All hail the wisdom of the State


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
This is how we relinquish individual and family liberty and freedom.

The State of California has had on the books a number of years now a law that REQUIRES the blood of a baby to be drawn within 24 to 48 hours of birth. There is only one exception permitted. Religion.

Why? The phony claim that the baby may get hepatitis from the mother at birth. Can a baby get hepatitis from the mother at birth? Yes.
Yet, the article says that the blood drawn is done so to conduct a screen for, "80 genetic or metabolic" disorders. If they are doing those screenings, what is to prevent them (God knows that the medical community now feels empowered to ignore liberties in favor of their own moralities) from "fingerprinting" the genetic code of all of these infants as a means of identifying them later in life?

Most of these questions are one that is settled at the legislative level and it's a good reason why these people need to be stopped.

However, give the brainwashing that has occurred over the past eighteen months, the state now feels empowered to terrorize people who refuse to comply with their UnConstitutional laws.

Take this couple for instance. They came into the home, guns were drawn because they refused to have the blood drawn at the hospital and instead, wanted to opt for having their personal doctor do it.

Ask yourself this:

If the issue was getting the blood drawn for a hepatitis test, a family doctor is more than capable to doing so.

Is it that they want a hepatitis test done, or are they pushing for those "80" other genetic tests?

Public health does NOT supersede the Constitution and its guarantee that the Government will respect individual liberty.


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