimental to all of society. Should we as a society do the right thing and un-stress the births in our country and thus produce better people?

We keep talking about women’s reproductive rights. I think we should be talking about men’s duty in terms of reproductive rights and responsibility. Our children deserve this.

We men have shirked their duty to society by allowing the production of less than the best possible births. We are shirking our duty to our children if we do not bear the financial burden of the best possible births/rearing. I think that if things are to improve, men will have to do the right thing and foot the bills.



Didn't read all of your sexist post but the way I see it, two people equally made the child, two people equally decided to make the child, the two people are equally responsible for the child.

" two people equally made the child,"

Nobody can be so stupid as to think a man's few minutes of pleasure are equal to a women 9 month of hard work.

I am not particularly sexist and call myself a feminist but you are totally deluded.

You are correct that the end responsibility should be to both parties so tell us what you th8ink we should do to stop all the deadbeat dads from leaving the women holding the bag, baby bag that is.


Hi Ma'am,

Sorry I've been away from the site.

Dead beat dads should be incarcerated I agree.

Didn't say that the sex act equals the 9 months of carrying the baby but that 2 people equally decided to engage in the sex act. :)

Peace to you and may God Bless you,
All costs of child rearing should be borne by men.

At one time, inheritance was strictly to the male heirs. Some women ended up owning some of the wealth of course but wealth was basically in the hands of men.

Men decided just how much wealth was to go to their sons. Consideration of women was secondary.


Women, when stressed by financial considerations do not produce the best children. The more stress a woman has when pregnant and after while rearing the child, the less of a child and adult she will have produced. This is not good for society.

To improve society as a whole, now that half of the children grow up in poverty and lack of opportunity, I think men must step up and take more of the burden. Parental love demands that we change our ways.

Women are clearly failing to do what is required, in terms of family and quality of offspring, --- thanks to the poor quality of men and how we are financing birth, --- and I think that men of better quality must step up and shift the financial burden away from women. This would produce unstressed births and better human beings. I see it as a man’s social duty.

It would also be a rite of passage for young men who are producing all of the bastard children that we see everywhere and who are stuck in a financial doldrums that is holding us all back as a wealthy society.

Women presently hold most of the financial burden for child rearing and this is detrimental to all of society. Should we as a society do the right thing and un-stress the births in our country and thus produce better people?

We keep talking about women’s reproductive rights. I think we should be talking about men’s duty in terms of reproductive rights and responsibility. Our children deserve this.

We men have shirked their duty to society by allowing the production of less than the best possible births. We are shirking our duty to our children if we do not bear the financial burden of the best possible births/rearing. I think that if things are to improve, men will have to do the right thing and foot the bills.



Didn't read all of your sexist post but the way I see it, two people equally made the child, two people equally decided to make the child, the two people are equally responsible for the child.

" two people equally made the child,"

Nobody can be so stupid as to think a man's few minutes of pleasure are equal to a women 9 month of hard work.

I am not particularly sexist and call myself a feminist but you are totally deluded.

You are correct that the end responsibility should be to both parties so tell us what you th8ink we should do to stop all the deadbeat dads from leaving the women holding the bag, baby bag that is.


Hi Ma'am,

Sorry I've been away from the site.

Dead beat dads should be incarcerated I agree.

Didn't say that the sex act equals the 9 months of carrying the baby but that 2 people equally decided to engage in the sex act. :)

Peace to you and may God Bless you,

It is Mr. and I do not suggest incarceration. That serves no one and costs us even more as taxpayers than having to pay for his child.

Better to find methods that get funding from the deadbeat dads to their children.

All costs of child rearing should be borne by men.

At one time, inheritance was strictly to the male heirs. Some women ended up owning some of the wealth of course but wealth was basically in the hands of men.

Men decided just how much wealth was to go to their sons. Consideration of women was secondary.


Women, when stressed by financial considerations do not produce the best children. The more stress a woman has when pregnant and after while rearing the child, the less of a child and adult she will have produced. This is not good for society.

To improve society as a whole, now that half of the children grow up in poverty and lack of opportunity, I think men must step up and take more of the burden. Parental love demands that we change our ways.

Women are clearly failing to do what is required, in terms of family and quality of offspring, --- thanks to the poor quality of men and how we are financing birth, --- and I think that men of better quality must step up and shift the financial burden away from women. This would produce unstressed births and better human beings. I see it as a man’s social duty.

It would also be a rite of passage for young men who are producing all of the bastard children that we see everywhere and who are stuck in a financial doldrums that is holding us all back as a wealthy society.

Women presently hold most of the financial burden for child rearing and this is detrimental to all of society. Should we as a society do the right thing and un-stress the births in our country and thus produce better people?

We keep talking about women’s reproductive rights. I think we should be talking about men’s duty in terms of reproductive rights and responsibility. Our children deserve this.

We men have shirked their duty to society by allowing the production of less than the best possible births. We are shirking our duty to our children if we do not bear the financial burden of the best possible births/rearing. I think that if things are to improve, men will have to do the right thing and foot the bills.



Didn't read all of your sexist post but the way I see it, two people equally made the child, two people equally decided to make the child, the two people are equally responsible for the child.

" two people equally made the child,"

Nobody can be so stupid as to think a man's few minutes of pleasure are equal to a women 9 month of hard work.

I am not particularly sexist and call myself a feminist but you are totally deluded.

You are correct that the end responsibility should be to both parties so tell us what you th8ink we should do to stop all the deadbeat dads from leaving the women holding the bag, baby bag that is.


Hi Ma'am,

Sorry I've been away from the site.

Dead beat dads should be incarcerated I agree.

Didn't say that the sex act equals the 9 months of carrying the baby but that 2 people equally decided to engage in the sex act. :)

Peace to you and may God Bless you,

It is Mr. and I do not suggest incarceration. That serves no one and costs us even more as taxpayers than having to pay for his child.

Better to find methods that get funding from the deadbeat dads to their children.


Lock the bum up!!! haha

(just some lightheartedness.)
All costs of child rearing should be borne by men.

At one time, inheritance was strictly to the male heirs. Some women ended up owning some of the wealth of course but wealth was basically in the hands of men.

Men decided just how much wealth was to go to their sons. Consideration of women was secondary.


Women, when stressed by financial considerations do not produce the best children. The more stress a woman has when pregnant and after while rearing the child, the less of a child and adult she will have produced. This is not good for society.

To improve society as a whole, now that half of the children grow up in poverty and lack of opportunity, I think men must step up and take more of the burden. Parental love demands that we change our ways.

Women are clearly failing to do what is required, in terms of family and quality of offspring, --- thanks to the poor quality of men and how we are financing birth, --- and I think that men of better quality must step up and shift the financial burden away from women. This would produce unstressed births and better human beings. I see it as a man’s social duty.

It would also be a rite of passage for young men who are producing all of the bastard children that we see everywhere and who are stuck in a financial doldrums that is holding us all back as a wealthy society.

Women presently hold most of the financial burden for child rearing and this is detrimental to all of society. Should we as a society do the right thing and un-stress the births in our country and thus produce better people?

We keep talking about women’s reproductive rights. I think we should be talking about men’s duty in terms of reproductive rights and responsibility. Our children deserve this.

We men have shirked their duty to society by allowing the production of less than the best possible births. We are shirking our duty to our children if we do not bear the financial burden of the best possible births/rearing. I think that if things are to improve, men will have to do the right thing and foot the bills.



Didn't read all of your sexist post but the way I see it, two people equally made the child, two people equally decided to make the child, the two people are equally responsible for the child.

" two people equally made the child,"

Nobody can be so stupid as to think a man's few minutes of pleasure are equal to a women 9 month of hard work.

I am not particularly sexist and call myself a feminist but you are totally deluded.

You are correct that the end responsibility should be to both parties so tell us what you th8ink we should do to stop all the deadbeat dads from leaving the women holding the bag, baby bag that is.


Hi Ma'am,

Sorry I've been away from the site.

Dead beat dads should be incarcerated I agree.

Didn't say that the sex act equals the 9 months of carrying the baby but that 2 people equally decided to engage in the sex act. :)

Peace to you and may God Bless you,

It is Mr. and I do not suggest incarceration. That serves no one and costs us even more as taxpayers than having to pay for his child.

Better to find methods that get funding from the deadbeat dads to their children.


Lock the bum up!!! haha

(just some lightheartedness.)

Not a topic for levity.

Didn't read all of your sexist post but the way I see it, two people equally made the child, two people equally decided to make the child, the two people are equally responsible for the child.

" two people equally made the child,"

Nobody can be so stupid as to think a man's few minutes of pleasure are equal to a women 9 month of hard work.

I am not particularly sexist and call myself a feminist but you are totally deluded.

You are correct that the end responsibility should be to both parties so tell us what you th8ink we should do to stop all the deadbeat dads from leaving the women holding the bag, baby bag that is.


Hi Ma'am,

Sorry I've been away from the site.

Dead beat dads should be incarcerated I agree.

Didn't say that the sex act equals the 9 months of carrying the baby but that 2 people equally decided to engage in the sex act. :)

Peace to you and may God Bless you,

It is Mr. and I do not suggest incarceration. That serves no one and costs us even more as taxpayers than having to pay for his child.

Better to find methods that get funding from the deadbeat dads to their children.


Lock the bum up!!! haha

(just some lightheartedness.)

Not a topic for levity.


Whether or not a person should be locked up for child support can stand a little levity.
" two people equally made the child,"

Nobody can be so stupid as to think a man's few minutes of pleasure are equal to a women 9 month of hard work.

I am not particularly sexist and call myself a feminist but you are totally deluded.

You are correct that the end responsibility should be to both parties so tell us what you th8ink we should do to stop all the deadbeat dads from leaving the women holding the bag, baby bag that is.


Hi Ma'am,

Sorry I've been away from the site.

Dead beat dads should be incarcerated I agree.

Didn't say that the sex act equals the 9 months of carrying the baby but that 2 people equally decided to engage in the sex act. :)

Peace to you and may God Bless you,

It is Mr. and I do not suggest incarceration. That serves no one and costs us even more as taxpayers than having to pay for his child.

Better to find methods that get funding from the deadbeat dads to their children.


Lock the bum up!!! haha

(just some lightheartedness.)

Not a topic for levity.


Whether or not a person should be locked up for child support can stand a little levity.

Yes. We should laugh at stupid ideas.

Hi Ma'am,

Sorry I've been away from the site.

Dead beat dads should be incarcerated I agree.

Didn't say that the sex act equals the 9 months of carrying the baby but that 2 people equally decided to engage in the sex act. :)

Peace to you and may God Bless you,

It is Mr. and I do not suggest incarceration. That serves no one and costs us even more as taxpayers than having to pay for his child.

Better to find methods that get funding from the deadbeat dads to their children.


Lock the bum up!!! haha

(just some lightheartedness.)

Not a topic for levity.


Whether or not a person should be locked up for child support can stand a little levity.

Yes. We should laugh at stupid ideas.


While locking up a deadbeat Dad makes sure he doesn't pay, at some point the deadbeat should be punished.

If we remove jail from the realm of possibility, the deadbeat will simply ignore court orders, judges ruling ect. The child suffers. The system has topay for what the child needs. And deadbeat gets to keep enjoying life and creating more burdens for the system.
It is Mr. and I do not suggest incarceration. That serves no one and costs us even more as taxpayers than having to pay for his child.

Better to find methods that get funding from the deadbeat dads to their children.


Lock the bum up!!! haha

(just some lightheartedness.)

Not a topic for levity.


Whether or not a person should be locked up for child support can stand a little levity.

Yes. We should laugh at stupid ideas.


While locking up a deadbeat Dad makes sure he doesn't pay, at some point the deadbeat should be punished.

If we remove jail from the realm of possibility, the deadbeat will simply ignore court orders, judges ruling ect. The child suffers. The system has topay for what the child needs. And deadbeat gets to keep enjoying life and creating more burdens for the system.

Your jail and legal system are so corrupted that there is no way I would give them more ways to increase their corruption.

Watch Shawshank Redemption. Nothing has changed.

Lock the bum up!!! haha

(just some lightheartedness.)

Not a topic for levity.


Whether or not a person should be locked up for child support can stand a little levity.

Yes. We should laugh at stupid ideas.


While locking up a deadbeat Dad makes sure he doesn't pay, at some point the deadbeat should be punished.

If we remove jail from the realm of possibility, the deadbeat will simply ignore court orders, judges ruling ect. The child suffers. The system has topay for what the child needs. And deadbeat gets to keep enjoying life and creating more burdens for the system.

Your jail and legal system are so corrupted that there is no way I would give them more ways to increase their corruption.

Watch Shawshank Redemption. Nothing has changed.


I do not disagree that the prison system is corrupt.

But if you take jail off the table, many deadbeats will refuse to do anything.
Not a topic for levity.


Whether or not a person should be locked up for child support can stand a little levity.

Yes. We should laugh at stupid ideas.


While locking up a deadbeat Dad makes sure he doesn't pay, at some point the deadbeat should be punished.

If we remove jail from the realm of possibility, the deadbeat will simply ignore court orders, judges ruling ect. The child suffers. The system has topay for what the child needs. And deadbeat gets to keep enjoying life and creating more burdens for the system.

Your jail and legal system are so corrupted that there is no way I would give them more ways to increase their corruption.

Watch Shawshank Redemption. Nothing has changed.


I do not disagree that the prison system is corrupt.

But if you take jail off the table, many deadbeats will refuse to do anything.

I hear you, but if garnishee is not sufficient, we shoot ourselves in the foot by adding a jail expense to our tax burden. Cheaper to ignore the deadbeat dad than give ourselves even more expense. To force such a deadbeat person into jail or poverty is not the solution.

Whether or not a person should be locked up for child support can stand a little levity.

Yes. We should laugh at stupid ideas.


While locking up a deadbeat Dad makes sure he doesn't pay, at some point the deadbeat should be punished.

If we remove jail from the realm of possibility, the deadbeat will simply ignore court orders, judges ruling ect. The child suffers. The system has topay for what the child needs. And deadbeat gets to keep enjoying life and creating more burdens for the system.

Your jail and legal system are so corrupted that there is no way I would give them more ways to increase their corruption.

Watch Shawshank Redemption. Nothing has changed.


I do not disagree that the prison system is corrupt.

But if you take jail off the table, many deadbeats will refuse to do anything.

I hear you, but if garnishee is not sufficient, we shoot ourselves in the foot by adding a jail expense to our tax burden. Cheaper to ignore the deadbeat dad than give ourselves even more expense. To force such a deadbeat person into jail or poverty is not the solution.


So as long as it is cheaper, we let criminals go and children suffer? Lol

We will have to agree to disagree.
Hi Ma'am,

Sorry I've been away from the site.

Dead beat dads should be incarcerated I agree.

Didn't say that the sex act equals the 9 months of carrying the baby but that 2 people equally decided to engage in the sex act. :)

Peace to you and may God Bless you,

It is Mr. and I do not suggest incarceration. That serves no one and costs us even more as taxpayers than having to pay for his child.

Better to find methods that get funding from the deadbeat dads to their children.


Lock the bum up!!! haha

(just some lightheartedness.)

Not a topic for levity.


Whether or not a person should be locked up for child support can stand a little levity.

Yes. We should laugh at stupid ideas.


Yes, I was laughing at everything that you have said haha.
Yes. We should laugh at stupid ideas.


While locking up a deadbeat Dad makes sure he doesn't pay, at some point the deadbeat should be punished.

If we remove jail from the realm of possibility, the deadbeat will simply ignore court orders, judges ruling ect. The child suffers. The system has topay for what the child needs. And deadbeat gets to keep enjoying life and creating more burdens for the system.

Your jail and legal system are so corrupted that there is no way I would give them more ways to increase their corruption.

Watch Shawshank Redemption. Nothing has changed.


I do not disagree that the prison system is corrupt.

But if you take jail off the table, many deadbeats will refuse to do anything.

I hear you, but if garnishee is not sufficient, we shoot ourselves in the foot by adding a jail expense to our tax burden. Cheaper to ignore the deadbeat dad than give ourselves even more expense. To force such a deadbeat person into jail or poverty is not the solution.


So as long as it is cheaper, we let criminals go and children suffer? Lol

We will have to agree to disagree.

Not cheaper.

Legislation should seek the greater good.

Last time I looked, being a deadbeat dad was not a criminal offence. I think it immoral, but if we are to criminalize every immoral act, we would have to jail even more than the record holding numbers that the U.S. already (enjoys).

We will indeed have to agree to disagree.

It is Mr. and I do not suggest incarceration. That serves no one and costs us even more as taxpayers than having to pay for his child.

Better to find methods that get funding from the deadbeat dads to their children.


Lock the bum up!!! haha

(just some lightheartedness.)

Not a topic for levity.


Whether or not a person should be locked up for child support can stand a little levity.

Yes. We should laugh at stupid ideas.


Yes, I was laughing at everything that you have said haha.

You have yet to form an argument against what I said, so I just see you laughing because you are not intelligent to do so.

While locking up a deadbeat Dad makes sure he doesn't pay, at some point the deadbeat should be punished.

If we remove jail from the realm of possibility, the deadbeat will simply ignore court orders, judges ruling ect. The child suffers. The system has topay for what the child needs. And deadbeat gets to keep enjoying life and creating more burdens for the system.

Your jail and legal system are so corrupted that there is no way I would give them more ways to increase their corruption.

Watch Shawshank Redemption. Nothing has changed.


I do not disagree that the prison system is corrupt.

But if you take jail off the table, many deadbeats will refuse to do anything.

I hear you, but if garnishee is not sufficient, we shoot ourselves in the foot by adding a jail expense to our tax burden. Cheaper to ignore the deadbeat dad than give ourselves even more expense. To force such a deadbeat person into jail or poverty is not the solution.


So as long as it is cheaper, we let criminals go and children suffer? Lol

We will have to agree to disagree.

Not cheaper.

Legislation should seek the greater good.

Last time I looked, being a deadbeat dad was not a criminal offence. I think it immoral, but if we are to criminalize every immoral act, we would have to jail even more than the record holding numbers that the U.S. already (enjoys).

We will indeed have to agree to disagree.


Disobeying a judge and a court order is, in fact, a crime.
Your jail and legal system are so corrupted that there is no way I would give them more ways to increase their corruption.

Watch Shawshank Redemption. Nothing has changed.


I do not disagree that the prison system is corrupt.

But if you take jail off the table, many deadbeats will refuse to do anything.

I hear you, but if garnishee is not sufficient, we shoot ourselves in the foot by adding a jail expense to our tax burden. Cheaper to ignore the deadbeat dad than give ourselves even more expense. To force such a deadbeat person into jail or poverty is not the solution.


So as long as it is cheaper, we let criminals go and children suffer? Lol

We will have to agree to disagree.

Not cheaper.

Legislation should seek the greater good.

Last time I looked, being a deadbeat dad was not a criminal offence. I think it immoral, but if we are to criminalize every immoral act, we would have to jail even more than the record holding numbers that the U.S. already (enjoys).

We will indeed have to agree to disagree.


Disobeying a judge and a court order is, in fact, a crime.


But if a court tells a man to pay when he cannot, --- for whatever reason, --- like the loss of a job, then the judge would not jail the person for not being able to do the impossible.


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