All of a sudden the left is concerned with WH security

These are some of my favorite kinds of threads. The zealots from one side point out the "hypocrisy" from the other side all the while not being smart enough to realize they are also guilty of the exact same thing they are bashing the other side for.
I call out the Republicans on a regular basis, snowflake.
So under Barack Insane Obama, life-long self-admitted communists (Van Jones), terrorists (Bill Ayers), and radical islamists (C.A.I.R.) were welcomed with open arms into the White House (both to visit and work).

But the moment a Republican is sworn in as president, the left is suddenly paralyzed with fear over White House “security”. They support anything and everything by a Democrat and tolerate nothing and no one under a Republican.

Democrats request investigation into White House security clearance process

All of a sudden the left is concerned with WH security?

All of the sudden you're not. Case closed.
Why do you feel the need to lie? I’ve always been concerned with security (national security, cybersecurity, etc.). But we have yet to see a single radical enter the White House under President Trump. Not one.
So under Barack Insane Obama, life-long self-admitted communists (Van Jones), terrorists (Bill Ayers), and radical islamists (C.A.I.R.) were welcomed with open arms into the White House (both to visit and work).

But the moment a Republican is sworn in as president, the left is suddenly paralyzed with fear over White House “security”. They support anything and everything by a Democrat and tolerate nothing and no one under a Republican.

Democrats request investigation into White House security clearance process

Swing and a miss.

Do you even understand what the Democratic Party is asking for?
These are some of my favorite kinds of threads. The zealots from one side point out the "hypocrisy" from the other side all the while not being smart enough to realize they are also guilty of the exact same thing they are bashing the other side for.
I call out the Republicans on a regular basis, snowflake.

Of course you do. :clap2:
Too lazy to even do a search? Of course you are (typical lazy progressive).

GOP is only against wasteful spending by Democrats
Do you even understand what the Democratic Party is asking for?
Yep. More mindless minions such as yourself. They need an ignorant electorate to survive and thrive and you are filling that need for them flawlessly.

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